Draw Bridge Puzzle SoulHouse #shorts

2025.01.24 13:20 mentolatux Draw Bridge Puzzle SoulHouse #shorts

Draw Bridge Puzzle SoulHouse #shorts submitted by mentolatux to BestCrazyGamesVideo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Assassin's Creed Shadows: Story Trailer

⬆️ Up Game Shop | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Assassin's Creed Shadows: Story Trailer submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 RoadToad05 Looking for new open world/shooter games

So I love open-world games. I've enjoyed a playthrough of Watch Dogs 2, and some Assassin's creed games. I also enjoy shooters. Been playing a lot of Battlefield, Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal. Any recommendations for the open world, first person/third person type games?
submitted by RoadToad05 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]


In light of the recent unrest in response to Simonbargiora's announcement that links to X are now banned, we have decided to ban the discussion of contemporary politics in the subreddit, with the exception being news related to possible nuclear escalations (with no clear political stance and no snarky comments that may spark division).
I will not state my political opinions as this subreddit is no place for such things to be discussed. The message of Threads, in this context, is apolitical. It goes beyond the political spectrum and is meant to lift the veil on nuclear weapons and what the consequences of nuclear war would be.
There will be no bans, mutes or kicks, but we will archive Simonbargiora's post and consider repealing the ban on links to X posts.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Snoo35115 to Threads1984 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 mitrea004 Beginner's Guide to Trading Meme Coins Fast & Secure [Intro Guide]

Beginner's Guide to Trading Meme Coins Fast & Secure [Intro Guide] submitted by mitrea004 to CryptoMoonInvestors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Assassin's Creed Shadows: Story Trailer

🌐 24/7 Video Game | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Assassin's Creed Shadows: Story Trailer submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 AshChanandler ISO Mpreg fic

I have looked everywhere for this fic, but I can't get it out of my head so I'm asking here. It's an 8th year fic, where Draco is pregnant, and Harry is obsessed with the fact that he's pregnant and finding out who the baby's other father is. There are flashback scenes about how they end up together and how they find out Draco is pregnant, and the reason they don't remember that Harry is the other father is because they plan with McGonagall (I think) to prolong the pregnancy so they don't have to go through the war with a baby. Draco is mad about this but they eventually get their memories back and get together.
Any help is appreciated!! I kept a list of the fics I read last year starting in November but I can't seem to find this one on it so I'm thinking I must have read it before I started keeping track.
submitted by AshChanandler to drarry [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 JakeBaldock24 Desolate Deep / Trident Rod

I understand Discord would be the correct place to find this or by asking in game but neither seem to be working.
I’m sick of this shark and was just wondering whether someone could come and open the trident rod for me in the Desolate Deep. I can provide the Enchant Relics
submitted by JakeBaldock24 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 doodpeal Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! {WW} (01/29/2025)

submitted by doodpeal to giveaways [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 nonpeko [FOR HIRE] Will draw your ocs or make your ideas come to life for $35-$50... just comment if you are interested

submitted by nonpeko to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Purple_Peanut1234 TAL-U-NO-LX Synth walkthrough and review... JUNE 60 emulation, a SynthWa...

submitted by Purple_Peanut1234 to VSTi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 mngchrn Face sculpting progress!

Mix of digital and traditional!
People don't give much attention to traditional Asian sculpture, but their style is so interesting. I feel like it's a great blend of anatomy and basic shapes, which is what a lot of digital artists try to do with the 'idealised realism' style.
Anyway, this is a record of my progress. 3 attempts at the same subject done in blender! Heian/Kamakura art style. Tell me what you think!
submitted by mngchrn to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Amine_Lucifer Caramel eyes

Caramel eyes submitted by Amine_Lucifer to AnadeArmas [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Igaz_baratsag Belül

Belül iszonyú gonosz vagyok. Azt kívánom, hogy annak a sofőrnek legyen gerincműtétje aki olyan állat módon vezet, hogy meghúztam a hátam.
submitted by Igaz_baratsag to Igaz_baratsag_BPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Amigamanpt Seeing all these goodbye posts makes me want to start over my city again 😂

submitted by Amigamanpt to tappedout [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 toastykayabuns Perfect number

