Pilots: What is something you’ve knowingly or unknowingly done in your flying career/hobby that you’re not proud of?

2025.01.23 21:05 AIRdomination Pilots: What is something you’ve knowingly or unknowingly done in your flying career/hobby that you’re not proud of?

A moment in your flying where you say looking back that “I probably shouldn’t have done that.” I feel like all of us have to have a moment like that at least once?
submitted by AIRdomination to flying [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 krzemek123 Should I spend it all?

submitted by krzemek123 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Bruhman010 Petah plssss…

Petah plssss… submitted by Bruhman010 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Upstairs__Initiative My best Depths Run yet

My best Depths Run yet I encountered two sets of witches
submitted by Upstairs__Initiative to MagicSurvivalTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Active_Pride Newb question(used to play 1.08/9 as a kid: Is it easier now to get geared or was I insanely lucky?

Newb here, who used to play 1.08/1.09. I’ve got a switch for Christmas a couple of weeks ago because my SO thought we would play one or the other round of Mario kart. I bought d2r right away because I thought it would be fun to dabble a bit in nostalgia. Oh boy, what a bad idea that was. I’m just as addicted as 20 years ago and now I can even carry the damn thing around with me. The only hope I have is that I hit some ceiling because it seems to me that the drop rates are way higher than what they used to be. Roughly 1 month in ssf I found crazy shit which I never found as a kid playing 2-3 years. Even compared to my 10k MF experiments which I did with jamella editor back then. I have a hammerdin with all the BiS gear according to the guides just missing enigma (shako, hoto, soj, spiderwebsash, mage fist, Mara’s) and a Javazon with some good gear (thunder stroke, griffons, 2 skills 10 fcr amulet). Also found 2 (!) of the items which made me loose my mind as a kid because it was the best I’ve found: eagle horn. I’ve learned that this item is not very useful anymore. Also runewords are insanely cheap and insanely good, which I don’t like too much tbh. Highest runes I found was a vex and two gul. The highest I found as a kid was an ist.
Wondering whether I was just not a good player as a kid or if it is easier to get geared in d2r.
submitted by Active_Pride to diablo2resurrected [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 client42 [WTS] Citizen Eco-Drive E168-S116015 Black PVD Divers 200M Solar Quartz Watch - $165

[WTS] Citizen Eco-Drive E168-S116015 Black PVD Divers 200M Solar Quartz Watch - $165 submitted by client42 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 MichaelandJell0 Bricked Save Fix (for 1.2 update)

This may be 2 months late for some of you, but I only found out recently as well!
The way to fix your bug fables save if you are stucked in the Bee Queen Kingdom, unable to move, is to use the save editor from https://github.com/aldelaro5/Bug-Fables-Save-Editor.
You just run it and it automatically detects the bricked save error!
submitted by MichaelandJell0 to BugFables [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 LankKnows23 What Would be Enticing Elements to Basketball Career Server RP?

What Would be Enticing Elements to Basketball Career Server RP? submitted by LankKnows23 to gmgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Sad_Citron5822 this girl got two identities, and both are super filtered (no, they aren't roommates)

submitted by Sad_Citron5822 to Instagramreality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 jeschezred Real shit

Real shit submitted by jeschezred to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 No-Bookkeeper-7799 Is it different for us? - online dating question

So... I live in a small place with a very small dating pool and it's only getting smaller... A few years ago a girl and I matched on tinder and she ignored the message that I sent her. I saw her a few times around the city and we exchanged some kind of knowing eye contact and I've seen her on the apps a tonne of times too. Now, a few years later, I've updated my profile with nicer photos and she sends me a message.
I feel kind of petty, but I don't want to reply. I know that one can't take dating apps too seriously. My sister said I'm boxing myself in and apps are inherently superficial/don't take the initial interaction seriously. I said it's different for women - it feels like it cuts deeper when we make an effort for another woman and get rejected. She tells me it isn't different from being rejected by a man, but I feel like it is? Reason being that so many women on dating apps will match and exchange a few messages because I feel like perhaps they're flattered, but not interested.
So, I'm overthinking this more as a self esteem thing, because I've messaged a lot of women who have ghosted me and then liked me AGAIN and repeated the cycle AGAIN. Is it just me, or is once enough to show it's a red flag?
I know it's just stupid dating apps and not REAL ... but for self esteem purposes is my feeling of not wanting to give this person the time of day valid?
submitted by No-Bookkeeper-7799 to lesbian [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 mjnps Pão com carne moída

Pão com carne moída Famoso buraco quente rs
submitted by mjnps to gororoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 lil_kitten_13 Looking for a badge!

