Maybe he’s the software developer and would like to inform that his new developed program has been completed. Or maybe we could change it to: "The development of software program X has been completed successfully." "The development of software program X has been successfully completed." Please correct me if I’m wrong. This uses "completed" as a past-participial adjective. The installation has completed. This uses "complete" as an intransitive verb like "finish" - a usage which is becoming more common. Traditionally it would be "has been completed". The installation is complete. This is potentially ambiguous because "complete" need not mean "completed". "Finally, when all such recovery activity is complete d [by the system] - completed = passive participle of the verb. Finally, the completed data can be used - completed = passive participle of the verb used as a reduced relative clause = that has been completed. Completed = finished, and that might describe that same amusement park, with all 15 rides up and running, but unpainted, and flowers have yet to be planted along the paths, etc. So work on it hasn't been completed. That said, in ordinary speech the two are pretty much interchangeable. As far as I'm concerned, if something has been finished, it "has been finished" or "is complete". I would only use "is completed" when talking about the future. The building has been finished. It was finished in April 2013. The building is complete. It was finished in April 2013. I won't pay your for the work until the building is completed. 1) I had completed the maintenance plan yesterday and will be proceeding with the next step today. 2) I have completed the maintenance plan and will be proceeding with the next step. Both examples convey the message that the task is complete which would mean past tense but it depends on how early it is. Hello, my friends, I was wondering which expression is idiomatic or is there a better choice: 1) I will send you the completed form. 2) I will send you the filled form. Thoughts: My first choice is #2, but I don't consider it idiomatic. I forgot to send a email attached with a form need to... Complete is an adjective, therefore 1 is describing the state that the civil work is in. Completed, however, is the past participle of the verb to complete, and through making it passive (been completed ), it effectively acts as a description. "Completed" can be an adjective formed from the past participle of a verb or "is completed" can be a passive verb. In "crystal clear", "clear" is an adjective meaning transparent. "Crystal" modifies "clear." It tells us how clear - as clear as crystal. The verb "to clear" means something else. "Crystal cleared" is meaningless. Once I've completed the task, the task is complete. In your example; The attached list is not complete because you haven't completed it. You can say "the completed list" to indicate that the list has been completed, or "the complete list" to indicate that there are no parts of the list missing.
2025.01.23 20:50 ChiTown2SD Removing a completed course
I completed a course and it appears on my “Start my Day”. I’ve since completed it but it asks if I want to restart the course. There is no option to say no & no way to remove it from my daily schedule. Any ideas on how I can replace it with another course in my schedule.
submitted by ChiTown2SD to Headspace [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 felixwttr Hetzner Setup fees for dedicated servers
Hello all,
First of all I really like hetzner and the prices. I am a really happy customer!
I know that hetzner does not give any discount for their dedicated servers, but in 2023 they removed the setup fee for some servers during the black week. Last year they did not do that promotion.
In the FAQ there is a paragraph that says they do those promotions from time to time to surprise the customers.
Now to my question: Do you think there will be a promotion like that in the next time? I really think about getting a AX42 but the setup fee is what kind of holds me back from it..
submitted by felixwttr to hetzner [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 GuttiG Signalis headcanons
submitted by GuttiG to signalis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:50 forgotten_my_mantra Wardrobe question- are the guys provided with the Crayola colored polo shirts for tell alls ?
submitted by forgotten_my_mantra to 90DayFianceSnark [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 allovercoffee Sudden fear despite being a professional public speaker for 20+ years
I did competitive public speaking in high school and coached professionally for 20 years.
Over the last year or 2 I am suddenly terrified of public speaking and have the worst anxiety and fight-or-flight reaction from the simplest presentations.
I'm so confused because as I get older I feel like my confidence and self-assuredness is at an all-time high.
Any ideas on why this might be happening or advice?
submitted by allovercoffee to PublicSpeaking [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 Weurd Need help finding a scent that might not exist.
Ok so i recently picked up Lattafa's Oud for Glory and I LOVE the scent profile but was wondering if anyone knows of or could recommend a scent that similar but with a citrus note added.
submitted by Weurd to fragranceclones [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 mangothicc Are these turkeytail?
Found in a wooded area in Louisiana. submitted by mangothicc to mushroomID [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:50 astankill procurando amizades
moro na região e vou pra maringá as vezes, gostaria de fazer mais amizades pra sair e/ou conversar
um pouco sobre mim: sou mulher e tenho 20 anos, alguns dos meus interesses são biologia, true crime, cinema, horror, suspense, idiomas e subcultura gótica, gosto de sair pra comer e ouvir música, conhecer cafés e bares, fazer piquenique
quero conhecer o pessoal alternativo e da comunidade lgbt, principalmente lésbicas, mas qualquer amizade é bem vinda, sinta-se livre pra me chamar se houver algum interesse em comum
submitted by astankill to maringa [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 SymbioteMu Upgraded from a Xbox Series S
submitted by SymbioteMu to playstation [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:50 WineTerminator What kind of mind games have you experienced?
