Esplosione di Catania. Trovato il disperso

2025.01.22 11:41 Zano_76 Esplosione di Catania. Trovato il disperso

E'stato trovato nella notte l'uomo che si temesse potesse essere sotto le macerie della palazzina crollata ieri nel rione San Giovanni Galermo di Catania dopo un'esplosione legata a una fuga di gas dalla rete di distribuzione.
L'uomo, che si era allontanato, si è fatto vivo: si era allontanato dalla zona.
Lo ha reso noto il sindaco Enrico Trantino. L'allerta era scattato dopo che un familiare lo aveva cercato dicendo non riuscire a trovarlo, ma qualcuno aveva detto di averlo visto fuggire dopo il boato che ha scatenato anche un incendio.
submitted by Zano_76 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Goodmorning111 What is the dumbest force ability?

We all know that what the force can do has been steadily increasing over the years, in games, tv shows and of course the movies, it starting out as things like the ability to float things with your mind, sort of see the future in order to deflect blaster fire, the ability to manipulate minds but since then it has increased a lot.
So with that in mind what do you consider to be the dumbest force ability that has been shown in Star Wars, in any form of media?
For me it has to be two.
Force Speed looks really dumb, so for brief moments Jedi become the Flash, it seemingly rarely used, perhaps because the writers realise it looks dumb and doesn't feel right with what we know of the force, it making Jedi look a bit too much like otherworldly gods, while also making them look silly as well.
The other, in the Last Jedi where Leia somehow survives being blown out into space and Mary Poppins her way back to the ship, no explanation of how the force did that, and it not really feeling consistent with what we know of the Force.
So what about you, what do you think is the dumbest force ability you have seen?
submitted by Goodmorning111 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Electronic-Mud8106 Can anyone from HK check where can I buy Bose A20.

submitted by Electronic-Mud8106 to flying [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 CopyDopy Plateaus in India

Plateaus in India submitted by CopyDopy to GKforExam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 AnemonesLover Candidatura

Anche se c'entra ben poco con gli argomenti generali di questo sub, ho pensato di rivolgermi qui perché ho a che fare per la maggior parte con persone di genere femminile.
Dunque, ho iniziato da poco un lavoro come operaia nel settore comestico. Stavo pensando di mandare cv a un'altra azienda nei pressi perché più vicina a casa e inoltre anche la paga è un pochino più elevata, cosa che ovviamente pesa nella scelta per lo stesse ore di lavoro, dovrei prendere circa €100 in più netti mensili).
Ebbene, sono titubante nel mandare il curriculum: nel presente ho scritto di essere ancora "in corso" e per di più c'è anche il nome dell'azienda. Potrebbe questo influire negativamente nella risposta? Inoltre, ho un tremendo timore che venga segnalato prima che io faccia il colloquio all'azienda dove lavoro ora, come evitare l'imbarazzo e il licenziamento?
Grazie a chi legge e risponde :)
submitted by AnemonesLover to xxitaly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 benchamin-freightlin Galt MacDermot - Aquarius

submitted by benchamin-freightlin to VideoSoulandVibration [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 rishabhsharma25 Is tax study material changed for May 2025 Inters?

Hello, I did coaching classes of May 2024 batch. But, I haven't cleared the exams yet. I'm doing just self studies now.
Can anyone knowlegeable person please tell me, would the study material for May 2025 be changed? And, how should I prepare accordingly?
Also, I had one more question.
So, I studied as per May 2024 classes. So, do I need to watch the 'statutory update' videos of September 2024, January 2025 and May 2025 in order to give the exams of May 2025? Or, do I need to only watch the 'statutory update' videos of May 2025?
Please respond to my questions, it will be very much help to this guy from a small town of Assam.🙏🏼
submitted by rishabhsharma25 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Macintosh79 Do you think I can repair the damages on this watch

This guy wants to sell me this Omega watch for $100 and I’m wondering if I can make it look cosmetically good again? I want to take it to my local watchmaker. (sorry for not adding photos on my last post😅)
submitted by Macintosh79 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 ObjectiveMaster7565 Why is ranked full of clueless players?!

Honestly, I can’t wrap my head around how people approach ranked play sometimes. It feels like half the players I get matched with have never even glanced at a guide or understand basic teamwork. Like, how are we supposed to win when:

• Players don’t communicate. Pings and chat exist for a reason—use them constructively! • Everyone wants to be the hero, but no one wants to play support or fill critical roles. • People ignore objectives entirely. What’s the point of picking fights away from the goal? • And for the love of everything, stop spamming “What a save!” or “Nice one!” sarcastically after every mistake. It’s not helping—it’s just tilting everyone further. 
And don’t even get me started on the players who completely give up after the first goal. We’re 10 seconds in, and you’re already throwing a tantrum or AFKing? Why even queue up?!
I get it, not everyone is a pro, and mistakes happen, but there’s a difference between learning and just straight-up trolling or not caring. If you’re in ranked, try! It’s not just your game on the line; it’s the entire team’s effort.
Am I asking too much? Or is ranked just doomed to be a coin flip of competence and maturity?
Last season seemed to be ok.. this season I’m fucking pulling out my hair.
submitted by ObjectiveMaster7565 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 hagelslagopbrood How would I synthesize this?

submitted by hagelslagopbrood to chemhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 ArgumentAgitated5945 which is the performance polymers for the dish soap liquid that can enhance the viscosity and the foam and the softness?

submitted by ArgumentAgitated5945 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 InstructionJust818 Pianura Padana a ultra

Continuo ad avere problemi di rendering con la pianura padana, secondo voi é mal ottimizzata? Il framerate é ok ma la distanza di rendering si riduce parecchio specialmente quando fa freddo in questo periodo
submitted by InstructionJust818 to italygames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 xhasa_2004 Do you need to preprocess data fetched from APIs? CleanTweet makes it super simple!

