
2025.01.22 19:10 freudianslip17 Help!

Help! Hi! I’m pretty new to the details of astrology, and am wondering if anyone has any insights about me/my life/important periods for me based on my chart? I know it’s quite air heavy (which I definitely feel!) and maybe quite imbalanced (lack of fire/watecardinal signs?) I’d love to hear any thoughts and insights 🫶✨
submitted by freudianslip17 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Substantial_Fail_429 Splendid art dump

Splendid art dump submitted by Substantial_Fail_429 to happytreefriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 ned1son Spinning my MVD Audio reissue of Fingerprince and debating whether to splurge on a Vinyl Out The Wazoo collection. 🤔

submitted by ned1son to The_Residents [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 mommabear1987 Job change

I've been offered a desk job at a different company. It's commission based and I'm really nervous. I have a wonderful dsl and part of me doesn't want to quit just because of how great of a boss he is BUT I've broken both my knees and femurs. I truly don't think I can physically keep up much longer. What would you do? The new job doesn't offer health insurance but pay is comparable and has the potential to be much more. I'm struggling with the right decision here.
submitted by mommabear1987 to FritoLay [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 EmotionalDaikon2832 Study advice

I am in grade 11 and next semester I’m going to have math chemistry and physics, does anyone have any studying tips on how to not lose motivation and stay focused. I am not so good at math so I will probably have a tutor for math…for me I always do really good on quizzes I get 85-90s but I do terrible on tests and maybe that’s because I do not practice word problems enough…I’m not sure about how I’m going to do in chemistry and physics but I get told that everyone’s doing terrible in those courses specifically physics
submitted by EmotionalDaikon2832 to studytips [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 IEatSmallRocksForFun Wall placeable materials would be cool.

Maybe clear shower curtain liners for windows, and corrugated sheet metal for filling in skeletons/adding a little more HP to bottom layer of structures. Both would be cool as sort of breakable outer shells that could also just fill the wall between two posts depending on building mode. With a sheet of metal over wood, maybe it's almost as strong as stone. With only a sheet, maybe weaker than wood (but fills the entire wall in one click). The plastic curtain could be useful for allowing line of sight while blocking one or two spears before falling down, and for having a nearly clear physical barrier.
submitted by IEatSmallRocksForFun to SonsOfTheForest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 epheterson Good time to rebalance the portfolio

Good time to rebalance the portfolio submitted by epheterson to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Formal-Wheel595 Price check plz

Haha i mean this one
submitted by Formal-Wheel595 to diablo2resurrected [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 TT_V6 Nipple tool for a Renegade

I'm usually pretty good at Google-fu but this time around I'm coming up short. What tool will fit on a Renegade 56 to remove the nipple?
submitted by TT_V6 to blackpowder [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Howtfyt Legit 1984 lol

Legit 1984 lol submitted by Howtfyt to OfficialDaebom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 GoldButter83 Vans Ds Jim Greco Escobars

Vans Ds Jim Greco Escobars Bought these in I believe 01’ in Tokyo. Still look great!
submitted by GoldButter83 to Vans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Gam3rGye Preventing frame drops

Most games I play on the deck are over 7 years old. For example, playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate at 40 fps, it will sometimes drop to the high 20s.
All graphics are set to medium, FSR on, TDP limited to 12w. Allow tearing is on. Given that Syndicate is a game from 2015, I am very shocked at the fps drop. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by Gam3rGye to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Safe_Importance_727 Dropped almost almost 14 kills IN RANKED, and fortnite crashed my entire windows operating system.

