When Reddit users have nothing insightful to add to a topic so they karma farm by including their job title

2025.01.23 17:35 CloutVonnoghut When Reddit users have nothing insightful to add to a topic so they karma farm by including their job title

When the post is “politician claims cars are more dangerous than rockets” and the top comment is “rocket scientist here, you wouldn’t believe how many rocket crashes we’ve observed in the last 30 years” and the third highest post reply (with 1000 less comment karma) is someone breaking down car crash statistics and why they’re more volatile.
Or a more relatable example:
Post is about how research shows American food all of a sudden is rated higher than Italian food, and the top three comments are “American here, I rather eat Italian food”
submitted by CloutVonnoghut to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Lazy_Coffee1414 Made my own weed butter and brownies cooked in a muffin pan those are weed

Made my own weed butter and brownies cooked in a muffin pan those are weed I used an oz of dispo bud DECARBED at 225 for 25 minutes I have a gas stove so it burns hotter & 8 or 12 sticks in i have like 3lbs of weed butter then I put the weed in a crock pot for 5 hours on high then low and i temped it wiily temp gun a solid 190 to 175 probably the best butter I've made yet
submitted by Lazy_Coffee1414 to weed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 ThatFightingTuna Modding my Hori Alpha a bit

Replaced the stock Hayabusa buttons and lever with Sanwa buttons and a Sanwa JLX modded with a 2lb spring, new square gate, and an oversized actuator.
Included a picture of the stock parts, a bit of the replacement process, and the end result.
submitted by ThatFightingTuna to fightsticks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Right_Drawing_5299 Wie alles nicht mehr so negativ sehen?

Ich habe als Verdachtsdiagnose eine ängstlich vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung und eine manische Depression. Ich komme nicht mehr aus der Zwickmühle heraus. Bin extrem isoliert und habe keine sozialen Kontakte. Habe mich nie in meinem Leben sozialisiert und bin im Umgang mit Menschen deswegen eine Katastrophe.
Deswegen bleibe ich auch nur Zuhause, weil die Interaktion mit Menschen extrem peinlich ist, weil ich es nie gelernt habe. Ich will mehr aus mir machen (bin 22) aber ich schaffs einfach nicht. Meine Gedanken lähmen mich, meine Angst lähmt mich. Ich schaffe einfach nicht, aus diesem Loch rauszukommen.
So langsam glaube ich auch nicht mehr an eine Therapie. Weil da muss die Sympathie stimmen, dies stimmen, jenes stimmen... vor allen Dingen ist sowas nur eine Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, leider könnte man sowas nicht von heute auf Morgen heilen. Bin nur am zocken oder schlafen nach der Arbeit und nehme mir zum 100. mal vor, etwas zu erreichen. Aber ich schaffs einfach nicht. Ich fühle mich mies beschissen und habe manchmal Selbstmordgedanken, weil ich den Sinn hinter allem nicht verstehe. Ich würde mich aber niemals umbringen.
Wohne bei den Eltern, aber die Beziehung ist schlecht. Ich hatte schon immer eine tiefe Abneigung gegen meinen Vater, verbunden mit Zorn. Bin zwar ein junger Erwachsener, aber ich habe das starke Gefühl, dass er nie emotionale Nähe zugelassen hat. Ich fühlte mich eher emotional vernachlässigt. Seinen Zorn hatte er nicht im Griff, Drohungen wie ich breche dir dieses und jenes waren Standard. Es war unkontrollierter Zorn mit keiner emotionalen Verbundenheit.
Er rotzte mir mal ins Gesicht, weil es mit der Schule nicht lief. Zerreißte mal meine Klassenarbeit, wegen der schlechten Note. Alles demütigende Erfahrungen. Nutzte Angst als Erziehungsmethode, weil er wahrscheinlich selber tiefgreifend gestört ist.
Letztes Schuljahr Elterngespräch. Die Lehrerin fragt mich im Beisein meines Vaters, ob ich denn Angst vor meinem Vater habe. Ich bejahte.
Da ich gerade von Angst spreche: paar Jahre später sagte er mir mal, dass sein Schwiegervater Angst vor ihm hat. So mit unterschwelligem Ton, als wäre er fast schon stolz drauf. Ich weiß, dass er seinen Schwiegervater nicht mag. Aber ich glaube mein Vater genießt es, wenn Menschen Angst vor ihm haben. Wenn er explodierte vor allen Dingen und man sich ihm gegenüber dann unterwürfig verhalten hat. Aus dem Haus Ausziehen ist eine Sache, die schwer in Frage kommt. Ich hab einfach Schiss vor dem, dass er es mir übel nimmt. Zurzeit bin ich seine finanzielle Stütze, und fühle mich dezent manipuliert ihm helfen zu müssen, weil er weiß das ich nicht nein sagen kann ihm gegenüber.
Ich weiß nicht, wo genau ich im Leben verkackt habe. Ich war schon immer ein Stubenhocker und habe immer nur gezockt. Seit ich im Kindergarten war. Hatte hier und da einen Freund aber rückblickend war ich schon damals eine soziale Katastrophe. Wusste nicht einmal, dass man sich beim reden in die Augen schauen muss. Hatte immer nur nach links oder rechts geschaut oder durch die Menschen hindurch. Das der Augenkontakt wichtig ist, erfuhr ich erst vor ein paar Monaten durch einen Menschen. Aber leider auf eine verletzende Weise. Jetzt versuche ich es besser zu machen, was jedoch schwer ist. Der direkte Augenkontakt ist mir halt unangenehm und das Zuhören schwieriger weil ich mich einerseits anstrengen muss in die Pupille zu schauen und andererseits mich anstrengen muss mich wegen meiner extremen Unsicherheit nicht eigenartig zu verhalten.
Ich empfinde zum Teil Angst und Hass wenn ich in die Augen der Menschen schaue. Ich weiß, es hört sich so an als wollte ich die Schuld auf meinen Vater schieben. Aber auch wenn ich wünschte das es so wäre, dass es seine Schuld ist, ich war lieber zuhause am zocken als mich ordentlich zu sozialisieren.
Es stimmt schon, ich mag ihn überhaupt nicht. So sind meine Empfindungen und meine Gedanken ihm Gegenüber. Aber ich denke, dass ich glücklicker und zufriedener mit mir bin, wenn ich die Verantwortung beziehungsweise die Schuld auf mich nehme und akzeptiere, dass ich schlicht und einfach an mir selber versagt habe und immer in der Komfortzone war, mich nie weiterentwickelt habe.
ich komme aus diesem Loch nicht mehr raus und wenn die nächsten Jahrzehnte bei mir so aussehen, werde ich eventuell im hohen Alter voller Bedauern sein
submitted by Right_Drawing_5299 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Misskmartin I found a goldmine for credit card churning

I've been credit card churning for the past 3 years or so to make a little extra money on the side. For anyone who's unfamiliar with it, credit card churning is when you apply for cards to take advantage of short term promotions or benefits and then cancel them before you're charged any fees. I normally go through articles and look on Reddit to find promotions but I recently found this website - https://supermoney.com/reviews/personal-credit-cards
It has a massive list of credit cards that gets updated monthly with any promotions that are running. You just have to look for credit cards with the "Promo Offer" icon in the top left above the photo of the credit card. If you click it you'll see the promotion being offered by the credit card company. For example Capital One is running a promotion with the Quicksilver card where you can get $200 cash after you spend $500 and that's shown on the first page.
There's one issue with this website though, you can only see the "Promo Offer" icon on desktop computers and laptops. For some reason it doesn't show up when you use the website on your phone. Just thought I'd share this as it's a handy way to make some extra money and you should definitely take advantage of it if you have a solid credit score.
submitted by Misskmartin to Kalispell [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Dovakin625 Looking for a company that can design a custom tray for my permobil f5vs

Looking for a company that can design a custom tray for my permobil f5vs Four context, I have a permobil F5 vs. The current tray that I have is damaged and too small for my needs. The text that I pasted below this will explain my situation in more detail.. I am going through an extremely frustrating process with this chair at the moment. In the second photo, you will see a picture of my tray that I use for everyday tasks. I don't know if you will be able to tell in the photo. There are two massive cracks on the left and right sides of the tray. They are actively spreading and I'm afraid that it is eventually going to shatter. I talked to my rep for this chair. I was informed that insurance would not cover a replacement. Even if I got another script written by my doctor. Another thing that I kind of want to bring up is the fact that this tray isn't meeting my accessibility needs. It may look like it's a decent size, but once you start putting things on it, you realize very quickly that it's very small. I put things on it so they can be easily reachable for me. Since I have a standing power chair, the permobil f5vs. The current tray that I have is the biggest one that they make for it. Permobil does make a bigger tray for the F5, but since I have the mounting bracket for the chest bar, it doesn't work.. Does anybody know of a way that I could get a tray custom-made? I'm only just now entering my second year of ownership and this chair is falling apart. The durability of this thing is not the greatest.
submitted by Dovakin625 to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Good-Wolverine-1465 Chamem lá no telegram-@BetelgeuseVIP caroliny dreher e nayara e muito mais!

Chamem lá no telegram-@BetelgeuseVIP caroliny dreher e nayara e muito mais! submitted by Good-Wolverine-1465 to Girls_Sexybr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Froggy__Business Frog got a cut, advice? Info in comments.

Frog got a cut, advice? Info in comments. submitted by Froggy__Business to pacmanfrog [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Jefferson_PB Samu suspenso por um jogo: «Vieste aqui para nos f...»

Samu suspenso por um jogo: «Vieste aqui para nos f...» submitted by Jefferson_PB to PrimeiraLiga [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 ClarabelleMoo Enjoying the Flashing Lights and Nuclear Sights in Las Vegas, 1950s.

