Contul 471 „Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans” este un cont de activ. În debitul contului 471 „Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans” se inregistreaza: – sumele reprezentand abonamentele, chiriile, certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera achizitionate si alte cheltuieli efectuate anticipat (401, 512, 531). Cea mai performanta solutie software financiar-contabila CIEL Conta V7 este aplicatia perfecta cu ajutorul careia poti tine o evidenta corecta si la timp a inregistrarilor si descarcarilor contului 471. Contul 471 "Cheltuieli înregistrate în avans" Cu ajutorul acestui cont se ţine evidenţa cheltuielilor efectuate în avans care urmează a se suporta eşalonat pe cheltuieli, pe baza unui scadenţar, în perioadele/exerciţiile viitoare. Soldul debitor al contului reprezintă cheltuielile efectuate în avans. Contul 471 "Cheltuieli înregistrate în avans" este un cont de activ, cu ajutorul căruia se ţine evidenţa cheltuielilor efectuate în avans care urmează a se suporta eşalonat pe cheltuieli, pe baza unui scadenţar, în perioadele/exerciţiile financiare viitoare. Atunci cand se face o inregistrare pe contul 471 sau 472, se activeaza automat o caseta care permite configurarea descarcarii lunare, pe perioada dorita, a contului 471 /472 pe cheltuiala sau venitul dorit. Aici se selecteaza contul pe care se va face descarcarea, suma integrala, numarul de luni si data de incepare. În creditul contului 471 „Cheltuieli înregistrate în avans” se înregistrează: – sumele repartizate în perioadele/exerciţiile financiare următoare pe cheltuieli, conform scadenţarelor (605, 611 la 628, 652, 658, 666). Soldul contului reflectă cheltuielile efectuate în avans. Cu ajutorul contului 471 se tine evidenta cheltuielilor efectuate in avans care urmeaza a se suporta esalonat pe cheltuieli, pe baza unui scadentar, in perioadele/exercitiile financiare viitoare. Contul 471 „Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans” este un cont de activ. Contabilitatea veniturilor și cheltuielilor în avans presupune utilizarea conturilor 471, respectiv 472. Pe parcusul activității, în cursul exerciţiului financiar, dar mai ales la sfârşitul acestuia, apar unele operaţii economice care trebuie reflectate temporar în contabilitate şi care, ulterior, urmează a fi anulate sau ... Cheltuielile platite/de platit si veniturile incasate/de incasat in exercitiul financiar curent, dar care privesc exercitiile financiare urmatoare, se inregistreaza distinct in contabilitate, la cheltuieli in avans (contul 471 "Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans") sau venituri in avans (contul 472 "Venituri inregistrate in avans"), dupa caz. Cu ajutorul contului 471 „Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans” se tine evidenta cheltuielilor efectuate in avans care urmeaza a se suporta esalonat pe cheltuieli, pe baza unui scadentar, in perioadele/exercitiile financiare viitoare.
2025.01.22 15:04 lss_web_1444 Link post title 471
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 utku1337 I wrote an open source tool to test prompt injection attacks
Two years ago, I released "promptmap", the first tool that automatically tests prompt injection attacks in GPT applications. But since then, open source models became popular and new prompt injection techniques are discovered. This led me to completely rewrite the tool. Now it supports any open-source model thanks to Ollama.
Feed it with system prompts of your LLM application and let it perform automated prompt injection attacks. It will reveal potential vulnerabilities and determine if attackers could extract your system prompts.
Any feedback is welcome:
submitted by utku1337 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 hanahaki7 i need an artist friend with a good art style so badly
WHO IS ALSO INTO UNDERTALE !! i want a friend that will draw our characters together and talk about undertale from loving it just as much as me, as a writer i would just love to have an artist friend by my side, drawing our ocs together while i write details about them etc. it would just be compatible and balance eachother out.
submitted by hanahaki7 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Crafty-Spinach195 How to turn off predictive text??
