2025.01.22 13:53 thesweetestfrayer Optimizing for purchase through direct messages?
Hey, guys.
I am looking for a way to optimize my ads for purchase through dms on Instagram. Say, as if there was a pixel event for purchase that could send the data back to Meta to help my campaigns to aim at a better prospective customer base.
I’ve heard that the new chat labels can help with that, but is it all? Another thing I read is enabling advanced messaging between the Facebook Page and Insta as a pre-requisite for labelling orders as “paid” to work as a purchase pixel, but I haven’t found any materials to back it up.
Otherwise, I can always use CRM like ManyChat, but what are my options without it?
Thanks in advance
submitted by thesweetestfrayer to FacebookAds [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 Such_Temporary1438 Rolled up holiday pay included in hourly rate. Misunderstanding or deception?
I noticed a job advertisement on Indeed that was advertising for a warehouse operative at £15 per hour on a zero hour contract. So naturally I assumed this would have holidays on top. Well I applied and got the job only to find out they hadn't sorted out the contract situation yet and they were dropping the hourly rate to £14 for now. At this point I am deemed self employed, but since they were a startup family business and I wanted to help I forewent the £1 pay cut, holiday pay and pension contributions in the meantime while they get the contracts sorted. During this time it was understood that my hourly pay would be "£16 an hour (subject to tax deductions)" for the position of supervisor (which I had already been acting as unofficially) when the contract is signed and agreed. Upon receipt of the contract (present day, 3 months later) I noticed it has stated "your rate of pay is £16 per hour, of which 12.07% is rolled up holiday pay". So essentially my hourly rate is £14.28 then? I disputed this, aswell as the zero hour aspect of it as I have been working 50 hour weeks for that's past 3 months. They revised the contract to give me 40 hours but told me they cant increase the pay. I've told them I will be unavailable for work until further notice until I have evaluated the situation.
I just wondered what people in similar situations or more experience think on this?
submitted by Such_Temporary1438 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 bot-bouncer Overview for myforgottenman
submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 kaisercandle Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, was wirklich in Duftkerzen steckt? 🕯️
Die meisten Duftkerzen enthalten leider synthetische Duftstoffe, die alles andere als gesundheitsfreundlich sind. 😬 Aufgrund intransparenter Angaben und mangelnder gesetzlicher Kennzeichungspflicht ist es oft schwierig, herauszufinden, was wirklich enthalten ist.
Ich habe mich im letzten Jahr intensiv mit natürlichen Alternativen beschäftigt – vor allem mit naturreinen ätherischen Ölen vs. künstlichen Duftstoffen (häufig "Duftöle" oder "Parfümöle" genannt) – und die Unterschiede sind krass!
💡 Mein Tipp: Achte beim Kauf auf 100% naturreine ätherische Öle – sie sorgen nicht nur für einen angenehmen Duft, sondern steigern dein Wohlbefinden auf allen Ebenen.
Falls dich das Thema interessiert, gibt es hier ein kurzes Video mit den wichtigsten Infos zusammengefasst: Ätherische Öle vs Duftöle. 😊
👉 Welche Erfahrungen hast du mit (natürlichen) Duftkerzen gemacht? Achtest du beim Kauf auf bestimmte Angaben?
submitted by kaisercandle to NaturalCandlesDE [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 essskaay How to bypass lost mode on iPhone
So I have a friend who's bringing in iPhone and using the apple warranty he will claim that it is lost. How can I bypass the lost mode provided that I have his apple id and password?
submitted by essskaay to jailbreak_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 incisivetea 250122 Hongjoong for @eyesmag
submitted by incisivetea to 8TEEZ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 karly-chan [WeWantOut] 23F and 25M US-> Canada/Spain/Portugal/Netherlands
So my current job is OF(ik controversial) but it is entirely remote, legal in most countries, a business and I make six figures so I have income to work with. And my partner is at a bakery, but we both would like to go back to school soon. He has two years of Uni and is going to switch his major and finish and I graduated from Cosmetology at 18, but I’m considering engineering/comp sci just for fun but could be a good gateway into lots of other jobs in the future- we are also not opposed to going to school in another country.
His grandfather is a survivor of the holocaust so he has direct ties to the Netherlands, but I don’t think he kept his citizenship. And my great grandfather came from Portugal.
We have both taken Spanish classes and I know a moderate amount of Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese, but languages are easy to learn for both of us. And he knows a bit of Spanish, Dutch and Hebrew. I am also open to other European countries and have no issues picking up languages but I’d like to find a country I feel has the best opportunities in terms of schools, medical care, quality of living and affordability, raising a family, etc.
Canada is also like one or two states away from me currently so it’s doable if I wanted to stay nearby, but I do really hate the cold and very cloudy areas.
I am aware of the dedication and time it takes to do research on a country, visit, learn the languages and cultures but I’d like to narrow my options down and also am open to other countries as well. I have also considered Germany, Finland, Sweden or Denmark.
submitted by karly-chan to IWantOut [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 PrizeDapper5603 Viktor is like Ultron
submitted by PrizeDapper5603 to arcane [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 Switzerland_123 What is your favourite track in videogames?
submitted by Switzerland_123 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 Single_Sprinkles_438 It’s 6 degrees Fahrenheit outside.
submitted by Single_Sprinkles_438 to airplaneears [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 urast Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi'ndeki yangın çıkan Grand Kartal Otel'in içi FPV dronla görüntülendi
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi'nde çıkan yangında 76 vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetti ve Grand Kartal Otel ciddi hasar aldı. Yangının ardından birçok kişi olayın detaylarını merak ederken, otelin içi FPV drone ile görüntülendi. Yangın sonrası otelin hangi durumda olduğu bu görüntülerle ortaya çıktı.
submitted by urast to Turkey [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 hollyr85x Supportive bff😆
submitted by hollyr85x to dogvideos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 Hannahjb1310 Is there an app or website where you can type in ingredients and it can tell you what to bake?
