Suggestions for curating news for your exec

2025.01.22 15:59 Emmaline42 Suggestions for curating news for your exec

Hey all! My execs have asked for assistance with a process to get curated daily news on the economy, industry, and a few other topics. Just wondering how everyone pulls this info together. Do you have something automated? Do you help watch the news for relevant articles? Would love any advice and suggestions!
submitted by Emmaline42 to ExecutiveAssistants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 VegetableGlove6058 Post op groin and testicular pain

I'm 3 weeks out from bilateral laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, and about POD 8 noted different groin and testicular pain which has persisted while the other post op pain is improved. The pain is worse when sitting, radiating from site of hernia to testicle, sometimes right, sometimes left, often bilateral. I understand while this is not typical it can happen. By day 8 I was moving around fairly well and driving a little, but now have backed way off. Have others had this? Several questions: Is sitting harmful to the long term resolution, or just uncomfotable? Is stretching or PT a good idea? Have others had this, and what was your time course and road to recovery? My surgeon has not been particualrly helpful or informative regarding this.
submitted by VegetableGlove6058 to Hernia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 DON591 All saints

Saint please don't ⨂ me up, sorry
submitted by DON591 to rainworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Manethon_Sega Detailed frank review for Anycubic Kobra S1 combo

submitted by Manethon_Sega to anycubic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Odd_History_245 Thoughts on Pedri being called glorified Ceballos?

just wondering cause I see Madrid fans all over twitter calling Pedri "overrated" and "worse than Ceballos" whenever he is called the best CM in the world currently. I think they kinda jealous. What yall think?
submitted by Odd_History_245 to Barca [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 -Switch-2899 DEVIL DINOs Dirty SECRET

DEVIL DINOs Dirty SECRET So recently I’ve been rocking a Victoria Deck (I’ll attach screenshot) and sometimes I don’t get the hand I WANT. (no pun intended)..However, I have also recently found devil Dino’s SECRET. He likes collab-ing with mystique and moon stone… no wonder they call him the devil. See screenshots.
-Turn 4 moonstone random location. -Turn 5 devil Dino location that can be won with high power (not in same spot as moon stone) -Turn 6 mystique your devil Dino in the same location as moonstone -turn 6 also play some sort of card to add cards such ass Kate bishop or snow guard.
I’ll also show screenshot of the generic typical way my deck is played.
submitted by -Switch-2899 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 steezur Controller Deadzone Dilemma

I have had my controller for about 5 years. I have 0 stick drift, I could turn my deadzone down to literally 0 and it would not drive off to a certain direction. At first I thought this was a plus, but as I play around more with sittings, i’m wondering if It has a built in deadzone that could be hindering my gameplay. My 0.5 deadzone, is probably different than someone else’s 0.5 deadzone.
My question is, has anyone experienced this? Should I still be going with the lowest deadzone even with no drift? I’m thinking of experimenting with a new controller but I can’t tell if this is a blessing or a curse.
This isn’t just rocket league wide either, other games like Apex, and Call of Duty- I can play with no drift on my left stick. Right stick, can sometimes have some drift.
I play usually 1.5/1.5 0.5 but it feels tough (not super sharp), doesn’t feel as loose as i would think for some, I know settings are personal but I’m wondering if this could be an issue or i’m just overthinking the situation.
For reference,
My controller is a POWER A FUSION PRO V1 all other version of this controller had drift out the box (v2,v3) but not the good ol v1..
submitted by steezur to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Weary-Concentrate684 I guess the truth is not allowed here

I guess the truth is not allowed here
submitted by Weary-Concentrate684 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 raulit00 I have a Question

Hey guys I’m 18 not really a car guy, but I bought a brand new 2023 honda civic EX straight from the dealer. I would love to learn about the car community, and I’d love to keep my car as nice as possible, I’ve had it for a 1 year and 5 Months, to this date it has 27,000 miles, no mods, other than a spoiler, and blacked out emblems. I get very paranoid about certain things, and one of those is psi in tires,

  1. what should be the psi for winter months and summer months for tires, recommended anyways.
  2. How often should I change the tires and get news ones, since i haven’t changed them since I bought it from the lot, I driven 27,000 miles.
  3. Any specific mods I should look into, mainly like wheels, brand and size.
  4. Should I look into any fluids that need filled ( besides oil)
  5. Brake pads/ rotars how often should they be checked/ changed.
Thank you guys, and I hope to grow and learn, more about the honda/ car community!
submitted by raulit00 to carquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 rrmdp 📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur Objektplanung Tragwerksplanung (m|w|d) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH!

📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur Objektplanung Tragwerksplanung (m|w|d) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH! Company: Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH
Location: Remote (Achim, Deutschland) 📍
Date Posted: January 22, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Necessary-Click-7918 Justin trudeau drawing I made

Justin trudeau drawing I made submitted by Necessary-Click-7918 to ArtBuddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 AsPhat5 Can anyone trade a Scizor/ Scyther with metal coat, can tradeback if necessary?

submitted by AsPhat5 to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 vonhizzle Hello There

Hello There submitted by vonhizzle to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Buttermyparsnips Can we tone it down a bit

Can we tone it down a bit They need to atleast get rid of the svd next season. I’d rather run around with my knife
submitted by Buttermyparsnips to Warzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 v55x What is the name of this town?

What is the name of this town? submitted by v55x to GeoPuzzle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 rrmdp 📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur Planung Industriebau (m|w|d) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH!

📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur Planung Industriebau (m|w|d) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH! Company: Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH
Location: Remote (Köln, Deutschland) 📍
Date Posted: January 22, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Nice_Song5655 Est-ce que l'obsession avec l'argent s'arrête un jour ?

Bonjour à tous,
Je suis un jeune issu de famille très pauvre (famille monoparentale de 5 enfants) diplômé d'un bac+8 dans un domaine prometteur qui arrive enfin dans la vie active. J'ai réussi à obtenir un job avec un salaire très bon (3500 brut) dans une région du nord-est où les loyers sont convenables.
Toute ma vie j'ai galéré avec l'argent, je me suis toujours privé et j'ai toujours travaillé à côté de mes etudes pour avoir de l'argent de côté. Mais j'ai toujours eu peur de dépenser. Ca ne m'empêche pas de vivre, ni même de depenser quand c'est pour offrir, mais j'ai un stress permanent.
Cependant, a la vue de ma situation actuelle, je pensais que j'allais ENFIN me débarrasser de ce stress mais .... Pas du tout. Et je me demande alors si ce stress est permanent ? Je pense sérieusement à consulter pour ce problème.
Si vous avez été dans la même situation que moi, auriez vous des témoignages pour savoir comment ca a été pour vous ? Merci par avance
submitted by Nice_Song5655 to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Slickback24 2002 Passat

Can anyone recommend good lowering springs?
I don’t want it to be scraping on the floor just for the wheels to fill out the arches a little more and improve cornering please.
submitted by Slickback24 to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Old-Bat-6860 Do we believe in Rensch?

Rensch just landed in CIA, hopefully there won't be any problem with the medicals (see Danso) and he will be our first (and only, beside Ryan replacement?) signin for the jan window.
Do you believe we finally found our RB?
View Poll
submitted by Old-Bat-6860 to ASRoma [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Brilliant_Safety_175 Cant change graphics mode

Cant change graphics mode It won't let me change no matter what I do. I changed game and save data presetto performance and I changed my 120 hz output to auto. I even change my samsung tv setting yo game mode if that even does anything. Can someone please help me
submitted by Brilliant_Safety_175 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Relevant_Limit_4760 Participate on a 5 minute survey about fast fashion and the environment

Help a Desperate Student: Participate in a 5-Minute Survey on Fast Fashion and the Environment!
Hi everyone,
I’m a third-year psychology student in London, working on my final-year dissertation. For my research, I’m exploring fast fashion marketing and its environmental implications—a topic I’m really passionate about.
After receiving ethical approval and guidance from my supervisor, I’ve designed a short survey to gather data. The survey has been checked thoroughly and is now live! However, I’ve hit a bit of a wall in finding enough participants. Despite sharing the survey far and wide, I’ve only managed to gather 56 responses out of the 200 I need—and time is running out!
The survey is super quick—it takes less than 5 minutes to complete—and your input would mean the world to me. If you’re reading this and have a few moments to spare, I’d be incredibly grateful if you could participate.
Here’s the link:
Thank you so much for your support—I really appreciate it. And if you could share the link with friends, family, or anyone else who might be interested, that would be amazing too!
You’re helping not just me, but also contributing to research on an important and timely issue. Thanks again!
submitted by Relevant_Limit_4760 to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 elliesophia Stone Bath Mat in Poor Ventilation Area?

I have almost no air ventilation in my bathroom, so our bathmat is constantly wet. We clean the room frequently to ensure no mold buildup, but I am wondering if a stone bath mat would work in this space? Does it have the ability to soak up the water even in a space with poor ventilation?
submitted by elliesophia to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Soon2BGhost Clyde’s Black Cherry Review

I know this is a sample flavor as that's why I've had it. However, in case some people out there haven't gotten this flavor as a sample yet I thought I'd give a review out there of it for those who want to try it.
Smell: 10/10 Smells almost exactly how it tastes
Taste: 9/10 Tastes like a black cherry warhead without the sour. So if you sucked on it until all the sour were gone and were left woth the sweet black cherry center- that's this flavor. They nailed the black cherry taste to a T! If you've never had a black cherry warhead, then think of this as a watered down cherry taste. This is cherry koolaid if you added too much water and added sugar to it. This flavor is not as overpowering a cherry taste as maybe something like GOOD which tastes like red kool-aid. This is softer and sweeter, it tastes like sucking on a candy. That being said the watered down aspect is why I give this a 9/10. If you put less water, which I have before, than called for in it then it will be 10/10 and super sweet. Super duper sweet.
Sweetness: 10/10 This has to be one of the sweetest flavors, and being cherry it makes this taste even sweeter. Tastes like you're eating candy. So, if you're looking for a super sweet flavor to get this is the one for you!
Staining: 1/10 This flavor doesn't have a whole lot of color to it surprisingly, it's not like other cherry flavors. This flavor is clear with a slight reddish hue to it. It is only likely to discolor your cup if you use the same cup for this flavor hundreds of times. I don't see this flavor being likely to cause staining.
submitted by Soon2BGhost to gamersupps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Additional-Big-2255 Updated Resume

I recently got a promotion at work and started a new internship since applying to schools for MPH programs! I have already begun to hear back from schools but was wondering if there is a way to send an updated resume to the others? I emailed Harvard admissions and they added the updated version to my application - just wondering if it’s worth it to do for the others as well!
submitted by Additional-Big-2255 to mphadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:59 Lol33ta Orin by Bella Bergolts

Orin by Bella Bergolts submitted by Lol33ta to ImaginaryNobles [link] [comments]