Link post title 106

Geschäftsfähigkeit ist ein zentraler Begriff im deutschen Recht und bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit einer Person, rechtswirksame Verträge und andere Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen.Das ... Was bedeutet Direktionsrecht des Arbeitgebers? Welche Rechte haben Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer bei Weisungen bzgl. Arbeitszeit, Arbeitsort usw. Lesen Sie § 106 ZPO kostenlos in der Gesetzessammlung von mit über 6200 Gesetzen und Vorschriften. Urheberrechtsverletzung ist ein Verstoß gegen geltende Urheberrechtsgesetze dar. Wissenswertes zur Strafe, Verjährung und den Kosten hier lesen. TKG - Telekommunikationsgesetz Lesen Sie § 106 AktG kostenlos in der Gesetzessammlung von mit über 6200 Gesetzen und Vorschriften. Minderjährigkeit / Minderjährigenrecht § 2 BGB - Wer bzw. bis wann ist man nach dem Gesetz minderjährig? Jetzt Definition & Gesetzeslage im JuraForum-Rechtslexikon lesen! Weisungsbefugnis Definition & Bedeutung im Arbeitsrecht. Erläuterung der gesetzlichen Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen, Grenzen und ein Beispiel zur Weisungsbefugnis im Arbeitsrecht. Billiges Ermessen - Bedeutung gemäß § 315 BGB ️ Was bedeutet nach billigem Ermessen im Arbeitsrecht? Definition & Beispiele hier lesen! Kostenfestsetzungsverfahren - Über 3.000 Rechtsbegriffe kostenlos und verständlich erklärt! Das Rechtswörterbuch von

2025.01.22 22:21 lss_web_1444 Link post title 106

Link post title 106 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 papazis1 Drug dealer gets a swimming lesson

submitted by papazis1 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 funnyonion22 Mods- can we ban x links here too?

Hey Mod team, Given Musk's actual Nazi salute at the inauguration on Monday, can we ban links on this sub? Nazis are about as far from Star Trek ideals as it's possible to get, and depriving them of exposure on other media is one small thing we can do. Some other subs have run polls to confirm redditors' preferences, in case you're concerned about backlash. Reddit has said that they won't intervene if some subreddits ban some links.
Thanks for all your hard work, btw!
submitted by funnyonion22 to sto [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Pretty_Piece4334 Solo f traveler in condado area

Travel next week for 6 days, would love to meet some other travelers in the area!
submitted by Pretty_Piece4334 to SanJuan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 astro_picasso God's message

Does anyone watch "God's Message Today" or "God Tell You" on Youtube?
It's like hearing God talk you and it's seems too much of a coincidence that each message is exactly what you need to hear at the right time.
I've never been the same since I've been watching. My faith has grown in ways unimaginable.
submitted by astro_picasso to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Jdspep Buffalo Chicken Wings with No Seed Oil at Home

submitted by Jdspep to StopEatingSeedOils [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 CARB0RN I got FH4 and Doom Eternal base games from a friend. How do I update them without downloading the entirety of the games

Both are from fitgirl , happy to answer any further questions
submitted by CARB0RN to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 MelodyMuse24xo When it's one of those days

When it's one of those days submitted by MelodyMuse24xo to OCDmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 badluck678 How is India a cultural superpower??

I have pondering on internet and reddit and it seems india is considered as an cultural superpower. I'm indian but i strongly disagree
On Wikipedia it's written that India is a cultural superpower counted in the likes of usa, spain, korea, etc which i found to be very wrong. For eg India's most famous cultural influential examples like Bollywood is actually one of the most infamous example of cringe cinema who no one like except for their fanboys.
Indian food is popular around the world but only in countries where Indians have huge population mostly in english countries. Even famous so called indian dishes like chicken tikka masala is not an Indian invention but just influenced by Indian ingredients and it's actually invented in Britain or scotland and is actually not from India but an modern invention.
Then there's usual Indians invented zero or number system but many people don't know it and many other things like shampoo, surgery chess, etc many people don't realise it came from India although all these things i listed above are also present in other cultures like egypt greece and China too and zero was also independently discovered by native Americans around the same time .
For Indians their religion is their culture i e Hinduism and Hinduism is hardly present outside India . Only less three countries have Hinduism as their majority. I know you'll say Hinduism was practiced in whole of South East Asia but it used to be but not now as for south East Asia it's the only place which is heavily influenced by Indian culture but also ny other cultures too like Chinese and after came Islam and European Cultures. Only southeast Asia seems to have indian culture being practiced but S.E.A is not the whole world.
submitted by badluck678 to librandu [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 FerrariF40_ THIS IS Blood Orange

