那片中国机长 也有这一幕呢

2025.01.24 13:19 GuizhoumadmanGen5 那片中国机长 也有这一幕呢

submitted by GuizhoumadmanGen5 to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 MissMariemayI My sweet Chicken Nugget

My sweet Chicken Nugget My little angel baby Chicken Nugget, also called nuggy or nugs or my chimken lol. She started her life by screaming outside until I caught her and brought her inside as a baby and now she lives her best loafed life.
submitted by MissMariemayI to CatsCalledFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 VisualAd7144 Why do I suddenly want to be physically close to him?

Okay so our sex life has always been bad, which now makes sense cause he was watching porn instead of pursuing me romantically or sexually. I’m more low drive unless those things are being done (my love language is physical touch)
How come now that I found out and he just started recovering, I am desiring him? I have never had a drive or just randomly gotten turned on. But last night after talking just looking at him I was turned on. I pushed it down and got over it. But then at night all I wanted was to cuddle and lay close to him which we don’t cuddle. We haven’t cuddled in years.
What the hell is going through my brain or body that desires him after I just found out he’s been lying to me our whole marriage??? Shouldn’t I be going the opposite way??
submitted by VisualAd7144 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Due_Limit_3039 Looking for 50/50 partners

Looking for 50/50 partners submitted by Due_Limit_3039 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 cuboniner Buying Off eBay

Hey Everyone. Newish Collector here, working on a master Sylveon set. I'm looking at cards on eBay specifically older cards and I am falling into the fear of am I buying something fake? Nothing inparticular has set this off other than just worrying I think. But was just wondering what tips and tricks there are to avoid buying fake singles off eBay. Is this a problem anyone has run into in the past?
submitted by cuboniner to PokemonTCG_UK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Desperate-Narwhal189 Places to Visit around Vadodara

50 KM Radius
submitted by Desperate-Narwhal189 to vadodara [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 emily-is-happy Mask off moment

Mask off moment submitted by emily-is-happy to FluentInFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 PotentialNinja7857 need three tickets tor CAS MUMBAI

submitted by PotentialNinja7857 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Effective-End5151 Orfist and Tamayura

Hi Im new to the game and looking for a main. so just wanted to know the state of this two deck Im interested in. how viable are they nowadays and whats their issue if they have it rn. What kind of support can help them in the future.
submitted by Effective-End5151 to cardfightvanguard [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 MadMolly_Lords After putting our phones away for a month to spend time with our nearest and dearest's over Christmas, we're back and throwing the doors open for recruitment! Message Kit T Kat at P:D The Panic Ducks if you want to enjoy the game this year with lots of Hunting, War, Events, Science & Shenanigans

submitted by MadMolly_Lords to lordsmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 AdvertisingQueasy172 [HIRING] Reddit VA

We are looking for a Virtual Assistant with the following qualifications:

What we offer: If you are interested, please fill out this form:
submitted by AdvertisingQueasy172 to forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Single_Dimension_479 Therapist tried to diagnose me with autism.

This is exactly why people hate therapy. Her bio even said 'non-pathologizing'. Fuck her.
I've done enough research to know all the questions she was asking me were leading me in that direction. It pissed me off, because if I hadn't done my research, I would have naively walked out of that session thinking I'm autistic.
Her whole demeaner was repulsive. As we got closer and closer to the 'diagnosis', she could barely hide her giddiness. I imagine she gets a huge hit of dopamine every time she does her 'big reveal' and the client goes 'omg, that makes so much sense.'
I can imagine how she feels because I have strong Theory of Mind. My 'autism' stops at the social difficulties part. I'm not rigid, I intuitively understand peoples emotions (not by figuring out 'rules'), I like people, I just never figured out a away to be around people. I don't mask, I emotionally detach; its different. I have a diverse set of interests (only thing my hobbies have in common is that they can be done alone). I don't stim. I embrace change, I hate routine.
She could have been direct and just asked me if its something I ever considered.
What pisses me off the most is I know why I have the issues I have. Its called ~Emotional Neglect~, Karen.
I told her how, as a baby, my parents would leave me in my crib alone for long hours because 'I didn't seem to need attention'. In other words, at some point I realized I wasn't going to get my attachment needs met so I turned inward. This is literally how schizoids become schizoids. No baby is content just sitting in a crib alone babbling to themselves, that's how babies die, it goes against our most basic survival instincts.
I screwed up by saying I feel like there's something inherently wrong with me, like I have some sort of cognitive deficit, like how some people are just born without arms or legs, I was born with the inability to connect. What I wanted to hear was that its not true, I've clearly been through some terrible things, and that I can have corrective experiences in therapy that will help me connect in the real world. But nope, she took the whole 'well actually, yeah, I think all the trauma and neglect you've experienced is actually completely your fault and there's nothing you can do about it.' approach. Is this projective identification? I thought we were finally going to talk about attachment theory and object relations. She doesn't even have the credentials to diagnose, she's a counsellor for fuck's sake.
I know I don't have a degree in psychology, but I've gone down enough rabbit holes to explore every single thing that could possibly be wrong with me; its one of my many fascinating hobbies. Harry Guntrip's "Schizoid Phenomenon" has resonated with me the most. I know its from the 60s and the modern definition of 'Schizoid' is much narrower and I probably have too much self-awareness to be full-blown schizoid or have any personality disorder for that matter, but still, we could have at least talked about avoidant attachment styles.
Fuck her. Fuck therapy. Fuck people.
I know getting me to open up is like pulling teeth and I don't make it easy, but still, what the actual fuck is wrong with therapists. At least diagnose me with AvPD or even BPD if you're gonna diagnose me with something.
I'm going to try art therapy and if that doesn't work I'm done with this shit. Waste of time and resources. And fuck everyone on Reddit who says 'you need therapy' every time they see something they don't like or understand.
submitted by Single_Dimension_479 to Schizoid [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Odd-Cobbler-1242 New to VGC

