Who YOU gonna call?

To sign in to YouTube, you'll need to create a Google Account. A Google Account lets you use many YouTube features including Like, Subscribe, Watch Later, and Watch History. Create a YouTube channel for a Brand Account that you already manage by choosing the Brand Account from the list. If this Brand Account already has a channel, you can't create a new one. When you select the Brand Account from the list, you’ll be switched over to that channel. Fill out the details to name your new channel. Then, click Create. Move the file to the computer where you want to install Chrome. Open the file, and follow the onscreen instructions to install. If you land on the regular download page, that’s normal. Even though the installers look similar, a special tag tells us which one is best for you. Once you download the file, you can send it to another computer. If you forgot your password or username, or you can’t get verification codes, follow these steps to recover your Google Account. That way, you can use services like Gmail, Photos, and Google Play. Tips: Wrong guesses won’t kick you out of the account recovery process. There's no limit to the number of times you can attempt to recover your ... Select the file you’d like to upload. You can upload up to 15 videos at a time. Be sure to click Edit on each file to edit your video details. Note: Your video will be converted to the highest resolution available to ensure successful playback on different devices and networks. You can view the estimated processing time for SD, HD, and 4K videos. If you browse on an Incognito window and you open another one, your private browsing session continues in the new window. To exit Incognito mode, close all Incognito windows. If you find a number, at the top right, next to the Incognito icon, you have multiple Incognito windows open. To close an Incognito window: In Gmail, you can manage all your active email subscriptions in one place. When you unsubscribe from a sender in “Manage subscriptions,” Gmail unsubscribes you from all active mailing lists related to the sender. Learn what happens when you unsubscribe or block a sender. Before you unsubscribe, review all messages from the sender first. If you change or reset your password, you’ll be signed out everywhere except: Devices you use to verify that it's you when you sign in. Some devices with third-party apps that you've given account access. Learn how to remove an app's access to your account. Helpful home devices that you've given account access. Official YouTube TV Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using YouTube TV and other answers to frequently asked questions. Move the file to the computer where you want to install Chrome. Open the file, and follow the onscreen instructions to install. If you land on the regular download page, that’s normal. Even though the installers look similar, a special tag tells us which one is best for you. Once you download the file, you can send it to another computer.

2025.01.23 23:20 Afraid_Translator652 Who YOU gonna call?

What was moomoo thinking unbanishing and allowing Vigo the Carpathian into the stock market... they're really reaching for celebrity endorsement. The souls of moomoo are forever doomed, the firepower is too old now.
submitted by Afraid_Translator652 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 WindBear44 Grumley is my favorite

When watching Uprooted, I lost it when Grumley at the viceroy’s dinner said “Don’t make me use me chef’s halberd!” 🤣😂
submitted by WindBear44 to Avantris [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 educativelurk gmo bucket

anyone grabbed it yet? curious how it is. also if anyone's grabbed the swamp or lazer fuel lmk too appreciate it.
submitted by educativelurk to FLMedicalTrees [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 Visible_Drummer1867 Looking for weed hit me up

i’ve seen many tourists visting macedonia asking for weed where can they find some i can hook you up easily if you’re only visting Ohrid or Skopje dont bother asking for other cities cuz im just not familiar with other cities so if you’re looking for good quality weed message me on telegram @ExclusiveGoods0
submitted by Visible_Drummer1867 to askmkd [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 -LastHeir- CURRENT STATE

CURRENT STATE My shlong is literally throbbing right now. There's no way to express the mixture of feelings that are in my chest. I've been praying for times like these. Ninja Gaiden 2? Extremely good graphics? Gore back? Enhanced remastered version? I should probably wake up because there's no way Team Ninja actually f#cking listened!
Even though the trailer of Ninja Gaiden 4 didn't satisfy my expectations. I'm really happy overall. I understand they're trying to innovate and sell without upsetting the fans which is why they made NG2B! They appealed to everyone with this so that no one's upset anymore. I can't ask for more! 🙌🏻
submitted by -LastHeir- to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 elmwoodblues Hard of hearing?

We don't get 'hard of' anything else (giggity), so why hearing?
submitted by elmwoodblues to words [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 Altruistic-Courage91 Warzone graphics

Is it just my device ? When I run warzone on peak it looks horrible and pixelated. Is anyone else having this issue?
submitted by Altruistic-Courage91 to WarzoneMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 noworriesimpro Within a minute of sitting down, I end up with a pile of cats.

