Anushka Sen

2025.01.22 13:54 Puzzleheaded_Win6367 Anushka Sen

Anushka Sen submitted by Puzzleheaded_Win6367 to Actress_Hub98 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 PitchRedd The game took pity on me

The game took pity on me Either that, or told me to leave it alone
submitted by PitchRedd to FGO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Home_Min_Boss This doesn't even look like a SWAT team anymore. Looks more like special forces

This doesn't even look like a SWAT team anymore. Looks more like special forces submitted by Home_Min_Boss to ReadyOrNotGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 BacchusIsKing Best place for live service status updates?

I just default to checking out the MTA X account, mostly by rote memory. Is there anywhere else they post the same information in the same reliable immediate timeframe?
submitted by BacchusIsKing to nycrail [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 MuhMuhManRay Snow on the beach

Snow on the beach submitted by MuhMuhManRay to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 wanderlustrousx Does my friend suck at Thor?

Please help me settle this. Maybe I’m the one in the wrong here. Also I’m sorry if the title sounds mean I just really don’t know how else to word it. And sorry if this is long.
So my friend as you can tell by the title mains Thor and only Thor. Now before I say anything else let me preface: I don’t think he’s a bad player. Hell more times than not he’s doing really well at taking/creating space and holding it, like tanks should. We’ve gone on many stomping sprees in QP and he often gets MVP. However, ranked has been another obstacle. He likes to run Thor as a main tank instead of an off tank. I know it can be done if the rest of the team is good, and if the Thor himself is good. But it doesn’t work out most of the time. He often is going negative because he has a bad habit of tunnel visioning too far into enemy lines and not disengaging for heals. He repeatedly runs in by myself, without any other tank, DPS or healers by him, and gets absolutely fried. Essentially staggering himself to the point that he is pretty much getting no value in anything he’s doing as it’s just getting healed right over. Then after the match he boasts about his 23k damage blocked, meanwhile not even able to crack 10k damage. It’s frustrating playing with him because I actually want to rank up and I can’t do that with him while he’s going 3-17. He’s a great guy and fun to play with so I really want to try help him someway somehow. I’ve tried explaining simple hero concepts to him like staggering, peeling, etc. and it never seems to stick with him ever. Is there ANY way I can subtly help him improve and learn without being a dick about it?
submitted by wanderlustrousx to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Adapt_or_diee Chud gye guru

Chud gye guru submitted by Adapt_or_diee to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Many-Revolution-3673 I just got a match in ranked against one of the Branded Yugitubers..guess how it went😏

I just got a match in ranked against one of the Branded Yugitubers..guess how it went😏 submitted by Many-Revolution-3673 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Cautious-Point-8109 Color Association Results ✨️| Day 10

Color Association Results ✨️| Day 10 submitted by Cautious-Point-8109 to EvanPetersTeapot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 idkmanplzjustkillme I think my little sister has been stealing my blades

A few times my blades have gone missing from my drawer and showed up again randomly as well as I found one in the bathroom where I would never put it. Im really worried for her Im gonna put my blade's somewhere else because I don't want her to go thru this especially because I'm planning on leaving our house asap.
submitted by idkmanplzjustkillme to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 papercrafti Make your own 3D paper model - I create digital templates

Make your own 3D paper model - I create digital templates Papercrafti on Etsy 😊
submitted by papercrafti to etsypromos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 ScurvySmith Team Lots For Sale

Team Lots For Sale submitted by ScurvySmith to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 NeetCode 8 Most Common Data Structures (high resolution in comments)

8 Most Common Data Structures (high resolution in comments) submitted by NeetCode to leetcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 A_For_The_Win Bug with epic achievements

Bug with epic achievements submitted by A_For_The_Win to EpicGamesPC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 bigz1249 Sewage ejection pump splashing

Hello. I am new to septic and we’ve been in our home for about a year and a half. Previous owners said they had the tank pumped in 2022.
This is a vent for a sewage ejection pump that goes into the tank. Whenever it goes off, there is some splashing. I have observed this since we have owned the home and it happens during every season. However, it looks so bad in the winter due to the snow fall.
Would you consider this excessive splashing? This only happens when the ejection pump goes off. There is no standing water otherwise. Is there a cause for concern?
submitted by bigz1249 to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 ProfessionUnited620 your favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner spots

what are you all time faves?
submitted by ProfessionUnited620 to Edinburgh [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Little_Let3408 "How can one claim a refund for unclaimed TDS from a previous year?

