Anyone else dislike the new Ducks jerseys?

2025.01.22 19:00 WinPuzzleheaded1445 Anyone else dislike the new Ducks jerseys?

Anyone else dislike the new Ducks jerseys? Not sure if anyone agrees, but in my opinion the new Ducks jerseys don’t suit them at all. I feel they are too orange, both home and away uniforms don’t mesh well on the ice. I think we can all agree they missed a big opportunity to finally bring back the purple and teal full-time which they had as an alternate last year (3rd picture in slideshow). Seeing their young crop of players in those colors would be fun to watch, and would better suit their new and upcoming era. What do you guys think?
submitted by WinPuzzleheaded1445 to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 QuietlySmirking Need help figuring out the family of an ancestor. (New Jersey, late 1700s/early 1800s)

I’ve been struggling with a family I’m researching lately and I was hoping you guys can help. This is a mess of long-held misconceptions, bad research, and FamilySearch frustration.
They’re from northwestern New Jersey and the time period is the late 1700s/early 1800s.
I apologize in advance…this is going to be long. I’ll do my best to break it down as simply as possible.
The Ancestor in Question Israel Swayze (often Sweezey). Born in 1773 and died in 1854. Married a woman named Ruth Drake.
For years, genealogies have given him the parents Caleb Swayze and Mary Trimmer. If you look online, that’s probably the parents you’ll see. Trouble is, there’s never been actual proof of that. It seems to be something that has been shared from tree to tree without any contemporary evidence.
I’ve found proof that he wasn’t their son. But before I get into that, let me explain the facts that I know.
Facts Fact 1 – He died March 26, 1854 and is buried at the Old Presbyterian Burial Ground in Hackettstown, NJ. I’ve been there, and it’s quite beautiful. (
Fact 2 – He was born March 14, 1773. This comes from his tombstone, which gives an age of 81 years and 12 days.
Fact 3 – He lived in Washington Township for many years. I cannot tell exactly how long, but it’s definitely before 1830. He can be found there in the 1830, 1840, and 1850 censuses. In addition, his estate appears in MANY legal documents, where he is listed as Israel Swayze of Washington Township and his wife given as Ruth. ( ( ( and more.
Fact 4 – The big one. He was the nephew of one Rhoda Curry (nee’ Dawdey).
This is the one that blew the Caleb/Mary connection out of the water. This is a document filed in 1838, where Rhoda is trying to acquire her late husband’s Revolutionary War pension. She wrote what is basically an autobiography. It states that she is a resident of Washington Township. It talks about her husband John Curry, and her father, a French Canadian War (Seven Years’ War?) vet named James Dawdey. And then it talks about her status at the time. Here’s the line:

