The most lightweight browser

上两条评论直接来源于字典解释,我以自己的理解来阐述一下其中的逻辑: 上两个回答,字典定义中提到的Henry Harrison Suplee 就是在他关于汽轮机的设计制造中提出的这一概念,这其中有一定的必然性: 编辑的意思是看到你的标题(包括空格)已经超过70个字符,感觉有一点长,影响文章标题的易读性,建议你取一个running title,也就是短标题,能够让读者快速的了解文章的主要内容,这只是一个建议,是否修改原标题以及是否取一个短标题看你自己的决定。 other ,the other,others,the others,another五个的区别other ,the other,others,the others,another五个的区别是:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、other的含义是:另外;其他;(指两个人或 SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容comments是问你对期刊或编辑有何建议。范围很广,可以表明自己投文章的立场,如本论文是作者花费了足够时间和精力完成的,从未发表过,在申请贵期刊间,不会考虑别的期刊等等。 正在写SCI的小伙伴看到这篇回答有福了!作为一个在硕士阶段发表了4篇SCI(一区×2,二区×2)的人,本回答就好好给你唠唠究竟该如何撰写Declaration of interest利益声明部分。 last but not least 这是惯用法,least 前不加the,但是在口语中经常会出现加the的现象,这说明严谨的用法(不加the)常用于书面体,而非严谨的用法(加the)常用于口语。 Out of Memory的意思是电脑内存不足。这是一个常见的计算机错误提示,表明系统或程序在尝试使用更多内存时,发现可用的内存 ... C# ,报错Index was outside the bounds of the array如何解决数组下标越界了,比如,int[] a=new int[5],然后你写a[5]=10,因为a数组最后一个是a[4],下标超出范围了,就报错。 Survival Evolved跟Survival Of The Fittest有什么区别?一、载体不同1、Survival Evolved:《方舟:生存进化(Ark: Survival Evolved)》是一款开放世界的以恐龙为主题的游戏,游戏采用虚幻4引擎打造,画面出彩,题 本文旨在解析与case相关的四个短语:in case、in the case、in case of和in the case of,在论文写作中的准确应用。

2025.01.22 10:57 gdkod The most lightweight browser

Hey everyone. I have really interested question regarding how stressful browsers for a PC/laptop. Each time I searched for the most lightweight browser, I got the search results about the "best" browser of 20.. (insert current year+1) or I got the results of Firefox forks, which don't have any kind of feature or aren't supported already.
Thus, the question stands for the most lightweight browser.
I don't mind the lack of adblocking(or its imminent future), but the adblocker presence would be a good advantage. Why do I need a lightweight browser? Well, due to specifics of my work, I constantly have an opened browser as well as the whole MS Office, MS Teams, a few messengers, a couple of AI chats, a note taking app and sometimes some more applications. My working laptop has 32GB RAM, but I've noticed that when I have to open more and more browsing tabs, the laptop starts significantly heating up as well as the whole browsing performance drops. Sometimes this whole package leads to laptop slowness and freezes. So I thought if I cannot compromise on some other apps, I could theoretically compromise on browser. However, I also what it to be normal performance and some plugins for password manager, dark pages and, if possible, adblocker.
What would you suggest?
submitted by gdkod to browsers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 four20pimp Some stickers

Some stickers submitted by four20pimp to blackbookgraffiti [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 DarkAngelFallen Miten pääsen yli vanhempien erosta

Mun vanhemmat on siis eronnu muutama kuukaus sitte, ja tuntuu niin vaikeelta käsittää. Ku jotenki elin siinä uskossa että ovat vanhaks asti yhdessä. Kohta toinen muutraa pois ja muuta. Auttakaa pliis
submitted by DarkAngelFallen to snappijuorutofftopic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 Super-Position-9257 Shipping Expert AllChinaBuy

Shipping Expert AllChinaBuy Bonjour, j’ai fait appel au shipping expert sur ACB, il me propose le transporteur DHL-Y, pensez-vous qu’il est plus judicieux de refuser ou ce transporteur fera l’affaire ?
submitted by Super-Position-9257 to FrenchReps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 PeaceBruthaaaaa Recommend a good 'gaming HDD' for extra/storage etc - budget, 8TB+ perhaps, reasonably fast.

