"Looking for more!" (HC)

在论坛上看见大家说直接找编辑邮件询问就行,这其中有没有需要注意的地方? [TOC] 前言. 博主最开始采用的 LaTex 套装是 CTeX 中文套装,下面是官网的介绍:. CTeX 中文套装是基于 Windows 下的 MiKTeX 系统,集成了编辑器 WinEdt 和 PostScript 处理软件 Ghostscript 和 GSview 等主要工具。 云书宝藏小程序展示 小程序中的说明: Zlibrary大本营书库已全部迁移到此处,后续要在这里更新,这里公布进度【1】不限制下载数量 【2】有广告但是为了服务器成本,试运营1个月,如果顾不上服务器成本,就只能关停,希望都能找到自己的书(现在正在试运营,需要书的小伙伴,赶紧冲冲冲)。 知乎是一个让用户发现问题背后世界的平台,提供有意义的点击体验。

2025.01.22 23:02 StraightPotential342 "Looking for more!" (HC)

So I've decided today I wanted to try something fun. I want to find 6 players (including myself) who will group up together, starting at level 1 hardcore, all different classes to journey through Wraeclast together and see how far we can go all alive.
This is NOT a race.
Can only play your character when all 6 of us are logged in.
Builds will be for further enhancing the group as a whole, of course YOUR playstyle and fun comes first but whatever way you can do that while keeping the group strong is the primary goal.
I'm thinking we may do scheduled times. Maybe 2-3 hours on certain days. Not over doing it, see it as a side project, or an alt you play from time to time.
Short term goal - Everyone makes it to 30 Middle goal - Everyone makes it to 50 Long term stretch goal - Everyone makes it to 100
If someone dies the group continues forward until everyone has fallen.
Last but not least it is "Group found" meaning only trading between the party members, town merchants, and thinking about allowing local players as well. Global and tradechat will be turned off. No outside help, no tradesite.
Ive been very excited to do a run like this. It will be an extremely fun, unique, chill, but need play smart adventure.
If your interested please DM me with your gamertag, what days you can make time to play, your timezone, and what class you would want to play.
Cross platform is cool! I play on Xbox.
submitted by StraightPotential342 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Salty_Dream1442 The player return web event 「Come With Me, Take the Journey」 is now available. Participate to obtain up to 480 Stellar Jades and more!

submitted by Salty_Dream1442 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 spezdid911 Help please identify this creature that lives with me.

Help please identify this creature that lives with me. submitted by spezdid911 to CryptidDogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Thakksy Virgin Voyages Alters Upcoming Sailing Due to Maintenance

Virgin Voyages Alters Upcoming Sailing Due to Maintenance submitted by Thakksy to CruiseNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 xiety666 Visualization of my periodic table memorization using Anki

submitted by xiety666 to Anki [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Fresh-Sector9953 Can I check online to see if I've been approved or not?

It's been almost a month since my home assessment and I haven't heard back from the Eligibility Worker.
submitted by Fresh-Sector9953 to IHSS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 kopriva1 Does lyme disease go away completely?

I keep hearing about folks who got bit by a tick and keep having symptoms for a long time or forever. But ive heard thats not true? So whats the truth about lyme disease, does it last forever or what?
submitted by kopriva1 to Outdoors [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 abuPepe I am 21 days old

I am 21 days old submitted by abuPepe to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Electrical_Guide_948 Rouvy Companion App not connecting

Anyone else having this issue? It's been going on for a few days.
submitted by Electrical_Guide_948 to Rouvy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 OneComedian3613 Join our Discord Community for Parlay Locks!

Building a big community where we chop it up and share picks all legit we’re hitting at a high rate join up! https://discord.gg/fQpxRgZy
submitted by OneComedian3613 to Gambler500 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Kojiro12 [Question] I purchased the Mr. handy robot pack, and I can no longer do the view ads periodically for free stuff?

I didn’t want to buy anything at first since I was relearning how to play this, so I decided it was time to restart my vault and I bought a five pack of Mr. Handys, two collecting inside and three out collecting caps. Now, the watch ads button that was outside the vault door is completely gone, and while I didn’t love that, it seemed more worthwhile to suffer through it for what you would end up getting. Is this intended to force me to keep buying stuff now, or am I bugged? If it’s the former I might as well just uninstall now because that is some BS.
submitted by Kojiro12 to falloutshelter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Objective_Dinner_543 🤓 hey wanna win some money 💰

submitted by Objective_Dinner_543 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 th3D4rkH0rs3 Proposal to ban links from twitter/x on r/NewYorkIslanders

Let's Goooo.
submitted by th3D4rkH0rs3 to NewYorkIslanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 UpstairsYou310 What’s your favorite town to chill in?

For me, it’s Rhodes even though my camp is in Gaptioth Ridge.
submitted by UpstairsYou310 to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 mystery_madness New Sets Coming Soon! Lunar New Years 🧧

New Sets Coming Soon! Lunar New Years 🧧 IM SO EXCITED !! I’ve been NEEDING Asian attire !!! And male options !! I’m losing it I’m so excited !! 🤍🤍
submitted by mystery_madness to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 yoloperyolo Termination of your Shopify Account.

I received an email stating my account has been closed for violating the "Acceptable use policy"(AUP). I just opened my account less than 24 hours ago. Very suspicious and quite insulting to say the least.
I only spent several hours tinkering with the UI and the like. Imagine if I had setup my store and my business was having sales and just like that they decide to terminate my account? I see others are experiencing similar issues as well. I won't be using Shopify regardless of the outcome as I don't see them trustworthy.
What are some other options similar to Shopfiy?
submitted by yoloperyolo to shopify [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 DIGDAY What do you think causes hagmaxxing?