Women don't need PS nor XBox, they have men to play. Is that true?
submitted by WineTerminator to AskMen [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 nal1200 Looking for 2 Denver Gothic Theatre tickets - Mar 18
Please let me know if you’re planning to sell 2 tickets for Mar 18 at Denver’s Gothic Theatre.
submitted by nal1200 to ParisPaloma [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 Zetagunn Graphics settings recommendation (enb )
My computer has an R5 1600 + Rx6600 +24GBRAMMy computer has an R5 1600 + Rx6600 +24GBRAM
submitted by Zetagunn to SkyrimPorn [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 HotShoulder6596 legit check pls
submitted by HotShoulder6596 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 UsualBat5299 Feeling low!
just feeling very low like someone punched my heart 😅, went out with a guy through Bmbl bff as friends and turned out he was gay and I told I was bi , we had good time with food, drinks and conversations, we hooked up that night. Talked over a call multiple times on next few days, initially I wasn’t into them but through calls I got a feeling they were interested and into me slowly my guards went down and started to feel things and yesterday they mentioned they are mainly interested in FWB and I have never done that nor intending to that, we are meeting this weekend for a concert and most likely I am gonna ask them either you we dare properly or I don’t think we can be friends or FWB or whatever too old for that shit 😅, feeling like a huge loss don’t know why damn!
submitted by UsualBat5299 to bisexual [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 YKZA769 CONSOLES PLAYERS RIGHT NOW…(including me😁)
Guys like or comment, to let Genki know we here, consoles players united, at least for now haha submitted by YKZA769 to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:50 dwredbaker Sins of the Saints
1. The One Overtaken in a Fault
But what of the one who is "overtaken in a fault" (Gal 6:1)? What of the one who really and daily endeavors with all his might to please God and glorify Christ, who actually does seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mat 6:33), but who, nevertheless, is conscious that he offends in many things (Jam 3:2)—what are the consequences of such sins in the believer? 2 rectitude – conduct according to moral principles.
He does not cease to be God's child. A child of God is one who has been begotten by the Holy Spirit and made a partaker of the divine nature. The new birth is very much more than an external reformation, it is an internal regeneration. The new birth does not mean turning over a new leaf, but is the beginning of a new life. Now in the very nature of the case, one who has been born again cannot be unborn. We have been born again of "incorruptible seed" (1 Peter 1:23). Can that which is incorruptible die? Impossible (Eph 2:5). Can those who have been spiritually resurrected be destroyed? Impossible. The new birth is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17, R.V.). Can that which has been created be un-created? Impossible. "I know that, whatever God does, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it: and God does it that men should fear before him" (Ecc 3:14). He does not forfeit eternal life. When the believer sins he does not forfeit eternal life, and why? Because it is a gift—a free gift from God. "The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom 6:23, R.V.). He could do nothing to merit this gift (if he could, it would cease to be a gift: in such a case it would be a reward), consequently, he can do nothing to demerit it.
Moreover, the gift which God bestows upon the believer is eternal life. This needs to be stressed. God gave to Adam a probationary life: it was his so long as he obeyed God's command and refused to eat of the forbidden fruit. God gave to Israel in Canaan a conditional life: their continued tenure of Palestine was made contingent upon their compliance with the divine Decalogue and their abstinence from idolatry. But to the believer in Christ, God gives neither a probationary nor a conditional life, but eternal life. And, "The gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Rom 11:29). To say that eternal life may end is a contradiction in terms. He does not lose the Holy Spirit. David prayed, "Take not your Holy Spirit from me." (Psalm 51:11), but this was under the dispensation of law. In contrast thereto, under the dispensation of grace, the promise of the Savior is, "And he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever" (John 14:16). The believer may and does, "grieve" the Holy Spirit, but he cannot drive Him away. And for this reason, the Holy Spirit takes up His abode in the believer not on account of any personal fitness He finds in him, but on the ground of the finished work of Christ, and nothing can disturb that. Therefore we read, "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30), that is, until the day when we shall be glorified in spirit, and soul, and body.
