I feel so dirty but so relieved at the same time..

2025.01.24 02:35 JinzooooXx I feel so dirty but so relieved at the same time..

I feel so dirty but so relieved at the same time.. submitted by JinzooooXx to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 kakyoinkawaii conselhos para um adolecente de 14 anos

daqui uns eu vou fazer 14 , e tava querendo uns conselhos para iniciar bem essa nova fase da minha vida , ainda mais q esse ano eu termino o fundamental
submitted by kakyoinkawaii to conversasserias [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Fine_Balance_717 Macaron set

Yay so happy
submitted by Fine_Balance_717 to PopMartCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 elfisgonciegox "Uplifting" techno songs

So, the thing is, when I play I normally tend to organize my set with an intro, mid part and closure. Anyway, I've been trying to find some techno songs to put in the middle of the "peak" time of the set that might work as some kind of pause from all the heavy rhythm and obscure atmosphere from the techno songs I normally like to play, to create some kind of uplifting/rising/heaven climax in the middle of all the darkness, for then come back to the heavy dark rhythm. This song I'm looking for could be a song where the bass/drums stops for a couple of minutes, and there is maybe some more chords and melodies, lately I've been playing a lot of hypnotic techno so that'd work as a contrast and kind of the climax I'm looking for. I'll post a song kind of example of what I'm looking for , but still could be something different. Even it can be other thing than techno itself. So yeah, if you have any ideas I'll be happy to hear. Thank you!!
Example song:
Pd: give some love to tinkerhell she's from Argentina my country, good techno producers here ;)
submitted by elfisgonciegox to DJs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 jyoarriba About GD time.

About GD time. After 25 years of playing fifa, I feel it's fair I finally get a little reward. (15 years online)
submitted by jyoarriba to EAFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 chaebasics what's a minor thing in tv shows that really annoy you?

submitted by chaebasics to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 RhinestoneCatboy Question About Superstores

Hey guys. I posted a while ago asking about merch that might be avaliable at events, and the results were helpful, so I figured I'd try again.
I'm going to Elimination Chamber in March, and I can't stay in the city the night before, so I'll be taking the earliest possible train from my city to Toronto (est arrival 10am). The trains suck in Canada, so I'm already factoring in up to a two hour delay.
Has anybody been to a Superstore in the last year (preferably for stadium shows like Summerslam, the Rumble, and Mania)? If so, what was the line like to get in if there was one at all?
If I'm right about the delay, I'll get there at noon. Doors for the show are going to open between 5 and 5:30 based on the show time for my ticket, so I'm going to want to be at the arena no later than 3pm. Are the like, 3ish hours I'll have going to be enough time?
When I went to MITB, the Superstore was a walk in, with the only line being for the meet and greets, but that was for a show with like, an 18K attendance. EC is already at 30K tickets sold and it's probably fair to estimate they'll open up another 10K between now and then, so like, 40K people trying to get into one store seems like it's gonna cause lines. I've looked into most of the stores from last year, and the only one with a line was Perth, which also happens to be the closest comparison to EC this year. And don't even get me started on the merch lines for Taylor Swift's tour at the Roger's Center last November, which were so long they made national news.
submitted by RhinestoneCatboy to WWE [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Susu_saymyname89 Netflix

Netflix Has anyone watched this movie yet? I turned it off maybe about 15-20 minutes in. Cameron Diaz and Jamie foxx, is not a believable couple to me. It looks like something fun and senseless to watch, I just didn’t see the chemistry at all. A
submitted by Susu_saymyname89 to FPSPodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 CycleEmbarrassed5419 Selling two Friday Thunderdome tickets!!

submitted by CycleEmbarrassed5419 to Excision [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 D0PP09 Eepy Twix

Eepy Twix submitted by D0PP09 to catsnamedafterfood [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 runover_grandmas WHO'S UR FAV OMORI CHARACTER Y'ALL 😼

WHO'S UR FAV OMORI CHARACTER Y'ALL 😼 submitted by runover_grandmas to OMORI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 GlitterIsInMyCoffee Need some reframing and understanding tips, please. 🫶🏼

