[Hiring] Fullstack Engineer

2025.01.22 11:14 Littledesireco [Hiring] Fullstack Engineer

🌟 We're Hiring: Full-Stack Engineers 🌟🚀
Join a San Francisco-based healthtech startup with $7M in funding, shaping the future of healthcare through cutting-edge technology. Be part of an on-site team of 13, driving impactful solutions in a fast-paced, high-growth environment.
💼 Position: Full-Stack Engineer
📍 Location: San Francisco, CA (on-site)
💰 Salary: $160,000 - $200,000 annually
Tech Stack
TypeScript, React, Next.js (v14 + TailwindCSS), PostgreSQL, AWS, Supabase
What We’re Looking For
✅ 3+ years of experience as a full-stack engineer
✅ Proficiency in TypeScript, React, and Postgres
✅ Experience with Next.js and desire to work in a fast-paced startup
✅ Excitement to collaborate in person with a dynamic team
What You’ll Do

  1. Build and scale impactful features while balancing speed, reliability, and UX
  2. Write high-performance, maintainable code
  3. Collaborate with customers to inform product development
  4. Manage and optimize customer system integrations
Perks & Benefits
✨ Salary up to $200K
✨ Medical, dental, and vision insurance
✨ 401k with matching
✨ Unlimited PTO
✨ Monthly gym reimbursement (~$100/month)
✨ Company retreats
💡 Take your career to the next level—apply now and help us transform the healthtech landscape!
Apply: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by Littledesireco to forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Routine-Nothing5435 Que tipo de candeeiro suspenso colocariam aqui?

Clássico, moderno, LED, linhas rectas, linhas redondas? Isto será um quarto. Não queria ultrapassar os 150€/200€... O que acham?
submitted by Routine-Nothing5435 to TudoCasa [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 NoStock8691 Futura 2000 Tattoos

Futura 2000 Tattoos All images were collected from a Facebook comment section.
submitted by NoStock8691 to futura2000 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 CatLoliUwu Are there a lot of people who think foreigners can’t have black hair?

Genuine question. I posted as a foreigner on xhs / rednote, and a lot of the comments on my post are why is my hair black???? I’m so confused…
submitted by CatLoliUwu to AskChina [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 NewSetting3959 Would you like to develop any personal skill you want? My Startup allows you to do it!

Skillvoo aims to be a platform for developing personal skills such as mental manipulation, study techniques, time management, discipline and many more. Each skill consists of 30 days of training in which you will learn things and notice how you change your life as you develop that skill. Each session will be sent by email daily and only takes 10 minutes to take care of each session, as if that were not enough we use AI to offer adaptive learning with exercises when the user requests to reinforce their weaknesses.
I would like you to send me feedback about the idea, and if you like get on the waitlist! : Skillvoo.com
submitted by NewSetting3959 to microsaas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Low_Adeptness_2327 If you could go anywhere, no strings attached, where would you go?

M25, italian, just finished my exams and graduating my bachelor's degree in three months (literature, more on that later). I have no idea what to do with my life and have a shit ton of stuff to heal from. I won't get more specific, but if all I have is a pos literature degree it's because I was FORCED into that uni and forced to finish it. Now, the thing I need most ASAP (like, leaving next week or something) is a city with a nice social life/art scene to heal, work and put aside some money, and find a therapist. Which European (or not) places and jobs come to mind in which I could pull something like this without qualifications, and find quickly a room without having to sign a pact with the devil?
(Maybe there’s a better subreddit to ask this? In any case feel free to recommend it lol)
submitted by Low_Adeptness_2327 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 terminaltrip421 any buyer's remorse? recent or otherwise...

