Rätselhafter Radioblitz in toter Galaxie beobachtet

2025.01.24 09:54 Turtle456 Rätselhafter Radioblitz in toter Galaxie beobachtet

Rätselhafter Radioblitz in toter Galaxie beobachtet submitted by Turtle456 to Weltraum [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 AlfinalYoMesmo What do you think are a manager's biggest concerns?

Without a doubt, no one teaches us to be in charge of teams and the bridge between being a good collaborator to a decent boss is enormous. However, I have seen that it generates burnout in us, from conflicts with our bosses when we are in middle management, to gossip in the hallways. It would be interesting to know what the 3 biggest concerns of a manager are and if you think there is a way to learn to be a better boss or why not?
submitted by AlfinalYoMesmo to managementconsulting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 ItsKeetiCosplay Liliel (2.5 Dimensional Seduction) cosplay try-on by me ( Itskeeti )

Liliel (2.5 Dimensional Seduction) cosplay try-on by me ( Itskeeti ) Can’t wait for my photoshooting!
submitted by ItsKeetiCosplay to CosplayForEveryone [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 wewdwtnizrub Beachbody Discount Code January 2025

Check here for Beachbody Discount Code January 2025
Want to save money at Beachbody in January 2025? Score the best promo codes, coupons, and more deals to get what you want for less!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 Impossible_Goat_3645 M20 ...minoxidil 5% (2x daily)for 4 and 1/2 month ... ( Is this progress?????)

M20 ...minoxidil 5% (2x daily)for 4 and 1/2 month ... ( Is this progress?????) submitted by Impossible_Goat_3645 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 foxrever كمبوند جي ايست: عالم متكامل من الرفاهية والخصوصية

كمبوند جي ايست: عالم متكامل من الرفاهية والخصوصية submitted by foxrever to booksreviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 AlexNuggz Performance - Gamepass PC

Hi Guys,
Running a pretty decent setup with 4070ti but this game seems to feel very laggy. I also noticed there is no option for DLSS and the framerate settings seem to max out at 60FPS, I heard the Steam version has all of this. Is this just a patch behind do you think?
submitted by AlexNuggz to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 TurquoiseHareToday What happens if the votes are tied with four players?(Spoilers for UK S3)

So we’ve got five players going into the final. Assuming they banish Charlotte first, then we’re left with Jake, Leanne, Alexander and Frankie. Based on how the social dynamics have worked so far, I can easily see that quartet splitting into two alliances: Jake and Leanne on one side, Alexander and Frankie on the other.
So what happens if they go for another banishment and the votes are evenly split? Who gets the deciding vote? Or is it resolved by a coin flip or something?
Has anyone seen this situation in any of the other versions? Thanks!
submitted by TurquoiseHareToday to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 Optimal_Club_2623 Rate the team

Rate the team quit the game for 2 months,came back for toty and finally packed my first toty after 9 years of ut, got her from 85pp, currently finishing rodman evo,but what do you guys recommend to do with my team also might switch to 4411
submitted by Optimal_Club_2623 to EAFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 Top_Code1992 Kann mich Mal jemand aufklären wegen Varta?

Kann mich Mal jemand aufklären wegen Varta? Ich meine was geht denn da ab? Gestern hieß es Aktien sind wertlos heute bereits 50% im Plus. Pump and Dump?!
submitted by Top_Code1992 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 thinlyslicedcabbage 8 Pullups to Muscle Up?

I can currently do 8 pullups in a row cleanly with my chin above the bar. How far away am I from a muscle up? Should I add more pullups to my routine to reach this goal?
Currently I do 30-40 pullups 3-4 times a week during workout sessions, though not all at one time, just within the hour. On non workout days, I'll just do 10.
One thing I've seen people recommend is the chest to bar pullup. Is this necessary? I've tried doing it but I can't touch my chest to the bar despite finding it easy to get my chin over.
submitted by thinlyslicedcabbage to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 Alternative-Expert-7 Diffs gaskets/washers help outback22

I'm looking for correct gaskets/washers for Front and Rear differentials drain and fill plugs, for Outback 2022, 2.5na, tranny TR580, rear diff VB type (the rear diff has drain and fill on the side)
Will 803918060 be correct for rear diff gaskets ? and for front diff fill and check bolts?
803926090 seems to be the one for front diff drain ?
submitted by Alternative-Expert-7 to subaru [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 2old4ZisShit After what seemed an eternity, the best pizza in Lebanon is back. The taste is still as good as it was in 2018. The fluffy, crunchy crust, the cheese , the sweet tangy sauce and the right amount of grease. The shater Hassan is pure amazing .

