Would this silly fluffy goose let you pet him

2025.01.23 02:33 Cloudfluffin Would this silly fluffy goose let you pet him

Would this silly fluffy goose let you pet him submitted by Cloudfluffin to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:33 ElectricEntity Chapman University's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Awards gave the school's Students for Justice in Palestine chapter the Student Organization Award, and the president of the Chapman just emailed the ENTIRE UNIVERSITY to express his disagreement and apologize

Chapman University's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Awards gave the school's Students for Justice in Palestine chapter the Student Organization Award, and the president of the Chapman just emailed the ENTIRE UNIVERSITY to express his disagreement and apologize submitted by ElectricEntity to ShitLiberalsSay [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:33 Forsaken_Divide_9277 Frank: “Found this in my room.. no idea what it does..”

submitted by Forsaken_Divide_9277 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:33 bot_neen Sesión Pública - Miércoles 22 Enero 2025 - TEPJF

submitted by bot_neen to mexico_politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:33 SureGazelle6484 Are they really punk?

I saw a post from someone batching about Donald trump and nazis and how anyone who voted for him is a transphobic/homophobic nazi hater or at least that's what I took away from it I didn't read it. I didn't even want to vote this term because of all the dogma surrounding the election but I did it anyway. Are people like me encircled in that spectrum? I have relatives who are openly gay yet I don't go out of my way to bash them or burn a cross in their front yard. These people aren't "punk". They're whiney ass children who think the world revolves around their sad delusion of looking at things who have no idea how the world works and have never seen a real nazi a day in their sheltered lives. They're the kind of people who would call world War 2 vets like my grandfathers the real nazis while all they did was fight in a war that these self righteous brats cannot even grasp the scope of the horrors that they endured so they could have the right to piss and moan about childish bullshit.
submitted by SureGazelle6484 to antiwoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:33 Lumpy_Memory1985 False Positive from Turnitin

I submitted an essay and I just got an email from my teacher saying they put my essay through an AI detector (turnitin) and it came back as 25% AI generated even though I didn't use any. The teacher gave me a 0 for my final and tomorrow I'm going to try and explain that I didn't use any AI so I was wondering if any of you guys have tips on what to say??! (Also for doc history it looks like I copied and pasted it because we had to do our outline in a separate doc and then he told us you can copy n paste that into the final .)
submitted by Lumpy_Memory1985 to highschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:33 wuffer84 left eye flickering and tearing

Doing the 14 day "Trial". Not impressed.
#1 - foam pad on the head band fell off after maybe 2 hours of use. Very minimal glue was used. It's an easy fix, but still it shouldn't happen with 2 weeks of getting the headset.
#2 - IPD and offsets have been a nightmare for me. after 30 or so minutes I'm left with major eyestrain. Never had this with other headsets. This could be user error on my part, but it's still annoying.
#3 Tonight, I start the thing up and get screen tearing and flickering in the left eye. Any ideas what might cause this? Video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Y8E7a7TaNJ13URB47
submitted by wuffer84 to Pimax [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 SorryAd2437 Am I doing this right? Le

Am I doing this right? Le First time sock knitter, long time knitter. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing. I’m on the heel turn and I don’t know what I should do at this point. Any help is very much appreciated!
submitted by SorryAd2437 to knittinghelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 Adorable_Spell7562 Do you prefer piracy or official sources??

