2025.01.23 15:30 Kooky-Insurance658 640 detour due to construction on University Ave.
640 is missing two stops near the fountain, since it is not turning right where the AT&T hotel is from MLK Blvd due to contruction on University Ave. Instead, it turns right to Guad, and stops at the West Mall station. Plan accordingly!
submitted by Kooky-Insurance658 to UTAustin [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 Spuddmann1987 Blursed Ram pickup
submitted by Spuddmann1987 to blursedimages [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 Pretend-Two-2115 New details on WWE's plans for Rhea Ripley
submitted by Pretend-Two-2115 to WrestlingWorldus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 Infamous-Education70 Def Deoxys WB 789574056098
submitted by Infamous-Education70 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 Pinky9478 What are these
submitted by Pinky9478 to molluscum [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 2_Blue What 2024 Disclosure Act Means For UFO Sightings
submitted by 2_Blue to Zampano [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 Confident-Aardvark69 Corinthians divulga atualização médica de Gustavo Henrique
submitted by Confident-Aardvark69 to Lance_News [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 IggyStrife Penelopeep's a bag-pipe pirate 🤣
We've been watching One Piece, so Penelopeep decorate her room like a ship! Call her captain! And since we're in Scottland, she also wanted to show off her new bagpipe skills. So if you have any needs for a pirate who plays (OK, holds 😅) a bagpipe, look no further!
Cheep cheep!🧡
submitted by IggyStrife to finch [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 anoushk77 Heart rate data not showing
I’m facing an issue where neither I nor my coach can see heart rate data on the overlay graph(workout graph). The max and avg HR is visible and so is Laps data for HR but not in the main workout graph where all the charts overlap. I’ve also checked the same fit file on intervals.icu, strava and garmin but they all seem to show it so the file is definitely fine.
This issue only exists for me and all other athletes under my coach don’t face this issue. I’ve tried making a new account and connecting to garmin and I face the same issue. I’ve reached to training peaks support thrice and have got no response.
submitted by anoushk77 to trainingpeaks [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 boycowman John Lennon hitting high notes
There was recently a discussion here on who sang lead on "Here There and Everywhere." OP thought it sounded like John and received a little bit of flak over that. It's Paul of course. Someone in that discussion said "John couldn't hit those falsettos." That didn't sound right to me, because I had recently been listening to "Sexy Sadie" and thought to myself that John Lennon was reaching Brian Wilson territory in that song. Check out the "oohs" around 2:14. John could easily hit those falsettos.
In general, John had a lower register than Paul and you can hear that when they speak. Paul has a naturally higher tone that John. Paul could sing higher than John, and sing higher with more power than John. We don't have to search hard for that. We can hear it in "Long Tall Sally," "Helter Skelter, and "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
Still, John could get really high when he wanted to, and also sing high notes with power. Check out "What You Got," especially when he says "Give me one more chance" at :52.
submitted by boycowman to beatles [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 ArtisticPangolin912 So... how do I get there ?
submitted by ArtisticPangolin912 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 Sam_Playground [Review] Keeppley K20527 Official Licensed Naruto Shippuden Valley Of The End
submitted by Sam_Playground to lepin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 topredditbot The inflatable motorcycle vest and calculated steps saved his life [r/BeAmazed by u/TightZone4173]
submitted by topredditbot to topofreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 ChaoticG123 Lil weird freaks I drew
submitted by ChaoticG123 to drawing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 learnandearn99 Step by step guide for How to write a blog post for the first time
It is very difficult to find a way to write your blog article in easy way right?. If you are not sure about how to get great content ideas to write and how to write your blog post here is the step by step procedure with 3 Actionable steps explained in my new blog post. click here to know more about how to get ranking on google with your keyword and some other useful insights you will get definitely. https://learnandearn.in/how-to-write-the-best-content-for-your-blog-post/#more-221
#blogpostwriting #blogposts #blogpost #websitetraffic #website #affiliate #affiliateprogram #affiliatemarketer #affiliatemarketing #affiliatemarketingtips #affiliatemarketingforbeginners
submitted by learnandearn99 to learnandearn99 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 Playful-Yellow7758 Can't play after update
So, I updated the app, but it keeps saying it needs to be updated. I tried force closing the app, but it still keeps popping up. submitted by Playful-Yellow7758 to luckydefense [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 Wide_Literature4229 Você se medica somente com maconha?
É isso galera, eu 36H sempre me vangloriei de ter conhecido a maconha tarde, lá pelos 30 e me orgulhava de falar que a partir dela larguei muitos medicamentos para ansiedade e depressão, porém recentemente com muita acontecendo venho sentido que só a maconha e os exercícios não estão dando conta.
E eu queria ouvir de vocês quem faz tratamento só com a plantinha e quem usa outros medicamentos junto!?
submitted by Wide_Literature4229 to maconha_legal [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 honoredb Do I now have a legal right in the U.S. to request scientific testing to determine my sex?
According to new executive orders, government agencies are now required to use "biological sex" rather than gender identity on things like passports, where "biological sex" is defined confusingly but seems like it could only be determined by genetic testing, conceiving a child of my own, or something equally onerous. I feel like as long as these orders are in effect, the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. § 552a therefore requires government agencies to ensure they have accurate information about my chromosomes, and to get the information directly from me if possible. But I'm not a lawyer. Am I talking nonsense?
submitted by honoredb to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 Prudent_Ad7263 The Show's Success: A Unique Approach to Creating Buzz Real bad Girls of the 6ixx
submitted by Prudent_Ad7263 to Torontology [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 AttitudePublic167 Kloak lugt badeværelse
Hej alle kloge mennesker!
Jeg har brug for hjælp til at slippe af med kloak lugt på mit badeværelse.
Jeg har monteret en vakuum ventil under håndvasken da vandlåsene blev suget tomme ved toilet skyld. Det har hjulpet på dette problem.
Men nu kommer der tit kloak lugt fra vakuumventilen, især når vejret er koldt.
Er den eneste løsning på dette at trække et rør op på taget så afløbssystemet kan udluftes for overtryk? Eller leder jeg det helt forkerte sted?
Har haft en pose på vakuum ventilen for at se om det var den der lækkede luft ud, og det var det.
submitted by AttitudePublic167 to selvgjortvelgjort [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 ThinAd7165 Looking to trade what I have for ANCIENT MAJESTY (set 2)
submitted by ThinAd7165 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 _TheOnendOnly_ Is this normal? I get the samsung health, what about the play store tho?
submitted by _TheOnendOnly_ to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:30 FionitaWaly Phonix OP??? People Know how Play Those Monsters??
Last Night I play like 8 Games in all i see 2-6 Phonix. All of them was exterminated without compassion. And so easy to destroy them.
Maybe is not that OP? Or Just People don't Know how play the Tank...?
submitted by FionitaWaly to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 IndiaSocial Late Night Random Discussion Thread - 23 January, 2025
Place for Random Thoughts. Share away anything you want, and make some new friends along the way :)
Rules | Bot Commands | Socials | Helpline | ModMail | Wiki | XP | Vellabot
submitted by IndiaSocial to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:30 Different-Actuary-36 Alan Watts speaks on his view of death and the afterlife.
submitted by Different-Actuary-36 to philosophy [link] [comments]