知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 科特迪瓦(Coate d'Ivoire)全称科特迪瓦共和国(The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, La République de Côte d'Ivoire ),科特迪瓦在法语的意思是“象牙海岸”,应该国政府要求,中华人民共和国用音译名为科特迪瓦。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...
2025.01.22 20:54 Direct_Interview_882 Cote r pour pharmacie
Je suis étudiante au cegep et ma cote r est 34.315 est-ce que c'est assez pour entrer en pharmacie?
submitted by Direct_Interview_882 to UdeM [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Sufficient_Tough1142 Lc pls (AW 18 Titanic)
submitted by Sufficient_Tough1142 to VETEMENTS [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Desperate-Cicada1817 Anxiety
These last few days anxiety is really killing me!!!! I just want the exam to end as soon as possible. Just can't take it anymore.
submitted by Desperate-Cicada1817 to GATEtard [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 w2001420 Why are zerg cards so overloaded?
2025.01.22 20:54 onetwo3d I finished reading Lolita and then I googled Lolita
i went into this blind without knowing much about the book or nabokov because i didnt want spoilers. which is a silly thing to say about a book published in 1955 but still. also the prose is indeed so good 😭
anyway what im really surprised about is that
2025.01.22 20:54 mrBalulazuzu Panda
submitted by mrBalulazuzu to ebl [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 PicklesRedd how many hours per week do you train?
hey guys, i just finished my 2nd class of Muay Thai. absolutely love it, it's really fun. I'm curious as to how long your guy's classes are? and how many hours per week/day do you train?
the classes for my gym is an hour. maybe 2-4 minutes of simple warm ups and stretching, then the rest of the time is pad work and technique. (my gym doesn't have any bags yet - it only recently opened up)
Im planning on going 3x a week. I'm also doing powerlifting. is there anything else I should be doing outside of my classes to be better at MT? (aside from lots of stretching) or is just an hour of MT enough for someone who is new at martial arts and just beginning?
submitted by PicklesRedd to MuayThai [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Superb_Interview8318 So what do I do to enter the twitch drops
I went to the tabor website and I clicked the link my meta-quest to twitch and I have a Meta quest app. Did that already get linked in?or do I have to do something else? Im confused
submitted by Superb_Interview8318 to GhostsOfTabor [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Away-Development-951 Shkrimtare italiane e viteve 1500/600 që ka shkruar nje poem epike për Skënderbeun.
Përshendje, Jam nje nxënës shqiptar që frekuenton një liceo shkencor (gjimnaz italian me tendencë për lëndët shkencore). Së fundmi një nga mesuesit (i gjuhës italiane) që ne kemi ka devijuar pak nga programi normal i mesimit dhe na ka bërë leksion mbi shkrimtaret femra të rilindjes dhe epokës moderne. Nja nga këto shkrimtare quhet Margherita Sarrochi, mikesh e afërt e Galileo Galileit, e cila ka shkruar nje poem epike mbi betejat dhe aventurat e përgjithshme të Skënderbeut. Me shumë siguri si cdo poem tjeter epike mund të jetë në disa elemente e modifikuar historikisht por filli i pirgjithshëm i ngjarjeve me aq sa kam lexuar është relativisht i saktë. Gjithsesi mendova se do ishte një ide e mirë që ta ndaja këtë informacion me albania dhe specifikisht me personat që kanë pasion ndaj historis kombëtare.