I’ve DuckDuckGo-ed this and Googled it and looked through all my settings and can’t seem to find an answer. Is there a way to turn predictive text (I think that’s the right term?) off in DuckDuckGo? I’m using Version 1.118.1 (331) of the DDG browser on macOS 15.2 (24C101). I’m a writeeditor and I made an error yesterday that I think was caused by me hitting the wrong button and accepting the word DuckDuckGo thought I was trying to say. “Repetitional” instead of “reputational.” It did some “repetitional damage” to me as an editor. This is a screenshot of what I’m talking about: Halp? submitted by Crafty-Spinach195 to duckduckgo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 Manlypumpkins Help with my portfolio
I current have VOO, VXUS, AVUV. The split is 60-20-20. Is this a good portfolio or what should I change. I’m 33 and this is more of just a side investment for me for long term.
submitted by Manlypumpkins to ETFs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Ok-Ingenuity9833 What if we got a DBD Chapter where The Entity was like "Fine, I'll do it myself"
submitted by Ok-Ingenuity9833 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 KIDNEYST0NEZ Need advice for converting wood fireplace to propane for heat.
I am running 3/4” black pipe to under my fireplace in a crawl space. I was wondering if I should do insert and if I need to just drill a hotel straight through the bottom of my fireplace to run gas. I plan to run the yellow corrugated stainless steel from black pipe up into fireplace. What obstacles am I looking at and how do I vent it or does ventless really mean ventless? Thank you. submitted by KIDNEYST0NEZ to Fireplaces [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 Celtic_Crown Masha Slamovich & Spitfire vs Rosemary & Ash and Heather By Elegance announced for live TNA iMPACT tomorrow
submitted by Celtic_Crown to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Digskalel I think I look cute today
submitted by Digskalel to cuteguys [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 junevamp تيك توك
ياجماعه حذفت التيك توك to expand my attention span مع خطط السنة الجديدة، لكن اعاني الحين من withdrawals وجيت بحمله مالقيته بالاب ستور وين راح! وضعي مش اوكيه🆘
submitted by junevamp to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Sufficient-Head216 Navi won’t stop running
Someone tried to steal my bike with a handlebar break lock on it. They lifted it by the handlebars and rolled it down the block but gave up after tht and just left it. I have an AirTag in it and found it but once I did I noticed that the back tire is let’s spinning and going about 10 mph and won’t stop unless I’m holding the brakes. It’s basically constantly running and is really annoying to deal with and also unsafe. Can anyone please tell me what the issue is? I went to a random Chinese scooter shop and they said it would cost 130$ to fix it but didn’t tell me what the issue is.
submitted by Sufficient-Head216 to hondanavi [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Newsies2011 Atlanta's 25/26 season lineup
Lineup includes Harry Potter, Hell's Kitchen, The Outsiders and others:
submitted by Newsies2011 to Broadway [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Lunita2929 Dating a man with psy problems
F28 here, I met an M36 man at a work party 4 weeks ago. It went well, he kissed me, we talked a lot, we almost slept together. We texted and flirted over the Christmas holidays. We said we'd see each other when we got back from holidays. I got back to work. So I suggested we have a drink together to continue what we'd started. He replied "I'd love to, of course, I don't know when because my life is complicated at the moment, but of course I'd like to, I've thought about it." I played it cool and without pressure, telling him to keep me updated. It's been 1 week and I haven't heard about anything. He sent me a message at work on Monday to know how my weekend has been going but that's it. I was tired so I tried to talk to him and asked him how he felt about the situation. He was very vague once again he told me it had nothing to do with me and that he wanted to see me but that he had to solve issues with himself. He did not reject me at all and told me he would come back to me. But nothing more precise. I know from workmates that he may have been diagnosed with BPD/bipolar issues a few years ago. I haven't seen him at work since because he's working remotely and from what I've heard, he's in a pretty bad state of mind, using substances to cope with his current mood (one of my workmates is very close to him and to me so he's a kind of bridge between us, he's giving news when the dude is not lol).