Can someone guide me how can one claim a refund for unclaimed TDS from a previous year?
I read the article below but i want to know if anyone has been successful in claiming.
submitted by Little_Let3408 to indiantax [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 RedStinger665 Smol thing for puzzlevision... toad isnt' looking right

Smol thing for puzzlevision... toad isnt' looking right "uhh toad.. you doing okay"
"toad:.... pre-tty......."
(this how i'd show mr puzzles powers at this point (4 stars)... He's managed to get everyone who watches his shows in a trance... not full on creative control yet! but enough to make them dissociate from the world around them... slowly killing people off.. or those 'unworthy' of his shows... when he hits 5 stars tho.. that's when the true 'magic' happens)
submitted by RedStinger665 to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Now_1s_Now 38 [M4F] England/Online - up for a voice call?

I'd love to voice chat with a woman right now. We can talk about anything, big or small. I'm creative, I’m an introvert, I love movies, big questions about philosophy and life, I love kinky conversations (but am happy to keep it clean), and I'd love to learn about you. Talk to me about your life, your problems, the weather, whatever. Confide in me, joke with me.
This can be a one off conversation or the start of something longer, but no pressure.
So send me a message if you think you might like a voice chat, and include a little bit about yourself and what appealed about my post.
Feel free to message me if you see this later or another day too, as I'm often up for chatting.
Also, I've posted this before and can't always chat with everyone, so if you've messaged before feel free to do so again.
submitted by Now_1s_Now to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Ornery_Butterfly_407 Eggs and potatoes!!

Eggs and potatoes!! submitted by Ornery_Butterfly_407 to BreakfastFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 OhShitWudUpItsDatBoi I’m not sure how to make peace with myself -no judgment please

So I met my ex boyfriend about 2 years ago and we broke up about a year ago now. We were awesome and he was perfect, to this day I feel the same way I do when I think about him it’s like an extreme appreciation? Anyway my parents were getting divorced at the time as well and I lashed out and cheated on him by sending pictures to other people. I stopped after and didn’t tell him but he found out and we broke up slowly over the course of like a month.
Anyway fast forward to the last 3 months we’ve talked a bit and I get him weed but here’s what confuses me. Every time we’ve seen each other (every time I get him weed) he seems a bit awkward and he gives me a hug, like without even asking he just kinda throws his arms open like that’s the question. And he pays me ofc so it’s not like he’s trying to be nice for free stuff.
I don’t know it’s just highly jarring and confusing for me both logically and emotionally.
submitted by OhShitWudUpItsDatBoi to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Far-Boysenberry-1600 [WTS] AR9 buffer + spring + tube kit, Hogue AR Grip, Strike AirTag Holder

AR9 heavy buffer, flat wire 308 spring, mil spec buffer tube and charging handle Takeoff from a Foxtrot Mike FM-9…. $47 shipped
Hogue Overmolded AR Grip $27 shipped.
Airtag Holder mounts to picatinny rail. $14 shipped or $9 add-on to any item
Dibs rules. Comment, then PM. No Chat. shipping to lower CONUS. PayPal F&F no comment, please and thank you!
submitted by Far-Boysenberry-1600 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Gol-lyYouAreFunny Update causing stutter?

Hi so my pc is quite literally the bare minimum requirements to play the game (she's old but mighty) and ever since the update, my game is stuttering like crazy when I try to look around. Anyone else struggling?? Can't tell if it's a me issue or the update.
Also if you want to play feel free to message!
submitted by Gol-lyYouAreFunny to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 dickcheney600 Illegally copying a movie is usually called "piracy" but do they call it something else when the movie in question is about actual pirates?

submitted by dickcheney600 to oneliners [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:54 Dry_Understanding149 Best method for lvl up condensing pals

So the two options i see im gonna be grinding regardless either catching 100+ of the same pal or collect ~4000 dog coin, i can see catching the lower lvl pals would be easier and saving the dog coin the higher lvls like jetdragon/frostalion types. What is the best way to go about this and is there another way idk about?
submitted by Dry_Understanding149 to Palworld [link] [comments]