Thoughts on the beard moustache combo?

2025.01.23 22:33 Severe_Sugar5759 Thoughts on the beard moustache combo?

Thoughts on the beard moustache combo? submitted by Severe_Sugar5759 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 mangolaleb 63

63 submitted by mangolaleb to osubuddyretard [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 lsc00 Recs for a jeweler who engraves gold bracelets?

submitted by lsc00 to jerseycity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 sbkm_hero Burnout en reïntegratie spoor 2

Kom er niet zo meer uit en wil graag jullie mening wat ik het beste kan doen of waar ik hulp kan vragen.
Ben bij mijn oud-werkgever na 3 jaar ziek uit dienst gegaan, reden hiervoor was dat ik in een burnout terecht kwam, lang verhaal maar de combinatie van een verplicht certificaat voor vaste aanstelling en hoge werkdruk.
Oud-werkgever is eindrisicodrager.
Het eerste ziektejaar bij een psycholoog terecht gekomen, mij doorverwezen voor ASS (autisme).
Autisme vastgesteld bij een SGGZ instelling, en heb daardoor een lijst met belemmeringen gekregen van de bedrijfsarts en een belastbaarheid van 20 uur.
Hierna had ik gelukkig recht gekregen op een tweede jaar Ziektewet.
In de rapportage van de verzekeringsarts van het UWV staat dat ik vanwege mijn autisme: "Wat betreft de re-integratie lijkt het zinvol dat klant begeleid wordt door een re-integratiebedrijf wat inzicht heeft in zijn problematiek."
Nu heeft mijn eindrisicodrager een reguliere jobcoach ingesteld en ik moet elke week minimaal 1 verplichte sollicitatieactiviteit doen.
Na een aantal zelfstandige sollicitaties heb ik een aanbod gekregen van 20 tot maximaal 28 uur per week bij een nieuwe werkgever.
Tijdens het sollicitatiegesprek heb ik ook aangegeven te reïntegreren en dat ik van mijn bedrijfsarts maar maximaal 20 uur mag werken op dit moment, en dat ik moeilijk kan schakelen en niet meer adhoc verstoringen wil oplossen.
Nu zit ik ermee dat ik zelf aan de hand van mijn belemmeringen en maximaal aantal uren heb gezocht naar functies en bedrijven waarvan ik denk dat de belastbaarheid minder is.
Omdat mij verplicht wordt zelfstandig te solliciteren.
Maar nu twijfel ik heel erg of dit wel echt passend werk is, en of ik wel gelijk 20 uur kan werken (5x4 of 4x5), aangezien ik nu maar 4 uur per week vrijwilligerswerk doe.
Als ik langer dan 1 uur achter de computer zit of tv kijk ben ik al moe en overprikkeld, en de nieuwe functie is een hele communicatieve rol, waarbij je veel moet samenwerken tussen gebruiker en leverancier, bij een nieuwe werkgever, waarbij ik ook twijfel of ik dat vanuit mijn autisme uiteindelijk wel kan.
submitted by sbkm_hero to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Puzzleheaded_Pen_346 The Rogue class is amazing! I wish Sorc felt as polished.

Man! The rogue class is awesome! I am an world of Warcraft ex-Rogue main. The whole time i was thinkin, “this kinda feels like assassination spec…all we’re missing is combo points.” Enter Rogue Specializations! I basically have my assassination rogue in D4. 😂
Last season i powered thru with a frost spec’d sorc (another much loved class from WoW). It was fine, but didn’t feel as polished. It was like they were checking the boxes for “required spells” but didn’t think of the button rotation…and the specializations weren’t satisfying at all. Rogue tho, that class was designed by someone with love!
Only 30 lvls in so this might be a bit early, but so far its a win for me.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Pen_346 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 truthhurts2222222 Postal codes in US: why does NJ start with 0?

Postal codes in US: why does NJ start with 0? New Jersey's zip codes start with a 0. It doesn't touch any other states that also start with zero.That essentially makes New Jersey a zip code exclave! Does anyone know the history of why they made that decision?
submitted by truthhurts2222222 to geography [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Safe_Office_2227 Parliamentary America - Results of the 2004 Local Elections

submitted by Safe_Office_2227 to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 strodi2 Ye is reworking on BULLY and removing all of the AI (delusional theory)

Basically Ye putted AI on a lot of songs in August till like Novemeber, and then he finally relaized that no one likes it and that it's ruining his legacy, he then decided to still use it only for MV videos
And maybe just maybe north told him something about this and it got him to understand that it doesn't sounds good
I think that Ye is re recording some of the BULLY songs who had AI in them, and fixing the album overall
submitted by strodi2 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Traditional_Tap8225 Nala she is 6 months

submitted by Traditional_Tap8225 to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Exact-Worker7500 things to do on a thursday evening

