Nacre Progress

2025.01.23 06:53 Scarlettdawn140842 Nacre Progress

Nacre Progress Finally I have one in each habitat! This is with dark, water, and cold boost and 10 rain generators and 6 snow generators.
submitted by Scarlettdawn140842 to dragonvale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 JameszBond Your basic everyday 90s sedan

Your basic everyday 90s sedan Dragao 25 S
As the title says, it drives you well enough to do whatever that needs to be done
Bug trunk, large leg room, good milage, decent strength and you get yourself a radio and an AC
other than that there’s nothing fancy going on
submitted by JameszBond to automationgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Yarus43 Hypothetically, why couldn't Disney's badly written movies be retconned?

I've heard this discussion that retconning the sequels because they limit any and all post endor material drastically isn't feasible because we can't just retcon massive changes, but they retconned over 20 years of Legends material. So why does Disney's inferior lore get an excuse? It feels like the people who would've bullied us back in the 90s-2000s for liking SW are now in control of it.
submitted by Yarus43 to StarWarsEU [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 djtron99 6 bay DIY NAS with an i7 5675c

Will a $65 second hand 6 bay DIY NAS with an i7 5675c, 16gb ramh, h97n-wifi with windows server 2019 ok for a main low power home file server and 1080p streaming? The 3.3-3.7ghz 5675c has 65w TDP with a configurable 37w TDP
I have also almost decade old QNAP and noisy Asus NAS' with slow 1.8-2.5ghz dual celeron n3060 processors and I plan these to be the backups or sell them.
submitted by djtron99 to homelab [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 RugerMortiss FOE by Mortis

FOE by Mortis submitted by RugerMortiss to newmusicrelease [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Educational_Error14 Selling this OG Acc for $40- Marvel & DC Series, Travis Scott, Star Wars Cosmetics, John Wick & Gourdon.

Selling this OG Acc for $40- Marvel & DC Series, Travis Scott, Star Wars Cosmetics, John Wick & Gourdon. submitted by Educational_Error14 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 skinnyledge Conflicting feelings…

I’m 28 and have hated my long labia since puberty. But also in the last year I’ve been getting mild discomfort from chaffing. I’ve finally told my mum and sister about my concerns and saw a doctor today about it. He’s referred me to a gynaecologist. I don’t know how to feel about it all. I wish I didn’t need surgery but I feel like it might be my only option for aesthetics and comfort. I’m just worried about the future. If I don’t get the surgery maybe I’ll always wonder. But if I do I’m worried I’ll get complications and regret it.
submitted by skinnyledge to LabiaplastySurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Ironia_Sudzbi Картошка по цене золота и лук для элиты: как Кремль рисует «успехи» на фоне рекордов инфляции

Пока Владимир Путин рассказывает россиянам сказки о «успешном» прошлом году, Росстат, словно назло, публикует сухие и беспощадные цифры, которые рушат всю эту пропагандистскую витрину. Годовая инфляция достигла 9,9%, и это еще только январь! Если так продолжится, то к концу года можно будет проводить конкурсы на самый дорогой картофель или самую золотую луковицу. Ведь картошка, подорожавшая в прошлом году на 92%, уже прибавила 2,6% за три недели, а лук, который и так вырос в цене на 46%, подорожал еще на 4,3%. Видимо, Кремль всерьез решил превратить овощи в предмет роскоши.
Не лучше дела обстоят и с транспортом: проезд в городском транспорте «вырос» на 5,7–8,2% всего за январь. А как же медицина, спросите вы? На фоне новогодних праздников анальгин стал дороже на 2%. Зато в пропагандистских сводках от Путина все стабильно: «успехи», «рост доходов бюджета», «надежная банковская система». Да вот только вся эта «надежность» висит на ключевой ставке в 21%, самой высокой за последние 22 года.
Путинская риторика, разумеется, старается отвлечь внимание от реальных проблем. Он хвастается, что бюджетный дефицит в 1,7% ВВП «в разы ниже, чем в США». Но при этом молчит, что этот дефицит держится лишь за счет нефти и газа, спрос на которые падает из-за санкций и сокращения экспортных возможностей. Иначе говоря, бюджет трещит по швам, а любые попытки его латания превращаются в очередной виток инфляции.
Центробанк уже шесть раз поднял ставку, пытаясь сдержать обесценивание рубля, но при этом задушил любую возможность экономического роста. Как говорится, «пациент скорее мертв, чем жив». Даже источники Financial Times признают, что если так продолжится, Путин может быть вынужден прекратить войну уже в этом году.
Если текущая динамика сохранится, Россия рискует скатиться в экономическую пропасть. В условиях высокой инфляции и неподъемных ставок:

  1. Реальные доходы населения продолжат падать. Люди будут тратить все больше на еду и базовые услуги, сокращая потребление других товаров.
  2. Малый и средний бизнес окажется на грани выживания, так как кредиты станут недоступными, а спрос продолжит падать.
  3. Санкции и отток капитала обострят проблему бюджетного дефицита, что вынудит правительство увеличивать налоги или еще больше сокращать социальные расходы.
  4. Инфляция станет самоподдерживающимся процессом, поскольку ослабление рубля и рост цен на импортные товары будет продолжать подогревать ценовую гонку.
И все это — на фоне того, что Кремль единственное, что может предложить, это масштабную пропаганду. Каждый новый инфляционный рекорд сопровождается фейерверками слов о «достижениях», но россияне все чаще слышат за этими речами пустоту. Как говорится, сыт пропагандой не будешь.
В итоге российская экономика уже сегодня напоминает банкет на Титанике. Правда, и тут Путин уверенно уверяет, что «айсбергов не существует».
submitted by Ironia_Sudzbi to neudobnaya_pravda_ros [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 HK-Admirer2001 The irony of buying a magazine (thick as a phonebook) to shop for computer parts.

The irony of buying a magazine (thick as a phonebook) to shop for computer parts. submitted by HK-Admirer2001 to GenX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Pristine_Country9733 Dear G,

