Share your most impressive Leagues V achievement

2025.01.22 11:33 F-O Share your most impressive Leagues V achievement

Share your most impressive Leagues V achievement submitted by F-O to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 SufferJS Pejotização - Preciso de opiniões

Olá pessoal, estou passando por uma situação complicada no meu trabalho e gostaria de saber se outros já passaram por algo parecido ou podem me ajudar a entender meus direitos.
Fui contratado como PJ por uma empresa brasileira há 2 anos e 6 meses. Quando entrei, a promessa era de flexibilidade no horário de trabalho, desde que eu participasse das reuniões e entregasse as tarefas combinadas. Porém, com o passar do tempo, sinto que as coisas mudaram e agora estou me sentindo muito pressionado.
Atualmente, sou obrigado a preencher planilhas de horas trabalhadas e seguir um “pedido” de estar disponível em certos horários, que na prática funciona como uma exigência. Tenho um “chefe” que constantemente monitora meu trabalho, cobra entregas em horários específicos e, recentemente, me deu uma “advertência” porque precisei levar minha esposa grávida para uma emergência médica e não avisei previamente.
Para piorar, ele ainda disse que minha ausência estava “afetando os resultados da equipe” e que eu preciso me organizar melhor. Isso aconteceu mesmo sem eu deixar de entregar nenhuma das minhas tarefas. Quando questionei sobre os resultados afetados, ele mencionou algo subjetivo, como “sentir” no dia a dia.
O mais estranho é que, quando comentei que a exigência de horários fixos poderia configurar subordinação (algo típico de vínculo empregatício), ele disse que era apenas um “pedido”, mas, na prática, é uma exigência.
Gostaria de saber:

  1. Alguém já passou por algo assim?
  2. Isso configura “pejotização”?
  3. Vale a pena entrar com uma ação para reconhecimento de vínculo empregatício?
  4. Quais os riscos de tomar alguma atitude nesse sentido?
Agradeço desde já pela ajuda!
submitted by SufferJS to brdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 lilsxcrown Should i even bother coming at 7?

Should i even bother coming at 7? my brother sent me a picture of the parking lot at 5 am and theres like no one there. havent heard any news from managers or team leads about it closing today. should i even bother coming into work today?
submitted by lilsxcrown to walmart [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 hedgewitchattempt How to be one of those people who leave bathroom stalls smelling good?

Title pretty much - I WANT to be one of those people who leave a stall or bathroom smelling good/better than it did when they came in. You know when you go into a stall expecting the worst and it smells so unexpectedly nice? Are we all just sneaking perfumes in there with us while we pee? Or are we like covered in so much perfume that it lingers where we've been? Loop me in pls folks
submitted by hedgewitchattempt to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 PA2Jersey SIOP help

I recently accepted a position to be head of Demand, SIOP, the only issue is I’ve never been part of that process before. Would this group be able to give me tips on what is needed to be successful? I am working in the defense industry. Thanks in advance!
submitted by PA2Jersey to supplychain [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 LivyyLzz Anyone did this trend?🤭

Anyone did this trend?🤭 submitted by LivyyLzz to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Silly-Researcher-229 [PS5] W: help with godskin duo H: idk

submitted by Silly-Researcher-229 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Glowing_up #39 Turnip boy commits tax evasion

Really fun game but needs to be played on a controller ideally! Quite light hearted and not really challenging at all.
submitted by Glowing_up to steamachievements [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Traditional_Row_3664 Switching from insurance to banking

Hi guys
So, I've been an internal auditor in the insurance industry for over four years now and have been doing really well but I have a strong interest in the banking sector. My concern is that my lack of experience in banking might be a barrier. I want to see your thoughts on this or if anyone has experienced that before (from insurance to banking) and how their experience was?
submitted by Traditional_Row_3664 to InternalAudit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 ChelsHamem This is the type of cat that would try to sell me magical potions in the woods. I'd buy them all.

This is the type of cat that would try to sell me magical potions in the woods. I'd buy them all. submitted by ChelsHamem to notmycat [link] [comments]


BONJOUR? POUVEZ6VOUS ME DONNER LA DATE DE L4EMISSION. JE NE TROUVE PAS EN REPLAY§ CENSURE DES MEDIAS§ submitted by According_Monk7854 to Dinosaure [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 kaspar_hauser007 Can it be fixed?

Can it be fixed? I found an interesting auction for a used Montrose Pro saddle, but the end of the saddle is broken. Can it be repaired or reinforced?
submitted by kaspar_hauser007 to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Critical-Repeat8226 STUCKED

Hi guys. Does anyone know how to pass of july in pcm24 . Im stucked because of transfer points. I cant open any riders or delete any so cant continue the game . Its really annoying and I tried already to go forward in the calender but not possible because they want me to react to this
submitted by Critical-Repeat8226 to procyclingmanager [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Zestyclose_Divide963 Fun,funny,funniest
submitted by Zestyclose_Divide963 to Instagram_funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Hoper_223 I accidentally derma stamped with 3mm

I derma stamped with 3 mm length accidentally, i didn’t push the needle all in the scalp but I’m worried, it was only few times before i realized
submitted by Hoper_223 to tressless [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 ArsRBX Sprint Car

Sprint Car I am not a car designer but as spring is coming up I thought a great car for the season would be a sprint car.If a modeler sees this please make this, I think it would be a great addition for [S25] .Here is a picture of it.Thank you.
submitted by ArsRBX to JailbreakCreations [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Flat_Web6913 MicroStrategy-Bitcoin-Arbitrage-Bot – Geld drucken, während die Börse pennt?

