Microphone randomly on

2025.01.23 03:12 ec7789_ Microphone randomly on

Over the past couple months, I’ve noticed that the microphone on my iPhone will randomly show that it’s being used (even if I don’t have any open apps, I see the orange dot in the corner). Within privacy, it shows it’s being used by “unknown”. Restarting my phone turns it off, but I’m unsure what’s causing this. Is this a cause for concern or a common glitch?
submitted by ec7789_ to iphone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 esteban_on_top Bro

Bro submitted by esteban_on_top to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 LetterheadMany9677 Bushwick BrooklynNYC Hoods

YOUNG STACKERS🐍🎩🩸👌🤟🅱️ Humboldt & Varet
6BLOXK🅿️🐓👌6️⃣6️⃣🫳🌊♿️ Grove & Bushwick Ave
RNO🐝🩸👌🅱️ Knickerbocker & Greene
BSO🐝🩸👌🅱️ Central & Grove
700GBLOXK EWOO🎰🐕🐓🩸👌🫳🅿️🅱️ Gates & Central
OYB🔫🌤🐝🐕🩸👌🅱️ Putnam & Central
HBLOCK🐝🩸👌🅱️👑🦁🤟⭐️ Halsey & Central
DARKSIDE🌑🩸🐕🐝👌🅱️8️⃣3️⃣🕴♿️ Decatur & Evergreen
GFM TMB🇲🇽 Palmetto & Irving
ATM TIGERTRIBE🏧🐅👑🦁🤟⭐️ Hancock & Irving
BDM☔️🐝🩸🐕🎩🐍8️⃣3️⃣🕴♿️ Putnam & Wyckoff
submitted by LetterheadMany9677 to GangsEncyclopedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 thexrayluver FasTrak price this morning…

FasTrak price this morning… submitted by thexrayluver to InlandEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 KnightofOlde How screwed am I?

submitted by KnightofOlde to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 SMK_67 Viděl jsem komentáře k tomuto příspěvku a není nikdo, kdo by jej chtěl zrušit, místo toho zveřejňuji to samé zde, Dostal jsem tolik nenávisti, že jsem musel příspěvek smazat

Viděl jsem komentáře k tomuto příspěvku a není nikdo, kdo by jej chtěl zrušit, místo toho zveřejňuji to samé zde, Dostal jsem tolik nenávisti, že jsem musel příspěvek smazat submitted by SMK_67 to czech [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 papaxsmash Summary of Recent AI trends: Suggestions Welcome

Long time lurker on this subreddit. I recently tried to write up a quick summary of major AI breakthroughs and trends for friends/tech workers to read. Below are the trends and major breakthroughs that I've come across that seem particularly notable. Feel free to provide discussion, feedback and suggestions of things I've missed. (Note I am focusing on LLMs because my friends are already aware of Music, Image and Video Generation)
My Summary:
"Some trends and major breakthroughs:
Scaling laws continue: Parameter counts continue to increase dramatically as access to compute increases with newest models speculating to be in the multiple-10s of trillions of parameters.
XAI, Google, Microsoft/Openai are dramatically investing in AI infrastructure. For instance Microsoft has already announced plans to spend $80billion on AI in 2025 https://www.techrepublic.com/article/microsoft-plans-invest-ai-data-center-2025/
Project stargate was just announced. $100 billion for AI infrastructure going to Open AI this year.
Test time compute is another scaling law that is rapidly advancing. Recent advancements in reasoning models such as o1 or o3 as well as Gemini "Thinking" models have shown dramatic output quality improvements when devoting more compute at time of inference.
Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.03314
Infinite-context Paper: Historically as context length increases the computation cost increases quadratically. Infini-context allows LLMs to have virtually unlimited context window without the dramatic increase in computation.
Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.07143
Google Titans paper: Paper discussing a memory system that allows for long term memory across conversation and materials and huge context windows.
Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.00663
Agents are in development: Anthropic had basic versions of agents, OpenAI said they will release their "operators" in the next few months.
Race Conditions:
The United States has put strict export controls on advanced GPUs to China. This has resulted in China not having as much compute, forcing them to be far more efficient with their training. They have come up with far cheaper and more efficient systems that are almost as performative. https://x.com/deepseek_ai/status/1881318130334814301
China is pumping out open source models that are almost on the level of Open AI and Google.
Kai-Fu Lee talking about China making models for $3million that would cost American companies 80-100 million https://youtu.be/od1hIimh7-A?si=PnE18ulNoi2LaThi&t=91
Salesforce said they are no longer hiring any more Software Engineers.
World governments and private companies are investing heavily into AI infrastructure. Race conditions between world powers will force them to compete and rapidly innovate. Some of the previous beliefs in lack of memory, reasoning capability, context window length etc. are being tackled and overcome. Industry leaders are all saying the same thing that we will have Agents that are capable of complex tasks in 2025. Advancements may happen faster than society can adapt."
submitted by papaxsmash to artificial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Alix_The_Freak VAGGIE IS VALENTINO'S CHILD.