Hey, all! I have a few questions for y’all currently achieving or have successfully completed EMDR. Your time is appreciated. 😊 I’ll try to be concise, but it’s not my strong suit. 😂
In 2020, I set a firm boundary with my mother, the first time in my adult life I have ever told her no. It was absolutely non negotiable and literally life or death. She spent the next four and a half years utilizing her entire tool box of abuse to break me enough to “give in”. I held firm, while staying in my usual role for her as emotional regulation support pony, while apparently neglecting any emotional housekeeping for myself. ☹️ It worked, she broke me, just not her intended outcome.
I sought therapy mid December and have a counselor focusing on EMDR, rather than talk therapy. She explained the process and had me watch Jamie Marich explain more on YouTube. It seems like a good fit for my anxiety and ruiminations.
Questions: - She said five to eight sessions are typical. We are on session three without beginning the actual EMDR. 😬 We have selected a childhood memory in session two. I know that much of my childhood has been dissociated, so it’s probably not the main memory. When you’ve been conditioned your entire life that any negative or vulnerable information will be weaponized and asking for help results in punishment, it’s really, really, really hard to stay grounded and not have my body and brain shut down sharing this with a stranger. I’m certain many of you can relate. Does this anxiety ease with the actual sessions? I’m worried I’m going to take more of her time than usual. (I’ve been sleeping as much as time allows, exercising more and allowing some of my chores to lapse, in hopes I will be a bit more regulated for the practice).

-Knowing talk therapy is not her specialty and likely for her own boundaries sake, I feel as if I’m severely truncating my experiences for time and respect. Add this to the panic and anxiety felt sharing these summaries, I really don’t feel I’m explaining myself well at all. Should I start with CBT for better coping skills and then circle back to EMDR?
Y’all have any tips that helped you before you started or things you wish you would have known? Thank you. 😊
submitted by GlitterIsInMyCoffee to EMDR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Ver2509fort-mig anúncio mais normal do André

submitted by Ver2509fort-mig to andreyoung [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 WaisfromAtoZ What was the last thing you were really excited about?

submitted by WaisfromAtoZ to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Big_Improvement_2282 How to remove white spots on teeth? I did icon but it didn't work

what other options are available?
submitted by Big_Improvement_2282 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 moonprismotaku Any tips on stay awake in classes?

submitted by moonprismotaku to rutgers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Doveswithbonnets College is taking everything out of me

I'm in my fourth semester now at university, taking five classes with a double major. If I wasn't taking classes in an area of my special interest, I'm one hundred percent certain I would've already flunked out. But that creates a dichotomy: my grades are stellar, and I try hard to keep myself together while I'm in public, but everyday at my apartment I fall apart. I feel like I've been running on fumes since the first semester, pushing myself because there's no other option. I transferred from a community college, where I started out taking 2 courses a semester and took part in a weekly Autism program in order to learn life skills to function as an adult. Four classes a semester at university already felt like a lot, five is really pushing it. I've constantly been on the edge since I started uni; I broke down into tears after moving into a new apartment with a new bus route, and in the evenings, everything from the day builds up and I try so hard to resist slamming my head against the wall, instead by punching at my shoulders, my legs and my calves. When I get really desperate, I take an icy shower to cope. Yesterday I messed up... got desperate and ended up cutting myself. The wound was bigger than I expected, and it just made me more overwhelmed, because now I have to take care of it and I'm worried that it will get infected.
I'm so close, with only two semesters left to go, but I've already missed a few classes within these first two weeks, and I've submitted multiple homework assignments late. I spent the beginning of this semester trying to work with the disability resources office so I'm not forced to study abroad. In class, I'm stiff and I shake when I make eye contact with new people. When I get home in the evenings, I'm tired, but there's homework to be submitted along with basic self-hygiene to take care of. I don't have energy to engage in hobbies much, either. When I'm not doing homework, I lay in bed in the dark and squish my plush moth. Is anyone else having similar struggles at college? Thank you for reading.
submitted by Doveswithbonnets to AutisticPeeps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 MallWeak1637 Should I cancel my very first LA trip in the summer(between june and july) ?