After what seemed an eternity, the best pizza in Lebanon is back. The taste is still as good as it was in 2018. The fluffy, crunchy crust, the cheese , the sweet tangy sauce and the right amount of grease. The shater Hassan is pure amazing . submitted by 2old4ZisShit to lebanon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 Rakun1611 Fanart of DK's new design

Fanart of DK's new design submitted by Rakun1611 to mariokart [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 MORPHEUS963 Meine Seele verkauft

Ich habe gestern meine Seele verkauft… und ich wusste nicht das es mich einfach alles kosten würde…
Für Geld und Einfluss gab ich gestern alles hin, es hat geklappt… aber jetzt bereue ich es sehr.
Wenn es nur einen Weg gäbe wie man sowas rückgängig macht…
Ich habe eine Frau die mir alles bedeutet hat hängen lassen um persönliche Rache zu üben an Menschen die es zwar verdient hatte, jedoch nicht von mir und nicht in dem Ausmaß.
Ich habe alle Werte für die ich einstand verraten um eine Rache auszuführen die 7 Jahre Vorbereitung hatte.
Bevor ihr euch was denkt, es ging um Geld und einige Existenzen die ich ruiniert habe, weil sie auf dem Leid von vielen aufgebaut waren.
Und die Frau von der ich rede, ist die Tochter von einem dieser Kreaturen die vom Leid anderer profitiert haben.
Ich arbeitete mich 7 Jahre hoch bei diesen Monstern nur um sie alle finanziell zu ruinieren.
Am Schluss übernahm ich alles und schmiss alle raus…. Nur habe ich „SIE“ auch für immer dadurch verloren.
Und das wird mir gerade bewusst….
submitted by MORPHEUS963 to Beichtstuhl [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 sophragettes help! have a “mandatory” meeting and can’t attend

for reference im a starbucks UK barista! my manager has scheduled a meeting for tuesday from 6:30-7pm and claiming it as mandatory. the issue is i have a musical at 7pm the same day… i only work weekends & i put that as my only availability so i didn’t book the day off for that reason. i don’t know if my manager will let me not attend without being filenoted as it’s supposed to be mandatory and a summary of all the new updates coming. i don’t know what to do
submitted by sophragettes to starbucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 PsychologicalFarm703 Seeking Feedback: A Daily Newsletter to Help Muslims Learn & Stay Inspired!

Assalamu Alaikum,
I’ve been thinking about starting a daily email newsletter for subscribers who want to learn more about Islam. The idea is to send a new email each day, covering different Islamic topics, to make it easier for us to stay connected to our faith in our busy lives. Here’s a rough plan for how it would work:

The main purpose of this newsletter is:
  1. Convenience: In our busy lives, we often forget to dedicate time to learning about Islam. Apart from our daily prayers, we rarely pick up the Qur’an or Hadith to read. A daily email could make it easier to stay consistent.
  2. Distraction-Free Learning: Social media platforms like Instagram or Reddit might provide Islamic content, but they often come with distractions or even haram content. A newsletter offers a focused, halal space to learn without such interruptions.
I’d love to know what you think about this idea. Do you think a newsletter like this could add value to your religious journey? And if you have any suggestions on how to make it better or more beneficial for our Muslim brothers and sisters, I’m all ears!
JazakAllah Khair!
submitted by PsychologicalFarm703 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 AdPrudent4688 Did you get over your first love? What helped?