“My husband left no property and I am entirely dependent on the kindness and generosity of Israel Swayze, my sister’s son, for my support.”
That appears to seal the deal. Israel is the son of a sister of Rhoda Dawdey, meaning his mother’s surname was Dawdey, not Trimmer.
Fact 5 – Corroborating the Rhoda connection is the 1840 census, which shows a woman of appropriate age living with Israel and his family. No name because the pre-1850 censuses suck, but at least there’s a person with that age living there.
Based on these 5 facts, I know that Israel Swayze was born on (or about) March 14, 1773. His father was a Swayze and his mother was a Dawdey. He lived in Washington Township with his wife Ruth and Aunt Rhoda and died March 26, 1854 and was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery in Hackettstown.
FamilySearch trouble As we all know, FamilySearch can be a mess, that’s to less-than-diligent researchers (to put it kindly). The Swayzes of that era are no different.
Going off of what I discovered, I set out to find Israel’s parents. On FS I found the couple that would seem to belong – one Daniel Swayze and his wife Deborah Dawdy. Great!
No, not great!
Daniel’s profile is a mess. No sources to confirm anything. A note on the record states that Daniel was the son of Barnabas Swayze and Phebe Ayers, but he parents attached to the record are Barnabus Swayze and Margaret Honeywell. The Barnabas who married Phebe Ayers is given as Daniel’s brother.
This link is to a summary of wills from the era. Including those of Barnabas and Daniel.
Addressing Daniel’s first. The will mentions his wife, Deborah (no last name given), a son James, daughter Rachel, daughter Annah, and a child not yet born. His executor is a brother Joseph and a friend, James Dody.
The will is from 1779, which means the unborn child isn’t Israel. James “Dody” is interesting. That could be a misspelling of Dawdy. If that’s the case, then it would suggest that Deborah wasn’t a Dawdy – James would have been listed as a father-in-law, wouldn’t he? Or maybe brother-in-law, but Rhoda’s law documents do not mention any brothers.
However, Rhoda’s account of her life mentions a Samuel Doty as one of the witnesses to her marriage. Dody could also be a misspelling of Doty.
Let’s look at Barnabas. His will, also from 1778. Mentions wife, Phebe. Sons – Gilbart, Andrew, Barnabas, and Israel. Specifically mentions “when they come of age”. The executors of his will are his wife Phebe and James Dawdy. What’s the connection between Barnabas and James Dawdy? Phebe is not a Dawdy, so she couldn’t be the unnamed sister and mother of Israel?
FamilySearch, for its part, says that Barnabas’s son Israel was the husband of a Hannah Clayton. They lived in Hope township. Attached sources do confirm the wife and residence, but not the parents.
The Dawdy Family Rhoda Curry’s documents refer to three family members – father James, a sister who married a Swayze, and a sister who married a Richard Morgan.
James Dawdy is troublesome. That name appears in several legal documents. But there is no evidence to suggest that he is the same James Dawdy that is the father of the family. In fact, there is a James Dawdy profile on FS that suggests he had other children beyond the three known, some who lived beyond the time of Rhoda’s documents, which explicitly state that Israel Swayze, her nephew, is her closest living relative.
All evidence points to this James Dawdy being from Knowlton.
Barnabas Swayze and James Dawdy did the inventory of an Alexander Adams Sr. of Knowlton.
James Dawdy lived next to a Gilbert Swayze. I can’t find a connection between him and Israel.
A Lydia Dawdy, daughter of James Dawdy, married one Andrew Swayze. But they were too young to have had Israel. I don’t believe this James could be Rhoda’s sibling.
Summary Like I said, this was long. I’ve been beating my head against a wall on this for the last week. Reading legal documents until my eyes bleed. Israel died intestate, though there are documents showing his wife Ruth giving up her dower and the property being sold to benefit her and their children.
I feel like I’m missing something.
Thanks to the mess on FamilySearch, I don’t know what’s accurate and what isn’t, and I don’t want to start tearing through what’s there in case it IS accurate and I’m wrong.
Records get tricky because this all takes place right at a county border – between Warren and Morris counties in New Jersey.
This Richard Morgan could be a useful path, given that he married a Dowdy, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet.
Is the James Dawdy that appears in legal documents the same that was the father of Rhoda and her sisters?
Is Daniel Swayze the father of Israel?
Am I going to grow a tumor from staring at all this?
Can Batman and Robin escape Joker’s latest nefarious scheme?
submitted by QuietlySmirking to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 MrsClaire07 Chris Murphy Paying Attention!

Chris Murphy Paying Attention! I’m incredibly thankful we’ve got this man in our State!
submitted by MrsClaire07 to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 BoardWonderful4059 Help this is so inappropriate! What do I do?

Last night 1/21 I made an offer on a skirt and it was accepted so I purchased. I woke up to these messages. All of their reviews are 5 stars and super positive. Was it possible they were hacked? What should I do to get a refund?
submitted by BoardWonderful4059 to Depop [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 GnomieJ29 Unplugging Cords

I know a lot of you will say that unplugging cords is just something people with dementia will do and there’s no way to stop them. But I refuse to just lay down and take it.
My mom will unplug anything she can get her hands on, including the modem, then complain nothing works. She KNOWS they shouldn’t be unplugged because she puts the cords back. But they are either plugged into the wrong place or not in all the way. Does anyone have an effective baby proofing tool that makes it impossible to disconnect cords from things like modems?She doesn’t disconnect them from the walls. It’s just things like her clocks, the lift chair, and the internet modem. I am at my wits end and so very tired of having to reconnect things every single evening when I get home from work. Her caregivers won’t touch things because they’re caregivers not modem and chair repair people.
submitted by GnomieJ29 to dementia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 Different_Formal_636 South Eastern Massachusetts metal band seeking Guitarist and Vocalist (IN-PERSON)

We are from the Brockton area, we haven't fleshed out our style yet, but we want to sound like early Slipknot (MFKR, Self-titled, Iowa). We are all out of school, and our ages are 16-18, and we would prefer if your also a similar age.
We are currently seeking a harsh vocalist who sounds like Justin Bonitz, we haven't completely decided on a vocal sound yet. An ability we want our vocalist to have is being able to hype a crowd no matter how big or small, being a great frontman is crucial to being part of our band.
We want a two guitar players, but we are searching for either a Rhythm or Lead, we think we are going to play in either Drop B or Drop A. Some ability we want our guitarist be able to do are Touch & Pinch Harmonics, Hammer-ons & Pull offs, Tapping, Palm Muting & Chugs, Bends, Upwards Scrapes & Pick Scrapes.
If you are interested you can friend 'xaquar' on Discord and I'll add you to a group chat with the rest of the members!
submitted by Different_Formal_636 to makeaband [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 jessilissette I did it!!

