
2025.01.22 19:10 ICARUSSS13 [Gun]

[Gun] Can someone recommend me a good manhwa thats completed (pic for attention only)
submitted by ICARUSSS13 to manhwa [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 ResponsibleRatio6569 The last dance - (eliz @elizyarts.bsky.social (Bluesky) [Repost])

The last dance - (eliz @elizyarts.bsky.social (Bluesky) [Repost]) submitted by ResponsibleRatio6569 to TimeBomb [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 DaviCout_000 Could some one make this Kits?

Could some one make this Kits? submitted by DaviCout_000 to WEPES_Kits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 fryingNTR Koi apni bhen feed krega mereko? Degrade krte hai sath hai

submitted by fryingNTR to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 The_Slip_Cordon 22 January 2025 cricket newsletter.

Today's daily cricket newsletter: [https://www.slipcordon.com/p/the-slip-cordon-58ca765a95a3dd39https://www.slipcordon.com/p/the-slip-cordon-58ca765a95a3dd39].
You can subscribe here: https://www.slipcordon.com/subscribe
submitted by The_Slip_Cordon to ipl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 sknbcmrc What kind of lighting setup would create this kind of shot?

What kind of lighting setup would create this kind of shot? submitted by sknbcmrc to productphotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 shareholdervalue1 NVDA GAINS

Bought 1/17
65 1/24 145c bought at .41
20 1/24 142c bought at .91
submitted by shareholdervalue1 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 ForsakenPack3714 Thank you battle league! Just gotta power it up now 🐦‍⬛

Thank you battle league! Just gotta power it up now 🐦‍⬛ submitted by ForsakenPack3714 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 _gabbaghoul Ongoing heat issues - need help deciphering lease terms

Okay so a little bit of history: I live in Connecticut and rent an apartment where heat is included in the rent. This place uses those old school water radiators along some of the walls for heat and I don't have control over the thermostat. A little over a week ago, I started noticing that the heat would just randomly shut off for many hours up to full days at a time and would often bring my place below legal levels (sometimes getting down into the 50s). Since it started happening, I would email property management about it, including photos I've taken of the digital thermometer I have in my living room. They would always respond with "we'll send this over to maintenance" and leave it at that. For a while, the plumber who does work for my LL would always show up many hours after the fact when the heat happened to be on, so nothing would get done. This pattern kept happening for about a week or so when he finally was able to get here when the heat was off and determined that the flame sensor on the boiler was busted. He replaced it and everything is fine for the next few days....until late last night where it's 0 degrees outside and the heat goes out again and I have to start this process all over again.
On the days where I didn't have any heat, I would be running electric space heaters pretty much all day long just so my place doesn't get too cold (I'm especially worried about the pipes freezing). I understand that the LL probably has no control over when the plumber actually gets to my place, since he's probably on other jobs when he gets the call, but at this point I feel like I should be able to get some accommodations since as I mentioned, there are days when my place gets into the 50s. Looking over my lease terms, these clauses have me worried whether I can actually do anything:
"Stopping or reducing of any service(s) will not be reason for Tenant to stop paying rent, to make a money claim or to claim eviction."
"Landlord may stop service of the plumbing, heating, elevator, air cooling or electrical systems, because of accident, emergency, repairs, or changes, until the work is complete. If unable to supply any service because of labor trouble, Government order, lack of fuel supply or other cause not controlled by Landlord, Landlord is excused from supplying that service. Service shall resume when Landlord is able to supply it"
"If, due to labor trouble, government order, lack of supply, Tenant’s act or neglect, or any other cause not fully within Landlord’s reasonable control, Landlord is delayed or unable to (a) carry out any of Landlord’s promises or agreements, (b) supply any service to be supplied, (c) make any required repair or change in the Apartment or Building, or (d) supply any equipment or appliances, this Lease shall not be ended or Tenant’s obligations affected."
I'm not entirely sure whether "cause not controlled by landlord" applies to my situation or not, and the first clause is making it seem like I'm not allowed to pursue any compensation for all the time I was supposed to be supplied heat and had to rely on my space heaters.
Anyways, hoping someone who knows how to navigate rental laws sees this and can point me towards some sound advice. Thanks!
submitted by _gabbaghoul to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 VirgoCX_Official Your 🔑 to decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) just dropped. IOTX is now live on VirgoCX!

