"What's in your cup" is the best

2025.01.24 14:30 carasuri "What's in your cup" is the best

I've been on the subreddit for a few months and the best part has been reading about the tea that people are drinking today, and the commentary about what is going on around them as they sip. It's such a wholesome, nice, judgement fee daily discussion. And I've learned a lot just by taking note of what people are drinking and how it tastes, to expand my knowledge of tea and find new ones I might be interested in. If someone mentioned an Assam I'll look it up, or a sheng pu'er, and how they're drinking it, or just good ol' Bigelow. And those little stories - tidbits around snowy days, holidays, work or no work, how folks are feeling, just makes it that much more fun.
I just wanted to thank the mods for such a great idea and everyone who has contributed to it.
submitted by carasuri to tea [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Andking08 Ai airplanes recognition website

I am making a website where you can uploud a picture of whatever aircraft and it will tell you what aurcraft it is. I need help from aircraft enthusiast to name some aircraft a that you would like to be added. Thanks
If you want to support my project: https://gofund.me/1348c201
submitted by Andking08 to airplanes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 LopsidedTry7898 Hat jemand Erfahrung mit Master Psychologie Studium an der Uni Trier - bzw. mit Berufsperspektiven mit folgendem Master Schwerpunkt?

Es ist ein allgemeiner Master. Es gibt vier Schwerpunkte. Die Schwerpunkte machen 1/4 des Studiums aus und man kann sich nur auf einen festlegen. Einer davon der mich interessiert findet ihr die Beschreibung unten (Auszug aus der Internetseite). An sich interessiert mich der Bereich schon. Da ich aber sehr ländlich wohne, frage ich mich wo Stellenangebote für mich sind. Schulpsychologen gibt es in meiner Gegend nicht. Und sonst weiß ich irgendwie nicht, was ich nach dem Master anfangen könnte, diese Berufsfelder, die als Beispiel genannt werden finde ich irgendwie schwammig. Und eine Frage die mich sehr umtreibt ist, ob ich mit diesem Schwerpunkt auch im klinischen Bereich mit Kindern und Jugendlichen arbeiten könnte (also als Psychologe, beispielsweise in einer Tagesklinik). Im Prinzip geht es in die Richtung, aber ob das geht weiß ich leider nicht. Habt ihr da Erfahrungswerte oder was denkt ihr? ( Ich hab angefragt, aber ich erhalte keine Rückmeldung).
„Talententwicklung, Instruktion, Beratung: Dieser Schwerpunkt bereitet auf alle beruflichen Tätigkeiten in Forschung und Praxis vor, in denen Potenziale von Lernenden erkannt und gefördert werden sollen, z.B. in der Lernforschung, Schulpsychologie, Hochbegabtenförderung und pädagogisch-psychologischen Beratung. Die Module des Schwerpunkts sind überwiegend projektorientiert und legen viel Wert auf forschungsmethodische Kompetenzen und ihre kreative Anwendung zur Lösung praxisrelevanter Probleme.
Dieser Schwerpunkt bereitet auf alle beruflichen Tätigkeiten in Forschung und Praxis vor, in denen Potenziale von Lernenden erkannt und gefördert werden sollen, z.B. in der Lernforschung, Schulpsychologie, Hochbegabtenförderung und pädagogisch-psychologischen Beratung. Die Studierenden erwerben Grundlagenwissen zu Leistungsprädiktoren und Talenten, praktische Fähigkeiten zur Potenzialerkennung sowie zur Gestaltung und Evaluation von Fördermaßnahmen zur Talententwicklung in unterschiedlichen Domänen. Die Studierenden üben, Lernprozesse theoriegeleitet und evidenzbasiert durch effektive Instruktionsmethoden anzuregen, zu motivieren und zu begleiten. Sie erwerben Kenntnisse über die Implementation psychologischer Beratungsstrategien im Lern- und Leistungskontext mit besonderer Berücksichtigung schulpsychologischer Fragestellungen und der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Die Module des Schwerpunkts sind überwiegend projektorientiert und legen viel Wert auf Forschungskompetenzen und ihre kreative Anwendung zur Lösung praxisrelevanter Probleme.
Beispiele für Berufsfelder

submitted by LopsidedTry7898 to Psychologie [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Secure_Abroad_2602 Dialga add 330120138466

Dialga add 330120138466 submitted by Secure_Abroad_2602 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 psb_41 Rg353vs firmware

Hi all.
Got this for Christmas so still learning. Like it a lot.
I’m just wondering firmware option. It’s running android. See on their site I could change to Linux based.
What firmware are people running here? You all running default firmware or custom firmware?
Was wondering if there is a guide to upgrade/change firmware?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by psb_41 to ANBERNIC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Sidewaysgts Replay code of a cheater

Hawkeye on the blue / defending team - Blatant cheater.
submitted by Sidewaysgts to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 bolondeverde Here's What Will Happen If U.S. Immigration Officers Visit Howard County School Buildings

Here's What Will Happen If U.S. Immigration Officers Visit Howard County School Buildings submitted by bolondeverde to ColumbiaMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 funsizemonster Elon's dad discussing why they both are Nazis. And also...American rocket science after WWII

submitted by funsizemonster to GuyandotteWVHatriots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Constant-Week-1523 What is Going on with the Peace Corps Google Search?