A striking demonstration and confirmation of this fact is seen in the case of the Corinthian saints. Due allowance must be made for the fact that they had only just emerged from an idolatrous and licentious heathendom, yet when this is said, it remains that these Corinthians were guilty of the most awful sins. They were schismatics; brother went to law against brother; and what was worse, some had profaned the table of the Lord, having turned the supper into a drunken revel. And yet to this very Church, while admonishing the same, the apostle says, "Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16). In spite of their sins then, the Corinthian saints had not lost the Holy Spirit! He does not become unfit for Heaven. The moment we believe, we are fitted and qualified to enter the presence of the thrice holy God. "Giving thanks unto the Father which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light" (Col 1:12). This fitness or fitness is not in ourselves but in Christ. Consequently, this fitness is perfect and immutable: "For by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified" (Heb 10:14).
Our fitness for Heaven depends not in any wise on our service, our works, our obedience, or our faithfulness, but solely upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus for us. The Apostle Paul was as much ready for Heaven the moment he was born again as he was at the close of his life of devoted allegiance to his Master. The fitness of the prodigal son to a seat at the father's table consisted in the robe of righteousness with which he was typically8 clothed. The saints which John saw in the heavenly temple of the King, has washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. It is the precious blood, and that alone, which gives title to a mansion in the Father's house. In short, we partake of the incorruptible inheritance solely through grace, hence our personal unworthiness cannot unfit us for it. If sinning unfitted the believer for Heaven, then none would ever get there, "For in many things we all offend" (Jam 3:2, R.V.). But let it not be supposed that a man may live as he pleases, live a life of open sin, and that even he may console himself that when he dies he shall go to Heaven. If you are a child of God your daily walk will evidence it. If you are really a Christian your life will demonstrate it, and if your life does not so demonstrate it then you are not entitled to bear the name of a follower of the Lord Jesus. If you are one of His "sheep," you will follow the Shepherd, not the "desires of the flesh" or the ways of the world. You will "hear" (not disregard) the "voice" of Christ.
He does not eternally perish. There is no need to argue this. From what has been said above, it follows, that no saint of God through sinning can finally be lost. Backslide he may, but perish he shall not. No backsliding saint of God ever perished. Noah was a backslider—he became intoxicated. Abraham was a backslider—he went down to Egypt in unbelief, and while there told a lie. Jacob was a backslider—he deliberately deceived his father. Moses was a backslider—in his anger, he disobeyed God. David was a backslider—he committed adultery. Peter was a backslider—he denied his Lord. But not one of them perished. Each was able to say with the psalmist, "He restores my soul" (Psalm 23:3). Yes, mark they were "restored." They did not continue in their wickedness. No; they repented and turned to God.
submitted by dwredbaker to OldPaths [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 675
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 Syncroz TIFF Advance Screening: The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
submitted by Syncroz to TIFF [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:50 Ruben0584 Never seen this flavor
submitted by Ruben0584 to energydrinks [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 that_one_shark Why cant Anton shinespark?
This must be a developer oversight, surely. Why is Anton unable to shinespark? I get that Annie simply doesn't want to, but why can't Anton? Is he stupid?
submitted by that_one_shark to ANTONBLAST [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 Educational_Split849 Carta 50cc
Amanhã vou fazer o exame de condução 50cc. Se passar, vou ter de esperar até vir a provisória ou posso logo começar a conduzir?
submitted by Educational_Split849 to AutoTuga [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 Deadranger32 Can someone explain what might have happened here to my friend because we we going against a team that had kurogiri but I can't remember the other 2 but my friend went through Kurogiri's beta and I think they got stuck inside of a wall and couldn't move and had to await their fate to a red shigi.
submitted by Deadranger32 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:50 tommcgowan21 Japan Honeymoon
Hi everyone! My fiancée and I are planning to do our honeymoon in late August-early September (yes I heard the weather can be really humid but we unfortunately do not have a choice) and want to visit Japan and Korea! We are thinking about doing 9/10 days in Japan and the rest in Seoul. Does anyone have any recommendations? We have thought about Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Okinawa, but we realize there is no way we can enjoy all of those cities in such a short amount of time. Also, we would want to build in some more peaceful and relaxing days too in between the hectic tourist type travel as well, as it is our honeymoon! Any and all recommendations would be appreciated!
submitted by tommcgowan21 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 starlorddinglepool Cheese shops?
Relatively new to the area and wondering where to find a good cheese selection. Tacoma Boys is decent but really not a whole lot more selection than Safeway or Fred Meyer.
submitted by starlorddinglepool to PuyallupWA [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:50 21ptrash Help! I missed the Winter Seal
Hey everyone! So I've played a year in game and missed the winter seal. I was never able to find it. Do I have to wait until winter again?
submitted by 21ptrash to Moonstone_Island [link] [comments]