Your 🔑 to decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) just dropped. IOTX is now live on VirgoCX! submitted by VirgoCX_Official to VirgoCX [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Play_with_me_pls I'm not sure about the gdp 200

I was looking for a sturdier watch to buy on the more affordable end since my small collection is entirely made out of dress watches and I came upon the casio gdp 200. I want to start running and bouldering, activities I belive this watch can handle pretty well from what i read online however many complain about the SMS notification feature and other ,,smartwatch" aspects. Seeing as it fits in my 100$ price-range, should i look for other models or ignore the negative aspects i read about online and go for it?
submitted by Play_with_me_pls to casio [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Renaninanc Yarın Baş Kaldırmak, Bugünden Daha Zor Olacak!

Yarın Baş Kaldırmak, Bugünden Daha Zor Olacak! İktidarların otoriterleşme eğilimi asla yok olmayacak. Her zaman daha fazlasını isteyecekler. Bugün ifade özgürlüğümüze, yarın protesto hakkımıza, öbürgün siyasi irademize müdahale edecekler. İktidarın bizden kopardığı her bir lokma, doymak bilmeyen iştahını daha fazla kabartacak ve sonunda vatandaşlarını tüketen bir canavara dönüşecek.
Önümüzde gemi iyice azıya almış bir iktidar var. Her geçen gün kurumlar, partiler ve kamuoyu üzerindeki erkini biraz daha genişletiyor. Vatandaşlık haklarımız her gün biraz daha fazla kısıtlanırken, sırtımıza binen vergi yükü ve otoriter baskı gittikçe artıyor. İktidar bizi korkunç bir cenderenin içine hapsetti; ne karnımızı doyurabiliyor, ne canımızı koruyabiliyor ne de sesimizi çıkarabiliyoruz.
Bana değmeyen yılan bin yaşasıncılar, yılanın büyüyüp ejderhaya dönüşmesine ve ülkenin tüm kaynaklarının üzerine oturmasına göz yumdular. Tabiatını bilmemize rağmen, yılanın başını küçükken ezmemiş olmak, bugün besine dönüşmemizin yegane sebebidir.
Ancak, birlikte hareket ederek sıkıştığımız bu cendereden kurtulabiliriz. Şu veya bu inancın yahut düşüncenin müminleri olarak değil, fakat ejderhanın yok etmek istediği kimseler olarak, hepimizin ortak çıkarı için, farkında olmak, dayanışmak ve direnmek zorundayız. Bizi ayrıştıran fikirleri bir kenara bırakıp, insan onurunu savunmanın gerekliliği etrafında birleşmeliyiz. Korkunun zincirlerini ancak birlikte koparabiliriz.
Baş kaldırmak zor, evet. Ancak, tepemizde her saniye daha da güçlenen, daha da azgınlaşan bir iktidar var. Dün baş kaldırmak, bugünden daha kolaydı. Fakat, yarın baş kaldırmak bugünden daha zor olacak.
‘Devlet’ denen aygıtın ve bağlı kurumların var olma sebebi ve yegane görevi, ancak ve ancak vatandaşlarına hizmet etmektir. Meşruiyetini ve haklılığını, buradan alır. Sadece bu görevleri yerine getirdiği takdirde, anlamını korur, bu takdirde varlığına tahammül edilir.
Eğer gün gelip de, devletin kendisi, vatandaşın refahı, can ve mal güvenliği için tehdit oluşturmaya başladıysa, o devlet ve yöneticileri, meşruiyetini ve haklılığını yitirmiştir. Ve artık, vatandaşın refahını ve can güvenliğini tehdit eden bu sorunu ortadan kaldırma sorumluluğu, bizzat vatandaşın kendi omzuna yüklenmiştir.
Bu noktada, her bir vatandaş, yalnızca kendi vicdanı ve iradesiyle yüzleşeceği iki seçenekle karşı karşıyadır: Ya özgürlüğünü savunarak onuruyla hür bir birey olarak yaşayacak ya da korkuya teslim olup, ejderhanın doymak bilmeyen iştahına meze olmaya razı gelecektir. Özgürlük, bedel ister; fakat esaret, her şeyimizi alır.
Unutmayın! Korkunun yerini cesaret, sessizliğin yerini haykırış aldığında, bu düzen mutlaka değişecek!
  • Hâlâ üzerine çalışmakta olduğum siyasi romanımdan bir alıntı…
Not: Kendimi korumak için böyle söylemiyorum. Bu hitap retorik yüklü. Ben normal yazılarımda daha analitik yaklaşıyorum. Profilimden kontrol edebilirsiniz.
submitted by Renaninanc to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Less_Street_1309 ETUF de Minas Gerais

ETUF de Minas Gerais submitted by Less_Street_1309 to EuTireiUmaFoto [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Alarmed_Hope_5629 Shout out to this guy! He helped me with goliath evo mats, this not only save me a lot of time but also saved me from suffering to grind or hop servers to find corrupt presents, I am very very grateful and can’t thank you enough.

