
2025.01.23 02:35 JimsDiGs Why?

Why? Why would there be a screw in the main breaker?
submitted by JimsDiGs to electricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 narutocakes 2 Deoxys Defense 319581322596 Raids in a row!! Locals and Party power need 5!

submitted by narutocakes to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 PipesTheVlob Thought on fucking uhhhh Abe Attorney.......... Yeah no this edit sucks lmao.

Thought on fucking uhhhh Abe Attorney.......... Yeah no this edit sucks lmao. submitted by PipesTheVlob to AceAttorneyCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Aure710 Fell out of love for the videogame

Use to play a lot about a year ago, this led me to go into burnout for the game and stopped playing it, however now i realise the desire to start a new save is coming back again, however once i start the game i struggle to get past the early rounds of friendlies, i love saving teams that are relegation candidates so i was wondering if anyone experienced the same issue as me and should i play maybe some of the other modes the game has to offer or if i should start without badges and see where that takes me Thanks for the feedback :)
submitted by Aure710 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Embarrassed-Lab-6677 ♥️🌸

submitted by Embarrassed-Lab-6677 to PunjabiModelss [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 No-Department-7732 Hope you're happy

The recent ceasefire in Gaza was as brief as it was predictable, with the IDF already advancing further into the West Bank—a move that was not only foreseeable but effectively predestined by the underlying logic of settler-colonial expansion. Trump’s thinly veiled fascination with Gaza’s beachfront real estate speaks volumes about the commodification of human suffering and land under late-stage capitalism. In his eyes, the value of sand eclipses the value of lives.
How does this feel? I pose this as a question in bad faith because I struggle to imagine the moral calculus required to justify, let alone defend, such a travesty. To watch human beings slaughtered, boys executed in the street, mothers clutching their children as debris chokes the life from their lungs, and to dismiss this as "karma" is a grotesque distortion of justice. This is not retribution; this is annihilation. And it stands as one of the most horrifying human tragedies since the Great War—a moment when the machinery of modernity was turned against humanity itself.
Allegiance to one’s homeland is a powerful thing. I understand that. National identity can bind us to a history, a place, a people. But when that allegiance becomes an uncritical loyalty to a government led by a designated war criminal—a leader whose policies have enshrined violence and apartheid as the de facto order—then that allegiance becomes complicity. Netanyahu’s regime has not only deepened the structural oppression of Palestinians but has also yoked Israel’s survival to the precarious whims of global powers, particularly the United States.
Herein lies the irony: Israel, a nation so deeply invested in its own resilience, cannot sustain itself without the financial and military lifeblood provided by the U.S. And yet, the United States itself teeters on the edge of internal collapse. Our government is fractured, our people are alienated, and our social fabric is fraying under the weight of inequality, privatized healthcare, and political corruption. The far right agitates for a coup, and the left is mired in disorganization and despair. This is the precarious foundation upon which Israel’s future rests.
And as this foundation cracks, understand this: there is no deep well of American sympathy to draw from. The far right, even in its support of Trump, cares little for Israel beyond its utility in apocalyptic fantasies. The rest of the U.S., exhausted and enraged by our own crises, is increasingly unwilling to bankroll a state that shows no empathy for the lives it decimates leagues away. The violence inflicted on Palestinian children, the destruction of homes and communities—these are not distant atrocities. They are intimately connected to the broader web of capitalist imperialism that destructs us all.
Empathy, if it exists, must transcend the boundaries of the nation-state. The idea that survival can be secured through the eradication of another is a fallacy. Violence only breeds more violence, precarity only deepens precarity. Netanyahu is not the answer; he is the embodiment of a system that has failed. And as that system continues to unravel, both in Israel and in the United States, the question is not whether we can afford empathy, but whether we can afford its absence.
Stop this. Stop the travesty. Stop the violence. Not only for the sake of those you have displaced and destroyed but for the survival of your own humanity.
submitted by No-Department-7732 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 grandmaslouiev Why is my shape not displaying the corner widget in all corners?

I just typed out some text, created outlines, expanded my shape, and then went to just tweak some things on the letters. I need for the letter "T" to have the corner widget in all of the corners, but for some reason it's not there. Does anyone know how to easily get these to show in all corners? I've got a link here to a screen recording.
submitted by grandmaslouiev to AdobeIllustrator [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Jugales Will the semiquincentennial be a big deal?

The 250 year anniversary of the US is July 4, 2026. I've seen references to it and the "celebration" but no actual details. What is it? Is it an actual event or just fluff? Do we get the whole week off work to party?
submitted by Jugales to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 paint_guy21 Little project coming along

Little project coming along Sand, prime, fill voids, repeat 🔁
submitted by paint_guy21 to paint [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Busted440 My 20 pics.

My 20 pics. Additional pics, some nice FSJ’s on show on this site! Who drives their FSJ on a daily basis???
submitted by Busted440 to FullSizeJeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Fatestringer So how's the ao crystals adjustment

I haven't played the game today how's the ao crystals reward adjustment is it decent
submitted by Fatestringer to Synduality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 JollySunrise What is this? Does it have a function?