I did it!! Excuse my crusty skin but I started my journey last week! My eyebrows turned white/blonde. I’m learning how to cover them up but my left brow is still darker than my right so when my makeup wipes off it looks wayyyy more arched than the other. I think I need at least one more laser treatment lol. But I have to see what happens in the next couple of weeks! So happy I decided to do this and I can not wait until my eyebrows are even again. Any questions lmk!
submitted by jessilissette to MicrobladingRemoval [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 Equivalent-Letter465 Meine Beziehung beenden und in eine eigene Wohnung ziehen

Hey Freunde, ich bin ein wenig überfragt, was wohl die nächsten schlausten Schritte sein könnten, wie ich weiter vorgehen kann und was für Möglichkeiten ich überhaupt habe. Ich danke allen, die diesen Post hier lesen und mir vielleicht einen Rat geben können :) Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus, es fällt mir schwer mich kurz zu fassen und ich habe das Gefühl, viele Details sind wichtig um das ganze Bild sehen zu können.
Ich, 22w, bin ca Oktober zu meinem jetzigen Freund 23m gezogen. Ich bin von einer Beziehung in die nächste gesprungen, mein Ex Freund und ich haben davor auch zusammen gelebt. Er hat narzisstische Züge und für 2 Jahre hab ich gehofft ich könnte ihn ändern. Ich hatte, als ich bei ihm gelebt habe, immer das Gefühl vorsichtig sein zu müssen, er hat mich klein gehalten und ich habe oft an mir gezweifelt, bis ich es dann letztendlich Anfang Juni beendet habe. Um die Zeit habe ich dann meinen jetzigen Freund in einer online Vertriebsausbildung (Coaching) kennengelernt. Ich hatte den Drang, so schnell wie möglich aus meiner Heimatstadt zu fliehen, weshalb ich dann auch entschlossen hab, meinen Teilzeitjob zu kündigen und zu ihm zu ziehen. Er hatte einen Mitbewohner, den er ein Jahr vorher aufgenommen hatte, da er durch die Drogenabhängigkeit seinen Job und seine Wohnung verloren hat. Als ich hergezogen bin, hat er mir versichert, der Mitbewohner würde bald ausziehen, da ich, nachdem ich so lange im Dauerstress durch meinen Ex gelebt habe, einfach einen Rückzugsort haben wollte, bei dem ich mich frei entfalten und zur Ruhe kommen kann. Nun zur jetzigen Situation: Der Mitbewohner ist immer noch hier, in der 2 Zimmer Wohnung, und es geht mir auf den Sack. Nach 2 Monate ohne Job hab ich jetzt einen Job bei einem sehr guten Unternehmen bekommen und arbeite im Homeoffice. Mein Freund, auf der anderen Seite, hat schon, bevor ich hier eingezogen bin, keinen Job gehabt und hat immer noch keinen. Ich zahle alles bis auf die Miete, wir hängen den ganzen Tag in einem kleinen Raum zusammen, und ich hab einfach keine Lust mehr. Ich will näher zu meinem Arbeitsort ziehen um morgens zur Arbeit gehen zu können, anstatt in dem Raum, in dem ich schlafe und auch alles andere mache zu arbeiten, ich bewege mich kaum noch, hab zugenommen, und mein Freund zeigt irgendwie nicht so wirklich commitment Geld zu verdienen. Er ist gut zu mir, nur hat mir so viel versprochen, ist aber irgendwie ein anderer Mensch als er mir versprochen hat. Da ist keine sexuelle Kompatibilität, er nimmt mich oft irgendwie auch nicht ernst, ich merke wie ich mich immer weiter zurückziehe und das hat weder er noch ich verdient. Das Ding: meine Probezeit ist erst im Mai um, meine Schufa ist (ziemlich sicher) durch die paar Monate ohne Job nicht so prickelnd und ich glaube, ich könnte frühestens im Mai ausziehen, aber ganz ehrlich?
Ich will endlich mal meine Ruhe. Ich will meinen Rückzugsort, ich will das Umfeld meiner Arbeit das mich supported und will, dass ich wachse, und ich will mein Leben endlich so gestalten wie ich es will, ohne auf irgendjemanden Rücksicht zu nehmen. Ich bin mir nicht mal sicher, ob ich ihn überhaupt liebe, oder ob es ein ADHD Ding von mir war, ich kurz obsessed habe weil er mir das gegeben hat, was mir vorher gefehlt hat, und ich jetzt das Interesse verloren habe. Gibt es irgendwelche Möglichkeiten an eine Wohnung zu kommen? Irgendwelche amtlichen Maßnahmen die mich unterstützen können? Kann ich vorher schon nach einer Wohnung gucken oder muss ich bis Mai warten? Zusätzlich hab ich einen Hund, der unbedingt mit muss.
Ich merke das meine Work Performance drunter leidet, ich hab keine Kraft und Motivation mehr, ich schlafe schlecht und bin generell ausgelaugt und fühle mich überfordert mit den simpelsten Dingen. Ich bin jung und habe das Gefühl als hätte ich die Hindernisse einer mitte 30 Jährigen, ich hab so viele Pläne aber das Gefühl die Last des ganzen Haushalts liegt auf meinen Schultern. Ich habe mir einen Mann gewünscht der für mich sorgt, bei dem ich mich fallen lassen kann, stattdessen übernehme ich alles, treffe alle Entscheidungen, und fühle mich auch sexuell "benutzt" für Blow oder Handjobs, ich fühle mich nicht gesehen oder wertgeschätzt und erst recht nicht begehrt. Ich weiß, ich hab mir die Suppe selbst gekocht also muss ich sie auch selbst auslöffeln, aber ich weiß einfach nicht wie ich da am Besten und am Schnellsten rauskomme. Meine Mutter ist leider keine Option und meine Schulfreunde sind alle in der Uni und wohnen in WGs.
Ich bin nicht in Gefahr, er wird nicht wütend oder so, gar nicht, ich hab schon mit ihm über seine finanzielle Situation gesprochen und ihm gesagt er muss langsam Geld verdienen, er sucht sich immer wieder neue Businessmodelle aus mit denen er Geld verdienen kann aber bringt nichts irgendwie zuende, ich habe ihm gesagt sein Mitbewohner muss raus, er sollte ja erst Ende des Jahres raus sein, dann sagte er ende Januar, jetzt ist es ende Februar, aber es ändert sich einfach irgendwie nichts und ich habe keine Lust mehr.
Habt ihr da einen Rat? Was hab ich für Möglichkeiten? Hab ich überhaupt welche?
Ich hoffe ich hab nichts vergessen, sollte irgendwas unklar sein lasst es mich wissen. Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit :)
submitted by Equivalent-Letter465 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 JojoBlue_Game House Flipper has swallowed my life this week - here's my latest work, featuring Ayami Kojima art