I am currently staying in Durham with family and I am going a little stir crazy/ need a break from being here. Is there somewhere I can go, grab a bite and take my dog with me? Even if it's a drive in movie or a park that will allow me to park my car and eat tacos w/out being harassed.
Basically anything that could occupy me and the pup for 2-3 hrs would be appreciated.
Hell, I'll take gas station hot dogs at this point.
submitted by Exact-Worker7500 to bullcity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 MsMargo For Those Staying South of San Diego, New Bus Service will Run Midnight to 5:00 AM

submitted by MsMargo to SDCC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Lilinina Lf duo NA East 24+ to grind comp with

Hey! I’m currently B3, peak G1 but have been stuck in bronze this act since placements. Hate soloq and would love to grind comp with someone chill/nontoxic but that’s still a bit competitive :)
submitted by Lilinina to Valorant_LFG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 CraftHairy9372 Let’s jerk to my hot slutty older Latina cousin dm me and let’s have some fun stroking for her dm me

View Poll
submitted by CraftHairy9372 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Aeig Are these containers safe to store water ? I have many sitting around.

wesbite states : Constructed of a durable polypropylene and a polycarbonate lid for long-lasting storage use
I have some of these that are not being used, thought i could atleast store water in there. Can these be used to safely store water ? Can they be left in the sun while storing water ?
submitted by Aeig to preppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 RobberyStrawberry Бонус кафићи и ресторани у које више нећемо да идемо

Бонус кафићи и ресторани у које више нећемо да идемо submitted by RobberyStrawberry to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Jaded-Coffee-8126 playing a random game and made this

playing a random game and made this
submitted by Jaded-Coffee-8126 to JoJoMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Isaw11 DAE have a hard time saying the word ‘rural’?

I can pronounce just about any word, but this word is impossible for me to say correctly. I can’t say the middle ‘r’ without sounding like my mouth is full of peanut butter. I end up saying ‘rule’.
submitted by Isaw11 to DoesAnybodyElse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Dry_Inspection_4583 Looking for nodes

I'm in Kitchener and brand new to this. I've upgraded the antenna to a bigger one and adjusted to use the msh/CA
But I only see myself here. Anyone else around?
submitted by Dry_Inspection_4583 to meshtasticCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Ghost_096 How did '80s Hits became my 3rd most streamed even though I didn't played a bit of it?

submitted by Ghost_096 to AppleMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 DestroyTheCircus Which enneagram type = the biggest buzz kill?

View Poll
submitted by DestroyTheCircus to MBTIandFREESPEECH [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Affectionate_Way2944 AITA for getting upset with how long my boyfriend showers?

Me (17F) and my boyfriend (16M) spend about two days of the week over at each other's houses, but sometimes spend up to three or four days together if given the opportunity. Since we see each other so often, we still have to keep up our every-day routines, including our hygiene routines. My boyfriend has a bit of an odd showering ritual. He takes one every other day, and they typically last between three to five hours. He says the shower is a place for him to relax, which, although I don't entirely understand, I can usually respect that. However, on this particular occasion, I was sleeping over at his house and he announced he had to take a shower. I asked for him to please be quick, and he promised me that he would take a fast one. So I get comfortable in bed, expecting him to be maybe 40 minutes to an hour. About an hour in, his mom goes into the bathroom to tell him I miss him and want him to get out. I heard him reply, but couldn't make out what he said. Still, I assumed this meant he would be out soon. After probably another hour of waiting, I was exhausted and getting annoyed. I texted him to get out, but he still didnt. I could hear him watching Instagram reels in the shower, so I got up, closed the door, turned off the lights, and got in bed. I tried to sleep, but after thirty more minutes, I could still hear him watching videos and I was pretty mad. I went to the bathroom and said "I'm legitimately about to kill you," to which he finally got out and came into the bedroom. I was upset, because he had been in the shower for 2 and a half hours, but I don't feel like he really understands why I'm mad. AITA for this?
submitted by Affectionate_Way2944 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 akent222SC Talk to me about wigs

Hi there! I'm about a month post chemo and have to reenter the work world soon. I purchased a wig on Etsy and just am not feeling it. Any tips for wig wearing? I mean, it can't be this hard - right?
submitted by akent222SC to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 huh_boof Defense deoxys, 2 locals, 097856288974

submitted by huh_boof to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Formal_Emphasis6780 Looking for 2 Tickets to J-Hope’s Concert at Barclays Center in New York

Hi everyone! I’m searching for two tickets to see J-Hope live at the Barclays Center in New York. I’m hoping to find tickets that are reasonably priced and offer a decent view. My friend and I are huge fans, and this would mean so much to us!
If you have tickets available or know someone who does, please feel free to message me directly. I’d prefer verified tickets through Ticketmaster or other reliable methods of transfer to avoid any issues.
Thanks so much in advance for helping make this dream come true! 💜
submitted by Formal_Emphasis6780 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:33 Public-Guitar-586 How long does it take to learn production?

I want to start a new hobby and i was curious, does production take a while and how long exactly will it take to learn, ive been taking classes already.
submitted by Public-Guitar-586 to makinghiphop [link] [comments]