Perkthimi i tekstit: (gjërat e rëndësishme) EPIKA E MARGHERITA SARROCCHIT Poetja Margherita Sarrocchi (rreth 1560 - 1617): autore e poemës së parë epiko-historike italiane të botuar nga një grua, La Scanderbeide . E lindur pranë Napolit dhe e rritur në Romë, ku edhe vdiq, Sarrocchi ishte shoqe e Galileos, me të cilin shkëmbente shpesh letra. Scanderbeide: botuar fillimisht në vitin 1606 në një botim të pjesshëm dhe pa konsensin e autores, më pas në 1623 (pas vdekjes, në 23 kante), merr emrin nga protagonisti, heroi shqiptar Gjergj Kastrioti i quajtur «Scander-beg» (1405-1468); ai, një dezertor jeniçer nga ushtria osmane, vendos të rimarrë Shqipërinë e Veriut , e cila dikur i përkiste të parëve të tij. Ai luftohen me Sulltan Amuratte (Muradi II), i cili ka mbledhur një ushtri të madhe qe perdor per pushtimin e Ballkanit, por vajza e të cilit Rosmonda do ta lërë për t'u bashkuar me çështjen/kauzen shqiptare. Pak përforcime vijnë nga Papa Piu II, i cili ka bërë thirrje për kryqëzatë (f. 30). Beteja vendimtare u jep fitoren të krishterëve, më të organizuar dhe të bashkuar, duke e lënë sulltanin të vdekur në fushë. Në botimin përfundimtar, rrethimet dhe duelet zënë më shumë hapësirë, të ndërthurura me histori tradhtie, miqësie dhe dashurie, siç është ajo mes Pallantes dhe Florës, dy të rinj të dashuruar me besimin islam, të cilët, të inkurajuar nga bujaria e të krishterëve, konvertohen. Besnike ndaj modelit të Tasso's Jeruzalsmi i liruar, një admirues i madh i Sarrocchi-t, La Scanderbeide thelleson në kërkimin e protagonistit për identitetin dhe ben qe te lindë një "une" e re epike femërore, e cila, pas një kërkimi të kujdesshëm historik, tregon një histori me rëndësi të madhe në Evropën e kohës dhe të sotme.
Më vjen keq që sjam ne gjëndje të gjej një dokument online me poemën në italisht ose anglisht (free) por në qoftë se dikush esht i interesuar mund te flas me profesorin sepse ai është më i aftë sesa unë. Prap se prap në qoftë se dikush arrin ta gjejë librin ndjajeni në komente.
Ps. Sorry per shqipen por kam që në 9-vjecaren që kam bërë ne shqipëri qe nuk shkruaj ne mënyr formale/. Mos me sulmoni :(
submitted by Away-Development-951 to albania [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Valuable_Bread163 Do ferry prices ever drop?
I am looking at ferries on Friday and none are sold out so far. There are no Saver prices that day. Do they ever drop?
submitted by Valuable_Bread163 to VictoriaBC [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Prize-Front9397 Anubis & Anput
(both made by me) submitted by Prize-Front9397 to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Zestyclose_Unit_7395 Private school taxes
Ok so get this there's a flippin tax on private schools although we already pay for public schools so why does there have to be a dumb tax that makes us pay hella money so our children who ain't dumb people actually get good education
submitted by Zestyclose_Unit_7395 to Government_is_lame [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 No_Reference_6943 The World
submitted by No_Reference_6943 to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 PatekCollector77 Rapid wear on case volume button
Have had the peak design iPhone 16pro case for about 3 months and the anodization on the volume down button has almost completely worn off. No idea what could cause this as it’s pretty much isolated to just that button. Has anyone experienced similar? I started noticing this a few weeks into having the case, considering opening a support ticket. submitted by PatekCollector77 to peakdesign [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 CarrotMysterious1748 Best WDW Package Promotions
We are looking at booking our second trip when dates come out. We are either looking at Jan/Feb or September 2026.
What are some of the best past promos you’ve seen that we need to look out for?
submitted by CarrotMysterious1748 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 ArcanisUltra Incarnate Chaos (Going off of WotC's 1997 prank idea to have Portals make Purple Mana)
submitted by ArcanisUltra to custommagic [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 tonytolo Taking parts from high country for TB
Taking parts from a totaled out High Country.
I have a 2020 TB LT and my father in-law has a 2019 High country with all the bells and whistles. I really want his auto up tailgate and digital rear view mirror with camera. Truck got hit from the side today and he suspects it’s totaled.
Has anyone ever taken those parts from another truck and swapped them in? Is it a plug and play with the right harness or does the ECU need to be flashed.
