Lébron Rookie

2025.01.24 01:49 SterilizedUndies Lébron Rookie

Lébron Rookie submitted by SterilizedUndies to basketballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Few-Criticism572 What should i do?

It's my first time in a relationship, and he said that I am very friendly with boys in my university, especially in my friend group (which has been the same since the very first semester of university), and this is making him uncomfortable. He gave examples, such as seeing me randomly talking to one of them or giving a high five to one of them.
Our relationship started three months ago, but no matter how much I try, I am not happy with him. How should I tell him how I feel without hurting him? Or is this even a valid reason to end things?
submitted by Few-Criticism572 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 JazzlikeRooster5936 给左逼科普一个常识:非法移民的犯罪率是100%

submitted by JazzlikeRooster5936 to KanagawaWave [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 AK-Exodus Point and click suggestion

Looking for a point and click puzzle game with certain criteria. I've never really played in the genre, so know very little.
I want for something the whole family can enjoy, which includes my 7 year old son.
Would want a game where:

submitted by AK-Exodus to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 AWiseMansBeard Case @ Shotshow

Case @ Shotshow What is everyones thoughts on the new releases Case is gonna have this year. I linked a Video Case presentation starts at 8 Min
submitted by AWiseMansBeard to CaseKnives [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 BigDaddyVegeta Is the new Duel Quiz bugged???

The new Duel Quiz where you summon Power Tool Braver Dragon won't let you use Morphtronic Converter even though there's a valid target on the field and the hand.
submitted by BigDaddyVegeta to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Happy-Chemistry3058 Why'd they bring in a security guard at 2 am?

So the night of the fight the producers sent Ubah to a different hotel and then brought security guards into the house. Why did they think that Ubah would come back and assault Brynn? Ubah admitted to slapping her boyfriends. Is that what made them worried enough to hire bodyguards, or does Ubah have more of a troubled past than we know of?
Recall that Ubah does drink IRL but not on camera because she's afraid of making herself look bad on camera. Who exactly does she transform into when drunk?
submitted by Happy-Chemistry3058 to RHONY [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 iiBanksi_ Prices

How can this and similar companies charge extortionate amounts of money for what is essentially a vacuum form around a 3D print of my teeth, ik someone in here is gonna say something about the process they use to get the positions but really how is it that hard to just slightly move a tooth into a better position for each print
submitted by iiBanksi_ to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Ok_Attention_7263 Help with my scan-hipertrofy

Help with my scan-hipertrofy CT was performed. Multislice of the craniofacial mass with axial and coronal cuts of variable thickness, obtaining images with appropriate filters to visualize bone structures and soft tissues. Deviation of the nasal septum to the right Both maxillary sinuses are hypoplastic. Little pneumatization of the frontal sinuses. Both osteo-meatal complexes are permeable. Slight perimeter thickening of the mucosa of both jaws and the ethmoidal cells of a probable inflammatory nature, The cavum presents preserved morphology and caliber.
What do you think? am I ruined? lol it doesn't appear there but I have turbinate inflammation
submitted by Ok_Attention_7263 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Technical-Proof-3960 Why is run away such a good ability?

It just lets you leave the battle. No exp or items so why is it such a hot commodity
submitted by Technical-Proof-3960 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 RichLumpy4213 Shitty ass format I invented

Shitty ass format I invented I did this in less than 5 minutes so don't expect much
submitted by RichLumpy4213 to brovisitedhisfriend [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Reel2Real_Official which version of black hole should i make?

which version of black hole should i make?
submitted by Reel2Real_Official to mwatgg [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 On_The_EJ Cannula Piercing needles or Regular ones, which would work best?