House Flipper has swallowed my life this week - here's my latest work, featuring Ayami Kojima art submitted by JojoBlue_Game to HouseFlipper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 hive3D STL file Tree Face Planter – 3D STL for Vase, Urn, Candy Dish & Decor 🌳 ・Design to download and 3D print・Cults

submitted by hive3D to cults3d [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 DavidGledhill Curious what people think.

Curious what people think. submitted by DavidGledhill to acrylicpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 basketball-app Match Thread: Indiana Pacers vs San Antonio Spurs Live Score | NBA | Jan 23, 2025

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by basketball-app to testcommunityforTRA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 FredVan1337 Lyrical genius

Lyrical genius submitted by FredVan1337 to mjlenderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 xmwahxx SELLING MUST PAY FIRST

SELLING MUST PAY FIRST take cashapp and apple pay
submitted by xmwahxx to SugarDaddySpoilMe1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 be11ybutt0n GRE Prep/Bootcamp

Any recs for GRE prep or bootcamps? Currently working full time and finding it hard to set aside time to dedicate to studying for the test.
For context, looking to apply for a Masters in CS or AI with an undergraduate degree in Info Systems. The program looking for GRE/GMAT scores are dual degree programs (MBA/MS). I think it would make more sense for me to take the GRE.
Would appreciate any suggestions or thoughts!
submitted by be11ybutt0n to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 UnusualWhalesBot "Gen Z are becoming pet parents because they can’t afford human babies—now veterinarian is one of the hottest jobs of 2025, says Indeed," per FORTUNE.

submitted by UnusualWhalesBot to unusual_whales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 figured-it-out_com Why iMessage Works on Cruise Ship Wifi (Without Paying!)