Netflix has lot of new anime like Dandadan, Blue box, My happy marriage etc. but i sometimes prefer to watch those from pirated websites even though i have a Netflix subscription because those soft subs are not good. I want to know am I the only one who does it or are there more people out there??
submitted by Adorable_Spell7562 to anime [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 PilotMan_34 Japanese traditional fu dog and chrysanthemums done by Chris at Iron Cypress in Lake Charles, LA.

submitted by PilotMan_34 to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 forestinabottle Actually, I really enjoyed them. Al was onto something… just don’t dip them in milk 🤮

submitted by forestinabottle to weirdal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 SufficientSleep9752 [Mobile][2010s] puzzle game about woman in coma

I used to play games in my grandmas iPad as a kid, and I can’t find the name of this one?? The game starts with a cutscene of a woman lying on the side of the road found by an ambulance, in the hospital the doctors enlist a psychic to go into the woman’s mind and bring her out of the coma. Once inside her mind, the player has to solve a series of point and click puzzles that were relatively difficult (at least to me as a kid). I can recall the first main obstacle was a gate covered in flames, other locations were a life sized dollhouse, and one puzzle was a pool of water with a paper aeroplane that you could direct around it. The game had an art style of mostly flat jpegs, like a more realistic version of the game episode, with a very creepy and ominous atmosphere. Any leads would be really helpful as the game has popped into my mind a lot of the last couple of years and I’d love to replay it :)
submitted by SufficientSleep9752 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 guanaco55 Gov. Ayotte announces state hiring freeze, citing budget deficit -- Since July, revenue from the state’s major business taxes, which account for about 40% of state collections, have come in more than $80 million shy of forecast.

Gov. Ayotte announces state hiring freeze, citing budget deficit -- Since July, revenue from the state’s major business taxes, which account for about 40% of state collections, have come in more than $80 million shy of forecast. submitted by guanaco55 to newhampshire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 LimonConAceit3 EL IDIOMA PORTUGUES GANO

EL IDIOMA PORTUGUES GANO submitted by LimonConAceit3 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 TogepiEggs One of the worst final bosses I’ve seen

One of the worst final bosses I’ve seen I’m having a pretty good run going only lost twice so far one shot pyg and turtle shell loop but I at least put up a fight but my first ranked final of this patch is the most broken builds I’ve seen I had to rewatch it three times to figure out how I died so fast ps is blowgun new
submitted by TogepiEggs to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 Outrageous_Hand_1986 I'm trippin or Fanum look little asab???💀

I'm trippin or Fanum look little asab???💀 submitted by Outrageous_Hand_1986 to FanumTroupe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 Far-Combination7082 What it's actually like to be emotionless

TW: Suicide and serious depression
Ok, I'm gonna start by saying the media portrays being emotionless so poorly. It's far from accurate and I'm tired of seeing it misrepresented because I KNOW what it's like to be emotionless, and it's nothing like the media portrays it as.
When I was 16, I lost my grandfather. It was the hardest time of my life. I had already been suffering with mental health issues and PTSD from past abuse. But when I lost him, my world broke. I was tired of the pain, anger, fear, sadness, and any other negative emotion that was caused by life. So, I shut down. I was emotionless.
But it's not like I didn't or couldn't react to things like the media portrays. I knew how I was supposed to react to things, I could force a laugh at a joke, a could make myself cry when things were supposed to be sad, I could shout and curse when I was supposed to be angry. And I could react like this for every emotion. But I just couldn't FEEL the emotions.
When it first started, I was grateful. I could no longer feel fear or sadness, I would never be hurt by anyone again, I couldn't feel angry or hate. I would never hurt my loved ones again. It was a relief to know I wouldn't feel those negative emotions. But all too quickly reality hit.
I couldn't feel sadness or fear, sure. But I also couldn't feel happiness anymore. Things I enjoyed were meaningless now. I couldn't feel angry anymore, but I also couldn't feel love. I would never yell at my mom, dad, aunt, or friends, but I also couldn't love them. I could hug them, but it wouldn't mean anything. I could smile when they got me a gift, but I'd throw away the gift or hide it in my closet like it was nothing.
In a few short months, I learned that the trade off of not feeling hate, angry, sadness, or fear, wasn't worth not feeling love, joy, and happiness. I eventually tried to overdose and kill myself not being able to bear not feeling anything anymore. I survived- obviously- thanks to my family. And that was a serious wake-up call for how bad my mental health was.
What media gets wrong is that they think that since you can't feel emotions, you don't know how to express them or how to react. When someone is emotionless, they know what emotions are. They're not idiots. We're not idiots. We know HOW to react and we DO. Just like with other mental health issues, someone could be emotionless and you'd never realize it.
submitted by Far-Combination7082 to Truthoffmychest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 yllwiee I lost an entire friend group because one person was mad at me

