Overview for xsmolsugar

2025.01.22 11:04 bot-bouncer Overview for xsmolsugar

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 WorldMoneyWins Silver At Spot

submitted by WorldMoneyWins to SilverDegenClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 xcreatethewold-77 Arabamın teyyipi bozuldu yardım edin

Arabamın teyyipi bozuldu yardım edin Bu orospu çocuğu teyyip sürekli bozuluyor isenmeden şarki aciyor falan ne yapabilirim bu orospu çocuğu teyyipe
submitted by xcreatethewold-77 to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 TooObsessedWithDPRK Would it be accurate to say that Taiwan's culture is similar to what China's would have been if not for Communist rule?

From what I've read, the entire goal of the KMT after relocating to Taiwan was to preserve traditional Chinese culture and eventually retake the mainland. Obviously Taiwan has gone in a very different direction to that in the past few decades, but surely KMT rule still had lasting effects on Taiwanese culture and society. I travelled to China for 2 weeks and whilst I did notice some traditional culture, I saw more communist ideology and propaganda. I was also there during Chinese New Year, so I'd assume that this is a time when you'd see even more traditional culture than usual. I've heard that traditional Chinese culture and customs are pretty widespread in Taiwan (temples, gods, decorations etc) whilst this is not the case in China. This makes me wonder if life in Taiwan is somewhat similar to what life in China would've been like had there never been Communist rule and the Cultural Revolution.
I know that this question is hard to answer (because we will never know what a China that never experienced Communist rule would be like), but what are your thoughts on this question?
submitted by TooObsessedWithDPRK to China [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 LUIGIISREAL2017 When is Wallace's Birthday?

We know Gromit's birthday is Feburary 12th thanks to The Wrong Trousers;
But have we ever found out our Favorite Eccentric Inventor's Birthday?
submitted by LUIGIISREAL2017 to wallaceandgromit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Vallentis_ash Arm day

submitted by Vallentis_ash to gymselfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 rururinorin Main story update

Caleb is a very interesting addition! I already knew he would be quite yandere (and I actually quite like the direction that they went with him since there was already hints of it from the beginning) but reading through the new chapters just affirmed how much I love Zayne.
What did everyone else think?
Also, the dancing pose…(≧∇≦)
submitted by rururinorin to ZayneMain [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 android_tests_pac Poll Crosspost UI test for 22/1/2025 11:03:04

View Poll
submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_polls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Subieknarf Sorry not sorry for another First snow for the Buru post.

submitted by Subieknarf to SubaruForester [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Positive_Detective56 Ukrainian Special Ops Storm Russian Trenches: Close Combat Captured on Video

submitted by Positive_Detective56 to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 LE_Literature Foreign born immigrant gets tracked down by ruthless dictator from his home.

submitted by LE_Literature to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 qualia-assurance Council to mark Holocaust Memorial Day with displays

submitted by qualia-assurance to WholesomeCumbria [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 tirso3 Kathryn Bernardo

Kathryn Bernardo submitted by tirso3 to CelebsPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Slight-Honey5413 How can I clear the routing record?

In my project, there are several routes to jump from query to order, and I want to go back to the home page after the order is placed, and I want to be able to clear the routing record to prevent me from going back to the previous page when I click back.
submitted by Slight-Honey5413 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 test_block_4 To report 2025-01-22 11:02:41

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 zibd Oman asunnon jättäminen vuokralle -> tarvitseeko vaihtaa asuntolaina sijoitusasuntolainaan?