Why iMessage Works on Cruise Ship Wifi (Without Paying!) submitted by figured-it-out_com to CruisePlanningTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 RedbiRDrola Resources. Again.

Hi, it's me again. I have the same problem with the resources folder. I try to delete it but this time it tells me that special user permissions are needed, from my desktop. I tried to go into folder properties and then, security, to check the box for my user's full control over the folder, and also check the special permissions box but that box could not be checked. I need to know what to do and if it is malicious or not? I know I'm being a pain but no one gave me a clear answer on the matter. And the truth is that the fact that I can't remove the folder makes me a bit nervous.
submitted by RedbiRDrola to TronScript [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 22-January-2025 19:00:08

Image Post Title 22-January-2025 19:00:08 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 sleepiestgf anyone get back into gaming because of the steam deck?

i used to game a lot, but back in 2019 i was hit with a double whammy -- i moved away to college and got a lot busier, and my (7 year old at the time) gaming pc finally died. i got a switch and thought i'd play a bit of that but overall play less games. i did end up playing some (beat hollow knight and celeste once each) but then the joycons started drifting and it became unbearable to try to play anything.
now, i'm in graduate school and i'm even busier. but i also need hobbies or i'm going to go insane. i also have a ~200 game steam library collecting dust (including sekiro, which i was in the middle of in 2019 when my pc died and loving but was never able to finish).
so, i'm really considering getting a steam deck. but i'm a little worried i'll just end up not using it like my switch. did anyone else pretty much stop playing games for 5 years and come back with the steam deck? or get a steam deck but end up just putting it in storage?
also i know i'm asking a biased group lol but who else would i ask?
submitted by sleepiestgf to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.

🛍️ eBay Video Games - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional. submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 NomadicSummoner H: RUNE STACKS GIVEAWAY! W: +KARMA (PS4/PS5)

If you are new to this subreddit/summoning/trading, I will redirect you to the community page so we can speed things up.
INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE POSTING! -Upvote this thread!! Lets keep it visible, I want to help as many tarnished as possible!
-To prevent invaders: NO GOLD FINGERS! Make sure to retrieve the Red Duelists Furled Finger from the Limgrave Colosseum
-I will be summoning at Warmaster's Shack in Limgrave. It is located near the colosseum.
-You must comment first, preferably IGN or username. Then wait for me to reply explaining how to award the +karma. THE TRADE WILL NOT BEGIN UNLESS +KARMA HAS BEEN AWARDED! After, I will send you a DM with the password.
-Elden Ring is console specific, so I will NOT be able to help PC OR XBOX players, sorry! :(
-Make sure crossregion play is set to perform matchmaking in system settings. Turn off all group passwords aswell.
-It is first come, first serve! I will be getting to everyone! If you end up waiting on me, that is normal!!!!
submitted by NomadicSummoner to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 Impossible-Science-4 Gloves for meal prep

What gloves to you guys use for touching cold cuts, cheese, refrigerated biscuits,and similar items. I have vinyl ( useless) and fuzzy ones but you can't make a sammich with fuzzy gloves
submitted by Impossible-Science-4 to Chemotherapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 josylad Hiring: Occupational Therapist | New Graduate Position at Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora

Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora is hiring a Occupational Therapist | New Graduate Position
Location: Ashburton, New Zealand
Ashburton base Hours of work are between Monday - Friday 0800 -1630, Wednesday and Thursday are required days Permanent part time position 0.6 FTE (24 hours per week) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is firmly grounded in the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and is dedicated to serving all New Zealanders. Through integration and collaboration, we’re building a health system underpinned by partnership, equity, sustainability, whānau-centred care, and excellence. About the Role Our Occupational Therapy service has a unique and rewarding opportunity for an NZ Registered Occupational Therapist to join us in providing high quality care to the Ashburton and rural communities in Mid Canterbury. We welcome applications from new graduate candidates. This is a varied position with no two days the same! Working in our hospitals and community-based settings you will work as
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:00 Lazy_Bug_7452 Boost your Spanish skills with 50 essential classroom phrases that every student and teacher should know! Whether you're a ...

Boost your Spanish skills with 50 essential classroom phrases that every student and teacher should know! Whether you're a ... submitted by Lazy_Bug_7452 to YouTubePlug [link] [comments]