Give me your creations to Draw!

2025.01.23 17:32 Masked-Michael Give me your creations to Draw!

Give me your creations to Draw! Some of my art for reference
submitted by Masked-Michael to Spore [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 naughty1919 Sizzix dies for leather

Sizzix dies for leather If you take the rubbefoam off of these you can use them on leather. They are easy to find for cheap and there is a huge variety of shapes!
submitted by naughty1919 to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 QuicheLorraine13 Ist 0ralverkehr eigentlich Gaumensex?

submitted by QuicheLorraine13 to wortwitzkasse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 mdudeeeee I need your help : advice, feedback, answers, anything ! Trying to find solutions here.

I hope you are all doing well despite the struggles associated with this f*cking thing. I hope you’re not losing hope—it’s long and exhausting, but I’m sure we’ll eventually find our own solution.
I’m a 26-year-old woman, and English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies. If something isn’t clear, please let me know, and I’ll clarify.
The reason I’m posting this is simple: I need your advice, feedback, opinions, and answers to some of my questions. Honestly, do not hesitate, any comment will be taken into account.
I’ve been suffering for about six years from digestive issues that affect my daily life. My main symptoms are: loud stomach noises, alternating constipation/diarrhea (possibly false diarrhea? I’ll elaborate later), urgent bowel movements, and burps. I also have other symptoms that I consider secondary because they’re less socially difficult for me: fatigue, body itching (like psoriasis?), and migraines. I also have endometriosis (not digestive, as far as I know—I’m on continuous birth control, so I no longer have periods, as I don’t have much choice; otherwise, the pain and flare-ups are too severe) and PCOS (birth control helps with some of those symptoms as well).
After years of searching for a diagnosis (and consulting around 10–20 specialists), I am now seeing a doctor with formal training who’s specialized in homeopathy and naturopathy. He’s amazing—it’s the first time in years that I feel truly heard. He’s quite knowledgeable and, most importantly, doesn’t tell me it’s all in my head, that I just need to relax, or that I should JUST eat more fiber and drink more water. After doing a breath test with him, it seems I suffer from dysbiosis/SIBO. I’m not sure about the exact term because he didn’t specify. I don’t know if it’s hydrogen SIBO, methane SIBO, or something else, but we started a treatment together, which I’ve been following for eight months now. We meet every three months to review and adjust the treatment. He told me it could take a lot of time depending on the patient. I know I’m in good hands, but I really want to recover as fully and as “quickly” as possible, of course.
It seems to me that the powders he gives me to incorporate into my meals are meant to eliminate bad bacteria (they contain oregano, cinnamon, ginger, etc.), and I think they’re working to some extent because I’ve noticed some changes. But I still suffer from my symptoms daily because I feel like the root cause isn’t being addressed. With this treatment, I’ve lost 6 kilos without any lifestyle changes after years of struggling to lose weight despite all my efforts. He told me this is a sign that my metabolism is waking up. I also have fewer crises, but they still occur quite often, and it remains a daily struggle.
Now, I’m trying to do as much research as possible and reflect on the root cause of my problem. I feel like the issue might be related to constipation. It took me a long time to recognize this because I go to the bathroom almost every day, but rarely completely. I almost always feel like it’s incomplete. I evacuate a normal amount but feel like there’s still some left, even though the urge disappears immediately. The problem is that 10 minutes later, I often need to go urgently again, sometimes 4–5 times. If I don’t have access to a bathroom during these urgent moments, it quickly turns into diarrhea (false diarrhea?). Sometimes I just go once and almost always feel a heaviness down there. Very often after these episodes, I experience severe rumbling/borborygmus. I also frequently get the urge to go when I’m not in a position to access a bathroom, which is very complicated in my daily life. I’m really trying to work on the psychological aspect of my symptoms—I know it plays a role—but I also know my problem is not only psychological after all this time. I’ve just had so many difficult experiences related to these issues that it inevitably affects everything else. I’m also seeing a therapist to help with it, but I know it’s not all in my head.
The problem is that I don’t know what else to do to get rid of this “constipation.” Whenever I increase my fiber intake, my other digestive symptoms worsen significantly (gas and loud noises). I think my fiber consumption is “average.” I take two tablespoons of chia seeds soaked in water every morning, eat vegetables (the ones I can tolerate) with every meal, etc. I used to take laxatives, but they only worked for a while. I’ve tried many things: exercising 3 times a week, massages, olive oil on an empty stomach, drinking more water, etc. Mallow teas in the evening worked well at first but no longer help.
My naturopath recommended psyllium or flaxseeds. These greatly improve the quality and frequency of my bowel movements, but I can’t continue taking them because of the gas (sometimes foul-smelling) and intestinal noises they cause. Even when I tried very small amounts (1/2 teaspoon daily with plenty of water), the side effects were too bothersome.
I’ve read posts here about motility and figured it wouldn’t hurt to try taking ginger and artichoke capsules in the morning, so I’ve been doing that. It’s been a week and I haven’t noticed any significant difference yet, but I tolerate them well, so I’m satisfied for now. However, I feel like they’ve slightly increased my burping, though I’m not sure why. I’ve read that they primarily affect upper motility and not the large intestine or colon. Is this accurate?
In that case, I have a few questions:

I’m really sorry for this loooooong text. If you have just one comment, opinion, or remark—even if you can’t answer all my questions—please feel free to share. I’ll also respond to comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Take care!
submitted by mdudeeeee to SIBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 eklatea Yareli - Pink Blossom Fashion (first proper attempt at making a fit)

Yareli - Pink Blossom Fashion (first proper attempt at making a fit) submitted by eklatea to WarframeRunway [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Special-Armadillo194 :D

submitted by Special-Armadillo194 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Impressive_Yam7957 Walmart Tagged Questions

Would anyone with Premium be willing to send me a list of the Walmart tagged questions?
If this isn’t allowed on this sub let me know, sorry!
submitted by Impressive_Yam7957 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Silver-Skirt-1092 Been studying Spanish 5 years, still beginner level

I'm 28 years old, raising 2 children, stay-at-home mom. I started trying to learn Spanish about 5 years ago, after meeting my now husband who is from Spain. (Elephant in the room, yes, I could be practicing with my husband daily, but it's surprisingly difficult when he is already fluent in English.) I started learning with one university course, but transitioned to self-learning because college courses are obscenely expensive. Here in the US there aren't any sort of language learning institutions, such as are common in Europe, so I'm pretty much on my own.
Over these five years, I've gone through 2 thick textbooks on my own, translating sentences from English to Spanish and vice versa. I've spent a collective 5 or 6 months of my life in Spain, fully-immersed, surrounded by people like my in-laws who don't speak a word of English. Yet, my understanding is still quite limited. I can only decently understand conversations about daily activities, like taking care of the kids, grocery shopping, or cooking. Everything else is a blur. My speaking is even worse. I speak very robotically and I can only conjugate verbs in the present tense, even though I've practiced literally hundreds of hours conjugating in all tenses. My husband likes to say that grammar isn't really that important, but seeing as every sentence contains a verb, I think that conjugating verbs is pretty essential!
Additionally, I've also been doing Yabla on-and-off the past couple years, which is all listening and recall, what I probably should have been practicing from the very beginning, rather than writing sentences at a very slow pace. I do notice that this seems to be helping, but it's not enough.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I know that there is a lot of misinformation about how easy learning a language should be, but still, it seems I've had every opportunity to learn Spanish, but I'm still at the level of a two year old, when other people like my husband learn English with just a couple summers abroad at a language institute. Is it because I've been monolingual my whole life? Is it because I'm distracted with taking care of the kids when we're over in Spain? Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm sick of the snarky comments from my husband's family about how the kids over there learn Basque or English easily in just a year.
submitted by Silver-Skirt-1092 to Spanish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Natural-Seaweed-5070 Reverend dumbass

Reverend dumbass If her husband is a reverend, then I’m a wallaby.
submitted by Natural-Seaweed-5070 to crystalbrunnerscammer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Liriel-666 Has someone a idea what that sound problem is?