How's the situation going there..?
submitted by MallWeak1637 to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 HakuDoomer me ayudan a elegir una compu

Buenas rediturrinos aca mujer en apuros jaja
Mi compu se esta muriendo y tengo un presupuesto de 400$usd (menos si es posible) para gastar en una laptop nueva o usada.
La quiero usar mas que nada para diseño grafico basico (adobe suite) pero nada muy que se me incendie la compu por abrir una imagen en 5000k
Si puede tener buena callidad de pantalla si es amoled mejor
NECESITO e imploro por que pueda tener mas de una pestaña abierta y que no reviente, la que tengo ahora sufre cada vez que abro yt literal la anciana esta pidiendo de rodillas que la jubile pobre
submitted by HakuDoomer to argentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 FloridaCellClinics Exosome Stem Cells ?

Exosome Stem Cells ? What are Exosomes Stem Cells
Unlocking the Power of Exosomes: A Revolutionary Approach to Regenerative Medicine Exosomes, tiny membrane-bound vesicles, have emerged as a promising therapeutic tool in the field of regenerative medicine. Derived from humanely sourced and scheduled live C-sections in the United States, exosomes from umbilical cord tissue are rich in growth factors, cytokines, and other bioactive molecules. AmeraCell, a pioneer in life sciences, is at the forefront of harnessing the potential of exosomes to promote tissue repair, regeneration, and overall wellness.
What are Exosomes? Exosomes are small, membrane-bound vesicles that are released by cells and play a crucial role in intercellular communication. They are formed when cells, such as stem cells, immune cells, or cancer cells, release small vesicles that contain a cargo of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Exosomes can be found in various bodily fluids, including blood, urine, and saliva.
Benefits of Exosomes Derived from Umbilical Cord Tissue Exosomes derived from umbilical cord tissue offer several benefits, including:
  1. Rich in Growth Factors: Exosomes from umbilical cord tissue are rich in growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β).
  2. Immunomodulatory Effects: Exosomes have immunomodulatory effects, which can help regulate the immune system and prevent autoimmune diseases.
  3. Tissue Repair and Regeneration: Exosomes can promote tissue repair and regeneration by delivering growth factors and other bioactive molecules to damaged tissues.
  4. Low Toxicity: Exosomes are generally considered to be low-toxicity, making them a promising therapeutic tool.
Therapeutic Applications of Exosomes Exosomes have far-reaching therapeutic potential, with applications in:
  1. Regenerative Medicine: Exosomes can promote tissue repair and regeneration, making them an attractive treatment option for various degenerative conditions.
  2. Wound Healing: Exosomes can accelerate wound healing by delivering growth factors and other bioactive molecules to damaged tissues.
  3. Orthopedic and Sports Medicine: Exosomes can promote joint health, reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.
  4. Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine: Exosomes can promote skin rejuvenation, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and improving overall skin texture.
Safety and Efficacy of Exosomes AmeraCell's exosomes are derived from humanely sourced and scheduled live C-sections in the United States, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety. The company's proprietary isolation and purification process ensures that the exosomes are free from contaminants and toxins.
AmeraCell: A Pioneer in Life Sciences AmeraCell is a leader in the field of regenerative medicine, with a focus on harnessing the potential of exosomes to promote tissue repair, regeneration, and overall wellness. The company's commitment to quality, safety, and innovation has made it a pioneer in the field of life sciences.
Conclusion Exosomes derived from umbilical cord tissue offer a promising therapeutic tool for various degenerative conditions. With their rich cargo of growth factors, cytokines, and other bioactive molecules, exosomes can promote tissue repair, regeneration, and overall wellness. AmeraCell's commitment to quality, safety, and innovation makes it a leader in the field of regenerative medicine. As research continues to evolve, we can expect to see more therapeutic applications of exosomes in the future.
submitted by FloridaCellClinics to NewCellReplacement [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Clean_Macaron_4760 Fixing the multiverse saga(phase 4)