I'm trying to save up for stars for ragnaros, worgen, AoW and whelp eggs ...I could also use stars in batlings and probably execute and dark iron miner. despite this I spent 270 coins on a star tome that just gave me stars for not those minis. instant buyer's remorse.
the 25/25 toward epic stars I have in tauren (thought he'd be integral to garr before being turned onto blizzard), the 16/25 in warsong raider, the 17/25 in witch doctor (just doesn't fit my playstyle) ...and the six minis who are sitting on enough stars for an epic upgrade but no reason to pull the trigger (headless horseman anyone?)
I know in the long run it really won't matter just kinda wish I had had better self-control
submitted by terminaltrip421 to warcraftrumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 retr0playz doodled a lot today

doodled a lot today submitted by retr0playz to doodles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Objective_Ad_292 Strongest Hulk VS Strongest Iron Man

Me and my friend are fighting over the strongest Hulk VS the strongest Iron Man. Ya'll will decide this fight!
submitted by Objective_Ad_292 to marvelcomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 lss_web_1444 Link post title 850

Link post title 850 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 pteranodog My Keybase proof [reddit:pteranodog = keybase:pteranodog] (cTfaradlkUr_dVBOoRRnOLQEnl9e1V8hNsa_goqCEMw)

Keybase proof I am:

submitted by pteranodog to KeybaseProofs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Tough-Guy-Ballerina SDR to Customer Success or Stick with SDR

Hi All
I've been an SDR at a solid company for almost 3 years now. I've consistently exceeded my quota every quarter, but it seems unlikely that I can advance much further here. I'm covering the English-speaking markets in Europe and am based in a hub in southern Europe, but there’s a strong preference for people working in the UKI region to be in the London office. Plus, I haven't managed internal stakeholders as well as I could, and I’ve mostly just been doing my job without actively campaigning for myself.
The pay here is really good for where I am, and it would be hard to find another job that matches it. Moving from SDR to AE externally is tough, and I'd likely have to take another SDR position at a significant pay cut if I wanted to make that jump, even if I were to land an AE gig.
There’s an opening in the customer success department, and I have a very strong chance of getting it. It’s a small raise, but I understand that it might limit my long-term earning potential. I’ve managed the stress of sales just fine, but honestly I don’t love it, and I know it’s only going to get more demanding in the future.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts on whether I should make the move to customer success or stick it out internally with SDR, even if it limits my career growth. I know you’re all sales pros, so might not look too fondly on something like customer success, but I’d love to hear your advice.
submitted by Tough-Guy-Ballerina to sales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 changxiangzhong 625105140403 deoxys defense two local lvl 42 accounts

submitted by changxiangzhong to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 surveycircle_bot Médias et le sport

Médias et le sport submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle_fr [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Successful-Note-4485 Barbarity vs Civilization by René Georges Harmann-Paul 1899

Barbarity vs Civilization by René Georges Harmann-Paul 1899 submitted by Successful-Note-4485 to PropagandaPosters [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 1029Dash 36M What is the closet you have been to being in jail/prison ?

Other than my amazing girlfriend I have few friends. We have almost all experienced it,we have a friendship with a person we have met via Reddit and are chatting for days on end and they all of sudden, one of us decides to ghost the other. Well how about we try something different and not ghost.
I kinda suck a describing myself, other than saying I have love handles and a beard. I currently work fulltime as banker spending half the time in the office and the other half working from home. In my spare time i have the usual hobbies (watching TV, going to the gym, and cooking). However I am also a third degree black belt and I like to build legos and read as stress relief. If your up it feel free to send me a message?
submitted by 1029Dash to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 pilo___ Brand new [18+] server. Practically zero moderation bar ToS violations. Home of free speech and the future BEST server on discord. Looking for active members, WITHOUT discord anxiety and who will vc.

submitted by pilo___ to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Sonnydos What would be a good fit for my team (replacing hoopa) Requierments: Look cool, not horsecock in battle, no type overrlaps with my other pokemon. Currently have 7 badges

What would be a good fit for my team (replacing hoopa) Requierments: Look cool, not horsecock in battle, no type overrlaps with my other pokemon. Currently have 7 badges https://preview.redd.it/8ztwiadj3jee1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=313da381c85fa8f13b27ec5947bc8ab8dd2100b9
submitted by Sonnydos to PokemonUnbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Eastern_Aardvark4322 Existuje nějaký rozumný způsob jak se dostat do vztahu?