  1. Ota asuntolaina ja osta asunto sillä
  2. Asu asunnossa muutama vuosi, asuntolainaa on vielä jäljellä
  3. Muuta muualle ja vuokraa asunto sukulaiselle -> Onko tarve ilmoittaa pankille, että ei asu enää itse kyseisessä asunnossa ja muuttaa asuntolaina kalliimpaan sijoitusasuntolainaan? (isompi marginaali, muutoskulut?) Mikäli teknisesti on näin, niin tekeekö kaikki ihmiset sitä kuitenkaan? Mikä on pahinta, jos pitää asuntolainana vai saako pankki automaattisesti tiedon tästä muuttoilmoituksen kautta ja ottaa yhteyttä?
  4. Mahdollisesti tulevaisuudessa: muuta takaisin alkuperäiseen asuntoon -> Tällöin sitten tiedossa taas sijoitusasuntolainan vaihtaminen takaisin asuntolainaan?
submitted by zibd to Omatalous [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 alkis400 One piece prediction

Most people say that one piece has reached its final saga, but I think otherwise. I predict 3 last sagas. Elbaph saga (current), laugtale saga or smth and backward saga or any other name. In the last saga its like a bunch of episodes are basically the straw hats going back around the world once again but in significantly less time in all the places they went and re meet old friends or maybe us just seeing the reactions of luffys friends. I would also love to see a whole bunch of episodes oand chapters of ussop telling kaya all of their adventures. Laughtale saga could just be everything being revealed, the one piece the actual history of the world and all unanswered questions.
submitted by alkis400 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 TheGoodSirRyan Disney Television Animation on Instagram: "Everyone deserves a sweet treat!😌📺 While you’re waiting for Kiff season 2, check out Kiff: Lore of the Ring Light special!! (but only if you want to have a good time😉)"

submitted by TheGoodSirRyan to kiff [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Krang-1331 Is this dangerous and salvageable ??

Found this in the house of a grandpa.. is this dangerous for him or his home ?
submitted by Krang-1331 to Mold [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 InternationalDrag992 Talking to ex best friend that has done horrible things

I had this best friend from the ages of 7 to 16. We stopped talking when I got into a relationship with my boyfriend over two years ago.
I heard of some horrible things she did and told my boyfriend and said I’m not gonna speak to her anymore. The horrible things include stuff like cheating and something worse that I can’t say.
When we were in our early teens she was a good best friend but always seemed to have a sense of jealousy of me and always liked to talk about herself. Sometimes she was rude and put me down.
Since being with my boyfriend I’ve lost all my friends, one witnessed me and my boyfriend having a fight and went round telling a lot of people that he was abusing me so I stopped talking to her.
But my ex best friend has slowly started messaging me again and putting old videos/photos up on her story with captions “these are so cute to look back on”, which are memories I really miss and wish I could go back to as well.
Everybody doesn’t like her in the town and I myself have said harsh things about her after I stopped talking to her which I feel bad about, but she’s has went through major shit, that’s no excuse tho.
I think I’m just falling back on the “good times” and wish I could go back to them when she texts me. I’m not entirely happy right now, yes, I love my boyfriend, but I wish I’d have some friends. What do I do in this situation 😭
submitted by InternationalDrag992 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 feralsezzy how will i farm ingredients for timespace crystal?

ok so i got steam and realized it was way more difficult than pc version(money vise especially) but my main concern is timeskip thing… playing and doing the same thing over and over bores you so is there a way i can get this the easier way pr something?
submitted by feralsezzy to WorldNeverland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 SulysFeather Which Taylor swift song would you describe your favourite LI?

If anyone in here is a swiftie, I wonder which song of her discography would you say describes or resonates with you with the LI’s on Love and Deepspace?
I would say daylight is the song I will say for Sylus🥹.
Let me know, I would be happy to learn your opinions! You can say any song from any artist I just said Taylor swift because I listen to her all day long!
submitted by SulysFeather to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Flashesfan75 35m Railroad Mechanic

35m Railroad Mechanic High School diploma only started when I was 22 with zero experience. Current rate is $41.08hr
submitted by Flashesfan75 to Salary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Abumohsenpour Neural Relics

Neural Relics submitted by Abumohsenpour to creativecoding [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:04 Tjizza16 What made you fall in love with your job/hobby?

submitted by Tjizza16 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
