Măreața Conclovință a Mitrinogului

2025.01.24 08:21 NSCristian Măreața Conclovință a Mitrinogului

Printre ale sale meleaguri, se afla un alt zeu, cunoscut însuși de către Mitrinog ca fiind Nak, un con maiastru din gelatină, înlănțuit într-un mormânt uitat de lume. Nechibzuinta sa l-a adus la acest capăt de drum, nefiind în stare a-și plăti dările către o ființă a cărei divinități era cu mult peste cea a lui. Zi de zi, Nak era vizitat și batjocorit de ramasitile servitorilor morti ale Agrippei. Un alt strajer în slujba zeului suprem.
Ecoul vocii sale se putea auzi prin interfonul comun al cutiilor semi-organice, în interiorul cărora bucățile de corp re-animate încă zvâcneau.

Pentru moment, conul era în stare doar sa asculte, fiind o fiinta telepatica provenienta dintr-o rasă antică și stinsă. Iar căile tehnologice îi erau obscure și necunoscute. Așa ca, pentru moment, a așteptat momentul potrivit.
Unde ești? Unde poți fi? Nak s-a întrebat. Inca-i era neclar cum Agrippa vorbea fără un corp sau un creier care-i putea da forma. Acestea fiind spuse, mintea gelatinoasa a lui Nak a început sa se indeparteze, sa ignore strajerul și să-și proiecteze propria conștiința deasupra meleagurilor sub care era ținut captiv.
Încetul cu încetul a început sa observe lucruri stranii. Servitorii lui Mitrinog își luau viețile în numele său, alaturandu-se unor mormane putrede plasate strategic în fața muntelui sau, unde capul lui era încapsulat de o pereche de cutii toracice incrucisate care straluceau la fel de puternic ca și un soare roșu.
Fata lui leproasa și fără ochi zambea. Lumia emisa de catre acest far sangeriu le-a luat cu mult înainte mințile, ceea ce i-a împins către saltul final luat în numele său. Dacă-i tratează pe ei în asemenea hal, eu ce sansa am? Nak se întrebase.
submitted by NSCristian to amscrisasta [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:21 Much_Ad3084 How To Change App Lock Password On OnePlus 13

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2025.01.24 08:21 Sea-Astronomer-9271 Gaining weight on carnivore

I have been doing BBBE carnivore for few months now and really enjoy the benefits ive experienced.
Bad breath is gone, joint pain is better, energy levels up...its been great!
One issue I am having is inability to eat enough to gain mass.
For perspective, Im 36yrs old, 5'10" 160lbs.
I am training for a contact sport that having some extra mass (muscle in particular) has some large advantages. (Buhurt)
Ideally, id like to be around 175-185. This is about where I was back when I was weight training heavily on a diet closer to The Vertical diet.
On carnivore, ive found I cant eat enough to put weight on effectively.
Has anyone else had this challenge and gound a way to overcome it?
submitted by Sea-Astronomer-9271 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

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2025.01.24 08:21 CoastAway7811 First dungeon in classic

Huge apologies to those who let jibblets, gnome warlock, into their party tonight. I had no idea how to get to the dungeon to start. Didn't bring anything in terms of mana regeneration, rolled for a sword thinking it was a dagger. Thanks for your patience and I'm seriously sorry 😅
submitted by CoastAway7811 to classicwow [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:21 Shot_Sample_3679 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ahh album(1988?)

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ahh album(1988?) i was just scrolling through the discography😭
submitted by Shot_Sample_3679 to BollywoodMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:21 Queasy-Ad4426 Good Deal on a Analog 4?

I was saving up to Buy an Electron A4 mk2 But now i habe a offer for an mk1 for only 450 euros i was planing to Spend about 800 on the mk2
Should i take the mk1 or still go for the mk2 (Rest of Setup is a model Cycles an a Minilougue Xd)
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2025.01.24 08:21 Highlyregardedperson Did they change the adhesive?

Never had one come prematurely until like three months ago now since then I've had multiple fall off
submitted by Highlyregardedperson to Freestylelibre [link] [comments]

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New addition to the collection Vegeta ssj4
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2025.01.24 08:21 Dizzy_Rule_1194 Need ur ideas for capstone

Hello reddit pips! I want to know problems that you usually encounter in your uni. Things that has something to do with the process and systems na super nakaka abala, takes so much time, and you think should be resolved or improve.
Drop issues na pinaka kinaiinisan nyo. Thank you agad!
submitted by Dizzy_Rule_1194 to studentsph [link] [comments]

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2025.01.24 08:21 Grimjobxox After effects from years of neglection

Hey guys, I'm 30 years old, male & have been a diabetic for nearly 24 years & been on a pump for around 4 months now. TIR around 80-90%.
I'm posting here as I guess there's no better place to post this as I've never had anyone else experience what I have.
But when I was around 21 I developed a condition called "retrograde ejaculation" and without going in to deep on this it essentially means my semen is redirected into my bladder instead of you know where during you know what...
I understand this is a side affect of neglecting diabetes for a significant time, but I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there that have been cursed with this and if you were able to restore that functionality, as I'm mentally affected by this quite significantly & while others would see it as a blessing, I feel it takes something away from me that is quite natural and makes me feel like a freak.
Anyway, thanks for my ted talk. 🙏
submitted by Grimjobxox to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

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2025.01.24 08:21 jvc72 Buy Signal Scana ASA - 24 jan 2025 @ 09:03 -> NOK2.70

Ticker: SCANA.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 24 jan 2025 @ 09:03
Price: NOK2.70
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/SCANA.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