Made another post on here about piercing my own helixs & tragus, I've got everything down except I'm torn on which needles to get.
I've done a lot of looking/researching & I'm kind of leaning towards the cannula piercing needles. I like the look of the flexibility of the tubes once the needle goes through, especially since I'll be doing it myself and I think it might help make things smoother with having to do it on my own with angles, movements, placement of jewelry, etc.
My question is, does anyone have a preference on cannula needles or do you like regular ones best? Do you have a certain experience either using the cannulas yourselves or with professionally done piercings? Which do you better suggest for using on myself for an easier all around experience?
submitted by On_The_EJ to SelfPiercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 SimpletonSwan If you could repaint the white house what color would you choose?

submitted by SimpletonSwan to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 ImprovementOk6162 🥴

🥴 submitted by ImprovementOk6162 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Irrrmk eyes are always "half-closed"...

5'6 122lbs nonbinary, no meds, never smoked, mild eczema
I hope this is the correct sub to ask this.
My eyes are always half closed (probably more). I don't know how long it's been like this, but it makes me look so tired all the time and I'm extremely insecure about it. Are there any exercises to combat this? I don't think I have droopy eyes- my eyes are slightly downturned (that's just the shape), but I know that even with this my eyes are not always as open as they should be (had a friend confirm this too).
Some habits I have: - I spend long hours in front of a screen (due to work). I probably average 8 hours a day. - I always look at my phone for 30 minutes (max) before going to sleep - I guess I look down a lot? Again when looking at a screen
Thank you for your time :')
submitted by Irrrmk to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Tsquared421699 Cheap phone to get for spoofing?

Is there a good phone to use for spoofing that's easy to find in a 20-35$ range?
submitted by Tsquared421699 to PokemonGoSpoofing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 WeirdZestyclose71 AITA for forgetting about my Girlfriend?

I am a male in my late teens and my girlfriend is a female in her late teens, this is both of us first relationship and we have been dating about 10 months. Recently I went with my girlfriend to Hawaii on a church trip. The trip itself doesn't have anything to do with this, but right from the start I could tell the trip leaders did not approve of me, one pulled me aside to tell me this and later he pulled her aside and lectured her for us holding hands at her young age and how it wasn't Christian. She voted in the United States election this same year (2024). She told me that this holding hands thing is what they talked about, it is so stupid. Like, we are adults being very careful to be respectful, I don't understand and neither does she. Well, this caused us to get in our first big fight which spiraled into us deciding to just distance for the rest of the trip. I was really hurt about all of this, there was no reason for any of it to happen and it made me really mad and hurt. The next day or so things were starting to feel better for both of us, she sat next to me at lunch and looked at me regretfully and tried to talk to me, but the adult who lectured her pulled her away to have her help in the kitchen. I assume he things that is where women belong, idk, but the group teambuilding activity for that day was soccer. This is where the forgetting part comes in. I tripped running and hit my head hard on a concrete wall, I blacked out and probably got some extra brain damage. They didn't take me to the hospital, although i probably should have gone, but my girlfriend was really worried about me. She must have ran over because when i woke up she was there asking me if I was ok and all that. I told her my head hurt a lot and asked where I was. (It is important to note, I have a horrible memory. And everyone who knows me knows that) She asked what I meant by where I was and told me we were in Hawaii. The thing is, I knew we were in Hawaii and remembered everything that happened on the trip somehow. But I played dumb and asked how I got here and what happened etc. She fully believed that I didn't know how i got there. I was careful not to do anything like holding her hand or other things like our argument entailed, but acted like I had no idea we argued. She told me we had an argument, but didn't really tell me what we fought about. We went through the trip like normal, we are back home and she still has no idea I did this. Oh, and after that the trip leaders left us alone. I know this is insane and really stupid of me to do, but AITA?
submitted by WeirdZestyclose71 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 GrandConcentrate8763 Life confusion :( how to get through the next few years

