Y'all creating these creative cities, and then there's me

2025.01.23 03:35 JT0707 Y'all creating these creative cities, and then there's me

This cost me all my creative power :p
submitted by JT0707 to TheoTown [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 westley_humperdinck Correlle

I miss the Lodi, Ohio outlet and was hoping to find another but it looks like they're all closed. Any idea if there's a place to buy corningware in person? (An outlet, not, like, Walmart)
submitted by westley_humperdinck to corningwarefans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 TrevoWay Sou babaca por achar que mulher é tudo igual? não vale nada?

primeiro quero contar os pontos, lembrando também não sou um ser perfeito, muito pelo contrário.. ja nao consigo ser o mesmo de antes.. enfim a questão é que ja tive diversos relacionamentos e por algum motivo eu saia como “otario” exceto uma, enfim.. a última relação que eu tive foi com uma garota 17M que foi completamente humilhante. Primeiro nos apenas ficou, e depois foi indo.. ela era virgem, falei q respeitava o momento dela, fomos ficando porém ela me deixou de lado, simplesmente isso.. eu PUT0 e orgulhoso ao mesmo tempo, me mantive calma e nem liguei.. ela vacilou comigo 2 vezes antes de termos algo realmente à serio.. quando estavamos indo tudo certo.. era Natal decidimos passar juntos no caso eu e meu amigo e ela e a irmã dela e SIM foi um 4 é par que gerou numa relação dos dois kk, enfim.. passamos aqui no bairro mesmo e foi uma festa, simplesmente ela nao ligou pra mim a festa toda, quando eu tava perto dela ela nao fazia questao e ficava de cara fechada, teve momento que ela até se saiu perto de mim e foi com as amigas dela (fazer o numero 1) isso foi oq ela afirmou depois, enfim depois que ela simplesmente saiu, eu fiquei bolado e nao quis mais papo, comecei a beber e f1 e fiquei charrado, porem nao fora de mim, eu consigo saber exatamente oq estou fazendo mesmo embreagado, porém logo na minha frente ela aparece la.. rindo dando diversas gargalhadas com diversos meninos… eu vou pular logo o assunto, falei q nao queria mas aquilo e que se fosse pra ficar naquela palhaçada, que deveria ter acabado, e sim ela deixou acabar, nao fez 1 mínimo de esforço se quer. Enfim.. passou nem poucos dias ela ja estava com outro, e perdeu sua virgindade com ele, sempre teve outros, ela sempre pegava outros.. desde o inicio. Enfim preferir amadurecer fisicamente e mentalmente e entender e estudar como funciona a mente de uma mulher, perca de tempo não tem como entender elas, enfim.. com o passar do tempo o meu amigo que namorava com a irmã dela, TERMINOU, eu fiquei de queixo pois ela aparentava amar muito ele, tanto que foi ele que tirou a virgindade dela e mesmo assim ela quis deixar ele pra pegar outro, pq ela mesmo afirmou que ela queria dá um tempo e tals, e fiquei assim, CRLH mulher não vale porra nenhuma mesmo. joguei isso na minha consciência e fudeo. peguei diversas garotas, nao me apaixonei por nenhuma delas, e fiquei totalmente desapegado.. porem teve uma, que estou com ela ha 1 mes, eu tirei a virgindade dela só que agora eu vejo que foi a pior coisa que eu fiz, eu virei um cara totalmente desapegado, posso até gostar da pessoa, mas facilmente ficaria com outra, nao tem aquele desejo carnal de antes. porem fico pensando, será que depois de algum tempo ela só vai enjoar de mim e pegar outro como aconteceu com meu amigo, ou será um amor verdadeiro.. falso, pois realmente é difícil acreditar em alguma mulher. Quero que voces digam oque devo fazer, abrir o jogo pra ela ou algo do tipo
submitted by TrevoWay to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 BeGentleImStupid Nimrod’s awakening (OC)

Nimrod’s awakening (OC) submitted by BeGentleImStupid to comics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 FlashyAthlete4525 Has anyone tried Kayedseeds.com gear?

Has anyone tried Kayedseeds.com gear? Has anyone tried Kayedseeds.com gear? They have $1 seeds with no MOQ I’m thinking about trying. The banana split line looks pretty cool
submitted by FlashyAthlete4525 to microgrowery [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Frequent-Book-3934 How Are You Feeling About the Future? Let’s Stand Together and Take Action!

Hey everyone,
How are you feeling about everything happening right now? Many of us are scared and unsure of what could happen if we don’t take action. But staying silent isn’t an option. I know a lot of people want to support women, trans and LGBTQ+ communities, immigrants, minorities, and others—but figuring out where to start or whether there’s support can feel overwhelming.
I’m from California, but this isn’t just for people here. Anyone who cares about protecting our rights, the Constitution, and marginalized communities is welcome. Let’s come together and find ways to make a difference—whether it’s through peaceful protests, raising awareness, or simply supporting each other. This is a safe and anonymous space to share ideas and take action.
What do you want to do? Let’s talk and support each other.
submitted by Frequent-Book-3934 to protest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 ex-surreal_killer No signature. Any ideas?