Hey everyone,
If you've ever worked with text data fetched from APIs, you know it can be messy—filled with unnecessary symbols, emojis, or inconsistent formatting.
I recently came across this awesome library called CleanTweet that simplifies preprocessing textual data fetched from APIs. If you’ve ever struggled with cleaning messy text data (like tweets, for example), this might be a game-changer for you.
With just two lines of code, you can transform raw, noisy text into clean, usable data (Image ). It’s perfect for anyone working with social media data, NLP projects, or just about any text-based analysis.
Check out the linkedln page for more updates

submitted by xhasa_2004 to learndatascience [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 bonechill456 SR not working as it's supposed to...

Hey y'all. Im on SR since a year with a handful of relapses. I've noticed that in the initial days there were some benifits- for example , increased confidence and clarity.
But as I am observing for the past few months, though there were few improvements in some areas of my life- I'm having a hard time. My insecurities have come up more and I feel this load of anxiety/ depression. I've had a breakup 2 years back- but all my insecurities and sorrow is coming up and I'm in constant emptiness.
It's not improving or worsening. It's just there. My confidence is so low. It's like everything that was there inside me covered up, has been uncovered and it's just there everyday and it's not going away.
I know SR is for my ultimate good and I'm not going to give up the practice. But can anyone who has been through similar situations guide me or give me some pointers to overcome this obstacle? I really need some help...
submitted by bonechill456 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Impossible_Mix_3792 1/21 Pickup

1/21 Pickup Placed a couple of orders last week on different days and they both arrived yesterday. Went with the Oreoz and Cheetah Piss Essentials and the Grpae Gas and Temptation preferred. Also snagged an eighth of the Granddaddy Purple. Very pleased with this pickup.
Pics 1-5 in order: Temptation, Oreoz, Cheetah Piss, Grape Gas, and GDP.
submitted by Impossible_Mix_3792 to LitFarms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 BenTenInches Hey what do you do when the enemy team goes 3 strategists?

Like I'm not very high rank and I get decimated whenever I see like a Mantis, Cloak/Dagger and Luna all at once. I main Vanguard and Strategist, I feel like I just get rolled no matter what the rest of the enemy team is. My DPS can't seem to out damage the healing even if I make enough space for them and the ults in succession makes it hard to push them off points. Should I try to get my team on board to match their comp or there's nothing I can do except play better?
submitted by BenTenInches to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 viagosfaverook Minrathous.

Minrathous. You gotta admit using a filter on photo mode really adds something else to it 🥰.
submitted by viagosfaverook to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 oxylover1629 EDIBLE COMMUNITY, I NEED YOUR HELP!

EDIBLE COMMUNITY, I NEED YOUR HELP! So I have chronic bronchitis and have been forced into a break from smoking. I decided to cop myself 1ml of FECO from trusted source. What I need help with is dosing ideas, wtf do I do with this stuff? Eat it straight? Feco hot chocolate? I want to hear what you do with yours, please do advise a fellow stoner!
submitted by oxylover1629 to treedibles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Fragrant_College_566 CNfans Valentino Rockrunners🌄🔥

CNfans Valentino Rockrunners🌄🔥 Really nice shoes👟
submitted by Fragrant_College_566 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 acoffeeperson How to dispose UPS?

I have 2 UPS which already have issues thus not used anymore, and switched to a servo motor AVR. Anyone know how to dispose them or at least sell them? Junk shops won’t accept them since baka di nila alam i-handle.
AWP AID1000 Pro Aide 1000VA AWP AID1500 Pro LCD 1500VA
submitted by acoffeeperson to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 creepykitkenYT Are ARPG so good?

I've been streaming for eight months. I started with Fallout 4 and then played Fallout 76, Phasmophobia, Resident Evil, Overwatch and Marvel, Borderlands, Farcry, I think I've played just about everything. I had the most viewers on Fallout 76 and a lot of new Friends on my FO List. In PVP the chat is dead, lots of lurks, everyone wants to play together- I've now been given a game as a gift, Path of Exile 2, and I've noticed a huge increase in chat and viewers. Are ARPG games so popular?it’s my first arpg after diablo 3. I like the game, but I also like FPS - it's just that very few people watch it and I wanted to ask what you think why that is? My next game will be Titan Quest 2 - I like ARPG, but I can't explain why I now have twice as many viewers.
submitted by creepykitkenYT to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 StunningMeringue5087 Beware my friends.

Beware my friends. submitted by StunningMeringue5087 to philly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 aceraspire8920 Why are Cypriot businesses being sold off to foreign interests?

submitted by aceraspire8920 to cyprus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 rocknroi Meet TakeProfit Low-Latency Cloud Alerts!⚡️

submitted by rocknroi to TakeProfit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Quirky_Ad_5420 “I was Wrong “ [Superman #22 (2025)]

submitted by Quirky_Ad_5420 to comicbooks [link] [comments]