I’m not sure what to get my friend who’s moving back to his home country

2025.01.22 18:23 Educational-Let-1027 I’m not sure what to get my friend who’s moving back to his home country

I want to do something homemade. You see, he and I aren’t super close. But when we went to school together, he came to my birthday party. And he got me these huge bouquet of pink roses.
submitted by Educational-Let-1027 to Gifts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 ProteinGaming97 Showcasing all Weapons & Hunter Tools! All, except the kos parasite, work with fully functioning effects. There is though a bug in the moonlight sword beams where they start a bit to the side. This is amazing progress. Even the the most complex like a call beyond work and look wonderfully at 60FPS!

Showcasing all Weapons & Hunter Tools! All, except the kos parasite, work with fully functioning effects. There is though a bug in the moonlight sword beams where they start a bit to the side. This is amazing progress. Even the the most complex like a call beyond work and look wonderfully at 60FPS! submitted by ProteinGaming97 to shadps4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Razer BlackShark V2 HyperSpeed - Wireless Ultra-Lightweight Esports Gaming NEW Seller: roundabout_goods (98.9% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: NewPrice: 74.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now

submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Razer BlackShark V2 HyperSpeed - Wireless Ultra-Lightweight Esports Gaming NEW Seller: roundabout_goods (98.9% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: NewPrice: 74.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now

submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 bot-bouncer Overview for MelodiousAria1

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 Rare_Internal_7478 lost an engagement ring

I lost a silver ring it is small with a tiny diamond on it, if anyone found it yesterday please pm me!
submitted by Rare_Internal_7478 to CSUSB [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 WhiteMountain32 Pls calm me down…exam in a week

I am taking step 1 on January 30th. I took nbme 30 today and got an epc of 70% which I guess is a 98% chance of passing. For some reason I am just super panicked and feel like I am going to fail 😭. Do I push back or just go for it?
submitted by WhiteMountain32 to step1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 NewspaperIcy9371 Bag recommendations for newbie planning long-term travel

Hi everyone, I have a few questions as I am literally a super newbie to onebagging. I have had this dream of traveling around the world with just the bag on my back for a while, and I just discovered this community and it's perfect.
I don't need too many changes of outfits, but I am not a super minimalist either, so I figured bigger is better when it comes to buying a bag, so I went out and bought an ospray Fairview 55L. Now I think, this is absolutely huge. I fit everything I needed, and a bit more in this guy, and I didn't even pack that compact. So I am considering returning the bag and downsizing but I am curious on your opinions!
Things I think are important for my dream bag:
Won't give me (6'2) crippling back pain
Not enormous, but also not so small (maybe 30-40 ish litres)
Sturdy enough
Will fit on a plane!
Laptop slot
Let me know what you guys think!! Anything is appreciated.
Secondly, I am curious what you all think about daypacks, and shoving them in the backpack. Or is it worth it to keep the fairpoint with the attached daypacks.
Overall: should I return the fairpoint 55L or should I rock out with it. Are my concerns warranted or is this just a newbie being stressed for nothing.
Thank you!!!
submitted by NewspaperIcy9371 to onebag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:23 pippin_merry Pippin using Merry as a pillow

submitted by pippin_merry to britishshorthair [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Temporary_Mall3721 19 [M4F] tall guy from germany looking for older females

submitted by Temporary_Mall3721 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Odd-Leader-87 Pay off cards

Pay off cards What do you think of this card, are they usefull?
submitted by Odd-Leader-87 to CustomMarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Wrong-Highlight4727 Deoxys 4012 6491 2760

submitted by Wrong-Highlight4727 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Acceptable_Use492 Need help removing a custom loading screen that I cant find in the mod folder

So I downloaded a custom loading screen but it now has broken and keeps glitching yet when I tried to remove it from my mods folder it was no where to be found, i even looked in my bin and the mod was there but when I opened the game the custom loading screen would still show up, I really don't want to delete all my CC but I cannot find that loading screen no matter what I try.
submitted by Acceptable_Use492 to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 forevernevermore_ Confronto tassazione dipendente/partita IVA: una scoperta sconcertante