For some context, I'm a college freshman studying abroad, and I was close to a group of students from my country. I've always had a hard time forming close relationships, so having this support system while being far away from home meant a lot to me.
Recently, I had some issues with another person (also my roommate) in the group. We were both annoyed at one another for things like going to bed at different times, turning on the lights when the other's sleeping,... trivial stuff that are inevitable when you're learning to share a living space for the first time. But while I tried my best to communicate my preferences and boundaries, she bottled all those issues up and exploded at me one day when I asked why she had been passive-aggressive. Then, to my surprise, she cut off all contact and we just stopped talking (while still sharing a room). From then on, I've noticed other members of the group acting distant towards me, like not acknowledging me when I walk past them on campus. I kinda expected this, because she was much closer to those girls than I was, but it's still taking a toll on me.
I feel so sad and angry at the same time, because they didn't seem to make any effort to know my side of the story. And I guess a part of me feels lost, too, because I don't know what to do from here. I have other friends, but I'll still see that group around on campus (it's a small school). Most of all, I feel like I don't deserve that kind of treatment, especially since I didn't even do anything other than standing up for myself.
submitted by yllwiee to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 Idk_any_good-names This fits sturges better

This fits sturges better submitted by Idk_any_good-names to Fallout [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 Volcarona2001 The Land of the Shiny Ogre 2

submitted by Volcarona2001 to Zygarde [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 DoomGuyMX Almost done with Indiana Jones completely on XCloud - Using my old Xbox One

Gotta say it’s pretty impressive, mind you i don’t have a 4K TV but i have experienced virtually 0 lag or hiccups since i started
submitted by DoomGuyMX to xbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 nervousfella7980 CCSD Board meeting tomorrow. I have a couple questions.

Hello folks, I have lived here in Vegas now for 3 years. I love it here, and I am trying to do my part to improve my daughter's education. We got her into a charter school when we first got to Vegas because we thought it was the best for her. It turned out it was not, her academics were fine, but the social aspects of elementary school just weren't what my wife and I thought were adequate. So after moving to the Spring Valley area we found a wonderful public school and put her in this school. She is thriving, both socially and academically. Now since enrollment is down a bit, and the school's rating has gone up academically the funding is being cut to this school. My wife came home from the PTA meeting today and it's getting cut by 1.5 million dollars next year. I want to speak at the board meeting tomorrow and voice my displeasure about this. Have any of you gone to a School board meeting? Is it worth it? I'm guessing just like a city council meeting you get about 2 min to speak. Just looking for some guidance. Thanks in advance to any help you fine folks can provide.
submitted by nervousfella7980 to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 Own_Cow1156 Go back to buying keys please.

I love the fact that we can stockpile keys now and they don't take up space in the inventory bar or whatever it's called but please go back to beimg able to buy keys at the market. Or at least make it easier to get them. I can't beat most of the challenges especially the brick break thing. OMG I HATE THAT BOARD. I'm not Sonic Fox ok, they're too hard, at least for me they are.
submitted by Own_Cow1156 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 teimo0390 Goldfinger Turmeric Scotch Bonnet

Bought at the duty free in Jamaica a few months ago. Good spice level and no extract. I use just a few dabs on Mexican or Cajun food and it provides good heat and flavor. Anyone else had this, or other sauces from the same brand?
submitted by teimo0390 to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:32 EfficientAd2950 What's something you’ve learned recently that completely changed the way you view the world? Let's share some mind-blowing insights ?

submitted by EfficientAd2950 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