Perfect number body text (optional)
submitted by toastykayabuns to SundayMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 DescentinPerversion Have vs need

Have vs need https://mply.io/bLyij1AY1S4
submitted by DescentinPerversion to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Due_Mode_4707 Fed up with postal deliveries photos

Fed up with postal deliveries photos submitted by Due_Mode_4707 to newcastle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 slicheliche Real productivity growth in the past 20 years

submitted by slicheliche to europe [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 mentolatux Plumber Game among usa #shorts

Plumber Game among usa #shorts submitted by mentolatux to BestCrazyGamesVideo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Srtviper [FRESH ALBUM] dilettante - Life Of The Party

submitted by Srtviper to indieheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 BawkBawkFarmer When does the anger go away?

My mom passed the week before mothers day in 2024. It was her third battle with Cancer and she had out lived her 4 months left by almost a year. She could still be alive if she had been able to get her yearly scans done after she had beaten her second fight with it 8 years prior. My stepfather at the time didn't care or want to pay the co pays for those visits. But also they didn't tell anyone either so we didn't know she wasn't getting care.
When she passed it was difficult but we had repaired our relationships in the past years they bought the house across the street from us and was very active in my kids lives. So there was the sadness of loss but love for her.
My stepfather had direct cremation. He had her body picked up with an hour or two after she passed. He wanted no services and all donations to go to her go fund me. Her treatment had been fully covered by Medicare so there was no medical expenses. The kids go no opportunity to see her after she passed or say final goodbyes and that has been a struggle.
A week after she passed he came to me to tell me that he wasn't my father and my children were not his grandchildren. He had been talking to a "friend" and wanted me to give him a ride to the airport and pick him up from it when he got back from his visit with them.
My mom and step-dad had two kids together and it's hard to deal with the fact that even though I have siblings I am the only orphan.
Came to find out his friend is the woman he had an affair with when my mom was recovering from my youngest brothers birth and was in the midst of her treatment for her first cancer battle. He then sold his house and moved to the state his old AP lives in.
The betrayal and anger I have felt for this man has not subsided. He had been married to my mom since I was 2 he has largely been the only (albeit not great) father figure I had. He held to it that he is not thier grandfather as the birthdays and holidays went by no calls, no cards, nothing. My kids lost both grandparents and never got the proper time to grieve. My three year old keeps thier photo on our fridge she speaks to it and asks about them all the time. Grandma I can explain but having to tell her grandpa is just too busy kills me. My older kids are still upset about grandma but they definitely feel abandoned by grandpa and everytime they get sad about it my anger just keeps burning.
I miss my mom, life events happen and i still want to message or call her and tell them about them. I treasure those last few years I got with her, but if he was unhappy in that marriage I wish he would have divorced or left her ages ago then maybe she would still be alive because then we could have made sure she got the care she needed. He was the cause of our estrangement so many years ago and now it feels like he robbed me of my mother again and my children of thier grandma.
I hate feeling so angry I just don't know when that will ever subside or go away.
submitted by BawkBawkFarmer to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Wololooo1996 This subreddit vs others cookware subreddits

carbonsteel: De Buyers remorse!
StainlessSteelCooking: 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚
cookware: "I just bhought this All-Clad for 2 USD, im a little bummed about it, I only really wanted to pay 1.85USD for it, but a deal is a deal I guess?"
Many of you here are such cheap scates! I love it through! xP
Have any of you noticed any funny patterns recently? :)
submitted by Wololooo1996 to cookware [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Dry-Anybody-1563 Qfwhyws-pjhzfg.

submitted by Dry-Anybody-1563 to M1L4rd10 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 MikeDunleavySuperFan Study spots that aren't libraries

What are some good chill study spots that aren't libraries? Preferably the Duluth/Suwanee area. I know of Sweet Hut Bakery. Is it used by a lot of people to study? Any other chill spots?
submitted by MikeDunleavySuperFan to Gwinnett [link] [comments]