Okay me and my bestie boo(bies) were talking about how VALENTINO and VAGGIE are both moth demons.
And then we starting listing a few things that might make them related.
They are both Spanish. They're both moth demons.
Now, something that I find interesting. Valentino died at 30-40 in the 70s. VAGGIE died in the 2010s at 20-30 years old. vaggie could have easily been born at a similar time Valentino died.
Another thing, Vaggie is always with Charlie because she always wants to protect her (except in wpisdeo seven when they get in a small argument). But they were on good terms in episode 4, so why didn't Vaggie go with Charlie in the studio? Because she didn't want to see her dad? Maybe they had a big fight?
And let's be so for real, (assuming he was a slut while he was alive) him calling his child 'VAGGIE' checks out. Cause that's just him.
submitted by Alix_The_Freak to ValentinoCult [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 ggerundo Rejuvenated a busted old grandfather clock with acrylic paint

Rejuvenated a busted old grandfather clock with acrylic paint submitted by ggerundo to maximalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Pheophyting Start running Ricochet on your Bonestorm build right now.

Almost all Bonestorm builds run Snakepit ring in the left ring slot for forking. Annointing splitshot allows the fork to spawn a crazy number of projectiles. This gives you "screen wide clear" but not really since the small explosions of bonestorm, even with a ton of projectiles, often leaves behind a number of mobs.
Some form of power charge generation is often employed to address the meh clear speed of Bonestorm. Either through Profane ritual (which awkwardly makes it a 2 button build and slows you down) or Combat Frenzy with Resonance keystone (only triggers every 2nd or 3rd bonestorm and also requires you to invest in dexterity, thus pulling points away from your strength/HP. Even if you keep dex costs lower with a low level Combat Frenzy gem, it's still stealing like 6 strength nodes and also has the downside of triggering even more slowly.
This approach is wrong and not needed. Instead, you should be running Ricochet support on your Bonestorm. The vast majority of tutorials are not recommending this. I assume this is because of a misunderstanding of Snakepit rings no chaining restriction.
Snakepit ring in your left slot says that it prevents chaining. However, this does not apply to chaining from terrain.
This means that the stragglers left behind by your forking Bonestorm easily get picked up by the ricocheting 50-60 projectiles that CHAIN to them.
The best part? THIS HELPS WITH BOSSING TOO. The ricocheting projectiles all chain back to the boss and drastically increase single target DPS if the boss is near any type of wall or pillar or rock (basically always). It also helps because normally, 5-10 bones miss the boss if the boss is not very large. Now those Ricochet chain back to the boss too.
How often do you get a support gem that drastically improves clear while also improving single target damage?
Start ricocheting now. Thank me later.
submitted by Pheophyting to pathofexile2builds [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Background_Night4838 BPI CREDIT CARD REDELIVERY

Hello baka meron dito may alam if pwede irequest sa BPI kung anong araw ko sya gustong mareceive? Ipaparedeliver ko kasi and Every wed lang available tao sa bahay pwede ko kaya irequest ba wed idelivery yung card? TIA
submitted by Background_Night4838 to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 JrockMem10 Healing as Discipline Priest

So I have a really powerful shield that absorbs a lot of damage. I use it on the tank. I get kicked from group half way through dungeon for not doing enough healing even though tank or anyone else has not come close to death.
submitted by JrockMem10 to turtlewow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Boring-Ad572 What’d you think- will I pass?