Within a minute of sitting down, I end up with a pile of cats. They all three have their spots when I sleep as well. I have found when I'm on vacation I have a hard time sleeping without feeling there weight on me.
submitted by noworriesimpro to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 ComiX-Fan The King of Monsters battle across the Marvel Universe rages on in Godzilla vs Hulk and Godzilla vs Spider-Man

The King of Monsters battle across the Marvel Universe rages on in Godzilla vs Hulk and Godzilla vs Spider-Man submitted by ComiX-Fan to MakeMineMarvel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 istealitall I got 2 Widowmakers from Panam's Quest.

I got 2 Widowmakers from Panam's Quest. submitted by istealitall to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 robotommy2 Up to $1000 Off Tesla S3XY + Cybertruck?? Let's go!

Up to $1000 Off Tesla S3XY + Cybertruck?? Let's go! If you’re on the fence about ordering a Tesla, now’s a great time: up to $1000 off any S3XY model or the Cybertruck. If you’re ready to join the club, use my referral link to snag the discount: https://www.tesla.com/referral/thomas59671
Get your Tesla, save some cash, and we’ll see you at the next Supercharger stop!
submitted by robotommy2 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 northskeeter Using an old ipod touch, no internet access

I charged up my old ipod touch from 2010. Turned right on, works fine. However I cannot use the appstore, the internet or download the software update that is pending.
It has my old music but from high school. My idea in using this again was to download spotify so I can listen to current music I like and podcasts, with out all the distractions a phone brings. I know the idea behind a lot of people using their ipod is to own the music. I enjoy spotify and am not a huge music fanatic so owning my own library is not as appealing to me.
My high school music on here shows I did not have good taste then and me in 15 more years probably won't like my music now lol
I'm a bit clueless and there has been a lot of info on here. Basically has anyone been able to use it with online features again or is it simply just used now to own your own music library? Fine if that's the case but I'm going crazy reading all sorts of ways around this. It is jailbroken, but was done so very long ago.
submitted by northskeeter to ipod [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 No_Advertising455 Evacuation order issued nearby La Jolla Shores

Evacuation order issued nearby La Jolla Shores submitted by No_Advertising455 to UCSD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 shadowF 20M — Hey, what's up? I'm bored, want to talk?

My name is Ariel. In simple terms: I'm a nerd, I love video games, comic books, TV shows and movies. I know a lot about things that you may or may not find interesting.
Either way, if you're as bored as I am, hit me up.
submitted by shadowF to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 seeyatellite IIL Equilibrium, Matrix, Ultraviolet, Gattaca, Æon Flux’s film adaptation WEWIL?

submitted by seeyatellite to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 AlacranV What City/Town is on the come up?

If you were to tell someone to "get in early" on a town before people realize it's potential and house prices skyrocket, where would you send them and why?
submitted by AlacranV to newzealand [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 nerdygy Do moderators of this channel treat this as an ec?

Saw this on the Ontario sub
submitted by nerdygy to BCGrade12s [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 AmbassadorBig3412 primeiro anista indo pro segundo e quero passar em med no enem. oq preciso melhorar?

