Definition of wea wea depende del contexto y es una palabra muuuuy informal (asi que no se puede decir en cualquier contexto) weá cosa "pasame la weá que está allá" enojo "ya te dió la weá" algo sin sentido "hablas puras weás" wea pelotudo = "saco wea" reitero que es muy informal y no debes decirlo a no ser de que sea con amigos en un contexto informal|Una cosa|Me gusta tu acento ... en cambio "wea", se puede decir con acento en la"e" que significa lo mismo que "weon" o con acento en la "a" para referirse a alguna cosa, a cualquier cosa, pero en lenguaje coloquial. ejemplo: - pasame esa weá que está encima de la mesa - tengo que hacer muchas weás.|el weon es una persona y la wea es un objeto|• Weon (o weón) es para referirse a una persona en particular. 哪里可以下载气象数据.wea文件(在ecotect里用的) 我来答 “Que aburrido” refiriéndose a un objeto o una acción|"fome" es aburrido. "la wea" hace referencia a cualquier objeto o acción|que es súper aburrido|Wea es una groseria (slang) y se refiere a nombrar cualquier artefacto, articulo, cosa, algo x y fome, significa aburrido. Es como decir esa cosa o situacion es aburrida. |Boring things|@edinsson Wea= cosa u objeto(en este caso). fome=muy ... Definición de ctm y wea ctm es un insulto o una expresion(que es abreviación de conchetumadre=concha de tu madre),y wea puede referirse a algun objeto o cosa,wea tambien puede ser un insulto. ejemplos: Conchetumare,se me olvidaron los papeles. Oye,pasame esa wea |exacto así somos los chilenos|Ctm en chile tiene hartos significados 1- se una para insultar ya que significa "conchadetumadre" y ... Definición de weón/weá Weon significa amigo o persona. pero en un contexto de insultos significa imbécil, estúpido, inútil, etc. El weon como insulto puede derivar a otra palabra que es "aweonao" -> esto significa súper imbécil jaja Como por ejemplo en la frase "El weon weón, weon" el primer weón se refiere a una persona x, el segundo insulta a la persona en cuestión y el tercero de ... Definición de La wea fome cualiao weon (yes I am aware it’s very informal Chilean slang, but what does it mean?) @WolfieBoy That's all slang but it's not used propperly. Sounds like someone said it in a wrong way just to exaggerate it in a cartoonish way. But whatever, the meaning is: - La weá fome = What a boring shit - Culiao weón = You dumb fuck Or something like that. en cambio "wea", se puede decir con acento en la"e" que significa lo mismo que "weon" o con acento en la "a" para referirse a alguna cosa, a cualquier cosa, pero en lenguaje coloquial. ejemplo: - pasame esa weá que está encima de la mesa - tengo que hacer muchas weás.|el weon es una persona y la wea es un objeto|• Weon (o weón) es para referirse a una persona en particular. Definición de wea wea depende del contexto y es una palabra muuuuy informal (asi que no se puede decir en cualquier contexto) weá cosa "pasame la weá que está allá" enojo "ya te dió la weá" algo sin sentido "hablas puras weás" wea pelotudo = "saco wea" reitero que es muy informal y no debes decirlo a no ser de que sea con amigos en un contexto informal|Una cosa|Me gusta tu acento ... Definição de wea wea depende del contexto y es una palabra muuuuy informal (asi que no se puede decir en cualquier contexto) weá cosa "pasame la weá que está allá" enojo "ya te dió la weá" algo sin sentido "hablas puras weás" wea pelotudo = "saco wea" reitero que es muy informal y no debes decirlo a no ser de que sea con amigos en un contexto informal|Una cosa|Me gusta tu acento ...
2025.01.22 19:02 Chilean_Maldi Opiniones sobre esta wea?
Que opina la gente acerca de los enormes puntajes que se necesitan para entrar a medicina donde sea? Es mi segundo año dando la prueba y por ejemplo, estaba 20 puntos arriba del corte de la utal y ahora quede en el puesto 500 y algo. No tengo un nem increible (6.5(856pts)) ni un ranking fenomenal (870) pero pienso que los puntos de esas categorias se encuentran infladisimos y hacen que los puntajes se vayan a la real mierda. Saque 813 en Cl, 963 en M1 y 850 en Cs y aun asi mi mejor puesto fue un 144 en la UCEN, estoy dudando seriamente si darme este 2025 para un preu y ponerme full e intentar llegar al puntaje o si entrar a bioquimica en la UCh que fue en lo unico que quede (mi ultima opcion) En fin, muerte a los puntajes inflados de ranking y nem😃 submitted by Chilean_Maldi to EducacionChile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Educational_Mess_998 My reward for staying home to meet the plumber 😻
submitted by Educational_Mess_998 to Bondedpairs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 amicapapilio Are there ways to fix my boots?
I’ve had these boots for more than 5 years but they’re pretty scratched up are there things yall would recommend to try and fix them? Should I just put wax on them or maybe shoe polish? submitted by amicapapilio to DrMartens [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 CrazyChestersDog Will the DLC for Indiana Jones be on xcloud?
New to xcloud and saw they are already releasing some DLC? Will I be able to play this new content when it comes out? Game is amazing can’t get enough.
submitted by CrazyChestersDog to xcloud [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Such-Employee4073 Why is system data on my M3 Pro MacBook Pro taking up more than 300GBs ?
Hi there, So I was just randomly going through my MacBook settings and the I stumbled upon this which got me alarmed. Why does my M3pro MacBook Pro require 320 GBs of system data? I have practically been using a MacBook since forever now, had a 2015 MacBook Pro before my current/newer MacBook but never really noticed this before. Can someone explain this to me please or any idea/clues regarding this ??
