‘A dire situation’: Heat no longer working in 2 Hamilton County Humane Society kennels [Indiana]

2025.01.22 13:51 Illustrious_Head2008 ‘A dire situation’: Heat no longer working in 2 Hamilton County Humane Society kennels [Indiana]

‘A dire situation’: Heat no longer working in 2 Hamilton County Humane Society kennels [Indiana] HAMILTON COUNTY, Ind. — The Humane Society for Hamilton County is searching for people willing to provide foster homes to dogs after the facility experienced a heating system failure in two of its kennels.
The shelter added that providing a foster home will provide them with sufficient time to find a solution to the heating issues and manage its resources during the emergency. The shelter will provide the necessary food and supplies to individuals providing foster homes.
The Humane Society for Hamilton County will be open Wednesday starting at 9 a.m. for anyone interested in foster showings. A foster application can be completed online here.
Hamilton Humane Society IG: https://www.instagram.com/hamiltonhumane?igsh=MTNpMTU0cTloNnVndg==
submitted by Illustrious_Head2008 to National_Pet_Adoption [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 sr_steve how do I stop naturally generated water to be spawned in the waterloggable blocks in my structure and flood everything?

submitted by sr_steve to MCreator [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Whatever-I-Guess2478 My main story isn’t working

submitted by Whatever-I-Guess2478 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Hrmbee Trump’s Pardons Are Sending a Crystal-Clear Message | After the January 6 attacks, right-wing militias went underground. Now they have permission to come out of hiding

Trump’s Pardons Are Sending a Crystal-Clear Message | After the January 6 attacks, right-wing militias went underground. Now they have permission to come out of hiding submitted by Hrmbee to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 mentorpiece How can a software tester navigate across Linux file systems

For software testers, the ability to navigate Linux file systems is not just a technical skill, it's an essential part of the testing process. Linux environments are widely used in software development and testing, and understanding how to maneuver through these systems can greatly enhance efficiency and effectiveness. After all, it is eventually necessary to analyze the logs on the server.
The command cd (change directory) allows testers to move to different directories, such as accessing system logs in /valog, which is critical for troubleshooting. Using pwd (print working directory) confirms the present location in the file system, helping prevent errors when executing commands.
It's important to pay attention to the directory structure and file permissions, as insufficient access can hinder the ability to view necessary files. The ls command lists directory contents, and variations like ls -l for detailed views and ls -a for hidden files are vital for understanding file attributes and configurations.
In one of the following practical exercises, a dozen students, under the guidance of a mentor, will learn how to work with these commands correctly to navigate Linux file systems.
submitted by mentorpiece to BeQA [link] [comments]


Good Morning Apes and Apettes. On 1/22/2025 at 8:35 am HYMC was down .03 to $2.12. Gold was uo $3.70 to $2763.90 and Silver was down .02 to $30.96. The morning prices are pre market and came from the NASDAQ and Ampex. HYMC closed at $2.15 on 1/21/2025. God, I hope the new SEC stops the daily crime on the markets. He may do more than Gary Gensler because, Trump;s stock has been shorted to Hell since its IPO. I hope he makes naked short selling illegal.
submitted by ROCRESISTENCE to HYMCStock [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 themechanicaldummmy Hands up if you think Chris Brown about to wake up from sleep in the “Residuals” music video 😂

Hands up if you think Chris Brown about to wake up from sleep in the “Residuals” music video 😂 submitted by themechanicaldummmy to ChrisBrown [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 HaMaZa24 Left over kimchi brine

Hi all! What to do with the leftover oi kimchi sauce/brine!! Oi kimchi is cucumber kimchi not cabbage
submitted by HaMaZa24 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 CarterCreations061 How cold is survival able?