Fix your game epic games, this is unnacceptable, and I will sue. This is actually causing property damage to my pc, and your little bullshit clause will not protect you.
submitted by Safe_Importance_727 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 tk924 OTF Star Wars designs

OTF Star Wars designs I’ve got the Stormtrooper on order. I’ve found the Sith Lord, Jedi Knight and Bounty Hunter available. The SL will probably be my next purchase. The red blade looks so cool. Are there other Star Wars OTF blades out there?
submitted by tk924 to chineseknives [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 PracticalVolume8182 Selling this GB IOS acc for 100$, dm if interested

Selling this GB IOS acc for 100$, dm if interested my discord: hitari21
submitted by PracticalVolume8182 to DokkanBattleTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Shadows_48 Bitch your the one Shipping 2 Fictional Characters with nothing in common

Bitch your the one Shipping 2 Fictional Characters with nothing in common submitted by Shadows_48 to vxv1hate [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 cop-disliker How badly will I get tabled with this list

Hey everyone,
I’m just getting into the hobby again after a roughly 20 year break. I found an old Army of Faith box set at my LGS and snatched it up. I also received a box of battle sisters, a some paragon war suits for Christmas from my wife.
Oddly enough, I snagged an extra assembled exorcist for about $20 locally, so that’s the reason this list is running two.
My strategy is to have seraphim and the jump canoness with the zephyrim deep strike in while vaulgons, mortifiers, and sacrosants +palatine (in an immolator) push up the mid board. One full squad of battle sisters sit on the home objective, while the other splits into the remaining immolator and tries to screen or draw fire.
Like is said, I’m a complete novice and playing with kits I already own. My question is, how badly will I get tabled running this rough plan?
++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adepta Sororitas) [2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)
Detachment Choice: Hallowed Martyrs
Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible, Imperial Knights are visible, Legends are visible, Titans are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible
+ Epic Hero +
Morvenn Vahl [170pts]
+ Character +
Canoness with Jump Pack [100pts]: Blessed Halberd, Through Suffering, Strength
Palatine [70pts]: Mantle of Ophelia, Plasma pistol
+ Battleline +
Battle Sisters Squad [105pts]
. 9x Battle Sister: 9x Bolt pistol, 9x Boltgun, 9x Close combat weapon
. Sister Superior: Boltgun
Battle Sisters Squad [105pts]
. 9x Battle Sister: 9x Bolt pistol, 9x Boltgun, 9x Close combat weapon
. Sister Superior: Boltgun
+ Infantry +
Celestian Sacresants [75pts]
. 4x Celestian Sacresant (Hallowed Mace): 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Hallowed Mace
. Sacresant Superior: Bolt pistol, Hallowed Mace
Seraphim Squad [90pts]
. 4x Seraphim: 4x Close combat weapon
. . 4x 2 Bolt Pistols: 8x Bolt pistol
. Seraphim Superior
. . 2 Bolt Pistols
Zephyrim Squad [85pts]
. 4x Zephyrim: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Power Weapon
. Zephyrim Superior: Bolt pistol
+ Vehicle +
Castigator [170pts]: Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
Exorcist [210pts]: Exorcist Missile Launcher, Hunter-Killer Missile
Exorcist [210pts]: Exorcist Missile Launcher, Hunter-Killer Missile
Mortifiers [70pts]
. Mortifier: Anchorite Sarcophagus, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades
. . 2 Heavy Bolters
Mortifiers [70pts]
. Mortifier: Anchorite Sarcophagus, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades
. . 2 Heavy Bolters
Paragon Warsuits [220pts]
. Paragon Superior: Heavy Bolter, Paragon Storm Bolters, Paragon War Blade
. Paragon Warsuit: Multi-melta, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Blade
. Paragon Warsuit: Heavy Bolter, Paragon Storm Bolters, Paragon War Blade
+ Dedicated Transport +
Immolator [125pts]: Hunter-Killer Missile, Immolation Flamers
Immolator [125pts]: Immolation Flamers
++ Total: [2,000pts] ++
submitted by cop-disliker to sistersofbattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 United_Spot5106 Onde comprar nintendo switch desbloqueado?