Hello! First time poster in this sub.
I’m not a baker. But it’s snowy outside and I’ve just moved into a new house with a lovely kitchen and now I’m itching to bake. The thing is that I have limited ingredients, but I KNOW there is something I could whip up with what I’ve got. Does this app/service exist? Or maybe you lot could help me?
I’ve got flour, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, milk, two bananas, regular and golden Oreos, and about 15 pieces of chocolate leftover from an advent calendar.
submitted by Hannahjb1310 to Baking [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 Lopsided_Remove_5103 help with advice
Hello, please help me with some advice.
I used to have an Epi Les Paul Custom Pro guitar (2011) - it was stolen. Now I'm planning to buy a new one, and I don't know what to get between:
Epi LP Modern (2022), Epi LP Custop Pro TV Pelham from Japan (2013), or take the one that was? LP Custom Pro (2011-16)..
submitted by Lopsided_Remove_5103 to Epiphone [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 lnfinity Zesty Herb-Crusted Tofu Cutlets
submitted by lnfinity to recipegifs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 muqueca0006 não passei no curso que queria
acabo de ver que n fui convocado pra usp e msm q n tivesse sido meu plano inicialmente, isso me desanimou. Tentei pra eng de comp na poli (infelizmente, a eng mais concorrida) e acho mt difícil ser convocado pra segunda chamada dado a minha nota. Dá mesma forma, consegui ingressar em uma faculdade perto de mim (UFABC) para um curso q me pareceu interessante, mas vejo mt gente reclamando de lá, dizendo q n compensa ir devido ao projeto da faculdade em si q pode acabar me fazendo ficar preso na faculdade por 6 anos (isso em uma perspectiva otimista). Agora não faço ideia oq faço daq pra frente. Me inscrevi em concurso de bolsa pra cursinho mas n sei se compensa tentar mais um longo ano, apesar de eu ter mt interessante pela usp (por motivos obvios) ou se tento encarar a ufabc com um atraso quase garantido na minha formação. Outra coisa q me deixa mal é ver mt gente da minha sala conseguindo aprovação nos cursos do sonho enqt eu fico pra trás. Além de tudo isso, por causa do meu ensino médio ter sido integrado ao técnico, a duração do curso foi de 4 anos, ou seja vou me formar na faculdade mais velho doq a maioria. Enfim, tomar uma decisão q vai definir o rumo do meu futuro eh osso ☠️
submitted by muqueca0006 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 Legitimate_Reward_65 Vélemény
Sziasztok! Érdeklődnek hogyha valakinek megvan ez a szett mennyire meret aranyos? Pl én 175cm vagyok és a kabat részét szeretném “ruhakent” hordani. M-L javasolt akkor inkább vagy S? Koszi! submitted by Legitimate_Reward_65 to divat [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 LavishnessScared6144 Moustache/stubble, or clean shaven?
Can’t seem to grow a full beard, so these are basically my options, what do we think? submitted by LavishnessScared6144 to malegrooming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 Majeddb No swearing
submitted by Majeddb to youngpeopleyoutube [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 mimia_k What to focus on: Theme or Plot?
I have a conundrum. I'm working on a story on Wattpad, and 98% of the plot is laid out. I've been having much fun writing it, too. Initially, it started as a very generic story, but as I've grown, the story and characters have grown with me. The final product that I'm publishing has fairly fleshed out (i hope) characters and a pretty meaty (again, I hope) plot.
However, now that the plot is basically ready and progressing, another issue has come up. There's a clear theme that I'm realising has been prevalent in the plot. Now, I didn't exactly plan for it to be too deep, but I do think that if I tried, the possibility is there for the story to have a thematic core. Issue is, if I want to put focus on the themes, them I'll have to change the plot, especially the ending.
The plot focussed ending that I had prepared already is much more dramatic (which I love), but one that actually finishes the characters arcs in a deeper sense might be somewhat tame, but satisfying. What should I do?
submitted by mimia_k to Wattpad [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 PagLaon Kanta ka muna
submitted by PagLaon to filipuns [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 Signal-Craft-4063 My son just taught himself Joe Morello’s "Take Five" and even wrote a complete drum score. I don’t know much about music, but I just hope someone can provide him with some professional guidance.
submitted by Signal-Craft-4063 to Drumming [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 Mr-Cotorsio A really nice find today
I know it's not a Hot Wheels, but I think this is one of the most detailed 1/64 cars I've seen in a while, plus, hot wheels doesn't make Ferraris anymore, unfortunately.
This Daytona is from a collection of a Spanish company, and they also have other models like the F40, the problem is that the prices tend to go high, so I have to really consider buying the rest, cause it's not gonna be cheap🗿
submitted by Mr-Cotorsio to HotWheels [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:53 Independent-Cat-4810 this was in my bed wtf is it
located in western australia for context submitted by Independent-Cat-4810 to spiderID [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:53 ShelterEmotional4723 how do I get rid of this zylinder
submitted by ShelterEmotional4723 to snapmaker [link] [comments] |