Enjoying the Flashing Lights and Nuclear Sights in Las Vegas, 1950s. submitted by ClarabelleMoo to 1950s [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Solid-Dog-8600 Newcomer 03 5spd 2.0

Newcomer 03 5spd 2.0 Really clean inside and out for 22 years old, replacing some components as preventative as I go. Runs and shifts smooth.
submitted by Solid-Dog-8600 to rav4club [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 gingerayle4279 Trump administration’s abrupt cancellation of scientific meetings prompts confusion, concern Researchers worry that NIH funding and scientific updates to the public could be affected. https://www.statnews.com/2025/01/22/trump-administrations-cancels-scientific-meetings-abruptly/

Trump administration’s abrupt cancellation of scientific meetings prompts confusion, concern Researchers worry that NIH funding and scientific updates to the public could be affected. https://www.statnews.com/2025/01/22/trump-administrations-cancels-scientific-meetings-abruptly/ submitted by gingerayle4279 to skeptic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 lord_of_electrons Stella VSLAM & IMU Integration

Working on a project that involves running Stella VSLAM on non-real time 360 videos. These videos are taken for sewer pipe inspections. We’re currently experiencing a loss of mapping and trajectory at high speeds and when traversing through bends in the pipe.
Looking for some advice or direction with integrating IMU data from the GoPro camera with Stella VSLAM. Would prefer to stick with using Stella VSLAM since our workflows already utilize this, but open to other ideas as well.
submitted by lord_of_electrons to computervision [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Zealousideal-Art7472 Does everybody love Come From Away?

I hate to say it, but when I saw it several years ago, I disliked it pretty strongly. I actually saw it back to back with Dear Evan Hansen, and the combo had me concerned that I just didn't like musicals anymore, which thankfully turned out to be wrong.
Usually when I have a strong opinion on a show, I see a lot of people expressing the same opinion (e.g. DEH). But it seems like everyone on here just loves Come From Away. Am I wrong? Is there polarized opinion that I'm just not seeing?
submitted by Zealousideal-Art7472 to musicals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 BroMandi [eBay] 1500W CHI Touch Activated Hair Dryer (Pink) $41.99 + Free Shipping [Deal: $41.99, Actual: $109.99]

[eBay] 1500W CHI Touch Activated Hair Dryer (Pink) $41.99 + Free Shipping [Deal: $41.99, Actual: $109.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 AAnthonyAA Stop kicking me off my zone!!

Every other day it seems I have to re connect to my zone... this is ridiculous
submitted by AAnthonyAA to Sparkdriver [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 AlpineGirl933 Essie Mademoiselle (pink formula #)

Ok I can't seem to find a clear answer so here goes again.
Which Mademoiselle formula is the pink version? 112 or 384
submitted by AlpineGirl933 to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 watermelon345157 Why santa lookin like that🤣

submitted by watermelon345157 to scaryeddie [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 -Emperor27 Aurelien Muller

Aurelien Muller submitted by -Emperor27 to trueratecelebrities [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Acceptable-donkey42 Alert

Jesus boys anyone who just received that alert hope your hearts still well, youd think we were gan to war 😂 that was loud
submitted by Acceptable-donkey42 to northernireland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 ProfessorProton01 $TOSHI is now live on Coinbase.

$TOSHI is now live on Coinbase. The launch presentation is going on now. @CocosLair is thanking all the developers, describing its backstory and explaining the hard work over 18 months. Key take away is the community focus and ethos for TOSHI. Congrats to all involved!
submitted by ProfessorProton01 to TOSHI_Coiners [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Alternative_Fun_1390 Why I think the Operator is PEAK Slenderman design.

Why I think the Operator is PEAK Slenderman design. Look at it. It's truly Alien. Other incarnations of the figure always portray it as just a tall man without face, some even add realistic skin to his face or skull like facial features. The Operator is the first time I saw this figure and wondered: "How on earth they made this?"
The legs and arms, the proportions, the blank face, everything on here is telling me that this is no natural stuff. Heck, I think it was genius to exclude the tentacles, that also made the Operator more menacing.
submitted by Alternative_Fun_1390 to marblehornets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 RJP1963 The Yield Curve Will Get Steeper, not Flatter (Larry Fink on Squawk Box)

Short interview with commentary on the Fed and the bond market's role in shaping direction/policy in the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f_dXsroDyM
submitted by RJP1963 to GPFixedIncome [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 MrStickDick You see Koffing too... Right??

You see Koffing too... Right?? submitted by MrStickDick to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:35 Select_Anywhere_9134 «Venez produire en Amérique», ou vous devrez «payer des droits de douane», lance Trump aux patrons réunis à Davos

«Venez produire en Amérique», ou vous devrez «payer des droits de douane», lance Trump aux patrons réunis à Davos submitted by Select_Anywhere_9134 to Quebec [link] [comments]
