Quem diria né

2025.01.23 19:01 PresentBlacksmith628 Quem diria né

Quem diria né submitted by PresentBlacksmith628 to NintendoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Asdings Looking for an old RPG campaign

Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask a question. I remember watching an RPG campaign from waaaay back with Jesse, dodger and strippin. I only remember a sci-fi setting, sort of firefly-esque, and strippin's character being a sharkman. Can someone point me to the videos? Thanks in advance
submitted by Asdings to Shaboozey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Angry_Doorbell FES T12 and below

Has anyone with an injury below T12 had any luck with FES? They refused to try it on me in hospital, as they said it doesn’t work below T12. I was tested privately anyway about 4 months post injury and nothing (although he only tried on one area of one leg). Now I’m 9.5 months in, and after the community physio referred me for an assessment, just in case, I had my appointment yesterday, and surprisingly we saw a small movement in both feet (though inwards and not much different to what I can do independently). So, I’ve been sent away with a machine on loan to try out and see.
submitted by Angry_Doorbell to spinalcordinjuries [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Tarelerion Game crashing windows

So I have played the game more than 10 hours so far, until now there were one or two episodes of the game crashing but it was okay otherwise. Now suddenly the game starts freezing every now and then, at its worst it crashes, I reboot it and it crashes again. I have set all graphics settings as lowest but it doesnt really help. Also sometimes the game crashes and I close it, and the screen keeps flickering until I reboot the entire computer. any advices?
submitted by Tarelerion to OriAndTheBlindForest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 hockey-goalie2 Looking for new Guild

I have played this game on and off for many years now I was a casual player for a little while. I'm playing a little more hard-core. I have 2.5 million GP and I'm looking to have some fun and play a bit more.
submitted by hockey-goalie2 to swgoh_guilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 DreamPirates Amruta Khanvilkar Marathi Actress #AmrutaKhanvilkar

Amruta Khanvilkar Marathi Actress #AmrutaKhanvilkar submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 SimWorldSports Mission Mindset Moves | The Court General | SimWorld Sports

Mission Mindset Moves | The Court General | SimWorld Sports submitted by SimWorldSports to SimWorldSports [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Benedick332 Bought this ring for 30 euros from a market/style and age?

Bought this ring for 30 euros from a market/style and age? submitted by Benedick332 to jewelry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Spiderwig144 Good News: Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship has been blocked by a federal judge and declared unconstitutional

Good News: Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship has been blocked by a federal judge and declared unconstitutional submitted by Spiderwig144 to WelcomeToGilead [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 sukoycomsede Amizade duradoura

Venho procurando amizades já faz um tempo mas geralmente não consigo conversar muito sou introvertido demais, tenho 18(H) sou inseguro demais sempre acho que vou ser chato quando tento conversar com alguém, gosto de jogos, música e filmes se alguém aí gostar de Dark souls ou star Wars podemos conversar por um bom tempo
submitted by sukoycomsede to AmizadeVirtual [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 coral_snake0 Who and why?

If all the pillars had to face an unarmed animal 1v1, which ones do you think they could win?
submitted by coral_snake0 to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Ill_Celebration6879 Jehovah's Witnesses: The Complex Truth About Welcoming Back the Disfellowshipped

Jehovah's Witnesses: The Complex Truth About Welcoming Back the Disfellowshipped submitted by Ill_Celebration6879 to exjw [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Jehovah_Have_Mercy The Jesuits In History The Society Of Jesus Through Four Centuries : Martin P. Harney : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Jesuits In History The Society Of Jesus Through Four Centuries : Martin P. Harney : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive submitted by Jehovah_Have_Mercy to JesuitWorldOrder2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 northdakotact Florida man accused of defrauding 300 people out of $4 million, arrested in AZ

Florida man accused of defrauding 300 people out of $4 million, arrested in AZ submitted by northdakotact to FloridaMan [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 EnvironmentalKing244 amerikalılar bizim yaşamın 10'da 1'ini görünce çıldırmış

amerikalılar bizim yaşamın 10'da 1'ini görünce çıldırmış submitted by EnvironmentalKing244 to TurkeyJerky [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 dschlotfeldm Should I Switch

Should I switch from Mopar to ford? The pay would be similar , the commute would be a little easier. Just getting fed up with Stellantis,plus I'm a little worried about our dealership.
submitted by dschlotfeldm to partscounter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 HisRoyaleExcellency Will tank restoration feature dissapear after Reforged update?

Hi, I couldn't follow up recent events, do we know if restoration of tanks will dissapear? any news? thanks
submitted by HisRoyaleExcellency to WorldOfTanksBlitz [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 SnowCookie6234 23 January 2025 — is he dead yet?

He’s still alive.
submitted by SnowCookie6234 to IsElonDeadYet [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Free_Language4514 that shooter was a joeyy fan 😭

this dude also had pictures wearing haunted mound merch shit crazy
submitted by Free_Language4514 to ShedTheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Nandemo15 OFF Newsletter #1 - Toby Fox joins the soundtrack

OFF Newsletter #1 - Toby Fox joins the soundtrack submitted by Nandemo15 to offthegame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 somenoe_sad23 هيلب مي ياناس

تخيلوا ياناس أنا عندي اهل كثير بس ماحس احد معاي وجنبي احسني مخنوقه مره بشكل مهوول ماينوصف في وقت ما طحت في حب شخص مايخاف الله عرف عني كل شي واعتبرته كل شيء لي يعرفني تماما وكل حياتي واللي اغراني في معرفته انه ايش؟ انه يصلي كل الفروض ولدرجه يسولف انه يوتر وكلام زي كذا يعني كثير دلالات زي كذا من سوالفه ايام تويتر المهم حصل وتعلقت فيه لاني بحياتي أشوف محد فيه خير وهو غير يخاف الله ومتعلم زود يعلم الله عمر ماكان تفكيري وسخ أصلا وقت عرفته كنت طفله ١٩ سنه وصار لي معه ٤ سنين وانا بهيمان وم جبت طاري الزواج لاني مقدر كني ابيع نفسي رغم كبر ذنبي لكن مع السوالف وزي كذا قالت حتى لو تزوجت م بنساك يعني دليل انه مو شايفني غير تسليه وانا ادري لكن مر وقت ودخلت في الحرام الجوال معه كنت انفذ رغباته ويعلم الله عمري م سويت شي أنا منه كل شي كان مني لمراضاته وبعدها ابكي وازعل لكني جاهله غبيه كان طريق وحيد يجيبه لي المهم عدت وقت وعرفت انه يخدعني ويكذب لدرجه سافر وبلكني وبعدين نكر لكني جاهله صدقت لكن اكتشفت بعد وقت انه فعلا أنا ولاشي فتحرأت وتركته سنه من بعد م كل شي يخصني معه صور اي شي ببالكن حرفيا وخلال هالسنه كل ايامي مو حلوه لاني حبيته من قلبي ومع العلم ماعرف شخص غيره ولا عمري دخلت بعلاقات المهم قعدت سنه أفكر فيه وادعي الله يكلمني رغم اني مقفله جميع الطرق لكن حصل وسوا ايميل وكلمني ورديت💔وندمانه لانه يعرف كل حساباتي وكل شي يخصني لكني للان تعبانه بسبب ماتخطيت ماقدرت حمدلله اصلي واقرا قران وادعي ربي لكني ماني قادره اتوبه ساعدوني تكفون وربي تعبت وحاليا فيني كتمه وغلقه ابي اكلمه رغم انه لو تكلمت بندم بيعطيني كلام معسول ويقفلها علي لكني م بروح وانا من آخر تواصل قبل اسبوع قلت لا عاد تتواصل وقال طيب لكن ادري يمر شهرين ثلاث بيجي ساعدوني ياناس تكفون منجد تعبت من نفسي رغم اني مو طريقي يعلم الله لاني دايمن وحدي واشوف كثير لكن بحياتي م اتاثرت باحد او اانجريت + اعرف غلطي كبير وم يغتفر لكن الله غفور رحيم ويارب توب علي وسامحني بس انصحوني ارجوكم متعبه بسبب وعمره ماقدرني كيف اقدر احل الأمر💔
submitted by somenoe_sad23 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 dalek_999 Adding an item to the order after payment (or during order creation)

I need to be able to add an item to the order after the user has gone through the checkout form. I've tried this a couple of different ways:
First attempt was to do it after payment - the item gets connected to the order (I get a return value on $order->add_product()) and there's a row in the database, but it doesn't get added to the actual order in wp-admin.
addfilter( 'wc_order_is_editable', '_return_true' );
add_action( 'woocommerce_payment_complete', 'add_promo_items_to_cart', 9999 ); function add_promo_items_to_cart( $order_id ) { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

