An easy and anonymous form of activism almost any vegan can do

2025.01.23 03:31 vegan_pixie An easy and anonymous form of activism almost any vegan can do

Greetings. I just wanted to share about a post I made on another subreddit a week ago - It was a short essay asking people to be vegan. The mods on that sub deleted the post a few days ago, but not before it had been seen by hundreds of thousands of people. If you click on this link ( and read the comments, you'll find that the responses were mostly favorable, even though it was a non-vegan sub. So it gave me the idea that this essay could be adapted into a form of activism that every vegan can do in their daily lives. What I posted was something along the lines of this:
"We live in an increasingly broken world today. Millions of people are suffering because of poverty, climate disaster, wars and illnesses. There is no doubt that almost everywhere in the world, countless humans are struggling a great deal.
And yet, nowhere on earth is the suffering greater and the cruelty more unbearable than on factory farms and slaughterhouses. The average layer hen spends all her life in a cage so cramped she can't even walk or spread her wings. Billions of male chicks are crushed to death each year because they are not profitable to the egg industry. The average sow spends all her life in a cage so tiny, she can't even turn around. She's forcibly impregnated over and over so that her babies can be sold for meat when they are merely 4 or 5 months old. The only time in her life she gets to see the sky is when she's looking out from the truck that's taking her to the slaughterhouse. The average cow is forcibly impregnated over and over and her babies taken away from her for veal and leather. She is milked constantly, until her udders swell to thrice their normal size and she collapses from exhaustion. Factory farms are breeding almost 100 billion animals a year to cater to the demands of the 8 billion humans on earth. 99% of livestock in the USA and 70% of livestock in Europe are factory farmed. Not to forget the trillions of fish and other marine animals being consumed a year, to the point that marine ecosystems are on the brink of collapse.
An animal doesn't suffer any less than a human, wouldn't you agree?
Before you think to yourself, "but lions and tigers eat other animals" - Unlike predators, most humans can thrive on a vegan diet - we can get all the nutrients and proteins we need from plants (unless you happen to have multiple allergies.)
If you believe that "well plants feel pain too" - just think about the amount of crops that are grown to feed the billions of livestock being bred every year. We actually save more plants if we eat the plants directly, rather than feeding them to the animals being bred for slaughter, not to mention the water and precious forests that would otherwise have to be sacrificed to the livestock farms.
If there's anyone thinking "God says it's ok to eat meat"... do you really feel that an all-loving God would look at the animals suffering on factory farms and the violence in slaughterhouses and approve of what we're doing? Or would God want us to show them kindness?
Would you agree that all animals deserve to be free from suffering? The suffering of animals is unnecessary and avoidable, if we would all just make kinder choices. We don't have to be a species that exploits and kills trillions of innocent animals every year.
So maybe we could print this out out on an A4 paper, insert it into an envelope, and on that envelope, write "A letter to the world" (write it in hand so that it looks personal and gets people curious so that they'll pick it up) and you can leave the envelope anywhere for strangers to find. Between the pages of library books. In the public washrooms in front of the mirror. On the seat of the subway train or the bus. On the shelves of a grocery store. Or maybe even into residential mailboxes.
At the bottom of the letter, you could also include some links to vegan resources such as Dominion, and
What do you guys think?
submitted by vegan_pixie to VeganActivism [link] [comments]

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I fairly new to riven pricing and would like some opinions on this one. From other rivens alike this one I was thinking I'd go for ~400 and work my way down. What you guys think?
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2025.01.23 03:31 BeansX21 REACTION TO Top 100 Most Streamed Songs From The 2000's [January 2025] | FIRST TIME WATCHING

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2025.01.23 03:31 Cultural_Question894 1 ano em cada empresa nos ultimos 5 anos

Acabei mudando muito de empresa na minha carreira. Nos ultimos 5 anos, fiquei 1 ano em cada empresa. Todos os lugares que passei, fiz entregas relevantes e em alguns até fui promovido. Tenho recomendaçõe de lideres e colegas nessas empresas no linkedin.
Mesmo assim isso pode ser considerado uma redflag? Ou nada a ver?
Pensei em aumentar o tempo em algumas experiencias mas, foram todas clt, entao acho que pega meio mal.
Não sou irresponsavel, realmente as empresas nao acompanharam meu crescimento nos ultimos anos, saí sempre pra ganhar 30% a mais no minimo.
Alguma dica de como nao deixar esse fato me barrar em entrevistas?
submitted by Cultural_Question894 to brdev [link] [comments]

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submitted by Infamous_Law_5512 to TicketShare [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:31 throwRA_applebear AITA for getting upset when my boyfriend wouldn’t come with me to pick up my mom from the hospital?

My boyfriend (25M) and I (23F) have only recently started dating and have been together for almost 2 months now. Last night we were supposed to have date night, but it was cut short because I got a call from the hospital saying my mother needed someone to pick her up.
My boyfriend was staying the night with me so I asked him if we could pick up my mom on the way home. He said he didn’t want to meet her so soon asked me if I could drive to mine and drop him off first before going to the hospital.
I feel a bit hurt that he didn’t come with me to the hospital to get her. It felt inconsiderate and a bit cowardish. My mom is a lovely woman and since he is my partner I hoped he would be more supportive.
AITA for getting upset over this?
submitted by throwRA_applebear to AITAH [link] [comments]

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2025.01.23 03:30 StaminaScientist Universities suggestions for Fall 2025

Hello, everyone! I am planning to apply for PhD programs in biosciences again for Fall 2025, and I would greatly appreciate advice on which universities might be a good fit for my profile, as well as insights into any programs still accepting applications. I am an international student who lives in South Korea.
Below are my academic and professional details:

  1. Academic Background: -Bachelor’s Degree: .Field: Medical Laboratory Science .GPA: 3.29/4.00 -Master’s Degree: .Field: Microbiology .GPA: 4.45/4.50
  2. Research Experience: -Research assistant since September 2023, till now. -3 years of research experience as a laboratory assistant. So total of 4.5+ of experience.
  3. Projects for publication:
    • My master thesis research is in the last stage of preparation for publication. -Worked on two master project as a research assistant, and one is under preparation for publication.
  4. Publications and Presentations: -3 Poster Presentation in domestic conference. -One publication as co-author.
  5. Honors and awards -Fully funded by the prestigious Global Korea Scholarship. -Awarded as one of the top five presentations among 100 participants from various South Korean universities.
  6. I have ILETS band 7.0.
In addition, I have received rejection from both University of Washington for PhD program in microbiology and University of Minnesota for MICaB program.
Based on my profile, which universities/programs in the U.S., Canada, or Europe might be a good fit?
Are there any universities still accepting PhD applications for Fall 2025?
Any advice on how to further strengthen my application?
Thank you in advance for your insights and suggestions!
submitted by StaminaScientist to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

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