Yes yes, I know I should get a bigger SSD, but that's not what this is about. Not really interested in other recommendations at this point, especially for the cost of SSD.. just need a good HDD that's good for gaming.
Currently my SSD is almost full and I need a good HDD that is decently sized and fast for additional (non-priority/performance but large size) games and storage.
Also I bought a 2TB SMR drive (st2000dm008-2fr102) last time, years ago, and the thing is slower than heck and awful for gaming AND storage in general. So basically anything fast than that - I'm guessing I need CMR? Or is there anything even better now that isn't expensive?
8TB seems to be a good number these days, but higher might be nice.
Any recommendations from people who have any and use them for both games and storage? Something not super expensive preferably. Maybe $100-150 range. Please and thanks.
submitted by PeaceBruthaaaaa to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 Randall2h2h Scotland hikes in May

Hi everyone, I’m looking for advice please. I’m travelling to Scotland where I’ll have 2 full days available to hike. I have accommodation booked in Ballachulish. One of the days will be spent doing the CMD Arête to Ben Nevis (I’ve never done Ben Nevis) which leaves a day free. I’d preferably like not to drive too far for the second hike but will consider if it’s a must do hike. I will do the Aonach Eagach at some point in the future once my ability is more suitable (I’m only just starting to do grade 2 scrambles)
These are the 2 routes I’ve looked at for the day available. Thanks, anyway. (Ps any food recommendations would be greatly appreciated)
submitted by Randall2h2h to UKhiking [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 Top-Professor-1747 HIPEC surgery recovery

Hi. Anyone here have HIPEC surgery? My fiancé had it in done in October and he is still very weak, hardly wants to eat and has been coming in and out of the hospital. It’s been a couple months like this … is this normal?? We heard it can take a couple months to recover, but I would imagine he shouldn’t still be as weak as he is. Any experience anyone can share who has had this surgery would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Top-Professor-1747 to coloncancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 BlitzinJz The state of our offense/roster construction in the year 2025 (he didn't take this shot because he knew he'd miss)

The state of our offense/roster construction in the year 2025 (he didn't take this shot because he knew he'd miss) submitted by BlitzinJz to chicagobulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 maxru85 Need help with identifying the root of the problem

Some of my snails have damaged shells (white tint; it looks like they are dissolving).
I read related articles and can not determine what could be wrong in my case.
Aquarium (Fluval Spec V, 5gal/19l) is stocked with neocardina shrimp and ramshorn snails (with some bladder snail hitchhikers but they are in small numbers). No CO2 (2.5 ml Tetra CO2 plus once a week). Moderately planted.
Water parameters are:
pH 7.5
Ammonia 0
Nitrites <0.1
Nitrates 3-5
There is healthy snail, snail with damaged shell, and empty damaged shell of a deceased snail on the photo.
submitted by maxru85 to snails [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 jnuite I have launched an integrated Projects, HR and Client Management system

☑️ Key Features:

☑️ Free Plan Included:
BEST FOR: Small agencies, freelancers, freelance teams, services based companies like architecture firms, law firms, translation and other related ones where you need project management tools and keep track of your team, manage payroll, and integrate.
Sign-up: You can sign up on
submitted by jnuite to indianstartups [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 saradata Looking for Students Who’ve Done Research Collaborations in the UK

Hello everyone,
I’m a Master's student in Computer Science from France, and as part of my program, I need to complete an internship abroad. After struggling to find traditional internships, I reached out to professors in the UK, and one professor in London accepted me to collaborate on a data-related research project. I haven’t started yet, and I’m looking to connect with others who have had similar experiences.
If you’ve done a research collaboration or internship in the UK, especially in the field of computer science, I’d love to hear about your experiences!
How was your research or project experience in the UK?
What should I expect when working on a research project with a professor?
Any advice on adjusting to the work culture in UK universities or collaborating in a research environment?
I’m eager to learn as much as I can from this opportunity, so any insights, tips, or shared experiences would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by saradata to AskAcademiaUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 VisibleWeirdo Experten om Elon Musks agerande: Välkänd högerextrem taktik