21F asking for advice after being in a relationship for 5 years. I’m going to hit 3 weeks NC and I think it’s finally hitting me that this is all real. How to also not cling to the hope? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by AdPrudent4688 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 NoFaithlessness333 Probleme in privinta unui centru de colectare feroase

Buna lume! In apropierea resedinței mele exista un centru ce coletare feroase care arde cabluri, gunoi si cine mai stie ce. Atat impreuna cu asociatia blocului, cat si in mod individual, am depus cereri la garda de mediu care ne au dat la toti, culmea, exact acelasi raspuns ca ei sunt dotati cu tot ce trb, ca ei nu ard cabluri au masina pt asta, că ei ard in butoaie lemne ca sa se incalzeasca. Mi se pare total ipocrit un asemenea raspuns și vreau să continui procedura de sesizare. La ce autoritate ierarhic superioara mă pot adresa?
submitted by NoFaithlessness333 to juridice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 PastAd8114 holy shit

holy shit submitted by PastAd8114 to SuddenlyUltrakill [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 Sea-Space-Pizza Sueldos y ahorros de los treintañeros en España - compartimos nuestras experiencias

Se habla mucho de los sueldos en España y de la calidad de vida. Estoy curioso de ver la media de sueldos que cobran los treintañeros (29-39 años), para entender si mi situación de sueldo y ahorros es buena o no.
Me gustaría comparar mi situación con cualquier de vosotr@s que quiera compartir su situación económica.
Podéis hacerlo en los comentarios, indicando: edad, sexo, trabajo y sector, sueldo bruto anual, ahorros (cash y inversiones), piso de propriedad si/no, años de experiencia.
Empiezo yo:
30 Hombre Onboarding Manager, empresa SaaS ~29.000 brutos/año 20.000€ en banco, 15.000 en ETF/plan pensión privado Sin piso de propriedad 5 años de experiencia
submitted by Sea-Space-Pizza to askspain [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 cheese_be_gentle Pet portrait paintings by me

Pet portrait paintings by me I am an artist based in Prague and I have been painting pet portraits for a few years now.
submitted by cheese_be_gentle to painting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 graceofthefire Tekrar sınava hazırlanmak

22 yaşında bi kadınım, 2 ay önce babamı kaybettiğim için Kıbrıs’tan İstanbul’a yerleşmek zorunda kaldım. İngilizce Psikoloji 2. sınıf öğrencisiydim ve yatay geçiş yapmayı düşündüm. Ancak sınava girdiğim seneki YKS puanım ve bu dönem aldığım kötü notlar nedeniyle iyi okullar denk gelmiyor, orta-alt düzey bile yok. İdeallerim olsun istiyorum. Kötü notların 1. nedeni babamın ameliyatı (haftalarca komada kaldı ve ders çalışamadım) ve okula, buraya gelirken dondurma dilekçesi vermeme rağmen hala kaydımı dondurmamış olmaları. Ara tatile girdik, notlarıma 0 NG girip durmuşlar. Çok sinirlerim bozuk, sınava bu sene de gireceğim ama 4 ay geciktim, tabii ki fantastik bir şey olmayacak. Ama seneye mutlaka girip adam akıllı okuyup bitirmek istiyorum. Hiç okumayıp yapabileceğim bir şey yok, ya bu sene ya önümüzdeki sene tekrar bi yere girmekten başka yol yok gibi duruyor. Mezun olmam gereken yıllarda yeniden başlamak biraz koyuyor ama kötü bi yere gidip aldığım full İngilizce eğitimin boşa gitmesi daha da kötü.
submitted by graceofthefire to UniversityTR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 TheWhiteRabbit4090 Taiwan’s “Secret” Pyramid

Taiwan’s “Secret” Pyramid Taiwan’s Forgotten Pyramid: Evidence of an Ancient Civilization?
Deep in the jungles of Taiwan lies an enigma—a mysterious pyramid-shaped structure shrouded in local legends and overlooked by mainstream archaeology. Could this be evidence of an advanced ancient civilization once thriving in East Asia? Some researchers believe the pyramid aligns with the idea of sunken continents and lost knowledge, while others dismiss it as a natural formation.
In this post, we’ll dive into the story, the theories, and the anomalies surrounding this fascinating site. Let’s examine the evidence together and consider what it could mean for our understanding of history.
Share your thoughts and theories—could this be the real deal?
submitted by TheWhiteRabbit4090 to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:54 IRUN888 99 Burn (art by Aislan141)

99 Burn (art by Aislan141) submitted by IRUN888 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]