Confronto tassazione dipendente/partita IVA: una scoperta sconcertante Ciao a tutti,
sono un dipendente che in questo periodo sta accarezzando l'idea di aprire per la prima volta partita IVA. Per questo motivo, ho messo in piedi una piccola comparazione di tasse e contributi dovuti da dipendenti e partite IVA in regime forfettario, a parità di reddito. Credevo che la tassazione fosse molto più favorevole per le partite IVA, invece ho dovuto ricredermi! Espongo qui i miei risultati, per favore confermatemi o smentite quanto sto per scrivere.
  • Ho analizzato la forbice di reddito tra 40k e 85k (limite massimo regime forfettario). Sotto i 40k non credo proprio valga la pena di rischiare con una partita IVA, potendo scegliere, mentre sopra si complica il calcolo per le partite IVA e vorrei tralasciarlo per ora (fin quando non rischio di superare la soglia :P)
  • Per il calcolo del dipendente non ho considerato possibili deduzioni e detrazioni: l'unica universale è la detrazione da lavoro dipendente, che si annulla dai 40k in su.
  • I contributi del dipendente sono pari al 9.19% della RAL fino a una RAL di 47379 euro, dopo sono pari al 10.19%. I contributi della partita IVA, in mancanza di iscrizione a un ordine professionale, sono pari al 25.72%.
  • L'IRPEF di un dipendente è pari a:
    • irpef = 6440 + 0.35 * (lordo - contributi - 28000) se lordo - contributi <= 50000
    • irpef = 14140 + 0.43 * (lordo - contributi - 50000) in caso contrario.
  • L'IRPEF di una partita IVA è pari a: irpef = (coefficiente di redditività * lordo - contributi) * tassazione. Per il coefficiente di redditività ho scelto 0.78 (quello per professioni tecnico-scientifiche, che mi riguarda), mentre per la tassazione ho analizzato entrambi i casi del 15% (forfettario) e 5% (forfettario startup, per chi apre un'attività diversa da quella che svolgeva in precedenza).
  • Il TFR di un dipendente è pari a lordo/13.5.
La formula principale per calcolare il netto è: netto = lordo - contributi - IRPEF + TFR (se presente). Svolgendo i calcoli, ho ottenuto i seguenti risultati:
  • Dipendente
    • lordo = 0.6643 * netto + 3360 se 40000 <= netto <= 47379
    • lordo = 0.6578 * netto + 3360 se 47379 < netto <= 55673.09
    • lordo = 0.586 * netto + 7360 se netto > 55673.09
  • Partita IVA in regime forfettario
    • lordo = 0.6644 * netto
  • Partita IVA in regime forfettario startup
    • lordo = 0.7167 * netto
Invece di darvi ulteriori numeri credo che abbia più senso mostrare un grafico:
Dipendenti in rosso, forfettario in blu, forfettario startup in verde
A parte il capolavoro del salto del reddito verso in basso del dipendente a 47379, notiamo che addirittura fino a 56k circa (56312.17 per la precisione) il netto del dipendente sia il più alto di tutti, per essere poi superato da quello del forfettario startup. Il forfettario standard invece è sempre inferiore a tutti!
Ripeto, sono rimasto basito di fronte a questi risultati. Qualcuno sa spiegarmi se mi perdo qualcosa o se effettivamente la tassazione non avvantaggia così tanto le partite IVA? Secondo me l'inghippo sta nell'enorme 25.72% di contributi dovuti dalle partite IVA iscritte alla gestione separata INPS: quasi tutti i liberi professionisti saranno iscritti a una cassa di categoria, ma purtroppo per il momento non posso fare altrimenti. Altre idee? Vi ringrazio in anticipo!
submitted by forevernevermore_ to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 anger_leaf red scars on grapefruit?

red scars on grapefruit? context, this year our 20+ year old grapefruit tree didn’t produce normal fruit. not sure if it’s the wrong time of year or what, but the fruit is exceptionally small (size of a small lemon). most of the fruit has red scaring/scabs. tree leaves are normal and no signs of disease, they just look very dusty (?)
second to last photo is a normal-ish fruit. they typically are twice the size of the normal-ish fruit.
unfortunately i don’t know the exact species but i can tell you they’re very sweet. just a normal grapefruit, but a bit sweeter. the tree gets watered every night with the sprinklers and like i said it’s over 20 years old, probably close to 30yr. it gets sun throughout most of the day especially in the summer.
IMPORTANT: lmk if there’s a better subreddit for this
submitted by anger_leaf to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 bot-bouncer Overview for Meme1946

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 raregrooves His family is very afraid

His family is very afraid submitted by raregrooves to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 STEROLIZER All Fatalities on Floyd —Johnny gets pink blood in Ghostface’s

All Fatalities on Floyd —Johnny gets pink blood in Ghostface’s submitted by STEROLIZER to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 purpleorchid85 Anyone else get $10 off?

I was at self checkout and saw the -$10 come off my total - to my delight!- but no idea why. I’m not sure I should have gotten it so didn’t say anything to ANYBODY. Then figured I’d as here. Anyone know anything about this?
submitted by purpleorchid85 to aldi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 AK907Catherine Puppy obedience training at home?

Hi, we just adopted our first puppy a few weeks ago. I have no experience in training. I feel like I’m getting potty training down, but I have no idea how to train her for anything else.

Anything I can do at home to help? I don’t have the time to do puppy classes, I really need direction here for what I can do on my own.
submitted by AK907Catherine to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Asleep_Housing_4669 Sneaky puppy pooper and eater

I know this is going to be mixed reviews. Our puppy does not do great in the crate when home alone, and would defecate in his crate, regardless of how tight of the space we would make it. And he loves his crate and does really well at night and when we're home, he will go in his crate on his own for hours at a time.
We've started to leave him with free range of a few rooms for a few hours (max 2) when we're not home and for 90% of the time he will look out the window or go in his crate and sleep. Recently, I have watched him on camera defecate, and eat it to hide the evidence (I assume) 🤮
And before anyone says it, yes, I take him out before I leave the house.
submitted by Asleep_Housing_4669 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 One_Particular_8380 Ectoplasm from Skeletron summons

So, apparently, Skeletron summon Diabolist on Legendary for the worthy + revengence, and Diabolist drops ectoplasm. Is this a feature, or FtW became a joke, like GFB?
submitted by One_Particular_8380 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Constant-Film1731 Electrochemical series. drop a nice mnemonic of the important ones please

Meri dua lagegi tumko
submitted by Constant-Film1731 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Integer__ 22s1 and s2 walo help please!

I have a few questions that might help others who are taking the JEE Main exam on the upcoming dates:

  1. Are shoes prohibited?
  2. Do they provide extra pages for rough work (beyond the initial six)?
  3. Is wearing an analogue watch prohibited?
  4. Is there a countdown timer displayed on the screen?
  5. How long did you have to wait in line before entering the exam hall?
submitted by Integer__ to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:22 Exotic-Blueberry8413 Why is my Pi coin locked?

Why is my Pi coin locked? Hey guys!
I saw that my pi coin is locked t’ill 2027. Is that normal. If not, can I unlock them manually?
I tried unlocking them but it seem’s I can’t
Thanks for any help Have a great day!
submitted by Exotic-Blueberry8413 to PiNetwork [link] [comments]