Hey Leute, ich hab da eine Idee, die mir gerade nicht mehr aus dem Kopf geht: Wir alle wissen, dass MicroStrategy (MSTR) quasi die Aktienversion von Bitcoin ist – sobald BTC steigt, geht auch MSTR steil nach oben (und vice versa, wenn’s runtergeht). Aber Bitcoin wird rund um die Uhr gehandelt, während MSTR an „normalen“ Börsenzeiten klebt.
Meine Idee:

Warum ich glaube, dass das klappen könnte?
Jetzt brauche ich euch! Ich hab zwar ein bisschen Plan, aber sicher nicht genug, um alle Tücken bei den verschiedenen Produkten (Knock-Outs, Spreads, Slippage, mögliche Liquiditätsfalle etc.) in- und auswendig zu kennen. Also:
Ich bin offen für jede Kritik, Tipps und Warnungen. Und falls es Sinn macht, würde ich mich mega freuen, das Ding zusammen umzusetzen.
submitted by Flat_Web6913 to mauerstrassenwetten [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 obvodnycanal Spotify only scrobbling once per 3 weeks

For some reason my spotify account sends data to only once per 3 weeks and with this I lose one week of data. Does anyone else have this problem and knows what can i do to fix this? I know that spotify scrobble thing is very laggy, but this never happened before…
submitted by obvodnycanal to lastfm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 yumiko0110 If you haven't landed your first client, let me tell you why you shouldn't give up just yet. (Advice for Newbies, Part 1)

If you haven't landed your first client, let me tell you why you shouldn't give up just yet. (Advice for Newbies, Part 1) If you're a newbie at freelancing and have not been successful yet, don't give up just yet. I hope I can inspire you by sharing my story.
When I was 17 years old, I sold sim cards as a part-timer, but the pay was not enough to help fund my college tuition fee.
A year later, I Googled opportunities online and came across oDesk (now Upwork). Signing up was easy! 18 na ako, may valid IDs, pwede na magopen ng bank account. Also, I was very confident because I thought I was really good at writing.
But it took me a year before landing my first client. When we wrapped up the project, she gave me a 5-star rating and a positive review. Plus, she recommended me to people in her network.
I'm now 32. 14 years later, I'm still doing freelancing as a side hustle. I've gained confidence to make introductions to clients who might need my services without using a platform like Upwork. And I haven't thought about quitting yet because I'm still doing what I love and that is writing.
Do your best to get that ONE GOOD CLIENT, build your relationship with that client and everything will change.
Advice #1: Ratings or positive reviews aren't just about getting things done. It's about BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP that lasts.
And when you're already doing freelancing, don't build a "magkakapera naman ako kasi may side hustle ako" mindset. Think "sa susunod na araw pwedeng bigla akong mawalan ng client." It helped me stay humble and grounded. It taught me to value my hard-earned money and spend it on more important things.
Advice #2: Upgrading the quality of your life doesn't mean buying everything you want. Instead, FOCUS ON THINGS YOU NEED TO BE BETTER AT WHAT YOU DO.
For example, maybe upgrade your set-up so it can keep up with the tasks. Or buy a gadget that you can use to improve your productivity. Whatever it is, find a reason why you need to get it instead of why you want it.
I'll share these for now and will write another one during my free time. See you later!
submitted by yumiko0110 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 cidadehoje Famalicão: Inquérito sobre a demografia do concelho termina esta quinta-feira

submitted by cidadehoje to cidadehoje [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 thebesttoyou Caroline Fleming reklame

Caroline Fleming reklame Er det egentlig ok at Caroline Fleming reklamere ihærdigt for egen og kærestens nye virksomhed? Virker som noget af en gråzone, at der hverken nævnes, at det er reklame eller hvilken relation hun har til varen / virksomheden, som hun er meget imponeret over?
submitted by thebesttoyou to InfluencergossipDK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Ill_Purple_3720 I think I’m masturbating too much.

I’m a 16 yr teen guy and I’ve been masturbating since I was 13 now 3 years later I feel like I’m doing it too much, like 3-4 times a day and I just wanna know if anyone else has this problem and if it’s bad.
submitted by Ill_Purple_3720 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 zipeater anime_irl

submitted by zipeater to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 HoneydewFun9154 ഇതുപോലുള്ള wife/Gf ഉള്ളവർ ഉണ്ടോ

ഇതുപോലുള്ള wife/Gf ഉള്ളവർ ഉണ്ടോ submitted by HoneydewFun9154 to mallu__kambi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:33 Vast_Anteater_3122 Why'd they gotta make him look so cute 😭

Does anyone think the dragon looks cute or is it just me? I feel so bad for hitting him😭☹️
submitted by Vast_Anteater_3122 to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments]