Who has the key to Jim Reddeadredemptions Good Boah Collar 🥵

2025.01.24 19:44 SaintsSkyrim3077 Who has the key to Jim Reddeadredemptions Good Boah Collar 🥵

Who has the key to Jim Reddeadredemptions Good Boah Collar 🥵 submitted by SaintsSkyrim3077 to okbuddyblacklung [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 mariashelley Rooves

Rooves submitted by mariashelley to urbansketchers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 Eppleblam [WTS] Polo Deep Blue, Polo Red Parfum ||PRICE DROP|| (Bottle)

Last batch of bottles I’m looking to sell, dropped down to very reasonable price.
Polo Deep Blue Parfum - 125ml (90% full) - $38 shipped
Polo Red Parfum - 40ml (70%left) - $24 shipped
Versace Blue Jeans - 75ml (55% left) - $6 shipped (add-on only) OR Take both Polos, get this for $3
Photos: https://imgur.com/a/VhaS89g
submitted by Eppleblam to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 acidwxrld how long will it be in the shop and how much?

how long will it be in the shop and how much? i know its probably not guaranteed but what would you guys say? i wanna kinda prepare myself lol
submitted by acidwxrld to Autobody [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 LetPuzzleheaded2752 Started aviation mechanic school but now have second thoughts

on january 21, i started my first day of classes to become an airplane mechanic. We just finished the first week. However, i am starting to get worried and i have thought about dropping out. I thought this would be a good thing for me to do, but i realized i just dont want to study again for long hours. I have been to high school and college i have seen it all and experienced it first hand. I dont have the mentality for general Ed classes or simple things such as adding and subtracting. I just want to work. As soon as i find another job i am going to get stressed out because i will have limited time during the week for studying. As everyone knows, its not easy and learning aircraft mechanics is not easy but nothing is in this world. I am 31 i feel like i should have already made my career 5 years ago but no. Nothing ever works for everybody. I dont know what to do anymore with my life
submitted by LetPuzzleheaded2752 to AircraftMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 MisbehavingFt How long should I wear these for ?

How long should I wear these for ? Already 2 days in
submitted by MisbehavingFt to MensUsedSocksForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 Winnipeg_Dad Why is TSX up this week?

Trump confirms that tariffs are coming for Canada as soon as Feb 1 and the TSX marches higher this week... Why is that?
submitted by Winnipeg_Dad to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 ACH0N3y Cirkul lids fit on Stanley cups đź‘€

Someone out there will love you hamster girl
submitted by ACH0N3y to StanleyCups [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 lemkowidmak @LehighWBB: The Rivalry, presented by Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute returns to Bethlehem as Lehigh hosts Lafayette on Saturday at 4:30 p.m.Saturday’s game will mark the 108th meeting of The RivalryGame Notes and Preview: https://t.co/bqyrvBZsm4

@LehighWBB: The Rivalry, presented by Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute returns to Bethlehem as Lehigh hosts Lafayette on Saturday at 4:30 p.m.Saturday’s game will mark the 108th meeting of The RivalryGame Notes and Preview: https://t.co/bqyrvBZsm4 submitted by lemkowidmak to LehighMountainHawks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 RoofComplete1126 Wild history coming to light people.

Wild history coming to light people. submitted by RoofComplete1126 to independent [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 ozzybog Found another image of coloured Destruction!

Found another image of coloured Destruction! submitted by ozzybog to DaiDark [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 AltruisticOil6963 Onde posso arrumar as peças e que peças me recomendam pra montar uma bike assim

Onde posso arrumar as peças e que peças me recomendam pra montar uma bike assim Sou muito fã de arrancadas e bikes e queria faz um tempo montar algo parecido, daí tava pesquisando sobre e achei esse vídeo de um tailandês (eu acho) que montou um bike assim e eu queria montar algo assim pra correr por aí, tipo descer morro deitado e coisas do tipo, alguém me recomenda peças,lojas e dicas pra montar algo assim?
submitted by AltruisticOil6963 to BicicletasBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 Voodootrucker666 Lili Reinhart

Lili Reinhart submitted by Voodootrucker666 to CelebThighs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 PotatoWaffles86 Mechanical Engineering / General STEM Job Search

Just out of curiosity, have any Mechanical Engineers or anyone from the College of Engineering's graduating class of Spring 2024 found a job in their major or a related field yet? If so, what are the things that helped you succeed in the job search/interviewing processes? I have been attending as many Career Center workshops and events as I can to improve in resume writing/job search/networking, taking courses at community college to sharpen my CAD skills, doing a little bit of FE (fundamentals of engineering exam) prep, and working on various engineering projects to show off on my portfolio/making them presentable this past semester but have had little luck so far. I don't have an exact number on how many applications I've sent so far, but I have sent at least 85 on LinkedIn and I am sure many more on Handshake, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Ziprecruiter. I am open to having a conversation in the comments about anything that you think would be helpful or has helped.
submitted by PotatoWaffles86 to SJSU [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 DistanceNo9498 Pourquoi une partie de la gauche est complètement fermée au dialogue avec la droite ?

Désolé pour le titre un peu racoleur mais j’avais du mal à le formuler autrement. Récemment, une question posée ici m’a fait réfléchir, et après avoir lu les réponses qui en ont découlé, j’aimerais ouvrir un débat. Avant de commencer, je précise que je suis de gauche. Pas extrême gauche, mais engagé tout de même et la plupart de mes amais (pas tous) le sont également.
Cependant, il y a une attitude que je peine à comprendre chez une partie des gens très ancrés à gauche : cette tendance à vouloir bannir, censurer ou disqualifier les idées de droite, ainsi que ceux qui les défendent. Pour moi, cela soulève un vrai problème. Comment peut-on revendiquer des valeurs de bienveillance, d’inclusion et d’égalité tout en refusant d’écouter ou d’interagir avec une partie significative de la population ? Qu’on le veuille ou non, une grande proportion des citoyens adhère à des idées de droite.
Et du coup je trouve ça super paradoxal. On se ferme complètement au dialogue au nom de l’ouverture ? Et ca ne fait que creuser les écarts et rendre toute tentative de rapprochement et surtout de compréhension impossible. Perso je penses qu’il faut être prêt à dialoguer avec des gens qui ont des idées qui nous déplaisent. Bien sûr si la personne en face est prête à le faire et si c’est un troll. Je sais pas dites moi où j’ai tord ?
submitted by DistanceNo9498 to TropPeurDeDemander [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 Sauerkraud Little wood cross section from Permian age

Little wood cross section from Permian age Agathoxylon wood cross section, permian age over 250 million years old
submitted by Sauerkraud to fossilid [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 Exotic-Frame9425 The jokes write themselves

The jokes write themselves submitted by Exotic-Frame9425 to carIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 lionbeer Lost All Water Pressure to House From Well. Have Pressure / Water at Well

It has been below freezing for several days in a row here and I came home to find no water pressure / no water in my new to me house. It’s on a well. The well feeds to a shed that houses a large filtration system. The well has great pressure at two spigots at the well. There is seemingly one larger PVC line (pictured) leading from the well but feeding the shed / water filtration system there are two lines coming up out of the ground into the shed. I was able to disconnect the line where it meets the filtration system (threaded fitting) and there’s no water. Today I went a bought a pipe heater and have it installed on both lines leading to the shed 2-3 feet from the ground to the shed to try to thaw it out if it is indeed frozen. It has been above freezing for at least a few hours the past several days but wondering how long would it realistically take for it to thaw? My confusion is with the two vs one line. Why are there two feeding the shed and then why does it have two at the outlet feeding the house? Just looking for any guidance and direction if there’s something simple to check that I’m missing. Thank you
submitted by lionbeer to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 BlluBoi Salma Hayek on vacay

Salma Hayek on vacay submitted by BlluBoi to superpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 Necessary-Inside1784 The effects after the Red Wings operation.

submitted by Necessary-Inside1784 to navyseals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 bsartyeee Have any of you guys passed a drug test with CBD 0%thc third party tested?

Has people failed them? Or do you guys pass them?
submitted by bsartyeee to CBD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 CriticalGround7703 My ranking for the protagonists

My ranking for the protagonists submitted by CriticalGround7703 to visualnovels [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 kevin32237 Having difficulty cooking thin or thick cuts of steak

I’ve been having trouble getting a medium rare with either very thick or very thin cuts. Any recommendation for pan temperature for these scenarios? I’m not sure if I should cook the thin cuts at a lower or high heat than normally. I typically cook them stovetop on a cast iron pan.
submitted by kevin32237 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 MarcSlayton Ball Knowledge Interview with Diogo Jota | ESPN FC

Ball Knowledge Interview with Diogo Jota | ESPN FC submitted by MarcSlayton to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:44 QuietWillingness2664 I just moved to Senegal and I’m trying to figure out what is the best way to make friends here. I saw a couple of comments that said go out but where? I’m also a bit shy so I’m looking to be in spaces where people are open to connecting. I welcome all suggestions, thank you!

submitted by QuietWillingness2664 to Senegal [link] [comments]
