38 M4A - looking for a drink buddy tonight at 20:00 in Ikebukoro

2025.01.23 07:12 prv-183 38 M4A - looking for a drink buddy tonight at 20:00 in Ikebukoro

As the heading mentions. If interested let me know.
submitted by prv-183 to tokyoirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 LavishCow Especially blind people

submitted by LavishCow to GTA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 lil-pup Tickets for Faetooth’s Upcoming USA Tours

Use code “FAEDOOM” to access tickets at Presale on Thursday, January 23rd of 2025 at 8am PST. Standard ticket sale begins on Friday, January 24th of 2025 at 8am PST.
submitted by lil-pup to faetooth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 ArtAnimation5363 Not yet...

Not yet... Just not yet...
submitted by ArtAnimation5363 to AngelHare [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 iblurryy About a girl I like but can’t have

So 2-3 months ago I started to lion dance and there’s this girl I grew to like. I haven’t liked a girl like this in a long time but recently I found out she has a boyfriend. Not only that but she is moving in a year or two for school and having just found out she has a boyfriend it really sucks. I don’t want to give up but I don’t want to mess things up and get in the way of their relationship. It’s not who I am or want to be. That being said I want to keep trying but just keeping a safe distance as to not ruin things and if a chance appears then I’ll take it. What do you think I should do?
submitted by iblurryy to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Abnormalluna New silly little guy

He’s just a little fella. His name is Sydney💜
submitted by Abnormalluna to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 AccurateInflation167 [Season 1 spoilers] What if 069 and his wife made it to game 6 (Squid Game) in Season 1?

Just thinking about this, one of the cruelest twists in the marble game was the player competing against their chosen partner, instead of with.
Wat if, somehow, they got broken up in the marble game, somehow made it through the glass bridge as the only two survivors, and had to face each other in Squid Game where they would be forced to kill each other with their bare hands?
submitted by AccurateInflation167 to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Sea-Negotiation5491 21F

21F submitted by Sea-Negotiation5491 to truerateme [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 FairBarber4 How to delete a pie without deleting what's in it?

I want to move all my slices out of a Pie, basically getting rid of the pie. But I can not move the last one in pie.
submitted by FairBarber4 to M1Finance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 TeCnoDrom99 Struggling to choose fellowship

Hi everyone, PGY1 IM here, struggling to decide on fellowship GI vs PCC vs Hospitalist vs PCP.
I’m unsure how to decide on what I want to do for the rest of my life. We are 6 months in and everyone is telling me to decide and start doing research.
Family time is important to me but so is the money. I can’t seem to be dedicated like my peers for cardiology for example. And I think I don’t want to just practice medicine later on, I’m into business, startups, administration too.
Any guidance is appreciated!
submitted by TeCnoDrom99 to Residency [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 tlozbotwamiibos “Tonight on stream, Gina mentioned Ovilee inviting her to be a part of that Average Jam - Love Songs. Gina is not on the poster or listed in the X/Twitter post, but she WILL be there with Ovilee.”

submitted by tlozbotwamiibos to GeeFourTeeVee [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Just-a-yusername Turns out it’s acquaintance

Turns out it’s acquaintance submitted by Just-a-yusername to meme [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 QSapphire20 Hey Reddit! Experienced Video Editor Here 🎥

Hi everyone! I’m a video editor with almost 8 years of experience, and I’ve been lucky enough to work on some pretty cool YouTube channels. My projects range from trucking and real estate content to lifestyle and business-focused videos, so I’m comfortable editing for a variety of niches.
I take editing seriously because great visuals and storytelling make all the difference. I also have access to premium editing tools and assets to help bring your ideas to life with clean animations, eye-catching transitions, and creative edits.
If you’re looking for someone reliable to handle your YouTube videos, DM me! I’d be happy to share my full portfolio and chat about how I can help you grow your channel. Let’s create something awesome together! 🎬
submitted by QSapphire20 to VideoEditors_forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Amazing-Writing6274 Idete li kod drugih bez poziva/najave?

Nastavno na nedavni post gdje nisam bila na sprovodu frendicinog tate jer mi nije javila da je umro i nije mi rekla kad i gdje je sahrana (drukcije nisam nikako mogla saznati osim da mi javi), razmišljala sam kako ja zapravo nikada nisam ni otišla ni na sprovod, ni u babinje, ni na rođendan, ni na feštu - bez poziva.
Kod mojih roditelja i bake i djeda su cijeli život dolazili ljudi bez poziva, kuća nam je non stop bila puna (što me posebno živciralo), a tipa za rođendane nisu zvali ljude nego naprave kolače, pa tko dođe - dođe, s rečenicom "pa znaju kad mi je rođendan, valjda će doći"
Kod mene i muža totalno obratna situacija. Ježim se od pomisli da mi netko kuca na vrata nepozvan. Ne idem apsolutno nigdje osim ako mi netko ne kaže - dođi tad tamo. Totalno su mi glupe socijalne norme tipa "na babinje se ne zove" - pa nema tog boga da bi ja došla frendici u babinje nepozvana, ili da ju prije toga ne pitam, e kad ti najbolje paše da dođemo. Ima nekih koji su se naljutili što nismo bili u babinjama, ali ako ti nisam dovoljno bitna da mi javiš barem "hej, evo polako počinjemo primati goste pa javi kad ti odgovara", onda neću ni forsirati dolazak, koliko god to bila socijalna norma.
Imam poštovanje prema tuđem prostoru i vremenu, nikad ne bih voljela biti nametljiva, i očekujem to zauzvrat. Postoje osobe koje se ljute na to što u tim situacijama kad se "očekuje" ne dođemo samoinicijativno bez prethodne komunikacije, ali ne mogu doći na događanje za koje ne znam i za koje mi nitko nije javio. Jedino kod koga idem bez da me zove su roditelji i baka, a i njima kažem da ću doći. Svi ostali, ako želite da dođem, javite mi kad i gdje, pa ću znati da očekujete da dođem. Ako ne, ne očekujte da ću biti tamo.
Jel vi idete drugima bez najave?
submitted by Amazing-Writing6274 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Vimizim lemon ?