Experten om Elon Musks agerande: Välkänd högerextrem taktik submitted by VisibleWeirdo to sweddpolitik [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 LeaJSM My friend's sticker on her computer

My friend's sticker on her computer Not agatha, but it gives agatha vibes
submitted by LeaJSM to AgathaAllAlong [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 NoObjective749 High rank gameplay Standard

Hello im looking for some high ranks Streamers of mtg Arena from standard i was trying myself find someone and everyone are pretty deep in dumbster so can someone recommend me streamers from topranks and high level of gameplay thank u everyone
submitted by NoObjective749 to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 GonnaChiefYourNan Free-For-All: Ino, Kusakabe, Choso and Larue

Free-For-All: Ino, Kusakabe, Choso and Larue submitted by GonnaChiefYourNan to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 OkTechnician6102 F19 do guys like hairy pits?

F19 do guys like hairy pits? submitted by OkTechnician6102 to DesiArmpit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 rock_main_here Tank use cleanse

Ngl tank using cleansing is not a bad idea if u play against alot of mage cc or support like Lulu (which happen alot in high elo aram) they don't expect u to bring cleanse seeing them flabbergasted they brain is broken from a single use of cleanse lol
submitted by rock_main_here to ARAM [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 PuzzleheadedVideo649 The players are right about the allstar weekend.

I feel as though the players are under enough scrutiny as is. The scoring system was weird, especially for the dunk contest. And the media took the fun out of those events by attacking players so much about nonsense. LeBron knew that if he did the dunk contest, people would use that as another measuring stick to compare with MJ and the media already loved tearing him down. This idea is true for all the other players. If Ja Morant underperforms at the dunk contest, the media will have a field day and claim he isn't actually good at it.
Same with the actual game. If a star player loses in that game, with the unending sports news cycle, then it becomes about how maybe they are not all that great. It might even enter contract negotiations. Given how hard the players go in their pickup games, it is clear they play basketball for their love of the game, not to impress the media.
submitted by PuzzleheadedVideo649 to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 ZealousidealCollar85 Antidepressivum Pflanzenheilkunde

Hallo, kennt hier jemand ein gutes Präparat aus der Pflanzenheilkunde/Naturmedizin, das erwiesenermaßen bei Depressionen hilft und ähnlich zu konventionellen Antidepressiva (wie Sertralin zB) als SSRI (Serotonin Wiederaufnahmehemmer) fungiert? Vorzugsweise aus einer Kombination aus Johanniskraut, Passionsblume und Baldrian, aber das ausdrücklich NICHT HOMÖOPATHISCH ist und auch wirklich was bewirkt?
Ich bin ein Fan von Pflanzenheilkunde ergänzend zur Schulmedizin, aber glaube nicht an Homöopathie (möchte dazu hier bitte auch keine Diskussionen). Ich nehme derzeit Neurapas Balance von Pascoe, das, wie ich nun herausgefunden habe, wohl homöopathisch ist, aber in keinster Weise damit auf der Packung wirbt (schmückt sich mit Naturmedizin, damit haben sie mich leider gekriegt). Kennt wer eine gute Alternative?
submitted by ZealousidealCollar85 to MentaleGesundheit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 evilanonymous Estonian man built himself a Cybertruck

Estonian man built himself a Cybertruck submitted by evilanonymous to funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 federicocorradi Lightroom — Wait for M4 Mac Studio or get M4 Mac Mini now?

submitted by federicocorradi to MacStudio [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 Ujowo What is a cold key for crypto?

