Wechsel eines Xenon-Brenners auf der Beifahrerseite eines Skoda Superb (vor Facelift) - Follow up

2025.01.24 14:42 broesekaetchen Wechsel eines Xenon-Brenners auf der Beifahrerseite eines Skoda Superb (vor Facelift) - Follow up

Wechsel eines Xenon-Brenners auf der Beifahrerseite eines Skoda Superb (vor Facelift) - Follow up Vor nicht all zu langer Zeit habe ich euch um Rat bzgl. des genannten Xenon-Brenners. Ich habe ihn nicht selbst getauscht, weil a. Ich den Xenonbrenner nicht ohne Weiteres ausgebaut bekommen habe, "zu fummelig" und b. Aufgrund des verlinkten Videos in den Kommentaren (danke, dafür!)
Ich habe das Auto also in die Werkstatt meines Vertrauens gegeben. Dort habe ich beide Brenner tauschen lassen und das Vorschaltgerät (da es laut Fehlerspeicher ebenfalls kaputt gewesen ist).
Preis inkl. 746 €. Ich bin ein wenig erstaunt über die Preise der Xenonbrenner aber okay.
Ansonsten: Preis in Ordnung? Was zahlt man bei Skoda oder einer Vertragswerkstatt (Vllt. hat jemand Erfahrungswerte)? Ich war bei einer freien Werkstatt.
submitted by broesekaetchen to automobil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 EspressoPatronumb [WTB] Leonardo Momento Zero in Golden Abalone (Atlas Stationers)

I know it’s a gorgeous pen but still wanted to take a shot to see if anyone is willing to sell!
Open to Fine or Medium nib. Specifically looking for rose gold.
submitted by EspressoPatronumb to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 docabp Ещё чуть чуть-чуть по пляжам. Депутат Баженов: Аварии с разливом нефти в Черном море происходят ежегодно.

submitted by docabp to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 SupremeBean76 blakeytattooer

blakeytattooer submitted by SupremeBean76 to fingertattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 trowdatawhey What’s a polite way ask for more pics because she uses alot of filters and show no body?

What’s a polite way ask for more pics because she uses alot of filters and show no body? Concerns are ugly and obese.
submitted by trowdatawhey to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 LibraryHawk 998 will be enough

998 will be enough submitted by LibraryHawk to school_memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 BasTired HIRINGG!!

Anyone here who's looking for sales marketing job? We are hiring po! Preferrably female with 6 months to 1 year experience in sales. Comment sa mga interested and I'll send you our job posting. Located po kami sa Novaliches, Quezon City. ☺️
submitted by BasTired to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 cos Sleeping pills stop the brain’s system for cleaning out waste

Sleeping pills stop the brain’s system for cleaning out waste submitted by cos to EverythingScience [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 GBpleaser Retirement and credentials

So, I’d like some honest answers From those established in the profession please.
I am in my early 50’s and have had an “average” architectural career. Fully licensed. Currently freelancing after stints at big firms, small firms, and non profits for the past 25 years.
In spite of the typical challenges of having a lower comparative compensation (compared to other “professionals”) and job consistency struggles with the economic cycles, I’ve been able to save aggressively, invest smartly, and be able to target mid to late 50’s for a potential retirement date.
My challenge is this. I enjoy the work just enough to want to still engage in the profession after “retirement”, but I am struggling how to plug in. Do I want to maintain credentials? But the costs of “doing business” and maintaining credentials and trying to do this work “part time” Or in a semi retirement way, doesn’t feel like there will be any return… and risks losing money as the type of projects a part time effort will lead are basically small scale projects that won’t pay that great. And the costs of insurances, software access, certifications, etc. doesn’t go down just because I take on less work. I’ve run some numbers, and I could honestly do better greeting at a big box store for $15/hour than trying to maintain a freelance practice doing 1/3 of the billing I do now.
I’ve considered some consulting work, but the market I serve and expertise I have don’t really mesh and don’t want to live out of a suitcase half the year doing that. It all makes sense if I am in a full time mode with all those things. But struggling with how to stay involved in practice if it isn’t the full time gig. Is it worth maintaining credentials post retirement? Or do people Just box them up with a nest bow and maybe slide into academics to pass the time? Do people just turn their backs to this world when they are “done”? I’ve also met enough older practitioners to know few actually don’t ever retire and most just die, some literally in the middle of projects. (I’ve taken over projects because of this). I honestly don’t know if they work because they have to, or because they want to.
I find it feels like a codependent cycle of a career choice. One without an exit ramp unless there is some level of formal intervention.
submitted by GBpleaser to Architects [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Competitive_Bet_8485 Standard Protocol: Solving DeFi's Biggest Problems? 🚀

Standard Protocol: Solving DeFi's Biggest Problems? 🚀 Standard Protocol is a game-changer for DeFi!
It takes on fragmented liquidity, transparency issues, and slow trades head-on.
With on-chain governance, AI trading strategies, and cross-chain interoperability, it makes moving assets across blockchains way easier.
Plus, all transactions are publicly recorded, so you get that extra peace of mind.
For anyone looking to earn rewards, liquidity provisioning is on the table too!
Do you think these features solve some common DeFi problems
submitted by Competitive_Bet_8485 to CryptoTradingFloor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Embarrassed-Army-509 Which phone apps are bringing you joy?