is the lemon a special item? i don’t even know how/when i got it.
submitted by Vimizim to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 NthBlueBaboon - Hey everyone, an important announcement regarding Rule 6 -

Hi all,
I’m posting this on behalf of the mods to address an ongoing issue in the subreddit: the rise in political and propaganda-related posts, particularly about the current US government administration. This trend has been increasing, and it’s time we address it directly.
As many of you know, this subreddit has always maintained a no politics stance, and this is clearly outlined in Rule 6:

Rule 6: No Politics PLEASE keep politics out of this subreddit! We don’t want this sub to turn into the political chaos GenZ has become. No discussions of political systems, ideologies, or movements, regardless of the time period or region they come from.
Unfortunately we weren't too sure about the severity of which we should've been enforcing this rule due to various circumstances, but that changes now. Starting today, and after discussing with the mods, we've decided that Rule 6 will be strictly enforced..and any posts that talk about political ideologies will be removed. Bear in mind, this doesn't include conversations about sexuality, race, gender and other topics. Posts about these topics could possibly be locked if the comments get unnecessarily rude towards the OP or other users.
Why are we enforcing this strictly?
Allowing political content—even when unintentional—sets a dangerous precedent. Political discussions can quickly spiral into heated arguments and derail the focus of this subreddit. We’ve all seen what happens in other spaces that let politics take over (like the main GenZ sub), and we don’t want that for this community.
Our goal has always been to keep this a cozy, welcoming place to discuss topics relevant to Middle Gen Z. Letting politics in only distracts from that purpose and diminishes the sense of community we’ve built here.
How you can help keep the community on track:
Report posts and comments that you feel are too political. This helps the mod team address them quickly and effectively.
Please resist the urge to engage with political content. Instead, let us handle it.
If you have any questions, concerns, or notice recurring issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via modmail
This is your community, and we want to make it the best it can be. If you have suggestions for how we can improve the subreddit or ideas for better enforcing the rules, we’d love to hear them. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or through modmail.
Thank you all for helping keep this space fun, focused, and free from the chaos of political stuff.
Note: Apologies if the formatting isn’t perfect—I’m just trying to get this message across as clearly as I can, lol. Also sorry if I repeated some stuff.
submitted by NthBlueBaboon to MiddleGenZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Tarowawaj 25M have a Security meeting on Friday looking for someone to test my questions on.

So the head of security for the property I work for has asked me and 2 others for a 1 on 1 meeting. I’m not a shy person and I can talk in front of others. What I’m looking for is someone to help test my questions. To see if I get my point and others points across to the head of Security. Plz any and all help is much appreciated.
submitted by Tarowawaj to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 SprintsAC Felicity - The Weather

Felicity - The Weather submitted by SprintsAC to poppunkers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 BeautifulAva Testing the Radiance curtain wall vs krill 👀🦐

Testing the Radiance curtain wall vs krill 👀🦐 It does not hide you from krill lol 🦐💀
submitted by BeautifulAva to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 FlyingLowSH Heraklion und Kavala: Airbus ändert nach Condor-Vorfall etwas am A320 [Spoiler: Aufzeichnungsmöglichkeit für hohe Belastungen des Bugfahrwerks]

submitted by FlyingLowSH to LuftRaum [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 KaleidoscopeAsleep35 Consejos y/o ideas para dibujar este labubu y esta Miki

Consejos y/o ideas para dibujar este labubu y esta Miki Tengo que dibujar a un labubu y a una hatsume muku, el dibujo es estilo pixel art, y tengo poco espacio para dibujarlos, lo que lo vuelve muy dificil, ambos están dentro de una maquina de juguetes, de esas que metes una moneda y tienes un chance de sacar algo, que consejos me darían para mejorarlos, no se si quitarlos y poner otra cosa, que me recomiendan?
submitted by KaleidoscopeAsleep35 to Dibujos_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Capytone Is audiobooks reading?

Starting out life with dyslexia does not come with many bells and whistles. But at one point i had a teacher that would come and and read my books as i read along, while recording it . I would then read along as my homework. I have come to see this as my first audiobooks. So as i learned it the audiobook was reading. And to me still is.
John Green on audiobooks. https://youtu.be/80SCl6n0TEo?si=hF4XVkOS9bCVV43v
submitted by Capytone to audiobooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Quirky-Intention-957 Thought you already had a button nose?

Thought you already had a button nose? I just can’t I can’t with her forreal
submitted by Quirky-Intention-957 to CollectiveSnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 johnson_semila Bring back the other old eco system. The new system suck in every way you can think of. Name 1 advantage that the new system have that old one don't (image is unrelated)

Bring back the other old eco system. The new system suck in every way you can think of. Name 1 advantage that the new system have that old one don't (image is unrelated) submitted by johnson_semila to TDS_Roblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 07:12 Available-Top-6022 Songs like Perfect Way by Scritti Politti

And what genre/subgenre is this?
submitted by Available-Top-6022 to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]