Now that I’m free, I see it all so clearly, the heartbreaking mess of love and control that was us.
The cracks started to show two months in. I remember the first time you screamed at me. It was over something so small. I stood my ground, and you twisted it, accusing me of needing to be in control. The irony still stings. You were the one who had to be in control. Just like your father. “My way or the highway.” But you’d never admit that, would you? I told myself it was a bad day, that it wouldn’t happen again. I was wrong.
Looking back, the signs were all there, but I ignored them. Love does that, it blinds you.
I spent so long questioning myself. Was I too sensitive? Was I the problem? But then I think of our couples therapy. How you presented us as a perfect couple who just had “communication issues.” How you sugarcoated everything for the therapist while being painfully cruel to me behind closed doors. I finally cracked, I told her the truth.
I told her about how you policed my phone, how every interaction I had with anyone but you was met with accusations of cheating. How you made me cancel plans with friends (even when you were out of town!) all because you couldn’t go. How I had to start taking screenshots of my messages and pictures of where I was at and who I was with or you’d say I was lying and cheating. All while you had my location and the passcode to my phone.
How I couldn’t go for a walk, take a shower, or even sit on the toilet too long without you barging in and accusing me of not loving you anymore, not wanting to be around you. I told her how I’d stayed up late, waiting for you get home from work (when you would actually go to work) to avoid the arguments. Even though I worked a full time job and had to be up early in the morning.
How I’d have to sit like a statue, silently beside you as you played your games. Terrified of moving, of distracting you, of setting you off. You’d rage quit if I talked to you or moved in your “peripheral vision”. I mean for fucks sake you yelled at me for my cat meowing at you while playing a video game.
I told her how you’d go on long tirades about your passions while I listened, wanting to support you. But when I tried to share mine, you snapped your fingers “Spark Notes,” you’d say, like my thoughts didn’t matter. Is it any wonder I stopped talking to you?
I still remember what you said after therapy. When we got home, you looked at me and said, “Oh, well, that’s great. I can’t see our therapist anymore. She probably thinks I’m a psychopath.” Hearing that was like being hit by a truck. You knew your behavior was wrong, you knew you were being psychotic & instead of taking responsibility, you made it about yourself. Your tarnished image.
And then there was that trip. You said it was for me, a gift. I told you we couldn’t afford it. You were always calling out of work but you pushed. You promised everything was covered, that you’d planned it all. Before we left, I asked if you had enough money for rent, and you swore you did. You promised.
You said you left it in cash at home to make sure you didn’t spend it. But when we got back, it was like the rug was pulled out from under me. You were ordering takeout, spending money you didn’t have, and then, without skipping a beat, you asked me for hundreds of dollars because you were short on rent. Who does that? Who spends money in front of someone & then, in the same breath, asks them for money?
You smothered me. You told me you weren’t co-dependent, but you lied. I told you I needed space to recharge, but space was a threat to you. Every time I tried to tell you how much I was hurting, you’d cry or rage until I was the one apologizing, comforting you. My pain was always drowned out by yours.
I loved you. I loved the man who made me laugh, who charmed everyone, who was so incredibly smart. Then man who made me feel like the luckiest woman alive. But that man wasn’t the whole truth. The other side of you, the side that controlled, suffocated, and loved to fight was always there, too. And even now, knowing all of this, my heart remains ignorant. I still miss you.
I miss the safety I felt when I believed in us. But love shouldn’t feel like losing yourself.
If you hadn’t let your fears poison everything, if you hadn’t been so cruel, I would still be laying in bed with you right now. Scratching your back till you fall asleep. But by the end, I didn’t even want to be near you. Not because I stopped loving you, but because I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I resented you.
I know you won’t read this but in the event you stumble down this rabbit hole, I’m not seeing anyone. As much as you hurt me I still love you. As much as I know it would never work I still wish it did.
Our flame didn’t fade out, you smothered it. Please heal. Gods know I’m trying to.
submitted by Pristine_Country9733 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Character_Grape_1963 what chat gpt model is the best for students?

im currently in 10th grade and im thinking to use chat gpt to my studying arsenal, which is the best model to use for add math, normal maths and is good at summarising notes?
submitted by Character_Grape_1963 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 dylontripple7 I AM SO READY FOR ILJA TO BREAK SOME SKULLS!!!!

I AM SO READY FOR ILJA TO BREAK SOME SKULLS!!!! submitted by dylontripple7 to SantiZapVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 SeaEntrepreneur8579 劉寶傑不幹了 請辭主持近18年的節目《關鍵時刻》

年關將至,播出長達近18年的政論節目《關鍵時刻》,外傳61歲的當家主持人劉寶傑不幹 了!東森電視台內部近日傳出他已退出內部核心Line群組,主因是他年薪高,該節目卻收 視輸三立同時段的李正皓《新台派上線》,遭高層指責,他心裡不爽,憤而提出請職。
對此,劉寶傑未接電話,未回《壹蘋》求證簡訊;他曾上別家節目表示,他起初的人生規 劃根本沒有想過能進電視台,最初的夢想是當報社主筆,可以用一支筆臧否時事,後來因 為主跑捷運與陳水扁,剛好電視台急需解說陳水扁現象的記者,他才站在攝影機前評論政 治,開啟了「寶傑時代」,一轉眼,《關鍵時刻》已經近18年了。
劉寶傑在《關鍵時刻》的口頭禪「真的假的!」,外界都都說很誇張,但他說,其實比起 美國的政治秀算溫和的,他記得自己「開竅」是看到美國脫口秀主持人居然在攝影機前面 撕了稿子,直接「啪!」扔到攝影鏡頭前,這才恍然大悟,原來政治名嘴本身談的是政治 ,但表現方式很視覺、很綜藝,這樣才能「吸睛」,此後他開始改變說話節奏與情緒,他 笑說自己只要攝影機一開,就「起乩」,果然受到觀眾歡迎。
劉寶傑也曾提到2000年胸椎開刀切除腫瘤後,他右腳無力,腳掌無法離地10公分,過斑馬 線看到黃燈亮起,就不敢跑。
submitted by SeaEntrepreneur8579 to KanagawaWave [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 strykemedown “Now I see something Silver!”