Also if possible, how to fix it ?
submitted by Such-Employee4073 to mac [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Soyeljefee33 No Tuesday Pod
Did I miss where Bill said there would be no Tuesday pod? No mention Sunday but I did miss the Rewatchables mailbag episode so maybe he said there would be no Tuesday pod there.
submitted by Soyeljefee33 to billsimmons [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 igottasaveit Honest opinions??
submitted by igottasaveit to newmusic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 FriedSolidWater The Pocket King Story Time
submitted by FriedSolidWater to Overwatch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 SnooOpinions6820 955578366519 deoxys 3 local DEFENSE
submitted by SnooOpinions6820 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 SconnieFella Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez calls for end to anonymity on social media
"force all these platforms to link every user account to an European digital identity wallet"
submitted by SconnieFella to privacy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Worldly-Judgment-957 This is why I can't let sugar play vr...
Sugar: FUN! submitted by Worldly-Judgment-957 to protogen [link] [comments] |
Hiiii!! I'm looking for a legit employeagency that hires beginners in the VA industry. Lmk asap I wanna start soon!!
submitted by Quiet-Cheetah223 to VirtualAssistantPH [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 luminouscuriosity Happy dog!
I created this painting during a workshop with James Swanson. I worked on it awhile after the workshop. Oil painting 14x18 inches on canvas panel submitted by luminouscuriosity to somethingimade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 magnificent_sunfish Hawaii to Vancouver in February
Has anyone sailed this itinerary? Honolulu to Vancouver on the Disney Wonder. We are leaving in February, and I'm curious to know when the weather changes/how much cold clothing I should pack. I've googled and searched posts and can't find anything. Probably a big stretch, but hoping someone here might know! Thanks!
submitted by magnificent_sunfish to dcl [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 TheMerlin77 Verdun Community Game Night!
This Saturday the 25th we will be hosting a frontlines game in Verdun from 7-9 pm EST, all are welcome to join! Come and fill the servers so we can experience some epic trench warfare! submitted by TheMerlin77 to VerdunGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Far-Discussion9403 A poem
submitted by Far-Discussion9403 to Smite [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 juanlasttime [REQ] ($300) - (#LosAngeles, CA, USA) (REPAY $425 on 2/06/2025) (PayPal)
The fires set me back 3 days of work. Need this money for groceries and to pay some bills.
submitted by juanlasttime to SimpleLoans [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 FRONKYT Conquest lag
Why is conquest so laggy this patch?
submitted by FRONKYT to Smite [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Skinny_Waller Charging Stand for Galaxy Watch Ultra
When I charge my Galaxy Watch Ultra, I usually remove my watch and try to stick the magnetic charger to the bottom of the watch and plug it in. But the watch wristband pushes my watch away from the charger. I have occasionall returned to find my watch not charging. I want to find a stand that holds the official Samsung watch charger and the watch both lying on the side. These are just inexpensive molded plastic or rubber pieces. But some reviews say this does not work with my charger or watch. So what are you using and can you trovide me with a link ? Thanks.
Question 2. Can I leave the charger plugged in without using any power ? It is generating a magnetic field. I am an environmentalist and a frugal cheapskate.
submitted by Skinny_Waller to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 RutharAbson Do you guys know of any system that use 2 attributes together instead of only one for them for the same check? How does it work?
For example, having both Str and Dex be relevant for Melee Attacks, not one or the other, both of them together. Or maybe Dex+Wis for ranged attacks. You got it. I want to see how these deal with their math.
submitted by RutharAbson to rpg [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 XZZ5 anyone got the old pic of young thug (circa 2016-2019?) of him laying down in a reddish fur coat? he looked cozy
^ idk how else to describe it. it was a photo of torso and face and he was shirtless but laying on the ground in a reddish fur coat. looked super cozy. i can only aspire to achieve that level of coziness someday and yet i cannot find the picture anywhere online anymore
submitted by XZZ5 to YoungThug [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 poopeehead117 I feel insecure and worried when my GF doesnt reply to my texts for more than an hour
I've been dating my GF for a month or so, and we're pretty close id say? we interact well irl but when were texting she often leaves me on delivered for a few hours (which i understand rationally is normal behaviour) but I end up feeling anxious for some reason. I'm also in a few group chats with her and she does tend to reply to those before mine which might be adding to the feelings? I know I'm a lot more attatched to her than she is to me, but i'm wondering what you guys might do to alleviate these feelings of anxiety? I do have friends i hang out with(so she isn't my sole source of social interaction), but even when we do she's always on the corner of my mind, and it's really taking me out of the moment and making my time with friends less fun for all of us as well as making me less focused when i should be doing work. my hobbies are also less fun now and i tend to look forward to spending time with her even when im doing things i used to find fun.
tldr im a simp and i feel anxiety when she doesnt reply how do i fix ts
submitted by poopeehead117 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 ShoulderElectrical78 nasdaq bis morgen halten
hab bösen 100er hebel 4 stellig am laufen.
submitted by ShoulderElectrical78 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 yosman88 Boss arrives, as you tresspass into the sacred orchids.
submitted by yosman88 to BossBattles [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 leeroyjenkinse returning player after about 1 year, asking for help.
also got snapddragon and soon will get yeti cookie been gone for quite a while and just returned to the game. anyone can maybe suggest some cookies i should focus on leveling for a non pvp team? (stuff like story, boss rush, e.t.c) i can get any epic cookies so dont hold back on those. just for context, my previous team was fettuccini/burnt cheese - rockstar - stardust - moonlight and frost queen. thank you in advanced! i would love to get back into the game's story content. (not really into the pvp part) submitted by leeroyjenkinse to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments] |