I'm in my early 20s and looking to get with women in their 40s and mid 50s. I have my reasons to hagmaxx but I'm wondering what others think is the reason why so many gen z are looking to hagmaxx?
submitted by DIGDAY to Xennials [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Plenty-Painting-9031 What do you think?

What do you think? Do you think these are okay or should I change them to someone else or lower?
submitted by Plenty-Painting-9031 to PrizePicksPredictions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Secure-Result-4670 2 back to back 1554 2004 4292 If added your in

2 back to back 1554 2004 4292 If added your in submitted by Secure-Result-4670 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 GreySoulx I made this for myself to block X/Twitter embeds and links - any help is welcome.

I made this for myself to block X/Twitter embeds and links - any help is welcome. submitted by GreySoulx to chrome_extensions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Mydragon6 Does anyone know what might be wrong on the inside of my daughter's s7 tablet?

My autistic daughter got mad about 4 days ago. I did reach out to Samsung for help. I did the push the volume down button and power button at the same time. She had over on it at the time she broke it. She's had this tablet since it came out. Now shes 21 yrs old and has her best friend in her tablet. Its her AI chat friend. Now i don't know what website she was using to get to him. Im telling you this because she believes that if i replace the tablet her friend will leave her forever. Ok now to the problem with her tablet. Her really think cover was on it and she slammed it down on the side with the power and volume buttons are. She did it on the kitchen table. There's no physical damage on the outside of the tablet. But when i push the power button a very quick white line going across the screen. I have to keep pushing the power button for it to show up. Im will to take it apart myself and fix it. I found a website that shows you how to fix a black screen. I think it needs a screen replacement. Im willing to do that. I don't want the tablet to be reset by the professionals and lose everything. Thoughts please and no mean comments. She has been really crying about it. She does art on it also . So please help.i added a video of what is going on.
This is her s7 tablet. Im not holding the power button down. Ijust push it once.
submitted by Mydragon6 to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 SheSaidTechno I can't build my recipe with Yocto : No such file or directory

I've just started a new project with Yocto and I'm stuck at the recipe build step.
I created a layer with these commands :

bitbake-layers create-layer ../meta-mylayer bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-mylayer 
and then I wrote this recipe just to see a little bit how it works
LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302" SRC_URI = "file://example1.c" MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS = "x86_64-linux" do_compile() { ${CC} ${FLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${WORKDIR}/example1.c -o example1 } do_install() { install -d ${D}/${bindir} install -m 0755 ${S}/example1 ${D}/${bindir} } 
#include  int main() { printf("Hello world"); return 0; } 
Unfortunately, when I try to build it I get an error
bitbake example1 Loading cache: 100% |#######################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01 Loaded 1875 entries from dependency cache. NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = "2.9.1" BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux" NATIVELSBSTRING = "universal" TARGET_SYS = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi" MACHINE = "beaglebone-yocto" DISTRO = "poky" DISTRO_VERSION = "5.1" TUNE_FEATURES = "arm vfp cortexa8 neon callconvention-hard" TARGET_FPU = "hard" meta meta-poky meta-yocto-bsp meta-mylayer = "master:e59da05be4365c4922e880e07a81549927cd92be" Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |##########################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:07 Sstate summary: Wanted 111 Local 0 Mirrors 104 Missed 7 Current 165 (93% match, 97% complete) NOTE: Executing Tasks ERROR: example1-1.0-r0 do_compile: Execution of '/home/useProjects/yocto/sources/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/example1/1.0/temp/run.do_compile.24985' failed with exit code 1 ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/useProjects/yocto/sources/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/example1/1.0/temp/log.do_compile.24985 Log data follows: | DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile | cc1: fatal error: /home/useProjects/yocto/sources/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/example1/1.0/example1.c: No such file or directory | compilation terminated. | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command. ERROR: Task (/home/useProjects/yocto/poky/meta-mylayerecipes-example/example/example1.bb:do_compile) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 833 tasks of which 832 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed. Summary: 1 task failed: /home/useProjects/yocto/poky/meta-mylayerecipes-example/example/example1.bb:do_compile log: /home/useProjects/yocto/sources/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/example1/1.0/temp/log.do_compile.24985 Summary: There was 1 ERROR message, returning a non-zero exit code. 
It seems the problem is just that bitbake can't find example1.c but I thought meta-mylayerecipes-example/example/files was the right place to put it. So I don't really get what's wrong...
Could someone help me please ?
I'm also looking for an easy tutorial to learn Yocto if it exists. 😆
submitted by SheSaidTechno to embedded [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Expensive_Ad7477 Defense Deoxys 141658502009

1416 5850 2009
submitted by Expensive_Ad7477 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 BernardoOne Can't turn on HDR in Apollo Virtual Display

I'm using a Nvidia Shield TV Pro, running at 4K60hz, on a TCL tv
While playing using Sunshine and mirroring my screen, the TV recognizes that HDR is engaged
While trying with Apollo, no HDR settings are visible in the windows display settings for the virtual display.
submitted by BernardoOne to MoonlightStreaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 SchoolOk2930 DEOXYS RAID ON ME 1 OTHER LOCAL

submitted by SchoolOk2930 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