submitted by strykemedown to Mortalkombatleaks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Kitchen_Software2272 Superchat: “heather you lookin real good today, here’s $5 for nails”

Superchat: “heather you lookin real good today, here’s $5 for nails” submitted by Kitchen_Software2272 to BackonFigg_2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 DeadairHead My ex knows my every move and my phone behaves weird

Malware scans are fruitless but I know he can hear audio from my phone and camera access. Can anyone help me? If I talk about him to someone else he appears in dms and defends himself from the conversation I was having. There is absolutely no way he would be able to know what I was talking about unless he has access to my phone’s audio. I got so frustrated I went and bought an android phone and started moving everything to the other phone then I slipped up and accidentally gave someone the new number on the hacked phone and now the new phone is doing all kinds of weird stuff. I really need someone to help me!
submitted by DeadairHead to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Responsible_Bee3910 Karma pls

submitted by Responsible_Bee3910 to raisingkarma1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Significant_Mess8717 She Returns With Radiance Novel by GooseberryGlade

In despair, another childhood sweetheart took my hand and said to me, You still have me, I will never let you down. He accompanied me out of the haze, but was very cold to me after marriage. Read She Returns With Radiance Novel by GooseberryGlade : Here
submitted by Significant_Mess8717 to Askromance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 hribarinho Vdelava zemljevida v spletno aplikacijo

mi lahko kdo priporoči kateri zemljevid in kako je najbolje vgraditi v spletno aplikacijo?
Idealno bi bilo, če bi lahko na primer vezal na naslov, ki je v aplikaciji. Torej, s klikom na naslov, se odpre zemljevid.
Gledal sem že leaflet.js, openstreetmap in tudi zemljevidi od
To potrebujem za brezplačno aplikacijo, zato bi se rad ognil Googlovi plačljivi različici API-ja.
Prek elementa iFrame sem uspel vdelati le zemljevide od najdisi, ampak me zanima, če obstaja kakšna boljša varianta.
Hvala in lep pozdrav
submitted by hribarinho to SloveniaEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Keys6Mouse Why would the meme in this post be funny?

submitted by Keys6Mouse to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Artistic_Company_756 Agree with me or not but maruti is only the company who truly understands indian market

Explanation for that tittle
I won’t talk about the past as almost all families in the past have owned/driven/commuted in maruti in the old times
After lockdown maruti has changed in a goodway with good updates to their cars , launching hybrid and all with plenty of features and good styling unlike some others
Now they’ve released a new ev the e-vitara , I won’t talk about the specification and stuff but their new app and new thinking that every dealership in India will have a charger and you can book the charger with the app is truly mind blowing concept
Kudos to maruti for the new stuff that’s on the way
submitted by Artistic_Company_756 to carIndia [link] [comments]


OIL PASTELS WITH ME! SGRAFFITO TECHNIQUE | A ROOM WITH A VIEW. submitted by GJP_art to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Ornery_Pick_8985 [Hiring] (Online) Account Creation

You just have to create a website on a sports betting website, as I need to extract data from the website, but can't access it since not in the US. $10
submitted by Ornery_Pick_8985 to forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」micropaleontologyの意味について

micropaleontologyは、「微視的な化石を扱う古生物学の分野」が定義されています。 読み方はˌmaɪkroʊˌpeɪliənˈtɑlədʒiです。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「micropaleontology」の意味を学びましょう!
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 06:53 Traditional_Fill8640 yogi Adityanath in Kumbh

yogi Adityanath in Kumbh submitted by Traditional_Fill8640 to Kumbh_Mela_2025 [link] [comments]