2025.01.22 10:43 AdReady1645 Hey Beautiful
My Doctors says I'm lacking vitamin U🤭
submitted by AdReady1645 to pickuplines [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 -MercuryOne- Use MercuryOne if you need a Pi Network referral code, member since July 2019, KYC verified, Mainnet migrated, always active and available for help.
submitted by -MercuryOne- to PiNetworkReferrals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 i11us Architect & Space Designer Available for Freelance Work 🔍
submitted by i11us to Tunisia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 OKEY808 True or False?
submitted by OKEY808 to Piratefolk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 Easy-Weakness-7422 27f looking to meet new people on here
Hey, just moved into my new apartment and I’m feeling a bit bored.
submitted by Easy-Weakness-7422 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 NoAd646 Erfüllung eines Kindheitstraums
Liebe Meister der Nullen und Einsen, Jetzt da ich endlich in meinem Leben soweit bin, dass meine persönlichen Grundbedürfnisse gedeckt sind (Eigenheim, Familie, Job) ist es soweit und ich kann es mir leisten einen kleinen Kindheitstraum von einem eigenen Gaming PC zu verwirklichen. Als Budget habe ich mir mal 3000€ als Obergrenze gesetzt (nur der Tower, Bildschirme kommen obendrauf), wäre aber nicht böse wenn es auch günstiger ginge wenn die Leistung nicht zu sehr leidet. Aussehen ist mir nicht wichtig. Ich will einen PC der alle Stückchen spielt, egal ob Spiele mit höchster Auflösung oder auch im Stande ist große Rechenleistungen (Spiele wie Factorio oder auch Programme wie Matlab) aufzubringen. Deshalb habe ich (mit Hilfe meines Bruders, bin selber nicht so uptodate) Ende letztes Jahr mal diesen PC konfiguriert. Was haltet ihr davon? Was soll ich ändern? AMD oder NVidia? AMD oder Intel? Würde natürlich auf die neuen Karten warten und den PC voraussichtlich im Frühling/Sommer dann kaufen. Danke im Voraus für euer Feedback submitted by NoAd646 to PCGamingDE [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 duttyairforce Advise on GRC Cert
Hi all! I am currently working for a consulting company, mainly within the GRC space. I have been with my company for 3 years now (had no previous experience). I have the CC and SSCP from ISC2 but looking to gain another cert. My question is: would it be better to study for CISM/CRISC or tackle the CISSP? My technological knowledge was sufficient enough for SSCP but I worry I will find CISSP much much harder.
Please let me know what you think! Thank you.
submitted by duttyairforce to cybersecurity [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 cidadehoje Famalicão: Escuteiros de Landim promovem concurso de reis
submitted by cidadehoje to cidadehoje [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 PreparationRude7141 Rp if you play f. 05dc75a98cc07b16dfd4d3468f95ea323f629725d97e76ff41daffb1871d6f1848
submitted by PreparationRude7141 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 rishiray92 Gap of 3 months between jobs
Hi everyone,
My last day at my current UK employer is February 17, 2025. I have accepted a new position with a start date of May 12, 2024. I'm currently in the UK and in the process of applying for a Skilled Worker visa, which I expect to receive by late February with a start date of May 12th.
My concerns are:
Gap in Employment: Will this almost 3-month gap between my current employment and my new role (while I await my visa) break my 5-year Continuous Lawful Residence (ILR) period?
Travel Plans: I'm planning a 2-week trip abroad during the Easter period before starting my new job. Will this travel impact my ILR application or the continuous residence requirement?
I've reviewed the Home Office guidance, but it's unclear on the acceptable length of gaps between employment for ILR purposes.
Any insights or experiences from others in similar situations would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by rishiray92 to SkilledWorkerVisaUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 Mysterious-Ask-4414 Help me optimize my OMAD
I need some guidance on how to do OMAD properly.
I'm doing OMAD for several reasons, but mainly for the enjoyment factor and to train myself to be more fat adapted (which I see as a long term invesment in the future).
I'm a 23 year old male and currently weight in at 63 kg at 178 cm, so I'm quite lean and would obviously want to put on some muscles. I lift weight 3-4 times a week and do sprints on rest days. Besides this I always hit 15k+ steps a day.
I break my fast at around 8 pm everyday after having done everything I need for the day. Usually do my workouts at around 5-6 pm. I feel awesome around this time and love this part of the day, where I get to wind down and really enjoy the meal.
Initially, my meal was higher in carbs and quite low in fats, but lately I tried to go higher fats/lower carbs to make it more sustainable and improve fat adaption, however I'm having troubles finding the right balance.