Had to take a drug test and I tested before. You think I’m good?
submitted by Boring-Ad572 to Drugtests [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 ash_ryo How to get?

How to get? How do I get items with 2 fatebounds?
submitted by ash_ryo to SoulKnightPrequel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 dendaera Vad är CNSs problem?

Rimligt med 450 kr för en påminnelse? Plus att de vill ha 1800 kr för två påminnelser istället för 900 kr. Har tänkt att skicka meddelandet nedan till CSN. Förhoppningsvis kommer det till nytta för någon i framtiden. Eller är det jag som har fel? Har någon fått CSN att stryka påminnelseavgifter? Hur bar du dig åt i så fall?
"Jag har fått flera straffavgifter för sen betalning. Jag bor i utlandet sedan snart två år tillbaka och efter flytt så bekräftade jag att CSN-betalningarna fortsatte i vanlig ordning.
Jag tar även emot e-post från CSN men inga påminnelser har kommit in. Inte heller bland mina Meddelanden under Mina Sidor på CSN finns några påminnelser. Jag har ett årsbesked för 2025 med en summa för straffavgiften för 2024, men årsbeskedet skickades ju flera månader efter både beslutet och förfallodatumet så det är ju inte en påminnelse. Jag kan även se summan för straffavgiften i räkningen under ”Inbetalningar” för betalningen som missades men det är ju samma sak där; själva påminelsen finns inte. Retroaktiva årsbesked och räkningar är inte påminnelser. Det är inte logiskt och skiljer sig från hur andra organisationer hanterar påminnelser och straffavgifter. CSN tar alltså betalt för något som de inte utför.
Jag vet inte vad som har gått fel med de senaste betalningarna men jag misstänker att det var något tekniskt fel med CSNs interna system, då jag inte har upplevt några tekniska problem med banken. Jag har gjort automatiska avbetalningar på mitt CSN-lån i över 12 år nu, omkring 145 månader och jag har ännu fler kvar. Håller ni med om, speciellt om ni själv har CSN-lån eller känner någon som har det, att det är orimligt att jag efter över hundra månader av godkända automatiska betalningar inte ska kunna förlita mig på att betalningarna fortsätter eller att jag inte får meddeladen/påmminelser när något går fel trots att ni har skickat epost till mig i över 12 år? Eller måste jag, i många år framåt efter hundratals godkända betalningar fram tills att skulden är helt avbetalad, logga in på Mina Sidor på CSN varje månad med misstanken att något har gått fel trots att det nog inte heller hjälper eftersom man inte får meddelanden om felet förrän efter de skyhöga straffavgifterna redan beslutats? Behöver inte CSN förbättra sina interna system i så fall? Kan ni vara snälla och stryka påminnelseavgifterna?"
submitted by dendaera to sweden [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Mediocre-Life-4784 Ryan Cartwright (Vincent Nigel-Murray) and Professor Brian Cox

Ryan Cartwright (Vincent Nigel-Murray) and Professor Brian Cox Has anyone that knows who Brian Cox is ever noticed the similarities between him and Ryan? They resemble each other and their accents pretty much sound the same besides Cox having a deeper tone. Both have a very soothing voice, though.
I can't post links here, so seriously, look up Brian Cox on youtube and listen to him. We all know what VNM sounds like.
And here's just what I copied from wiki about Cox for those that have never heard of him.
Brian Edward Cox (born 3 March 1968) is an English physicist and musician who is professor of particle physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester[2][3] and the Royal Society Professor for Public Engagement in Science.[4] He is best known to the public as the presenter of science programmes, especially BBC Radio 4’s The Infinite Monkey Cage and the Wonders of... series[5][6] and for popular science books, such as Why Does E=mc2? and The Quantum Universe.
submitted by Mediocre-Life-4784 to Bones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 duccythicc it's really perfect honestly

it's really perfect honestly submitted by duccythicc to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 opentablerezzies Need Advice from the FIRE Community: Burned Out in the Bay Area, Dreaming of Escape or Early Retirement