So you know how phase 4 mostly sucked well I’m here to fix it.
Wandavision(2021) I wouldn’t change a whole lot of things except that Agatha is a puppet for magneto whos trying to reach his children and also reveals to Wanda that she’s a mutant and then magneto turns to the camera and screams AAAAAA THE DEMONS and they team up to take down Mephisto.
Loki Season 1(2021) I wouldn’t change anything except that in the end it’s revealed that he who remains is actually laufey who stole asgardian tech and became kang the conqueror. The post credits scene shows him talking to baron strucker.
Captain America:Legacy(2021) this is basically FATWS turned into a movie and the whole plot revolves around the mad bomb which was built by baron strucker and also John walker is gonna appear and turn into Modok and then look at the camera and shoot it. The post credits scene shows that kang was actually behind the mad bomb and then kills baron strucker for his failure and then turns to the camera and obliterates it.
What if(2021) the only change is that the Thor party episode is replaced with what if kang ate your childhood universe where the episode revolves around kang raging after baron struckers failure and then eats the fox x-men universe.
Shang Chi and the legend of the ten rings(2021) this is one of the few good phase 4 projects but the third act does get generic so kang should come and kill wen wu and reveal his variant Rama tut as the creator of the ten rings and then Shang chi joins his side and they conquer different universes while you got a friend in me plays. The post credits scene shows Shang chi becoming ultimate Shang chi.
Spider man no way home(2021) since this also one of the few good phase 4 movies im not gonna change a lot except that venom has a larger role and also Tobey and Andrew live in the MCU universe now.
Moon Knight(2022) this would be TV-MA and the villain is Rama tut and Shang chi as he did ally himself with kang in his movie and also moon knigjt almost dies so he enlists the help of blade, ghost rider, doctor doom, GI robot to take them down but they are too powerful and team moon knight retreats. The post credits scene shows moon knight being tasked to hunt down werewolf by night.
Doctor strange In the multiverse of madness(2022) this would have doctor strange experiencing cracks in the multiverse after the events of moon knigjt with Rama tut and shang chi so he enlists the help of scarlet witch who he has a sexual relationship with and also there’s more cameos like Hugh jackman, Chris Evan’s human torch, moon knight who got lost looking for werewolf by night, and Deadpool and eventually doctor strange and America Chavez kill Rama tut but then shang chi escapes and cries.
Ms. Marvel(2022) the biggest change im making is that ms marvel has her costume early on and says I miss, marvel. The post credits scene shows captain marvel screaming wiggily doo biggedly bop.
Avengers Secret Invasion(2022) this would pit the new avengers( Sam Wilson captain America, white vision, spider man, Thor, iron man whos alive for some reason and nobody mentions that he died, and more) who stop the skrull invasion pretty easily but it’s revealed kang is behind it and the skrull invasion was faked as kang wanted to unite humanity against a common threat and actually wins. The post credits scene shows the joker screaming why so serious. Werewolf By night(2022) honestly wouldn’t change too much except that moon knight is an antagonist.
submitted by Clean_Macaron_4760 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Lemold_T23 My first Anthurium!! I could use some help.

My first Anthurium!! I could use some help. I have over 50 plants but I’m terrified of this one lol! If anyone can tell me more about this one and their experiences with it. I found what I think looks like a good mix for it online of orchid bark, coco coir and perlite with worm casting and charcoal. I was also reading in other posts the pros and cons of pon. Also, does anyone use GT Foliage focus? I have that and TPS silica gold. Can you tell me what your nutrient ratios are and if I need to add anything else? Also, it will be in a bright room in addition to grow lights and 60-65 percent humidity. Thanks!!
submitted by Lemold_T23 to Anthurium [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Rsam47 Almost done

Just gotta add my other sets which is the ucs razor crest and a couple others.
submitted by Rsam47 to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Classy-Penguin386 Solomon boots

Does anyone have any experience using Solomon boots on the job? I was recommended them recently.
submitted by Classy-Penguin386 to Corrections [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 02:35 Maleficent-Dirt983 squint your eyes

squint your eyes submitted by Maleficent-Dirt983 to Cuphead [link] [comments]