Atualmente estou estudando em um IF, tenho uma rotina apertada por conta do período integral que oferecem. Diria que sou péssimo em interpretação de textos de áreas de especificamente ciências humanas, diria q tenho um desempenho um pouco melhor quando o texto é sobre alguma área que gosto( no caso naturezas).
bom, minha rotina nem sempre é boa, ainda cometo muitos erros, mas quero adaptar ela para se tornar bem mais facil minha vida.
Eu gostaria pedir oq posso adicionamelhorar nela.
nofap e no porn: ainda estou trabalhando nisso, mas vejo que se eu começar a me esforçar um pouco mais eu consigo acabar com tal vício. eu acho até uma coisa bem nojenta q eu vejo necessidade extrema em largar. imagina um medico assim fazendo cirugia em alguem, o quao insegura a pessoa pode ficar slk, uso isso como motivação pra tentar parar com o vicio
vou na academia umas 5, 6 vezes por semana.
talvez se necessario, eu crio flashcards no anki e uso para fazer reptições espaçadas de determinados assuntos(mas não constantemente)
eu ja sei os pesos da minha faculdade que eu quero, entao talvez estabelecer uma rotina seja menos complicado, pois acho q o certo é dar mais foco para as com maior peso(naturezas 2, resto 1 .
não tenho interesse em arrumar uma namorada, gosto de ficar sozinho(é até estranho falar disso mesmo com p addictionK ),
eu nao gosto de pessoas nem de trabalhos em grupos, eu ate rio as vezes com meus amigos, soq eu nao me sinto certo com eles, as vezes(muitas vezes) eles passam dos limites com as piadas, as vezes mesmo nao querendo, eu tbm acabo falando algo ruim e tal, isso me deixa mal, todo mundo me chama de estranho, eu nao aguento mais isso, e nao adiantaria falar c eles sobre isso. E mesmo se eu tentar acabar com minhas relacoes com eles, ficaria algo bem complicado, pois ai eu ficaria sozinho(é estranho nao querer se sentir sozinho mas ao mesmo tempo querer ficar sozinho).
eu queria saber como eu posso estudar, eu ja fiz uma anotação dos conteúdos que mais caem no enem das materias que tem o maior peso(mat, naturezas)
sou ruim em relações sociais
bom, infelizmente n sei mais oq escrever, entao resumindo:
oq eu poderia fazer para melhorar: minha rotina ao dia a dia e meus estudos?
quero muito passar em medicina(isso acho q todo mundo quer kk)
nao me vejo em outra profissao sem ser medicina, unica coisa que realmente me interessou.
eu ainda tenho 2 anos para o enem, mas sinto necessidade gigante de estudar já.
eu preciso passar.
por favor, podem julgar, mas pfvrf façam críticas construtivas, eu to muito desesperado sobre esse assunto
(eu coloquei flair como ajuda com cronograma, mas qualquer ajuda relacionada a minhas atitudes seria bem vinda, eu agradeceria muito!!)
submitted by AmbassadorBig3412 to estudosBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 Practical-Ad-5610 Void keeping her yellow ball safe

Void keeping her yellow ball safe Touchy touchy
submitted by Practical-Ad-5610 to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo T-Shirt Mens Large Charcoal Gray Super Mario Logo SS Crew Neck

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo T-Shirt Mens Large Charcoal Gray Super Mario Logo SS Crew Neck submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 Kevin_the_Helldiver Would you TAX THE POOR for 45 sheckles

Would you TAX THE POOR for 45 sheckles submitted by Kevin_the_Helldiver to idksterling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 Beerenthusiast1 A love story

A love story submitted by Beerenthusiast1 to stonerfood [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 UnfairAcanthisitta23 (22M) You’re bored, I’m bored, you can see where I’m going with this

You don’t have to read all the shit below, we could just get to talking. Hey, I don’t blame you if you don’t want to read all of it, my attention span is awful so I know how it is.
I’m from the US (Minnesota), I’m Mexican. Also a Gemini, ENFJ type, and bi, don’t know shit about zodiac at all besides that geminis like to talk, which is true since I yap quite a bit. Also really like to send long messages.
Im really into music (rap, r&b, rock, pop but not as much as I did), art, journaling, film/tv, fashion, basketball, traveling, and video games (Fortnite, fallout and hitman). Id add photography in there but someone got real mad at me for using my iPhone once. I’m also a stoner, so not a problem for me if you’re one too! I can be a huge nerd for Star Wars and Marvel.
I got ADHD and other shit going on in my head. But I’ve got that in order for once in my life. I’m also in the middle of a major weight loss journey, but that’s mostly Zepbound carrying me. I study business in college and work in the hotel industry. I consider myself an open book so if you’ve got any questions lmk
I’m pretty active online and i feel like im good at conversstion, only way you’d genuinely know is by talking to me though hint, hint. I also got a longer intro in my profile if you care enough to read that. And I appreciate if you were to reply with an intro.
I don’t have any preferences, just be chill and around my age. It’s fine if you’re weird! But please don’t be too weird either
submitted by UnfairAcanthisitta23 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 DrPepperAndYanderes Favourite Piece Of Urusei Yatsura Merch?

Favourite Piece Of Urusei Yatsura Merch? One of my favourite pieces of merch is definitely this plush of Kotatsu-Neko plush. What’s your favourite piece of merch from the show?
submitted by DrPepperAndYanderes to uruseiyatsura [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:20 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo T-Shirt Mens Large Charcoal Gray Super Mario Logo SS Crew Neck | Seller: jimward2 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: New with tagsPrice: 22.00 USDShipping cost: 5.79 USDBuy It Now

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo T-Shirt Mens Large Charcoal Gray Super Mario Logo SS Crew Neck | Seller: jimward2 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: New with tagsPrice: 22.00 USDShipping cost: 5.79 USDBuy It Now submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]