Has someone a idea what that sound problem is? Has someone a idea what that sound problem is? Its a flip 4 thst had a broken usb port that was replaced. It only apears short before and after a sound is played.
submitted by Liriel-666 to JBL [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 8readsoup lost Tcard near MP122 charcharcharcharcharcharchar

i lost lost t card near MP122. i went there this morning (from around 10-12) and when i got home i realized it was gone :( i am back on campus now but i couldn't find it. if anyone has found it/ picked it up, pls contact me via DM! i will give u snacks as compensation😭thank u!!!
submitted by 8readsoup to UofT [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Fair_Ambassador_6597 Elvanse - Wirkverlust nach 2 Jahren

Hallo zusammen^ Erstmal zu mir: weiblich, 23 Jahre Diagnosen: Schwere Depression, Angstzustände, Dissoziative Störung, PTBS und ADHS
Dies ist mein erster Reddit post und ich hoffe, dass ich mich so gut es geht verständlich ausdrücken kann c:
Undzwar wurde bei mir vor ein paar Jahren erst ADS und dann doch ADHS diagnostiziert (genaues Alter weis ich nicht mehr, aber müsste so um das 18. Lebensjahr gewesen sein). Da ich in der Schule immer eingeschlafen bin und mich kein bisschen konzentrieren konnte. Angefangen habe ich mit Medikinet, bin dann aber ziemlich schnell auf Elvanse umgestellt worden. Zum Anfang habe ich 30mg, nach paar Wochen 50mg und dann nochmal einige Wochen später morgens 50mg und mittags 20mg bekommen und dieses Medikament hat mein Leben verändert. Durch dieses Medikament hatte ich wieder neue Lebensfreude, Motivation für alle möglichen Dinge und eine Euphorie die sich kaum in Worte fassen lässt. In der Zeit war ich viel unterwegs mit Freunden und Selbstbewusster als je zuvor. Außerdem hatte ich voll das Verlangen nach Nikotin und Koffein, war das normal?
Nach ungefähr 2 Jahren hatte ich dann plötzlich einen kompletten Wirkverlust. Ich war so am Ende und total verzweifelt, ich habe nur noch im Bett gelegen und mich komplett zurückgezogen.. Dann habe ich bald darauf angefangen mehr Kapseln zu nehmen (ohne Absprache mit meinem Arzt, nicht nachmachen!!!) , weil ich diese Lebensfreude wieder zurück haben wollte. Zuerst habe ich morgens 70mg und mittags 20mg genommen, das hat eine Zeit gut geklappt, aber dann wieder kompletter Wirkverlust nach kurzer Zeit. Das hat sich so sehr gesteigert das ich nach einiger Zeit auf bis zu 320mg täglich kam, da ich diese Euphorie vom Anfang wieder haben wollte (ca. alle 4 Stunden neue Medikamenteneinnahme).
Ich weis das das extrem viel ist und definitiv keine gute Idee war, also bitte keine weiteren Vorwürfe ._.
Das hat einige Zeit bei mir funktioniert und mein Psychiater hat auch sehr lange gebraucht bis es ihm aufgefallen ist (habe ca. alle 2 Wochen ein neues Rezept ausgestellt bekommen, ohne das nachgefragt wurde) Als es ihm dann aufgefallen war hat er mir das Rezept komplett gestrichen. Ich hatte 2 Wochen lang keine Medikamente und somit einen kalten Entzug. Das war der Horror.. Nach den 2 Wochen hatte ich einen Termin bei einem Suchtberater der auf ADHS spezialisiert ist und der mir auch sehr kompetent rüber kam (er hat selber ADHS). Er gab mir einen Vertrauensvorschuss und hat mir erst mal 70mg Elvanse verschrieben damit ich aus dem Entzug endlich rauskomme. Die Wirkung war dann auch erst wieder da, aber nach paar Tagen wieder weg. Seitdem haben wir schon paar Sachen ausprobiert. Ich wurde auf Bupropion 300mg umgestellt (hatte vorher Venlaflaxin 150mg) Dann hatten wir nochmal Methylphenidat ausprobiert mit langsamer Steigerung, wo ich aber nach eine Woche starke Angstzustände von bekam. Dann haben wir ausprobiert mit morgens 70mg Elvanse und mittags 1/4 von 5mg Tabletten Attentin. Bei Attentin habe ich „gefühlt“ 0 Wirkung, abgesehen von etwas Herzrasen. Und jetzt bin ich wieder bei morgens 50mg und mittags 20mg Elvanse. Immernoch keinerlei spürbare Wirkung. Sobald Atomoxetin wieder lieferbar ist wollte ich das mal ausprobieren.
Ich bin einfach verzweifelt.. Ich bin die ganze Zeit extrem müde und platt (trotz Medikamente) und bin extrem reizbar. Ich befinde mich momentan auch zum zweiten Mal in einer Tagesklinik.
Hat aber jemand vielleicht eine Idee wieso ich nach ca. 2 Jahren so einen starken Wirkverlust hatte? Bei jedem Arzt wo ich war hatte keiner so eine wirkliche Antwort darauf. Kann es sein das ich das Medikament plötzlich zu schnell verstoffwechsel? Oder kann Eisenmangel die Wirkung so stark beeinflussen? Damit habe ich leider oft Probleme. Bis vor kurzem stand ich auch einige Wochen unter dauerstress und hatte min. 1 Nervenzusammenbruch. Das ist momentan schon etwas besser geworden, aber auch nicht komplett weg. Könnte das eine Auswirkung gehabt haben?
Tut mir leid für den langen Test c: Und danke im voraus für jeden der sich die Zeit nimmt ihn zu lesen!
submitted by Fair_Ambassador_6597 to ADHS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 jayjayojatinhu ✨DETAILED READING ANY THEME✨ using tarot and oracle cards. I have reviews and +7y of experience. Each question for 7$.