Which phone apps are bringing you joy anymore? I have a few that bring me joy, but there just aren't a whole lot that will bring me joy so I'm curious what you all like.
submitted by Embarrassed-Army-509 to SeriousConversation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Wubba_is_dead Finally met my celebrity crush

submitted by Wubba_is_dead to lies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Ok-Blackberry2405 Ne kadar paranız olduğunu kimseye söylemeyin

İnternetten para kazandığım dönemlerde hatrı sayılır bir miktar para kazanmıştım. Tabii bu mutluluğumu da doğal olarak ailem ve arkadaşlarımla paylaştım. Aradan bir süre geçtikten sonra bir arkadaşım 100 bin lira civarı bir para istedi. Paramın peşinden koşmak istemediğim için vermedim. Birikimim olduğu bazı akrabaların kulağına gitmiş. Geçenlerde de dayım aradı ev alacakmış 500 bin lira verir misin dedi. Verseniz parayı almak için uğraşacaksınız borcunuzu aldığınızda paranız değer kaybetmiş olacak belki sizin ihtiyacınız olacak. Vermeseniz de kötü oluyorsunuz işte. Eskiden maaşını ısrarla söylemeyen insanları gördüğümde itici bulurdum ama şimdi onlara hak veriyorum. Sizde para olabileceğine dair en ufak bir emare görülürse yakanıza yapışıyorlar. Siz siz olun ailenize bile söylemeyin.
submitted by Ok-Blackberry2405 to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 LopsidedIncident642 Just had this drop and vaaled it. Not seeing anything as good as this on trade. Seems nuts.

A lower evas is going for 15 div
submitted by LopsidedIncident642 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 thatshotnosrsly when the timestamp 02:34 on sticky hits

when the timestamp 02:34 on sticky hits HEAVEN
submitted by thatshotnosrsly to FKAtwigs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ottoisagooddog My player picked a patron that is very difficult for me to add to the story

Part of the backstory of my world is that the gods are dead, so are the demons, so are the devils, so are the fae, so are the mythos creatures, so are the players, so are the kangaroos, so are the blue magpies, but no undead in the game. I told the players that if they needed anything like that, I would provided them. But even after explaining this, one of my players decided that he wanted a demon fae aberrant patron for his warlock despite my protesting. How can I explain to them they can't chose this patron without spoiling the plot? For context, the demon fae aberrant they want is infernal rainbow Shub-niggurath. Thanks for any and all help I really don’t know what to do.
submitted by ottoisagooddog to DnDcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 shouwiz What's the better deal? Buying my first pool table

What's the better deal? Buying my first pool table Hey guys, buying my first pool table, and trying to decide between a Brunswick Richmond and a Brunswick Brookstone and looking for advice. The mover was talking to said that the Brunswick Richmond is an antique and would cost an extra 300 to move. Curious to hear your opinions!
submitted by shouwiz to billiards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 BarberAway4091 Question regarding obtaining Belgium citizenship

Hello good afternoon everyone I am a UK citizen and always have been, I never acquired Belgium citizenship because the UK was apart of the EU but since brexit it’s become harder and harder for me to work outside of the country as such I’d like to obtain Belgium citizenship. My mother was Belgium and I was born in Belgium in 1969, my parents were married at the time of my birth and their whole lives. I have contacted the embassy but it seems like I need my mother’s passport, ID card and a birth certificate, none of which I have nor can access as my mother died in 2001. Does anyone know where it would be possible to obtain or pay someone to find it for me? I have my original birth certificate from Belgium if that helps too. Thank you so much
submitted by BarberAway4091 to PassportsHunters [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Glittering_Ad3149 GameStop v bucks gone?

I have recently tried to go online and buy a digital vbuck card, they are saying no longer available and have been that way for about a week. Has anybody else ran into this issue? Was trying to get the free skin that comes with getting a gift card. I have a pro membership and use the discount. That is why I’m asking.
submitted by Glittering_Ad3149 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Trihstahn Godzilla

Godzilla submitted by Trihstahn to FRlegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 R_Racoon Kabam support on the buggy update

Kabam support on the buggy update I just got a response from Kabam support on my feedback on the update.
Botttom is my bug report , and top is their response
I know im not market banned or whatever he is talking about and i dont know anything about the leaderboard
Anyone got the same response?
submitted by R_Racoon to shoptitans [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 GiveMePROTEIN_ How This Simple Trick with Wise Saves Me Hundreds on Subscriptions, Travel, and Online Purchases!

I used to waste so much money on hidden fees without even realizing it—until I found Wise. Now, I’ve discovered a simple hack that saves me hundreds of dollars on everything from online subscriptions to traveling abroad, and I just had to share it.
Here’s how it works: I use Wise to pay in foreign currencies at real exchange rates, whether it’s for a streaming subscription, software, or when I’m traveling. One time, I wanted to buy a piece of software that was much cheaper in USD than in NZD. I paired Wise with a VPN, paid in USD, and saved over 40%! With Wise’s low fees, I still came out way ahead compared to what my bank would’ve charged me. It was such an eye-opener.
But the real magic happens when I travel. Wise makes it ridiculously easy to handle currency conversions at rates my bank could never touch. On my last trip, I used Wise to withdraw cash, pay for meals, and even book tours—it saved me heaps of money compared to my regular debit card. And the best part? No hidden fees, no nasty surprises on my statement.
If you’ve ever wondered, “Is Wise worth it?” or “How do I save money on subscriptions and travel?”—YES, 100%. Wise has been an absolute lifesaver for me, and I wish I’d found it sooner. If you’re tired of wasting money like I was, here’s my referral link to try it out: https://wise.com/invite/dic/declanl113
Trust me, it’s a game-changer. Ask me anything—I’m happy to share more tips or tricks to help you save, too!
submitted by GiveMePROTEIN_ to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 cKoruss My cousin's toy bus looks like a fern animation

My cousin's toy bus looks like a fern animation submitted by cKoruss to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ASTR47-TRAVELER Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47)

Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47) submitted by ASTR47-TRAVELER to PromoteMyMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ASTR47-TRAVELER Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47)

Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47) submitted by ASTR47-TRAVELER to PromoteYourMusic [link] [comments]