THIS IS Blood Orange you cant convince me otherwise
submitted by FerrariF40_ to BloodOrange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Ok_Park_4832 Just came back to war zone after a year wtf is that shitty area 69 map or whatever the fuck it's called

Everything's much worse where the fuck a the audio went I can't evain hear someone 2 yards behind me and the new resurance map what the actual fuck the layout is shit too colorized and "unreal" like an arcade price of shit
I loved when war zone when it was realistic and felt more like how real life warfare would take place now it's SHIT the maps the skins the layout the movement ffs just bring back verdansk and the old weapons
submitted by Ok_Park_4832 to Warzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 mrknife1209 I fixed my lactose intolerance -- by chugging lots of lactose [10:23]

I fixed my lactose intolerance -- by chugging lots of lactose [10:23] submitted by mrknife1209 to mealtimevideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 DeeLaa77 Clash wins not recording

Not sure if anyone else has seen this glitch or not, I’ve noticed this since the update with the new banners and icons (where you’re now not forced to watch the clash win at the end of your battle).
If you click too quickly and don’t watch the clash banner graphics give you the win, I sometimes don’t get the win added to my clash wins.
This was happening during the previous clash too.
I’ve now taken screenshots and reported the issue.
submitted by DeeLaa77 to mobcontrolgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Many_Lie2326 THANK YOU R/LANGLEY

u/jesseandjules u/cj_oolay and u/Own-Housing9443 pulled together and I got $26.50 at the bottle depot and then u/mehoart2 and u/OmgWtfNamesTaken e transferred me enough for groceries!
submitted by Many_Lie2326 to Langley [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 JessHalligan We lost a good one today.

We lost a good one today. Found our male lying down in his coop today. He was still warm so I'm assuming he could not do much due to the cold. Also, he was mainly letting all the females eat before he ate. Our very gentleman like Roo is no longer with us.
submitted by JessHalligan to chickens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Tanzamaii001 Elden Ring Nightreign [4K]

Elden Ring Nightreign [4K] submitted by Tanzamaii001 to wallpaperengine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 AnonymousAggregator Scrolling for answers

Scrolling for answers submitted by AnonymousAggregator to AAggregator [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 nowayyy1233 Over and Over- Filth Flamingo
submitted by nowayyy1233 to promotemusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 strictlyfocused02 I managed to beat Dead Space Remake NG+ Impossible Mode in 3h 50m. I know its not anything special but it was still a lot of fun!

I managed to beat Dead Space Remake NG+ Impossible Mode in 3h 50m. I know its not anything special but it was still a lot of fun! submitted by strictlyfocused02 to DeadSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 SazeracRamos “Good” Price Per Hour TATL Upgrade

Greetings. I know the answer to this question is overwhelmingly subjective, but what do you all consider a decent value for a Polaris upgrade cost per hour? Currently looking at IAH-AMS at ~$950. A little higher than I want to spend, but it feels like this isn't too unreasonable.
submitted by SazeracRamos to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 ReyhanSerdar In Al-Foula, thousands demonstrate in solidarity with Gezira, condemning the ongoing targeting of civilians by the Sudanese military and militias. The people demand justice and back US actions against Burhan’s government.

In Al-Foula, thousands demonstrate in solidarity with Gezira, condemning the ongoing targeting of civilians by the Sudanese military and militias. The people demand justice and back US actions against Burhan’s government. submitted by ReyhanSerdar to RDTTR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Afraid_Individual802 If Yuta didn't appear here, would Todo and Yuji have been able to win?

submitted by Afraid_Individual802 to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Extra-_-Light Stop Building Ideas No One Wants(Part 1): How I Helped Founder Validating AI Medical App Without Single line Code MVP

In one of my free testimonials for my idea validation framework, a founder came to me with an idea for an AI medical assistant. The concept was to use AI to help in emergency cases, reducing error rates.
The founder, coming from a nursing background, was non-technical but had started learning programming to build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). She wanted to test if the idea was worth investing in. However, she didn't realize that learning programming is a huge investment of time and effort in itself. In This post i will show you how I helped her validating that the idea get her first customers in 2 weeks stragity without a single line of code
To help her, I structured our conversations around these questions:

  1. The Ideal audience?
  2. psychological Need
  3. The Solution Statement
  4. SMVP (Smallest MVP)
#1 The Ideal Audience We started with the target audience. I asked, "Who are your target audience?"
She answered, "Doctors and nurses."
To me, that was the wrong answer. Before I share my answer, let me explain how I define my ideal audience.
Any of my ideal audience should satisfy these points:
Doctors and nurses might satisfy point 1, and maybe point 3. They could directly benefit from the solution by allowing them better handling of the situation, and they might pay for a subscription if it's convincing. However, to make the system work, it should be used by all the staff to make the AI coordination effective.
So, can doctors and nurses enforce this system on everyone in the hospital? They can suggest it, but enforce it as policy? I don't think so.
After excluding the medical staff as the ideal audience, my answer was that the hospital management could be the ideal customer.
So, after we know the ideal audience, we need to identify the psychological problem we're solving.
#2 The Psychological Need You might ask, "Why does it matter? We already know the need, the customer, and the solution. What does 'psychological need' even mean?"
Actually, the psychological need is way more important than you might think.
Basically, it's the human motive to use or buy your service, and it can shift the solution in different ways. Let's identify the psychological problem for this customer that would make them buy it from you.
Need Description - Version 1:
"We're going to improve emergency handling cases using AI." To determine if this is the psychological need, we should check if it's "time-traveler proof." In other words, if we went back 10,000 or a million years and described this need, would they understand it? Probably no.
Need Description - Version 2:
"We're going to reduce human error in emergency cases in hospitals." This version is better, but for someone from a million years ago, what do "hospitals" or "human error" mean?
Need Description - Final Version:
"We're going to increase people's trust in the thing you do."
I think this could work because humans trust, distrust are a built-in survival senses.
You'll see how important this description is when we start designing the smallest MVP.
#3 The Solution Statement The solution statement will be our guide to validating the need. It consists of 3 parts:
"Psychological Need" + "Solution" + "The Way"
In our example, it would be:
"We're going to increase people's trust in the thing you do" + "through reducing human error in emergencies" + "via an AI medical assistant app."
#4 The Smallest MVP As I mentioned, the founder was learning programming to validate this. Learning programming is a good thing, for sure, but if we're doing it only to build an MVP for idea validation, it's not the right investment, at least for me.
What is an MVP? I know you know it means Minimum Viable Product, but does it mean the smallest working product? Many people think the MVP should be similar to the goal but smaller, like an AI app with the fewest features. For me, if that MVP takes more than 3 working days from one person, it might not be the SMVP (Smallest MVP).
And here, the psychological problem will play a core role in defining the SMVP.
First, you need to know that all technologies are just tools to help you with your solutions. There should be a way to replace them with something else if needed.
The problem we want to solve, or the value we're bringing, is:
"We're going to increase people's trust in the thing you do" + "through reducing human error in emergencies" + "via an AI medical assistant app."
The app is just a way to implement the solution, but the solution itself is the way of handling the emergency.
So, our plan to validate this is that the founder will start by acting as the tool for solving the situation herself. She will design the workflow for handling emergencies and act as the AI coordinator on the job.
This way, she will:
Once the founder has the right algorithm/flow for handling emergencies, and once there's a decrease in human error, she can share that with the management. Why would they listen to her?
Next, she can test the same approach with other hospitals. Why would they listen to her?
This way, she can not only validate with real market feedback and be confident that she's building the right thing but also gain her first customers.
P.S. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you want help validating your idea in the fastest way possible![](
submitted by Extra-_-Light to agency [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 PacificNWExp When Was The Last Time You Went To Sears For TVs, Computers / PCs, DVD Players And Other Electronics Before That Department Went Away In The Late 2010s Decade? (Sears and Fry's are very identical and there are only 8 Sears left, including 3 in California and 1 in Texas)

When Was The Last Time You Went To Sears For TVs, Computers / PCs, DVD Players And Other Electronics Before That Department Went Away In The Late 2010s Decade? (Sears and Fry's are very identical and there are only 8 Sears left, including 3 in California and 1 in Texas) submitted by PacificNWExp to FrysElectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:21 Familiar-Radish-4389 University Participants needed for Questionnaire on Personality

University Participants needed for Questionnaire on Personality Hello! I’m looking for people to complete an online study about the impact of personality traits on academic performance and friendships. If you’re 18 + a postgraduate or undergraduate student, with about 15 minutes to spare; I’d love to have you participate! If topics around personality traits, academic motivation, or friendships might cause you distress, please consider if this study is right for you. Feel free to share this with friends and family .
submitted by Familiar-Radish-4389 to UniUK [link] [comments]