What is this? Does it have a function? submitted by JollySunrise to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Western_Estimate_429 ALGUÉM ME AJUDAAAAA, por favoooor

Quando seleciono algo e quero apagar (c/delete) pra deixar o fundo em PNG, ele simplesmente colore o selecionado com a cor secundária. Oque eu faço, por favor alguém me ajuda.
submitted by Western_Estimate_429 to GIMP [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Nederland5 Instantoverschrijvingen vanaf nu bij elke Belgische bank zonder extra kosten

submitted by Nederland5 to Vlaanderenzakelijk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Electrical-Ad2213 Sou babaca por querer ir a uma festa com minha mãe na UTI?

Eu (H27) junto do meu pai estamos cuidando da minha mãe que foi internada há aproximadamente duas semanas atrás com pneumonia e líquido no pulmão (ambos já controlados) devido as complicações do câncer no pulmão que vem evoluindo a um certo tempo (esse não controlado). Ela está na UTI, sendo assistida 24h pela equipe médica e até mesmo por isso não precisa de acompanhante, e nem é permitido, apenas visitas. Diariamente, eu a visito de manhã e meu pai à noite, momento que o médico também está presente pra falar com ele sobre a evolução do quadro clínico dela.
Hoje o médico informou ao meu pai depois de um raio x, que a doença (câncer) está avançando e que provavelmente será muito difícil conter. O médico não deu uma expectativa de tempo, apesar de não gerar um senso de urgência, e falou que seguiriam com os procedimentos, exames e medicações para cuidar dela. Apesar de ter mantido uma postura muito positiva desde o começo, receber uma notícia dessa desanima até os mais esperançosos. Meu pai ficou e está bem mal, e eu, desde o começo, apesar de ser EXTREMAMENTE apegado à minha mãe, mantenho uma postura bem calma, branda, quase inerte perante à situação.
Eis a questão... sábado agora (25) vai acontecer uma festa na qual eu estou esperando há meses e, apesar da ideia de querer ir para uma festa no estado que minha mãe está, queria muito poder ter um momento para esquecer tudo que estou passando e poder extravasar com algo que estava muito ansioso para aproveitar, poder me dissociar dessa situação e ser genuinamente feliz por algumas horas.
Penso que o médico não deu um atestado de morte para minha mãe e ainda restam algumas dias para decidir definitivamente o que faço. Ao mesmo tempo que sinto que posso estar sendo insensível com a situação que ela se encontra, principalmente porque meu pai VAI me criticar independente do que eu diga, sinto que fazer algo que certamente vai me trazer um pouco de alívio dessa carga momentaneamente pode ser positivo para mim.
submitted by Electrical-Ad2213 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 GTAHofficial Help offered PS4

If anyone needs help with anything I am available, just hit me up. PS4!
submitted by GTAHofficial to HeistTeams [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Time_Calendar1040 cross enrolee

currently a 4th year student taking BSBA-HRM, is there anyone here na may nakakaalam kung what schools (can be private) that are accepting cross-enrolee?
had to drop 1 subject nung first sem due to sched conflict and since OJT na lang kami next sem, itatake ko sha sa ibang school since yun yung advise saken!
any insight and suggestions will highly appreciated, thank u!
submitted by Time_Calendar1040 to PUPians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Guerra005_MEX Hello

submitted by Guerra005_MEX to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 Ash_TW I want BL's title, any tips?

submitted by Ash_TW to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 ksperry_ Montgomery for Wicks + picks

Which side would you rather have Montgomery or Wicks + ‘25 2.05 + 2026 3rd
PPR league
submitted by ksperry_ to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 jonjon444555 Quick question

Quick question Hey folks, how much longer should I let this go before break and shake? It's been 13 days since innoculation of Burma Spore Syringe. Really trying to have some success on this go around and dont wanna mess it up. Thanks in advance!
submitted by jonjon444555 to unclebens [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 That_Mind_6783 that devil Forrest must be hunted down and killed if it costs ten thousand lives and bankrupts the federal treasury.” - Yankee General Sherman on Nathan Bedford Forrest. i think that this is a great compliment about the skills of General Forrest

submitted by That_Mind_6783 to Confederate_StatesCSA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 financial_freedom416 Downgrading CSP Question

Has anyone downgraded their CSP to a CF card, then subsequently received a targeted offer for a CSP with a higher SUB?
submitted by financial_freedom416 to ChaseSapphire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 MegaTominator Early Access Boomer Shootersthat you are looking forward too but have gone radio silent?

Just wondering if you guys got any Early Access games you are looking forward to playing the versiom 1.0 release of but haven't made any updates in a long while. Fish Person Shooter is one that hasn't really had any type of updates as what is going on since it's release into Early Access back in 2021. DOOMBRINGER is another one which I haven't heard anything back from in ages as well.
submitted by MegaTominator to boomershooters [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:35 john_goofball Give me the most gigantic custom maps you know

i already have a few downloaded (big battle, some space to ground stuff) but i want some ridiculously big stuff that i could easily play for like 2 hours
submitted by john_goofball to battlefront2 [link] [comments]