Also, from what I’m told both parties were able to walk away from the accident without any major issues
submitted by tonytolo to Silverado [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 CaptionAction3 New York State Movie Theaters Offering Open Captions (on-screen subtitles)
New York State has a large number of theaters offering open captions (on-screen subtitles). However, a substantial number of theaters still do not. There are two lists below. The first list is theaters that do offer open captions. The second list is theaters that do not. If the New York State bill for open captions passes, several on the second list will have to begin offering open captions.
2025.01.22 20:54 Fit-Researcher5139 Why won't dbo.sysssislog be written to if proxy account is executing the package
So we setup ssis logging in the package - Run the packaged in Studio, no problem writes to table. Publish it to SSIS and run it using the sql server agent account and it again writes to that sysssislog table. However if we run it as a proxy account it no longer writes to that table and isn't generating errors anywhere. The credential for the proxy account has db_owner on the database used in the connection. Even though it has db_owner we granted execute on dbo.sp_ssis_addlogentry on the DB and MSDB just in case. still no dice. If we grant the credential SysAdmin to the server, then it writes out to that table. Obviously we don't want to grant a proxy credential that access, but I am obviously missing a permission SOMEWHERE that allows me to do this. Any ideas!?
Thank you!
submitted by Fit-Researcher5139 to SQL [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 FreethoughtChris Trump Will Bulldoze the Separation of Church and State
submitted by FreethoughtChris to atheism [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Commercial-Sail-2186 Hegel remarks somewhere that all historical events and personages occur so to speak in twos
submitted by Commercial-Sail-2186 to TheDeprogram [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 HootsiferConga Do I got a doppelganger?
I hope not tbh
submitted by HootsiferConga to doppelganger [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 haicau_mirage_1301 I don't know what to do with this
submitted by haicau_mirage_1301 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 CytoxxiC My story
Yesterday I was hungry.
I wanted to make a sandwich.
I’m at my boyfriends place, that’s a student dorm.
So there I went off to the shared kitchen.
I felt good. I wanted toast.
I put the bread in the toaster and wait for them to toast.
My stomach growls.
Damn, I think. Must be because I’m hungry.
I watch the bread plop out and suddenly feel another plop.
A very different plop.
I haven’t pooped in a while, I reckon.
But my stomach has bipolar disorder. Type one.
So it’s normal to me.
I begin to smear butter and put cheese on the pieces of bread. This is starting to look pretty fucking delicious.
I put them in the toaster oven.
And then I feel it.
Not like I had before.
I really felt it.
I suddenly bend in two.
My stomach is in complete havoc.
What have I done, I ask myself.
I try my best to hold it in, clenching my precious cheeks for dear life.
It doesn’t help.
I’m going to shit myself.
I don’t have time to properly clean the butter knife and try my best to run it under water, dragging my hands along the greasy surface.
I don’t accomplish anything.
I’m a failure.
Despite this, I put it on the dish rack. Like a pig.
I grab the lukewarm toast from the toast oven and slab them on a plate.
With one hand holding the plate and the other desperately clinging between my buttocks, I rush to my boyfriend’s room.
I open the door in panic, not caring if I wake the man.
If I suffer, he must too.
I realise I don’t have time to reach the desk, where I had planned to eat my toast in piece and play sims.
I put the plate on the floor before entering the bathroom.
I fumble with my pants.
Will I make it in time?
I slip down my pants and feel myself explode with a sound similar to an earthquake.
After my traumatic trip to the toilet, I sit down at the desk and eat a sandwich.
The cheese isn’t even melted.
But then I realise.
Cheese. My mortal enemy.
I poop. Again. And again.
submitted by CytoxxiC to ibs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 cuffywuzzy [USA-PA] [H] Apacer Panther 16GB (1 x 16GB) RGB DDR5-5600 RAM [W] Paypal
Anybody get the iBuyPower Y40 (w/4070) and looking to match the stick of RAM that came with it?
Looking to get $50 shipped!
submitted by cuffywuzzy to hardwareswap [link] [comments]