Is there anything I can do? I don't know how to proceed. He obviously likes me but everything seems so complicated already. I don't know if I have to give him space or just forget about the idea to date him, even for a non-committed relationship.
Thank you !
Tl;dr : already complicated with a man.
submitted by Lunita2929 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Ambitious-Brush4973 Maison margiela t-shirt
submitted by Ambitious-Brush4973 to CoutureReps [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 Spare_Jicama3622 Travelling with pets
This summer, I am planning to travel from Canada to Europe (Greece) with a dog and 2 cats. I found a pet friendly accommodation, I understand the travel rules to take them into Greece from Canada. I understand that I am insane for doing this haha. I am travelling with them as I will be there for 3 months and testing out living abroad. I am aware that Greece is very hot in the summer so the animals will need to remain inside with AC during mid day (I am an early riser so getting out activity in early will be no issue). Is there anything else I should be considering or should be aware of before I try to execute this?
Thanks :)
submitted by Spare_Jicama3622 to canadatravel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Panorabifle Google rolled up an obligatory update on all pixel 4a phones that ruined battery life on purpose
More info :
I found the timing very suspicious. My phone's battery was on par for any 4 year old phone, not up to it's prime but still very useable with one charge everyday. An update later, and it can't hold on the charge more than an hour at a time. Today I woke up at 90% and it went to 0% all of a sudden. I plugged it and it showed 53% wtf is happening ?
A malicious uptade to force my perfectly working phone into obsolescence is happening. They even called it in a very Orwellian way "Pixel 4a battery performance program" .
And no, changing the battery does not resolve the problem, even when done by Google themselves ! The above link is full of very aggravating info about this and how google is (mis)handling it.
What a bunch of pricks.
submitted by Panorabifle to Anticonsumption [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 eyal282 Nita build for Heist?
Title, I assume things could have changed since last answered.
submitted by eyal282 to BrawlStarsBrawlerINFO [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Fabulous287 Finally Caught Up :)
Excited to not be chasing new levels and just trying to get everything up to level 6 and work on the constellations. submitted by Fabulous287 to CellToSingularity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 LegendsofLost Happy Birthday To Yasuhiro Takato! 🥳🎉
submitted by LegendsofLost to ZombielandSaga [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 hammertimestudio What am I?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by hammertimestudio to riddonkulous_dev [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Nibbygzzg Cut or bulk? What u think is my BF?
6 months of gym, my weight basically stayed the same trough the process. Should I cut or build more muscle?d submitted by Nibbygzzg to BulkOrCut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:04 pbjclimbing 2025 Tea Drops Promo Code: Enjoy $10 Off Your First Purchase
Tea Drops Promo Code:
Tea Drops is a unique and delightful way to enjoy tea without the hassle of traditional brewing methods. These little drops of goodness are made from organic tea leaves and come in various flavors, making it super easy to enjoy a cup of tea anytime, anywhere. Just drop one in hot water, let it dissolve, and you’ve got yourself a delicious cup of tea in seconds. No teabags, no mess, just pure convenience.
One of the best things about Tea Drops is the variety they offer. Whether you’re in the mood for something fruity, floral, or classic, there’s a flavor for everyone. Plus, they’re made with high-quality ingredients, so you can feel good about what you’re sipping on. The packaging is also eco-friendly, which is a nice bonus for those who care about sustainability.
Using my referral link gives you the chance to get $10 off your first purchase. It’s a great way to try out different flavors without breaking the bank. So if you’re curious about this innovative tea experience, check it out and enjoy your discount while exploring all that Tea Drops has to offer.
submitted by pbjclimbing to promocodes [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 Raquel_Faller Has anyone made this joke already 😆
submitted by Raquel_Faller to TFTGS [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 HovercraftLittle7937 Haaa how do you increase your karma from negative 12 to negative 100?
submitted by HovercraftLittle7937 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:04 TigerNet-dot-com Chris Rumph pays visit to highly-touted Peach State defender
submitted by TigerNet-dot-com to tigernet [link] [comments] |