Shout out to this guy! He helped me with goliath evo mats, this not only save me a lot of time but also saved me from suffering to grind or hop servers to find corrupt presents, I am very very grateful and can’t thank you enough. submitted by Alarmed_Hope_5629 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 2_Blue Photo Shows Rudy Giuliani Mistaking Head For Young Girl's Ass

Photo Shows Rudy Giuliani Mistaking Head For Young Girl's Ass submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Space-tec [pumpkin time][dgo] use boost fill all habitats, be active

submitted by Space-tec to EggsIncCoOp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 squattingkoalabear Am I expecting too much quality wise?

Am I expecting too much quality wise? Hi y’all, hope this is the right place for this. I ordered La Canadienne Braydon boots on sale which usually retail for $500+. I’ve attached photos of them.
Do I need my expectations adjusted? I get that a glued sole might be necessary given the style of sole, but it seems like there are several flaws with uneven borders, gaps between the sole and the shoe (could be due to the Chelsea style, which is fine), and loose threads. I get that every shoe will have its flaws and quirks. I’m certainly not expecting perfection. I guess I wanted more from such an expensive shoe? Thanks in advance!
For context, I’ve been looking for a more professional boot that can stand up to harsher winters. I own a pair of Blundstones, which I love, but are more casual. I previously ordered a pair of Nero Giardini in a similar style to the Braydon, but same issue with quality. I’ve heard great things about La Canadienne, plus they’re waterproof.
submitted by squattingkoalabear to Shoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Few-Competition-8195 Want to upgrade but have no idea where to start!

I recently bought a PC back in August, and ive switched over entirely from console gaming. It's amazing, and I love PC! However, it seems with higher end games, or too chaotic games, my FPS drops which makes killing people in Marvel Rivals more luck-based than skill-based.
I want to know what would be the best upgrade path for my PC. I know about nothing, and I've upgraded the RAM and the GPU, but nothing else.
CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X RAM: 32GB Corsair Vengence RGB Pro BOOT DRIVE: Silicon Power 256GB NVMe SSD STORAGE DRIVE: Western Digital 1TB HDD GPU: Dual NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Super EVO MOTHERBOARD: ROG Strix B450f Gaming PSU: Corsair CX650
Links would be helpful, advice would be even more appreciated. I know nothing! Please be nice!
submitted by Few-Competition-8195 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 Educational-Hurry803 Be single or look for a relationship

M25, I have been single for 4 years now. I have had couple of Fwbs and sex encounters . Tried to date, datting apps weren't any good. But it all got me thinking should I even date? I live by myself , got a studio apartment. I have now kinda sorted out my career. My life isn't the best but it certainly isn't the worst either. I enjoy my independence and freedom, do whatever I like and stuff. Sometimes when I'm alone, I do think but then get distracted later . But it hits me hard only when my friends, family are all getting married or are in relationships or when I walk in public spaces that I feel sad at times seeing all the couples. I feel like I will get trapped in a relationship not to mention I have lost touch or interest to pursue a relationship ,be in it and all. Lot of times I feel like I am better off single , at times I feel like I should be in a relationship. My question is should I just be single or be in a relationship. Please don't answer "do whatever you like" and stuff. Hopefully I get answers from you guys, cheers
submitted by Educational-Hurry803 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 limitedftogive Cedar Rapids chef Andy Schumacher of Cobble Hill named James Beard Foundation semifinalist

submitted by limitedftogive to cedarrapids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 highlyfavoredbitch How my day is going. Good luck to you all

How my day is going. Good luck to you all submitted by highlyfavoredbitch to redscareover30 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 i-m-possible2024 Goldilocks SWIM in New Jersey

HI All,
Looking for recommendations for doctors/plastic surgeons who take on Goldilocks SWIM procedure, in NJ, USA. I haven't had much success in finding plastic surgeons who actually do this procedure.
Thanks !
submitted by i-m-possible2024 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 trying2bpartner "Freak out" during an MRI - suggestions?

Had a head MRI today (or, an attempted one). I made it about 4 minutes before I broke down and couldn't take it anymore (MRI was scheduled for 35 minutes). Any suggestions on how to get through an MRI better? They have suggested sedation (not out but just dosed/drowsy). Let me know your thoughts on anything else, thanks.
submitted by trying2bpartner to MRI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 FlipFlopFin Save big on a new Tesla! Get up to $1,000 off a new Tesla through my link. EV tax credit is still available for Tesla vehicles.

submitted by FlipFlopFin to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:10 EpicGamerRosander Is this loadout viable?

submitted by EpicGamerRosander to RetroAR [link] [comments]