Understanding Cold Keys in Cryptocurrency Security A cold key refers to a cryptographic key that is generated and stored entirely offline, typically as part of a cold wallet or cold storage setup. Unlike "hot keys" (which are connected to the internet and used for frequent transactions), cold keys are designed to remain isolated from online environments to minimize exposure to cyber threats such as hacking, phishing, or malware attacks. This isolation makes them a cornerstone of secure long-term cryptocurrency storage.
Core Functionality of Cold Keys Cold keys are derived from asymmetric cryptography, which uses a pair of keys: - Private Key: A secret alphanumeric string used to sign transactions and prove ownership of crypto assets. - Public Key: A mathematically linked address shared publicly to receive funds.
In a cold storage setup, the private key is generated and stored offline, ensuring it never interacts with internet-connected devices. The corresponding public key or wallet address can be freely shared or used to receive funds without compromising security.
Key Differences Between Cold and Hot Keys

Aspect Cold Key Hot Key
Internet Exposure Never exposed to the internet. Continuously exposed via online wallets/exchanges.
Use Case Long-term storage ("HODLing"). Frequent transactions (e.g., trading, payments).
Security Risk Minimal (physical threats dominate). High (vulnerable to remote attacks).
Accessibility Requires physical access to the storage medium. Instantly accessible via connected devices.
How Cold Keys Are Generated and Stored 1. Offline Key Generation Cold keys are created using specialized tools or hardware wallets in an offline environment. Common methods include: - Hardware Wallets (e.g., Ledger, Trezor): Generate keys offline via secure chips. - Air-Gapped Computers: Devices that never connect to the internet, running open-source software to create keys. - Paper Wallets: Keys printed or written on physical media, often with QR codes for ease of use.
2. Secure Storage Practices 3. Transaction Signing Process To spend funds secured by a cold key: 1. A transaction is drafted on an online device. 2. The unsigned transaction is transferred to the offline device (e.g., via QR code or USB). 3. The cold key signs the transaction offline. 4. The signed transaction is broadcast to the network using the online device.
This ensures the private key never touches an internet-connected system.
Security Advantages of Cold Keys
  1. Immunity to Remote Exploits By remaining offline, cold keys are impervious to hacking attempts, phishing, or malware that target internet-connected systems.
  2. Reduced Attack Surface Cold storage eliminates risks associated with centralized exchanges (e.g., exchange hacks) or software wallet vulnerabilities.
  3. Physical Control Users retain full custody of their keys, avoiding reliance on third-party custodians.
  4. Mitigation of Insider Threats Offline storage limits exposure to internal breaches in organizations or service providers.
Risks and Limitations
  1. Physical Threats Cold keys are vulnerable to physical theft, loss, or damage (e.g., fire, water). Mitigation requires redundancy (multiple backups) and secure storage.
  2. User Error Incorrectly generated or poorly backed-up keys can lead to irreversible loss of funds.
  3. Accessibility Trade-Off Retrieving funds from cold storage is slower compared to hot wallets, making it unsuitable for active trading.
Use Cases for Cold Keys
  • Long-Term Asset Storage: Securing large cryptocurrency holdings for years.
  • Institutional Custody: Exchanges or funds use cold storage to protect customer assets.
  • Estate Planning: Passing crypto wealth to heirs via secure key backups.
Best Practices for Managing Cold Keys
  1. Use Reputable Hardware Wallets: Avoid cheap or unverified devices.
  2. Test Backups: Verify seed phrases or backups on a small transaction before committing large sums.
  3. Geographically Distribute Backups: Store copies in multiple secure locations.
  4. Avoid Digital Footprints: Never photograph, email, or cloud-store cold key information.
submitted by Ujowo to cryptoQandA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 ProfessionalWin417 Discussion

Unpopular opinion, but imagine it was either Shi Mei or Xue Meng that found chu Wanning’s soul, and had to go to hell to bring him back?!
Xue Meng might have worked but it would have probably been a bit hard but Shi Mei…………… Open to discussing this 😆😆
submitted by ProfessionalWin417 to 2HA_immortality [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 lss_web_1444 Link post title 409

Link post title 409 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:57 Phrost Twitter/X has been added to the disallowed domains list on /r/martialarts

submitted by Phrost to martialarts [link] [comments]