//code is stripped down to the most basic, just to get this part working //there would normally be checks for things like cart value at this point $promo_id = 456; $args = array( 'product_id' => $promo_id, 'variation_id' => "", 'variation' => "", 'subtotal' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'quantity' => 1 ); $order->add_product( wc_get_product( $promo_id ), 1, $args ); $order->save(); wc_update_product_stock( wc_get_product( $promo_id ), 1, 'decrease' ); 
So then I tried it at the point of order creation:
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_create_order', 'add_promo_items_on_order_creation', 10, 2 ); function add_promo_items_on_order_creation( $order, $data ) { // Promo product ID $promo_id = 44875;
// Add promo product as a new order item $item = new WC_Order_Item_Product(); $item->set_product_id( $promo_id ); // Set product ID $item->set_quantity( 1 ); // Set quantity $item->set_subtotal( 0 ); // Set subtotal (free promo) $item->set_total( 0 ); // Set total (free promo) $item->save(); // Add the item to the order $order->add_item( $item ); $order->save(); 
This is a little better, as the added item is at least showing up in the emails, but not on the confirmation page, nor in the wp-admin backend.
Any thoughts/suggestions?
submitted by dalek_999 to woocommerce [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 FoxFoxSpirit Nichtkrüke, The First Child of Calamity. The Origin of Inhuman Spaience

There was a knock at my door, and then a voice I was always delighted to hear.
Even though I could not move my mouth and inch, even though each breath threatened to scrape at my very throat, I tried to call out to him once again, just like I used to those distant years ago...
The alarm that he had installed inside my bed that responded to an increase in the stimuli I received rang it's joyous, ironic tune near moments after the last strained noise left my mouth. The door to my room —gently— flew back as Seig rushed in, a large, dumb hat covering his grien out white hair that I could not longer touch, wearing the same hoodie we both made to match and carrying some sort of dark ball into his torso—
A warm light washed over me, taking the burning behind my throat away and letting my mind rest easy.
Gently, softly so much that I could barely feel him, his fingers curled around my small hands as he looked at me up and down, searching for anything that he could have missed— nothing.
A few shards of glass kept near my head rose to his eyes, arranged to spell ‘I'm okay’... He sighed and looked at me with a loving smile before lightly caressing my hand.
The sensation was the only ‘touch’ I could have. A sensation only he could give caused by years of experience dealing with my sickness. A gentle caress so light none without heightened sensitivity like I could feel it.
"I'm glad you're okay."
The glass shifted, ‘I'm sorry for calling out...’
"No— it's fine Faffy, you haven't used your voice in so long I... I can tell you are adjusting to it slowly."
‘I'm so—’
‘It'ams not your fault.’ It's not yours either so stop looking at me with so much self loath—
"Oh! And— here, I made you something that'll let you move around a bit.'
The orb he has carried in with him levitated above his lapas he sat down in the table near my bed. It bubbled and squirmed for a moment, weird... Squiggly noises came for it for a while until... Un.. til...
Huh. That's an eye.
Seig, that's an eye.
"Yes, I know."
"...Don't look at me like that I didn't kill anyone. This," He pointed at the... thing above his lap, "Is Nichk, your new... Caretaker."
The thing grew teeth.
...That was the voice near identical to a child. Mere decibles off, yet still a near perfect replication.
"I... Created the first homunculus I think."
Oh Seig you absoulte—
The inky black body of my child bent from his position behind the wall, turning from shadow to ink as his eye moved to look at me proper in my bed.
"Yes, Nichk. Mommy's fine."
"Sleep... Talking..."
"...I was just dreaming about dad."
"Dad... Fine... Will visit... Tomorrow... Play...?"
I reached up my arm with the help of one of his tentacles and scratched what could only be the cheek of his inky body and ket out a small giggle.
"Of course."
submitted by FoxFoxSpirit to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 Codeeveryday123 Can a esp32 be used like a HID device? I found a WHID Cactus from rabbit labs

Can a Esp32 be used like a HID, device? I found the WHID Cactus
submitted by Codeeveryday123 to HowToHack [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:01 judgejeaninne Do you support Trump FIRING every Mentally ill MAN pretending to be a woman in the MiIitary ? YES or NO ?

Do you support Trump FIRING every Mentally ill MAN pretending to be a woman in the MiIitary ? YES or NO ? submitted by judgejeaninne to DonaldTrumpNewss [link] [comments]
