damn it, i cannot even move

2025.01.24 09:50 Weary_Vegetable_6659 damn it, i cannot even move

submitted by Weary_Vegetable_6659 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:50 Wroop13 What are you movie pet peeves?

Just what the title says, nothing too unique. I’ve been watching a lot of movies with my dad and were curious what other people’s are. Our are

  1. When a gun clicks multiple times when they run out of ammo. Unless it’s a revolver or a specific double action, then it would only ever click once
  2. When someone gets knocked out cold seemingly until someone chooses to wake them up by shaking them or throwing water on them. Meanwhile while they were out they were tossed in a trunk, carried around, dragged down a hallway etc. it would only take a few seconds for someone to stir no matter how hard they got hit or choked.
Cheers folks! Looking forward to reading yours :)
submitted by Wroop13 to movies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:50 AccomplishedDig983 Help me ID

Help me ID submitted by AccomplishedDig983 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:50 MasakaliMishra12 New Hint F2P Kid Trunks

New Hint F2P Kid Trunks submitted by MasakaliMishra12 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:50 lss_web_1444 Link post title 623

Link post title 623 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:50 lss_web_1444 Text post title 367

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:50 Few-Cow-6945 Heroes betrayal

I have thought that it would be interesting if it exists a mod(or game feature) in DD1 where a hero of yours could betray you depending on the amount of stress, the negative quirks and the amount of expeditions they have done with you.
This betrayal can only happen if you make them leave the town, I see it kinda like a revenge after you make them explore some dungeons and get them traumatised, you dispose of them and then you can encounter them as random enemy encounters in teams or with other monsters.
I know it could make the game a lot more frustrating but I see it as a interesting mechanic and also makes sense to me.
submitted by Few-Cow-6945 to darkestdungeon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 PraiseTheSunO Ko zeli RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2, igricu za Steam?

Sutra poklanjam 1x RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 - ko voli tu tematiku cowboy, action svet i to, svidece mu se igrica, super je skroz. Posto vecina ne zna kako se biraju igrice, ja ih ne biram, vec svi vi koji ste clanovi moox diskord servera, ali dajem sansu i nekima ovde koji vole bas tu igricu da se okusaju u sreci da je osvoje. Ako ste zabrinuti da je prevara il nesto jbg, vas loss, pitajte druge, delim igrice bukvalno svaki dan.. svaki drugi dan. Nemam nikakav profit od ovoga, ne skupljam followere nigde, bukvl free stuff weekly, vec preko 100 ljudi je nesto dobilo.
Prijave kao i uvek u INBOX, pratite uputstva na form koji vam dam, pravila su jasna, bez duplih naloga i bez profila koji su bogati premijum igricama, ovo je za osobe koje nemaju para i ne mogu da priuste igrice koje kostaju od po 60evra pa navise..takodje proverite dal mozete da pokrenete igricu :)
Izvlacenje SUTRA kasno od 10,11.., prijave otvorene do 21:00.
Potrebno je da imate steam nalog (da nemate previse skupih igrica - jer ovo je za ljude koji nemaju para), potrebno je i da imate diskord nalog kako bih mogao da potvrdim da ste to vi, a ne neki bot ili prevarant, dakle dupli nalozi ce odma biti suspendovani.
Kada mi se javite u inbox, poslacu vam formular s kojim je vecina upoznata, popunite sta treba, udjite gde treba i to je to.
Cim izvucem, dodam vas na steam, dobijate igricu i uzivate, prijave su ANONIMNE (sem logicno vaseg reddit/discord nick itd, ugl ne skuplja se nikakav mejl i to)
submitted by PraiseTheSunO to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 IceBank_MiceElf_ Map Completion % Gripe

I wouldn’t consider myself a completionist when it comes to video games. If there is some laborious fetch quest, level grinding, recipes to cook, etc. that goes towards 100% completion of a game, I rarely feel compelled to do them because a lot of the time they just feel kinda like padding.
But because I love the exploration aspect of MVs, especially ones where there is a map completion % (that factors into, but is separate from a game completion %), I almost always feel compelled to get 100% map completion or as close to it as possible to feel like I really thoroughly explored every nook and cranny the world has to offer.
One thing that drives me crazy about how certain games go about implementing this is that they take it very literally. Like you have to double/super jump to the empty sky or wall climb up to the empty corners of a room to reach the lil bit of grayed out part for it to count as 100% completed. This seems more common in grid based maps, but not exclusively.
Like I said, I do want to thoroughly explore every room I come across, but that style of completion accounting also feels like a form of unnecessary padding. If I have gone into a room or area, found all the secrets, breakable walls, items, etc. then that feels like I’ve done 100% of what that room has to offer. Anything on top of that is excessive and tedious imo.
Is this something that bothers anyone else?
submitted by IceBank_MiceElf_ to metroidvania [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 Spout__ "What is the state of my relationship with X" - 19.2. Clarified with "What should I do regarding X" -

I'm reading this as a gentle invocation against action at this time, that I should concentrate on nurturing and finding my humility and virtue in "lowliness". And also advice against taking a leap of faith at this time. Altogether not a bad auspice and a good reminder to redouble my efforts at the work of cultivating my psyche and being conscious. Lots to chew on here I think.
I feel like I have so much work to do, perhaps that is outside the scope of the subreddit but my Iching practice always reminds me of my inner work, especially after long periods of its neglect.
Thank you for reading, unknown friends.
submitted by Spout__ to iching [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 RealIrregularHuman Action Editor shows references to bone transforms like program code?