✨DETAILED READING ANY THEME✨ using tarot and oracle cards. I have reviews and +7y of experience. Each question for 7$. submitted by jayjayojatinhu to TarotReading2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Bright-Can-9671 Claudia Schiffer vs Elizabeth Hurley

Claudia Schiffer vs Elizabeth Hurley submitted by Bright-Can-9671 to CelebBattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Stock-Match-2985 17popcorn

17popcorn submitted by Stock-Match-2985 to daveandbambi [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 lilLaylaXOX new monster ultra releasing Jan 27

new monster ultra releasing Jan 27 submitted by lilLaylaXOX to energydrinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 DareToDisco Where is a good place to buy space / scandi disco vinyl records?

Looking to find some scandi disco vinyl here in Copenhagen, or just good disco and a house, where can I look for this?
submitted by DareToDisco to copenhagen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Impressive-Nerve6484 Afro looks like a birds nest

Afro looks like a birds nest This is after I took my cornrows out so it’s not like I’ve had it out like this for months I hate its shape and texture how tf do I improve this
submitted by Impressive-Nerve6484 to BlackHair [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 boundtoreddit Lucrative 200+ millions during “public service” career

submitted by boundtoreddit to FluentInFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Zendesk_Devan Join us for our next Community Event: Unlocking AI Success with Zendesk Knowledge Base

Looking to boost your customer experience with AI? Join us for our next webinar, Unlocking AI Success with Zendesk Knowledge Base, on January 30 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CST)!
Our experts will share how to make the most of Zendesk AI to enhance knowledge management and customer interactions. We'll cover important topics including:

Plus, this is a great chance to ask your questions live! Even if you can't attend we consider all submitted question when choosing which to answer live and send a full recording along with the questions we answered to everyone who registers!
Whether you're a customer, prospect, CX admin, developer, or just curious about AI, this webinar has something for you.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your knowledge base and customer experience—register today to claim your spot!
Join us on January 30 and be learn about the future of AI powered Knowledge Base for customer experience!
👉 Register Today!
submitted by Zendesk_Devan to Zendesk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 moonflower19 Licensed Psychologists, how many of you use psychometrists?

Please elaborate in the comments.
View Poll
submitted by moonflower19 to ClinicalPsychology [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 NomadDaGreatR6 H: Leaders W: Fiend/FCJS

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Original_Station_699 How would this sub vote

1904 Democrat nomimation
View Poll
submitted by Original_Station_699 to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 Large-Lawfulness-449 Help me find my kul devi 🙏

Hi, I am a Saryuparin brahmin not living in UP, as I don't know shit about my paternal side much neither my father due to my grandfather marrying 2 times . All I know that he used to live in rajapur near chitrakoot and later shifted to Varanasi after marrying 2nd time. My gotra is sankritya ,roots from malao near gorakhpur , would be helpful if someone helps me find my kuldevi 🙏.
submitted by Large-Lawfulness-449 to Brahmanraaj [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:32 No-Cranberry5214 You have heard of two-eyed shockwave, but now bear witness to...

You have heard of two-eyed shockwave, but now bear witness to... submitted by No-Cranberry5214 to Transformemes [link] [comments]