Um amigo quer comprar um nintendo switch desbloqueado, ele não sabe onde comprar e nem eu ksksk
Tem que ser uma loja que envia para todo o brasil. Vocês conhecem alguma de confiança?
Outra pergunta, qual tipo de desbloqueio voces recomendam?
submitted by United_Spot5106 to NintendoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Ok-Comparison1916 Why does Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff bezos fiancée follow eachother and zuck and bezos don’t even follow eachother?

Why does Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff bezos fiancée follow eachother and zuck and bezos don’t even follow eachother? Strange must be something going on between these two, considering how zuck was looking at her at the inauguration.
submitted by Ok-Comparison1916 to strange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Thatannoyingturtle Cyrillic Pinyin for Mandarin

Not Dungan or loan word translation. Mainly trying to make a system easy for Mandarin speakers to type and understand like Pinyin.
b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w
б п м ф д т н л г к х ж ч щ зь ць сь р з ц й в
a ai an ang ao e ei en eng er i ia ian iang iao ie in ing io iong iu o ong ou u ua uai uan uang ue ui un uo ü üan ün
а ай ан аг ау э эй эн эг эр и я ян яг яу е ин иг ё ёг ю о ог оу у уа уай уан уаг уэ уи ун уо ы ыан ын
zhi chi shi ri zi ci si wu yi yu ye yue yuan yin yun ying
зьи цьи ши ри зи ци си ву ии ю е юэ юан иин иун ииг
ma mā má mǎ mà
ма маь маъь маьъ маъ
Xīn nián dào, zhēn rè nao, chuān xīn yī, dài xīn mào. Wǒ zhù dà jiā shēn tǐ hǎo dà jiā zhù wǒ xué xí hǎo.
Щинь нянъь даоъ, зьэнь рэъ, цьуань щинь ииь, дайъ щинь мауъ. Воьъ зьуъ даъ жяь шэнь тиьъ хаоьъ даъ жяь зьуъ воьъ щуэъь щиъь хаоьъ.
submitted by Thatannoyingturtle to conorthography [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Alternative_Ad5902 This is a little and effective way to beat porn.

Ok I have a very effective way that could potentially help you guys beat your addiction. Now I want to start off by you asking yourself what is the most important thing in your life that if it was took away from you at any given moment you or your life wouldn’t be the same without it. Now that you have that say to yourself “I challenge myself to go weeks,months etc without porn to prove value to the most important thing in my life more than I value porn” And if you can’t do that say to yourself I love porn more than whatever is important to you.
I’m 19 have been watching porn seven years straight almost every day so I feel your pain hopefully this helps.
submitted by Alternative_Ad5902 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 SpiritualAnybody7328 No Lego twink. Only Lego sigma😎😎

No cat❌❌❌☹️☹️☹️ only dog✅✅✅😀😀😀
submitted by SpiritualAnybody7328 to legocirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Kamnse This image doesn't contain 25 buckets

submitted by Kamnse to lies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 SelRPS Textured Skin and Hyperpigmentation

Hi everyone,
My skin has a really bumpy, textured look with noticeable hyperpigmentation. I also have very oily skin.
For about two years, I was washing my face three times a day with an alkaline soap, which I now realize may have damaged my skin barrier and caused these issues. After that, I switched to the cerave foaming cleanser, but it caused a big breakout.
Recently, I switched to a gentler cleanser, and my acne is starting to improve. However, I’m not sure what to do about the texture and hyperpigmentation.
I’m considering adding azelaic acid (15%) and a niacinamide serum to my routine once my skin barrier gets better, to help with the texture and pigmentation. What do you guys think? Are there any other recommendations?
Here’s my current routine:

Thanks a lot for your advice! 😊
submitted by SelRPS to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Boohoo-2022 Brock Boeser?

Apparently Vancouver are trying to trade Boeser?
Is that the top 6 forward that Stutzle needs on his wing?
Tkachuk - Norris - Batherson
Giroux - Stutzle - Boeser
submitted by Boohoo-2022 to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]