The power in my apartment is out. It's 4° F outside but I don't expect it to get quite that cold inside, at least not for a while. How cold before it is critically too cold and I need to tub and move my axies to a new location?
submitted by CarterCreations061 to axolotls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Unzodiac Jimmy

Jimmy Uh I haven’t drawn anything in like 11 years, my drawing skills are awful and my friends can draw beautiful portraits easily but I wanted to draw. So after eleven years I have drawn something, I have drawn…
submitted by Unzodiac to TheSmallVictories [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 KMG2295 Yes, Your Highness

Yes, Your Highness Im sure someone's done this before but once i reached this point i felt i had to.
submitted by KMG2295 to NikkeOutpost [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 ncraiderfan17 Pato Onward doesn't expect to run Xfinity race in Mexico City

Pato Onward doesn't expect to run Xfinity race in Mexico City submitted by ncraiderfan17 to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 auron98x24 I Need help with my buzzers controller (USB Stick missing)

Today i bought for few bucks some ps3 accessories ( ps moves, ps3 camera and 4 buzzers). After a while I realized that the buzzers don't have their usb stick. Surfing on the reddit I found out a post where an user said that there are 2 different versions of buzzers:
V1 works only with their stick. V2 works with all V2 usb sticks because they can sync
My question now is: is it true? and how can I distinguish which buzzers version I have?
Is there a solution to use my buzzers without a stick?
submitted by auron98x24 to PS3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 nusimusi ilyesmi szájfeltöltésre szakember Budapesten?

ilyesmi szájfeltöltésre szakember Budapesten? mindenképpen olyan hot sz
submitted by nusimusi to szepsegtippek [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Gatinhoinhu Minha namorada não me assume (ou não?)

Sabe pessoal, desde que meu relacionamento começou, sempre foi muito escondido. Os pais dela são meio tóxicos, e ela é da igreja (contra a vontade dela, ela não gosta muito da comunidade e tals, nem do lance de ser ”devota” e os caraio, ela vai porque é obrigada) mas eu sempre quis e sempre fiz muita questão que ela me assumisse, ela não andava cmg, não podíamos sair na rua, não nos abraçavamos ou beijávamos em público, tudo isso por ”medo de alguém ver”, nós nos víamos raramente, só quando ela podia, e nhe... Foi assim por muito tempo.
Com o tempo, as coisas foram ficando mais maleáveis, saimos com um pouquinho mais de frequência, os pais dela me conhecem, mas não ”sabem” que a gente namora, as amiguinhas dela e algumas primas até sabem, mas o resto da família é distante e não faz idéia, mesma coisa pra maioria dos conhecidos, algumas pessoas mais velhas ou pessoas menos íntimas, mas isso me dói sabe? Eu ainda sinto como se fosse a mesma coisa do começo, como se nada tivesse mudado, todo mês temos essa discussão, já tentei conversar, mas ela sempre diz um ”nao vou falar sobre isso, você sabe como funciona” e vai embora até o dia seguinte. Nós nos vemos umas 6 ou 8 vezes no mês e só, mais do que isso já é muito, quando saímos nós mal nos abraçamos e ela só me beija na minha casa ou quando não tem ninguém na rua ou vendo (não tô falando de casal se pegando em público né, mas poxa, vc reconhece quando duas pessoas são um casal pela proximidade, o jeito que se tocam, nós agimos em público como amigos próximos)
Sobre os pais dela, eles não sabem, contudo apoiam levemente, eles imaginam pela nossa proximidade, mas ela nunca se referiu a mim como namorado e evita, nunca me chamou de algum apelido carinhoso ou se quer deu a entender que namorávamos perto deles, o MÁXIMO que já aconteceu foi darmos as mãos pra atravessar a rua uma vez, mas ela nunca deixou isso de forma explícita, e isso vale pra quase qualquer pessoa. O argumento dela pra isso é ”as pessoas sabem, só não confirmaram” então oque há de errado em elas confirmarem? Oque há de errado em ela dar um A?
Não é como se ela passasse o rodo em geral enquanto tá comigo, ela não sai de casa tanto, se algum completo desconhecido perguntar ou talvez um colega na escola, ela até diz que namora, mas já teve época que nem isso... Tenho ficado muito triste com essas coisas, completamos 1 ano e 3 meses de namoro recentemente, e a situação ainda tá nessa
Oque vocês acham sobre? Tô certo? Tô errado? Sou o babaca? Tô imaginando coisa? Me respondam por favor
submitted by Gatinhoinhu to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 dragonfry Hey ABC, how do I opt out of alerts about Vladimir Gluten?