What is Going on with the Peace Corps Google Search? I’m an RPCV and a current fed and was curious if the Peace Corps was impacted by the EO hiring freeze. When I googled Peace Corps this logo came up? When you click you go into the website it’s not there but what is going on?
submitted by Constant-Week-1523 to fednews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 asaparagus_ My cat ate string.

Took Susan in for an emergency vet appointment because she had been vomiting string and then bile. She had emergency surgery to remove what was still stuck inside (they were able to see the mass on X-ray which is rare). I’m honestly not sure if she would’ve survived if we had waited. Triple checked my house to make sure there’s no more string or string-like items that she could get into. She’s got a long road of recovery ahead of her but she’s young and otherwise healthy so prognosis is guardedly good. Bright side of things is that they were able to spay her at the same time.
I want to say thank you to the amazing vet staff (and my cousin who’s a vet tech there) for their support and ability to be able to explain the risks and concerns while also being compassionate. Fingers crossed that Susan’s recovery goes smoothly.
submitted by asaparagus_ to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 GamerX345 My Tez looking lil weird

My Tez looking lil weird Wearing armor now and carpet bombing
submitted by GamerX345 to FGO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 potatoguy FBI in Benson?

I wish i was making this up. Just woke up to sirens. Herd from a loud speaker 'this is the FBI' and 'Come out with your hands up'. I could not hear much else but there was a few shots.
North of Blondo around 60ish streets. Anyone know anything? Related to that car crash on maple a few days ago?
submitted by potatoguy to Omaha [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Jelz If inanimate objects suddenly sprang to life, what would be the biggest jerk towards humans?

submitted by Jelz to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Lin_EU Astra is more than just pressing E and has some pretty engaging mechanics (esp with Astral Voice).

Astra is more than just pressing E and has some pretty engaging mechanics (esp with Astral Voice). submitted by Lin_EU to AstraYaoMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Cpt_Delikan Organized Crime Hot Spots Around the World

Organized Crime Hot Spots Around the World submitted by Cpt_Delikan to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Markus_REDDITTOR usually they say "women and children first" but I also like to say "mothers and daughters first"

usually they say submitted by Markus_REDDITTOR to PokemonBondage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 VersionEven591 We Are Storror (2025)

Is this legit? Michael Bay directing, due out March 2025. Apols if old news but first I've seen.
submitted by VersionEven591 to Storror [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 lilgumby69 What are people actually paying for Nc3s these days?

I’ve been looking for a 6-speed nc3 for a while in the northeast US, the few I see pop up on marketplace seem wildly overpriced. Any recent buyers or sellers care to share what they went for?
submitted by lilgumby69 to MiataNC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 complexmessiah7 I want to hear this in an assassin's creed game

What a vibe....
Parkour on top of നാല്-കെട്ട് and ancient manas....
Swimming in Vembanad.....
Thrissurpooram assassination....
Sunny and Ganga entering the animus....
Need to have some voice acting from Mammootty and Shammi T as well for good measure 😂
And let's give Shine Tom and Vinayakan a couple of characters just to see what they can do with it 😂
submitted by complexmessiah7 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 QuaternionsRoll Anyone with an MSI MPG 321URX willing to test something for me?

Is anyone that has a 321URX (preferably with the latest firmware) and a 30 or 40 Series graphics card willing to run a quick test for me? I’m trying to figure out if I have a setup issue or if this monitor has a bizarre limitation.

  1. Make sure your monitor is connected to your GPU via DisplayPort, NOT HDMI.
  2. In your monitor’s settings, disable DSC.
  3. In Windows settings, set the output to 4K and 120Hz, HDR off.
In this configuration, can you set the color format to RGB or YCbCr444? Or are you limited to YCbCr422?
DisplayPort 1.3 onwards has the bandwidth to support RGB and YCbCr444 in this configuration, but for some reason I am stuck with YCbCr. Scratching my head as to why that might be the case.
submitted by QuaternionsRoll to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 Rickkins1 New AI picks up 97% of lung diseases, and can tell pneumonia from COVID-19

New AI picks up 97% of lung diseases, and can tell pneumonia from COVID-19 submitted by Rickkins1 to FluffyBunnies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 SPAC_Time Fusion Fuel Provides Update on Gas Business, Announces Key Developments in Middle East Operations - HTOO HTOOW

Fusion Fuel Provides Update on Gas Business, Announces Key Developments in Middle East Operations - HTOO HTOOW submitted by SPAC_Time to Spacstocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 nothyacarthohyan Completed 1000km on this beauty (AMA)!

Completed 1000km on this beauty (AMA)! Toon Dodge Charger Classic
submitted by nothyacarthohyan to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 karmareqsrgroupthink This video says proof the p320 is defective

This video says proof the p320 is defective Haven’t watched it all yet but the first 30 seconds are pretty funny. Please discuss!
submitted by karmareqsrgroupthink to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:30 AstroPhysicist0170 How do you do it?

submitted by AstroPhysicist0170 to letters [link] [comments]