im a competitive smash bros player looking to get into VGC as pokémon has always been my favorite game, i’ve just never taken it to that level. i have no doubles experience and am unsure of where to begin. i’ve completed the SV games and have a showdown account. does anyone know a good place to start?
submitted by Odd-Cobbler-1242 to VGC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 GeniosYT Chat is this true?

Chat is this true? submitted by GeniosYT to ShingekiNoKyojin [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 BeltwayBunny What services should I “order” for my car every year?

I’m not a car person, and have very little interest in becoming one. I just use my car and take it into a mechanic about once a year.
I recently tried to make an appointment to do so and asked for a “tune up” but the mechanic gave me grief about how 2014 Honda Civics don’t need tune ups every year. Okayyyy…. Well I havnt done anything to it in over a year, what DOES a car need done once a year?? If he’s annoyed I’m not “ordering” the right services from the menu then what ARE the services I should order? This is why women don’t like taking their cars to mechanics— because they act like condescending assholes when we do.
submitted by BeltwayBunny to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Unique_Ad_1868 2018 bmw sdrive 28i any advice on reliability ?56 744 miles

submitted by Unique_Ad_1868 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 InevitablePromise517 Trading fruit storage

submitted by InevitablePromise517 to BloxFruitsTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 oomegadetah ovmegacvrse - celestial death

ovmegacvrse - celestial death submitted by oomegadetah to witch_house [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 vaguelynotorious [Rehome] Price drop - Under $200: LV Capucines MM, Lucky Trunk, GO-14; Noir Birkin 35; Gucci Padlock small

Price(s): - Capucines: $185 - Lucky Trunk: $125 - GO-14: $140 - Birkin: $110 - Padlock small: $60
Prices exclude shipping. Let me know your ZIP/Postal code so I can calculate shipping cost.
Original purchase price(s): - Capucines MM: $233.82 (special price, not including shipping) - Lucky Trunk: $145 shipped - GO-14: $169.17 (11/11 price, not including shipping) - Birkin: $189 shipped - Padlock small: $100 shipped
Payment Method: PPFF or Zelle. Please do not add a description for the payment.
Sellesource: - Capucines MM: Aadan / Huahui factory - Lucky Trunk: Facebook Rehome - GO-14: Aadan / birdcage factory - Birkin: Facebook Rehome - Padlock small: Reddit Rehome
Condition of item(s): - Capucines MM: catch and release (brand new never used). Mid tier. Still has protectors on feet and some wrapping on strap hardware. - Lucky Trunk: not used by me. good used condition. minimal wear. Mid tier. I can’t quite get it to slouch how it’s supposed to. - GO-14: New/never used. Conditioned with Saphir Renovateur once and kept in dust bag. Mid to high tier. - Birkin: not used by me. good used condition. Moderate wear (very slouchy). Low to mid tier. - Padlock small: used a couple times by me. Good used condition. Minimal wear. Flap is a little crooked. Mid tier.
Images: - My images - Includes POP - Capucines MM - Lucky Trunk - GO-14 - Birkin - Padlock small
RFS: - I like to shop too much. I also fell really ill since last time I posted this and now I have hospital bills to pay. 🥲 - The Capucines is oddly too big for me - it’s a very structured bag and this size is big enough to hold a lot but too small for a laptop or other things I would want to carry in it.
submitted by vaguelynotorious to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 CollapsingTheWave Digital twins and its application in technology’s advancement

Digital twins and its application in technology’s advancement submitted by CollapsingTheWave to ObscurePatentDangers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Helpful-Signature-54 eds 103 Kamusta?

Bago na daw ang FIC?
submitted by Helpful-Signature-54 to upou [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 ApprehensiveTrain808 I keep getting kicked from gunsmith in private lobby.

I keep on getting disconnected from private lobbies. This happens anywhere from 5-20 minutes of me being in it. I find it happens the most when im in the gunsmith cutomizing a gun or just editing my loadout in general. This also used to happen to me in MW2 but I havent played MW2 in months so I dont know if its still like that.
submitted by ApprehensiveTrain808 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 RovJos Sexy girl

Sexy girl submitted by RovJos to HairWeLike [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Raq320 Bad quality bottom surface

Bad quality bottom surface Hello to everyone. I’m new here, Do you know what is causing that the bottom surface is like it is on picture? Also it’s not on every print I’m printing on Ender 3 s1.
submitted by Raq320 to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:19 Memer25_2006 People downvoting this… do you… have something to tell us?

People downvoting this… do you… have something to tell us? submitted by Memer25_2006 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]