My spouse and I, both in our mid-30s, are at a career crossroads. Here's our situation:

The Burnout: I'm completely checked out from my job. The micro-managing has become unbearable, and I feel utterly burned out. I've been interviewing at other companies where I could potentially increase our income by 50%, but I'm not motivated, and I'm questioning if a new job would just lead to the same dissatisfaction. Dilemma:
Retirement Thoughts:
Key Questions:
  1. Is it wise to quit my current job given our financial situation, with my wife still earning $30k?
  2. Could we sustain a career break for me, and for how long, with her income and considering our investment returns might not remain at 20%?
  3. What would be a realistic savings goal for early retirement in the Bay Area, considering our expenses and the potential for lower investment returns?
I appreciate any advice or insights. We're open to all suggestions, including lifestyle changes, investment adjustments, or exploring other career paths that might be less stressful but still financially viable. Thanks for your help!
submitted by opentablerezzies to Fire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 justunderbroke Omega seamaster

Omega seamaster Hey all, Hoping someone can ID this omega (year and anything else notable)
submitted by justunderbroke to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Every-Technology-747 Bushes rework - for renewable sticks in desert biomes

Bush Stages:

Bush Buds: This idea may need a little more work, but for now I decided to post it for brainstorming and constructive criticism.
submitted by Every-Technology-747 to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 thatonebeesh Waking up longing

I am not one to feel as though I NEED to experience romance anymore. I feel fulfilled with the love of God.
Although my mind likes to play tricks on me. Where I will dream about a man and wake up, longing.
One day I had a dream about a man with blonde buzz cut hair. He walked into my room that didn't look like my room. And it seemed like he was hiding from someone and was seeking comfort. Now i don't think i was clothed and neither was he, but we had a mutual respect for that bareness. It was as if we just saw each other as humans and not objects to fulfil our desires.
And he went into the bed and laid down behind me. He wrapped his arm around me and I caressed his arm with my fingers. I remember the comforting weight of his arm. The warm feeling of him behind me.
It was a small moment. But when I woke up.
I woke up longing. Longing for someone to unclothe my mind and still want to hold me.
submitted by thatonebeesh to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 JumpUpper3209 TIL you can exploit Goodberry with the Nautiloid restoration

submitted by JumpUpper3209 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 kluxtzz what cookies should i use for arena?

what cookies should i use for arena? these are all of the cookies i own as of right now and the team i am using right now for arena keeps dying even against other teams that have a significantly lower power than mine. 😭
submitted by kluxtzz to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 SnuzMuffin Bart Claessen & Raz Nitzan pres. Who.Is - We.Are (Markus Schulz In Search Of Sunrise Remix)

Really surprised to see no one posted about this!
Markus Schulz released his "In Search Of Sunrise" compilation a few months ago. Very surprisingly he made a remix of one of my most beloved Anjunabeats tracks ever Who.Is - We.Are!! Afterwards it was released as a single on Raz Nitzan's label.
It's basically a techno update pretty much, but, I do love it and sets in with the modern techno scene, which, also gives an excuse to play it out more and for more modern people to hear this masterpiece which I'm thrilled on.
I'm also wondering really why Anjunabeats didn't have a part in this? This would of been a cool ABGT600 premier. I'm aware Raz has been re-releasing all the Who.Is stuff on his label so I don't know if he his reclaiming the rights for these tracks from Anjuna? Maybe HQ can shine light on this!
Bart Claessen & Raz Nitzan pres. Who.Is - We.Are (Markus Schulz In Search Of Sunrise Remix):
submitted by SnuzMuffin to AboveandBeyond [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 iamrahulrao Does anyone here miss the Kindle flashcards feature

I have been a long-time Kindle user, and sometimes I re-read old books. One feature I always found useful was flash cards. Whenever I used to travel or had a quick break, I'd open the book and read the flashcards. It was a great way to revise what I had read earlier. Now, I have to read through notes and highlights, which is not very intuitive. Does anyone miss flashcards?
submitted by iamrahulrao to kindle [link] [comments]