Posledních pár dní mě dostalo docela na dno a k tomu ještě jako na potvoru jsem se při sportu zranil, takže svoje frustrace ani nemůžu obvyklím způsobem vypotit a tak teď trochu rozjímám nad životem a snažím se přijít na to, co bych mohl zkusit udělat jinak. Známí a těch pár "kamarádů" co mám, tak aniž by nad tím museli jakkoliv přemýšlet, prostě někam jdou, třeba na přednášku, nějak se dostanou s holkou do kontaktu, holka má zájem, zajdou ven a tak nějak skončí s jejím jazykem v puse nebo se dokonce druhý den proberou u ní v posteli, a je z toho vztah. Pro mě je tohle naprosto nemyslitelné, vyloženě něco jak z žánru fantasy, co si vůči sobě absolutně nedokážu představit. Je to jako bych si měl jít zaplavat do rybníka a čekat, že na mě v rákosí může vystrčit hlavu vodník. Prostě úplně mimo realitu, a to jsem na VŠ plný holek a ještě k tomu dokonce bydlím v tom slavným Práglu, kde to prý žije. O to víc si pak připadám uboze a jako naprostej vůl.
Moc dobře chápu, že čekat až mi štěstí zaklepe na dveře je pitomost, protože nezaklepe, a když to nechám tak jak to je, tak na tom budu úplně stejně za půl roku, příští rok, za 10 let.. A to úplně příjemná představa není. Takové ty běžné rady jsem už přijal dávno, takže ano, jsem fit, nesmrdím, na triku nemám zaschlý guláš, vlasy ala vrabčák taky ne a nehraju jen videohry.. Také se snažím být co nejvíc otevřený socializaci, pozvánky nikam neodmítám, chodím na kurzy a celkově se snažím trávit víc času mezi lidmi mého věku (23) ale i tak to prostě nějak neklape. Seznamky mi nefungují a ani se k nim vracet nehodlám, sežralo to strašně moc času a ve výsledku jsem si víceméně psal sám se sebou, protože slečny očividně nestíhaly vypisovat 10 mužům na ráz a tak psaly jen jednoslovně.
Asi jako největší problém vidím to, že se beru až moc vážně a moc se snažím, něco co se s rostoucí frustrací a mírou neúspěchu jenom zhoršuje, protože vidím jak mi ujíždí vlak. Takže ve výsledku hádám nepůsobím nijak zvlášť zábavně a spíš ponuře než sebejistě, což se projevuje v absolutní absenci jakéhokoliv zájmu od ženského pohlaví a navrch se mi tak ještě dostaví pocit poraženectví, který mé dobré náladě také moc dobra nedělá. Nějaké nápady?
submitted by Eastern_Aardvark4322 to czech [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 THE_ClassicGuy Coldplay 26th Jan 7000 (MRP) 2 tickets

3500 each ticket
submitted by THE_ClassicGuy to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Mohegan567 What's next for wrong Organ?

I'm SO curious on what they'll be working on next. I don't think they imagined this game becoming such a big hit and I sometimes wonder if they regret killing off most of the cast XD
I do vaguely remember seeing their first game 'How fish is made' back then. thought it was very quirky, but completely forgot about this studio until now.
Also, anyone else think they might eventually make a game taking place in the Mouthwashing universe? Exploring other dark stories in space? (I would love to have a sidenote about Curly's fate, but I dare not hope.)
submitted by Mohegan567 to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 amakinas Booking a separate seat for my under-2 child on Lufthansa – Date of birth issue?

I want to book a separate seat for my 22-month-old daughter, but when I try to enter her date of birth on the Lufthansa website, it doesn’t allow me to proceed because she won’t be 2 years old at the time of the flight. However, the website states that it’s possible to book a separate seat for children under 2 years old. Has anyone experienced a similar issue? What should I do in this situation?
submitted by amakinas to Lufthansa [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 Puzzleheaded-Rope329 They know what Ahmedabad people want 😂

submitted by Puzzleheaded-Rope329 to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 tip2663 KRAW is on the menu now and it stinks bad time to sell!

KRAW is on the menu now and it stinks bad time to sell! submitted by tip2663 to kraw [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:14 jooolier My sculpted back, slim waist, and huge, muscular peachy ass are a masterpiece of strength and perfection. You’re utterly captivated, powerless to resist, knowing your only purpose is to worship and send to the goddess who owns you. you’ll be mine, we both know it.

submitted by jooolier to FindommeFind [link] [comments]