Action Editor shows references to bone transforms like program code? submitted by RealIrregularHuman to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 TankSubject6469 Chickens legs cooked with red cabbage: never again

Chickens legs cooked with red cabbage: never again submitted by TankSubject6469 to badfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 einkaufswagenschubs Gehaltsabrechnung Januar 2025

Hat schon jemand die Gehaltsabrechnung für Januar 2025 bekommen? Mich trifft ehrlich gesagt etwas der Schlag.
Anstatt wie bisher 1024€ für GKV und Pflegeversicherung zahle ich nun 1170€ (ohne AG Anteil). Das entspricht praktisch einem Anstieg von 14% wodurch ich letztendlich 150€ weniger Netto als vorherigen Monat habe.
Wie geht ihr mit Anpassung der BBG und Anhebung der Versicherungsbeiträge um? Wird die PKV dadurch noch attraktiver für Besserverdiener?
submitted by einkaufswagenschubs to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 PassEfficient9776 I call this the sacrificing virgins build

submitted by PassEfficient9776 to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 Izanaginookami10 IT BrownDust2|BEYOND LEGEND PV

IT BrownDust2|BEYOND LEGEND PV submitted by Izanaginookami10 to BrownDust2Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 skyerosebuds Polestar owners: what’s your favourite PS colour?

submitted by skyerosebuds to nzev [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 SaltSweet8527 Looking for Honest Feedback from Small Business Owners – Quick Survey Inside

Hey everyone! 👋
I’m working on a new idea to make digital solutions (like websites, SEO, Google Business profiles, etc.) more accessible and affordable for small and medium-sized businesses. But I need your help to make sure I’m on the right track!
I’ve put together a super quick survey (it takes less than 3 minutes) to understand the challenges businesses face and what kind of solutions you’d find helpful.
Here’s the link to the survey: https://forms.gle/23Ro7bKzfp9R8EDAA
As a thank you, you can enter a draw to win a free website for 6 months! 🎉
Your input would mean the world to me, and it’ll help shape a service that’s actually useful for people like you.
Thanks so much in advance! If you’ve got any questions or just want to share your thoughts, feel free to drop a comment or DM me. 😊
submitted by SaltSweet8527 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 PauLambert1337 Ratschlag zu Telekom DSL Problem

Bin seit 15.01. in neuer Wohnung in einem großen Wohnblock und habe Telekom Internet Vertrag mir geholt mit DSL. Von Kabel bleib ich momentan lieber fern, da aus dem Bekanntenkreis hier einige schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht haben. Glasfaser nicht vorhanden. Anyways. Am 16.01. kam Telekom Techniker, wollte die DSL Leitung mir aktivieren, meinte aber es kommt oben bei der Buchse nichts an. Er hat mir gesagt ich muss einen Elektriker kommen lassen, der das erst einmal fixt, danach muss die Telekom dann nochmal erneut kommen.
Seitens der Wohnungsgesellschaft sollte eh ein Elektriker kommen, dieser soll dann das Problem auch gleich mit fixen.
Leider gibt mir die Wohnungsgesellschaft und auch der Elektriker kein Update (wollten sich melden wegen Termin) seit dem 16.01., ich rufe täglich an... Wohnungsgesellschaft sagt sie können da nichts machen und Elektriker nimmt Telefon nicht ab
Es ist echt frustrierend, da ich Internet fürs Homeoffice und einfach so langsam gerne mal haben möchte, ohne dass ich ganze Zeit mobile Daten nutzen muss. Jetzt noch kurzfristig auf Kabel zu wechseln kein Bock, dann müsste ich auch mir einen anderen Router besorgen.
Was würdet ihr jetzt in meiner Situation machen? Könnte die Telekom das alleine nicht auch hinbekommen? Aber ich hab jetzt auch keine Lust, xxx€ für eine extra Anfahrt für so ein Grundbedürfnis auszugeben.
submitted by PauLambert1337 to de_EDV [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 Both_Sir_612 What's your greatest achievement your most proud of?

submitted by Both_Sir_612 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 QuackingBean Guys how do you get ex on sloth 7.5

how!!!!!!!! I’ve tried so hard and the fucking big pile of rocks just tanks it all!!!! who the FUCK thought it’d be a good idea to have 50% damage deduction passive on a stage that has a speed limit?? For reference I have max priest Gregor max crack faust and lvl 42 priest mer salt
submitted by QuackingBean to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 PixelPenguin_GG Day #215 of drawing badly until StS2 comes out

Day #215 of drawing badly until StS2 comes out submitted by PixelPenguin_GG to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 Ill-Examination-3997 any one wants a vc service

f21 looking for fun and some cash
submitted by Ill-Examination-3997 to nepali_desi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 Mauzersmash0815 My D-ABTE Tags

My D-ABTE Tags submitted by Mauzersmash0815 to Aviationtag [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 bangingbites [I ate] Funnel Cake with Powdered Sugar

[I ate] Funnel Cake with Powdered Sugar submitted by bangingbites to food [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:49 kikimorra_ Crowdsourcinggggg........

Kabalo kamo where may vet clinic na open sa gab'e? Thank youuu
submitted by kikimorra_ to Bacolod [link] [comments]