No signature. Any ideas? This was purchased at an estate sale by my friend’s family and nothing is known about it.
Any information on whose style it resembles or where to find more information would be appreciated.
Sorry for the bad angle due to glare
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ex-surreal_killer to WhatIsThisPainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 markhmccormack Waiting to pick up my new CTR in two weeks. Looking for advice on wheels/tires for FL5.

Daily driver looking for pure comfort only. Will 18x9.0 work without compromising too much? Can I put a 255/40 tire on 18x9.0? What should the offset be? Top recommendation I see for 18inch wheel is 18x9.5 with +45/+50 offset. Why not 18x9.0? I thought narrower tire with good side wall would be a better daily driver. I'll get the Acura ADS module as well. No plans to change springs.
submitted by markhmccormack to Civic_Type_R [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Extreme_Garden_5005 it’s so hard not to take rejection personally

sometimes i feel like im just not most guy’s type, at least where i live. it’s so frustrating and demotivating. it’s almost like i feel invisible
submitted by Extreme_Garden_5005 to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 InsaneScouter News: Area teens earn Eagle Scout honors

(sponsor: Custom web development and consulting, over 20+ yeas of experience https://wackyeagle.com)
Scouting America Troop 539 recently celebrated the ascension of four Life Scouts to Eagle in a special Court of Honor held at American Legion Post 14 in Verg
submitted by InsaneScouter to wackyscouter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 VanDestroyer1985 How do you check what you paid for a pet?

submitted by VanDestroyer1985 to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Weary-Practice2625 Trade

Trade submitted by Weary-Practice2625 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Responsible_End5651 Cell finished

I finished cell and it felt underwhelming the ending was anticlimactic with no real answer to what started the virus and sure the raggy man was kinda like our villain but also kinda not really I give it a 6/10.
submitted by Responsible_End5651 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Moo202 Best and Worst Commit Message

Let's hear the best and worst commit messages you've seen during your time as a software engineer!
submitted by Moo202 to SoftwareEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Wonderful-Cry-1168 Gettin cacked by dev

Crazy 30 mins before archbosses they maintainance without any notification
submitted by Wonderful-Cry-1168 to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 ActualyHandsomeJack Do the COTN city mods not work on PS5?

I downloaded the 4 CotN mods on PS5 and so far 2 of them have been messed up with floating textures and buildings not properly removed. Is it just because it has textures that can't properly be used on Playstation?
submitted by ActualyHandsomeJack to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 FrequentInjury1293 I knew the band members before they formed the band. AMA

Was also at their first gig
submitted by FrequentInjury1293 to AmylAndTheSniffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 riddleman01 In diakenhuizen wordt allereerst een deel van Azië ondergebracht. (5) letters

Antwoord: https://www.puzzelwoordenboeknu.com/in-diakenhuizen-wordt-allereerst-een-deel-van-azie-ondergebracht-5-letters/
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 ThosePeoplePlaces Photos from October 1989 around Prizren and Peja

Photos from October 1989 around Prizren and Peja submitted by ThosePeoplePlaces to kosovo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 jpollack21 When did Mark Zuckerberg become right leaning?

I thought he was always a Democrat?
submitted by jpollack21 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 CrackerJaccet Queer and drag spaces?

Hello all! Just gauging interest. It’s been a dream of mine to open a queer balounge (of course, once I have the means to), and I noticed that Brattleboro doesn’t seem to have any queer specific hangout spots even though it’s super friendly. Would that be something people living there would be interested in? I’m a trans drag queen, so a big goal would be to provide a reliable place for drag shows too. Thanks!
submitted by CrackerJaccet to brattleboro [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Supreme_Leader6969 Poor Dragon 🥲

Poor Dragon 🥲 submitted by Supreme_Leader6969 to Manhua [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Reasonable_Rain_2526 Political content.

Political content. submitted by Reasonable_Rain_2526 to NoRestForTheWicked [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 snakesip If your life was suddenly turned into a reality TV show, what would it be called, and what would be the most ridiculous plot twist?

submitted by snakesip to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:35 Ultimatelocke Hayha IAO Help

Just got this bot and trying to figure everything out, gotta say having zero guides is always helpful and the few guides I do see are from 3-4 years ago.
I'm trying to figure out how to add my Amazon account to the bot.
It's asking for Email:::Password::::One Time Pass code (OPT)::: Proxy
how do I even get a 1-time passcode? Do I need to turn on 2 step verification?
Any help would be awesome, spent probably 4-5 hours trying to set this up and it's becoming a pain.
submitted by Ultimatelocke to shoebots [link] [comments]