I probably tend to eat too much protein, which leaves to little room for enough "energy" calories. Maybe this explains why I often feel quite lethargic in the morning. However, this feeling normally vanishes quite quickly, and I have no problem going through the day without eating. I actually usually feel my best after 18+ hours of fasting.
But I don't eat enough I suspect. Because I'm not gaining weight and my energy levels could be better. A typical meal could look like this:
2025.01.22 10:43 demeterzina Nem nyomozós krimi/thriller
Sziasztok! Olyan krimi és/vagy thriller könyvet keresek, amiben fontos számomra,hogy ne nyomozást lássunk,ne a nyomozó szemszögéből legyen végigvezetve a történet. Amit jelenleg olvasok az M.L.Rio-tól a Mintha Gonoszok Volnánk. Esetleg ilyesmi könyveket tudnátok ajánlani? Előre is köszi🤗
submitted by demeterzina to konyv [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 cidadehoje Famalicão: Escuteiros de Landim promovem concurso de reis
submitted by cidadehoje to atualidadeportugal [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 Hispanotejano1525 Monterrey Mexico skyline 2007 vs 2025
submitted by Hispanotejano1525 to SkylineEvolution [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 2Bt7274 Sturdy of artstyle (Oh Hyeon-Jun)
Turned out better then expected submitted by 2Bt7274 to PlayerOhHyeonJun [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 mark_jaylord_condes Just a F2P player
submitted by mark_jaylord_condes to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 ichigo_sa Which of my shoes to use for first half marathon?
Hi all, I'm running my first half marathon in less than 3 weeks - targeting a time of 2hrs, and need some help deciding which shoes to wear. Some background first:
Training hasn't been exactly going to plan.. I bought a pair of SC Trainer V3 for the race and long runs, but my first couple runs in them a few weeks back caused some ankle strain which has persisted as a niggle since then despite going back to my usual shoes (NB 1080 v13). I'll save the SC Trainer for after race day when I have time to get used to them with no pressure.
My ankle has been holding up to the increased training load over the last few weeks. Yesterday I ran 16km with no issues. Pain is generally minimal, and subsides during the run, usually feeling perfectly fine afterwards but with some stiffness settling in the next day. A decent walk or stretching usually helps reduce that stiffness.
I've been planning to the race in my 1080's and so have been doing my long runs (and most other runs) in them. Lately I'm feeling some regret that I didn't rather build up my recent long runs in my other shoes (Puma Deviate Nitro 2) because they feel much more snappy than the 1080's. I usually use them for my workout runs, and haven't run more than 10km in them.
I have one more long training run left (17km) before taper. Do I do that long run in the puma's as a test before race day, in the hopes of maybe using them on the day? Or do I just stick with the plan and use the 1080's even though I might run a little slower as a result?
submitted by ichigo_sa to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 eskerenere Exercise about maxwell equations
A uniform electric field that varies with time is directed towards the x axis and its equation is: E(t) = E_0sin(wt)\boldsymbol{\hat{\textbf{i}}} where E_0 = 10 V/m and w = 2pi * 10^4 rad/s
A) Using Maxwell equations, determine the magnetic field B associated with the electric field.
B) Find the max value of the magnetic field B.
C) If the fields propagate in a vacuum, is the relationship E_max / B_max = c valid? Where c is the speed of light in vacuum
I understand i have to use the fourth equation (Ampere Maxwell equation) but i don't really understand how. Thank you
submitted by eskerenere to PhysicsHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 Joshilover69 Saori Anou
submitted by Joshilover69 to WrestleWithTheJoshis2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 No-Wolverine7952 Update on sick Guppy and GBR
submitted by No-Wolverine7952 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 DisableSubredditCSS CPOs should be credible solution to prison overcrowding
submitted by DisableSubredditCSS to Scotland [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 bartard808 thank you oldheads for putting me on
yall post the most fire rappers, ive been listenin to hella che and prettifun for the last month now 😄 submitted by bartard808 to crappymusic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 Fragrant_Pause_1166 Kristensen oder Hincapié?
Ich hab Kristensen (18,6 Mio) und einer bietet 23. Soll ich das machen und dafür Hincapie (27,1 Mio) holen?
submitted by Fragrant_Pause_1166 to kickbasemanager [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 10:43 AshHulls Zee
submitted by AshHulls to IndonesianGirlsOnly [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 10:43 PretendAd3333 Arbetare vid Costco-lager i USA, som representeras av fackförbundet Teamsters, har röstat för att genomföra en strejk som kan påverka över 18 000 anställda i hela USA. #Costco #Kommunisterna #SKP #strejk #TeamstersUnion #USA
submitted by PretendAd3333 to riktpunkt [link] [comments] |