I’ve been dating my bf for nearly 2 years. We JUST moved in together. Everything has been going extremely well within our relationship, and this is definitely the most healthy and happy I’ve ever been in a relationship. We have spoken on future plans with each other included and agreed on a relative “timeline” for milestones (getting engaged, having children, etc) Unfortunately, I’m worried the future may not pan out as planned and over the last week, I’ve felt more alone than I have our entire relationship. He often travels to see his parents, whom live out of state. His dad was unfortunately confirmed with a terminal illness this week, one without a cure and with a life expectancy of ~2years. Everyone has also come to the realization that this condition is a result of a familial gene that my boyfriend has a 50% chance of carrying; if he does carry this gene it may effect our ability to have children naturally. Since getting this unfortunate news, he’s made plans to frequent seeing his parents more often over the next few years. He plans to speak to work for accommodations and ideally would like to spend 50% of his time, at least, out of state with his parents. His work has been very flexible with him without a reason so I do feel like it’s likely he will get an accommodation of some sort and if he doesn’t, he will begin looking for a job that will.
I guess I’m just upset and confused right now. I know none of this is his fault and I 100% understand him prioritizing his parents over me at the moment…I guess the timing is just very unfortunate for our relationship. We’ve only been living together for about a month, I’m not even used to that yet, and based off past experiences (not with him) I struggle with long distance relationships. His plan seems to be to do 50/50 until his dad needs full time care, and eventually I can begin looking at jobs and move there with him..but this seems so up in the air. Move out of state, when? Would we be engaged? Living with your parents? It’s much more expensive to live in that state vs our current state, so buying a home would also be postponed. His mom has mentioned to me already that we should keep their home…which is extremely nice but I don’t know.
I guess it’s just a lot of “what ifs?” and up in the air scenarios in such a short period of time. A lot of unknowns that I feel like I can’t adequately plan for since we aren’t engaged and just started living together. I have gently expressed that I would appreciate an open line of communication when it’s possible, but I obviously am not going to press him for all of these answers right now since he is probably concerned way more with his dad, understandably! This will most definitely affect my relationship, I just want to ensure I handle things in a way that’s appropriate to my boyfriend and his scenario and will hopefully allow us to grow and become closer, while also keeping realistic expectations regarding my own life.
Idk what I’m even looking for, I guess any viewpoints or words of advice are appreciated
submitted by GrandConcentrate8763 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Paw-Entree Phoebe has her first outdoor experience after her vaccinations.

Phoebe has her first outdoor experience after her vaccinations. submitted by Paw-Entree to Maltese [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 VariationLiving4963 How to control hunger after quitting?

So I’ll be honest one of the reasons I didn’t want to quit vaping is because it was keeping me skinny. Instead of eating I would just vape and no longer feel hungry.
I want to give up vaping but I also feel like my appetite will go out of control if I do. I’m currently in shape and I don’t want to gain weight tbh.
How do you control your appetite after quitting?
submitted by VariationLiving4963 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 Marzub cabelo crespo masculino se hidrata?

galera, meu cabelo parece que é enrolado e crespo ao mesmo tempo, daqueles que vc nao entende oque é de fato. entao queria saber se eu hidratando (e como) se isso poderia melhorar de alguma forma, gostaria de deixar crescer tambem pra ver se acabava com ele meio que arrepiado por nao ser liso o suficiente pra pentear
submitted by Marzub to CabelosDoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 SheepherderSilver983 RNAZ ANOTHER SHORT SELLING WINNER

Want to learn how to short sell? Join our short selling community!! Lifetime memberships are available!
Check out our channel, will be giving away 1 FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP when we hit 100 subscribers!!
Discord - https://discord.gg/ynhBkKCSUA
Send QuadS Trading a friend request and we can chat there!!
ShortSelling #ShortSqueeze #StockMarket #ShortSeller #ShortingStocks #StockTrading #DayTrading submitted by SheepherderSilver983 to short_selling [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 revengeofsollasollew If you or someone you love has a severe mental illness, these programs will be starting soon and they’re free.

If you or someone you love has a severe mental illness, these programs will be starting soon and they’re free. submitted by revengeofsollasollew to KernValley [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:49 WAWza I can make Hector Exo but im worried that if i use it I'll be put on high gear servers and i only have ak-103 as my best weapon and no good artifacts. What should i do?

Asia region
submitted by WAWza to Stalcraft [link] [comments]