I arrived thinking they would have on-site registration but didn't realized they sold out x.x
Am willing to pay extra for anyone with a spare badge or anyone who isn't able to make it!
submitted by lil_kitten_13 to Magfest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 No__Werewolf Streak 1: mein Tag

Heute war ein ziemlich ruhiger Tag, weil ich Zuhause gearbeitet hatte. Wenn ich Zuhause arbeite, versuche ich immer, gute Arbeiten zu machen. Zum Beispiel Versuche ich im Team mit anderer Kollegen, gut zu arbeiten. Ich wurde mir beschreiben als ein freundlicher, zuverlässiger und geduldig Person. Trotzdem muss ich aber sagen, dass ich faul sein kann, wenn ich nicht im Büro bin. Es gibt etwas darüber, das erlaubt mir, besser zu konzentrieren. Eine Sache, die nicht gut ist, ist wie ich mich fühlen kann, wenn ich mit anderer Menschen bin: Manchmal fühle ich mich etwas Ängstlich. Aber bin ich darauf arbeiten. Ansonsten habe ich heute guten Tag. Nach ich Feierabend gemacht, bin ich ins Fitnessstudio gegangen, und das hilft mir immer.
submitted by No__Werewolf to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 nukiu Read the description (unrelated Ryan)

Read the description (unrelated Ryan) Since it's the main topic of the sub, I want to share something I was thinking about. Today after seeing a couple in the gym I was thinking that maybe these moments where you declare yourself or the first dates are nice, but then? What happens next? Ok you are very close to each other but what is the point in the end?
submitted by nukiu to OkayBuddyLiterallyMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 jacoblane1994 97 250

97 250 So my dads having a problem w his fuel bowl. what led the ones who have done the fuel bowl delete to do it? below is a video of the biggest problem he’s having out of it. he took it somewhere and paid them to fix it and still, it’s giving him problems. any answers or solutions would help a ton! it’s a beautiful truck, one i sold him. 97 F250 7.3 4x4 and a 5spd. TIA!
submitted by jacoblane1994 to FordDiesels [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 FeuFeuAngel ASUS ROG Flow Z13 4060 cost about 2k €

Is there any alternative which cost less?
I want windows tablet, usally i would go with the surface, but its based on ARM which is bad for gaming.
submitted by FeuFeuAngel to tablets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 chakaa94 Account banned because of a link in bio

My tiktok account was banned because of a telegram link that I put in my bio barely 2 minutes ago the account was banned, do you think I can get it back? I didn't do anything wrong other than putting this link, I don't understand why I got banned while others have Telegram links in their bio (I should point out that there is nothing illegal about my channel)
submitted by chakaa94 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 apathyzeal "People lost their job and are suffering so you could have *another* $100 billion!"

submitted by apathyzeal to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Working_Plan_3996 hide.me - Special Deal: Only 2.69$ per month! With price guarantee!

hide.me currently has a special offer. It costs only 2.69 dollars per month. It's one of the few vpn providers with a price guarantee. The subscription is always extended at the same price and with the same term.
hide.me - Special Deal: Only 2.69$ per month! With price guarantee!
submitted by Working_Plan_3996 to ReferralAffiliateCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Ill-Paramedic-8622 Deoxys defense 557996929601

submitted by Ill-Paramedic-8622 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Acceptable_Meal2467 0g wood plug

0g wood plug Hey these from BAF
submitted by Acceptable_Meal2467 to Stretched [link] [comments]


submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 Marychic3908 New lineless artstyle I'm working on x3 I practiced drawing my dragon Artemisa, what do you think :3? (Art by me)

New lineless artstyle I'm working on x3 I practiced drawing my dragon Artemisa, what do you think :3? (Art by me) submitted by Marychic3908 to furry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:05 textonic 45 highway MPG real?

45 highway MPG real? I had this on a rental yesterday. Not sure if I can believe 45 mpg?
submitted by textonic to Elantra [link] [comments]