Hey ABC, how do I opt out of alerts about Vladimir Gluten? Hi ABC, I know you’re on here. Just a quick message about your inane amount of Tannible Lecter alerts.
I still want alerts - tell me about kittens being rescued, or what each suburb’s biggest gripe is in their community page, or if Dutton’s nose finally fell off and he’s actually Voldemort.
But seriously, the alerts have been handy otherwise. It helps to be up to date on current events, especially in other states and somewhat internationally.
Just please for the love of jebus, PLEASE stop sending an alert every time Mango Mussolini shits the bed. Because we both know we’re only a couple of days in, so there’s going to be a lot of bed shitting in the next four years.
Cheers Dragonfry
submitted by dragonfry to australia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Sleepad2018 Smart pillow for neck caring from2015CES is ready on sale

Smart pillow for neck caring from2015CES is ready on sale What do u think of it.
submitted by Sleepad2018 to cervical_vertigo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 moveoutmicdrop Texas Bans Viagra Saying It Is “Amoral” And “Unnatural” And Makes It “Too Easy To Masturbate”

Announced Ken Paxton: “If God wants you to get hard, he will gift you with that ability despite your high anxiety, excessive stress, high blood pressure or being drunk and smoking.” And also enables you to have sex spontaneously with someone you don’t love or even know, in the dark, in a public bathroom. Don’t ask me how I know.”
submitted by moveoutmicdrop to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 HourInternational388 Just want to encourage each of you 😊

When I first came back to the feet of Jesus I struggled with condemnation. I felt like if I wasnt reading my Bible, listening to sermons or worship music that I was doing something God wasn't happy with.
It's ok to take a brain break or rest. It's possible to have fun without sin and enjoy being human. Our God did create Joy, so laugh. Have a good time!! I hope each of you have a wonderful day today!
submitted by HourInternational388 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 kl95210 Little track weapon doing track weapon things

Little track weapon doing track weapon things submitted by kl95210 to GRYaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Cowcat0 Best Faber Castell set for portraits? Similar to Prismacolours in softness?

Hey all, I’m looking to do some realistic portraits. I had my eye on the Prismacolour portrait set but I’m looking for a similar set in Faber Castell if one exists? Something similar in softness and vibrancy. I have my eye on the Polychromos but I’m reading they’re MUCH firmer than Prismas and not as easy to blend.
I’m looking for a set with good skin tone colour variation, softness and vibrancy.
Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
submitted by Cowcat0 to ColoredPencils [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 herequeerandgreat my tiktok experiences hasn't changed much since it came back online.

ever since tiktok went back online, people have been talking about how it's changed. about how they've been getting christian ads, comments about freeing palestine are getting flagged, and how there's been an influx in alt right content. many people are taking this to mean that tiktok as we know it is gone and that we need to move onto a new app.
well, i really haven't noticed much of a difference.
granted, my content and FYP is pretty apolitical. my content is many about geek culture news and many of the profiles i follow are the same way. most of the content i follow is geek culture and cosplay with a few other things. the most political page i followed was kamala harris's during the 2024 election and that was pretty much it.
i don't doubt that this stuff is still happening but it hasn't happened to me. the christian ads and flagging free palestine comments could definitely be bytedance kissing trump's ass. however, as for the alt right content, remember that tiktok has an algorithm system. if they notice that you watch a certain type of content quite a bit, they'll likely give you more types of that content. if you follow political pages, you'll get more political pages from both sides. and, if you don't like this content, you have two thumbs that are perfect for scrolling. or, just block them and go see content that you want to see.
submitted by herequeerandgreat to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 CatieThe8959 Best time signature.

I'm back! Let's see.
(Definitely no jokes here...)
View Poll
submitted by CatieThe8959 to classical_circlejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 brdyz Lucas Leaves Depor

submitted by brdyz to Deportivo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:51 Notgoingtohell is there something i can do about my sunken eyes?

is there something i can do about my sunken eyes? and yes i know my eyes are uneven😭
submitted by Notgoingtohell to vindictapoc [link] [comments]
