2025.01.24 17:42 Holiday_Emergency481 Buying 2 standing for 25th
Want 2 standing tickets for 25th
submitted by Holiday_Emergency481 to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 ryfle_ AE Keeps crashing, curious if you guys can help.
Updated all my drivers, purged my cache on the file, working with 10gigs or so of footage in 4k. Have a few effects on some type but not a lot. High-end PC with 4070ti, 64gigs of ram, good CPU. Keep getting this crash message: https://preview.redd.it/rib4xuhiazee1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b6f9939c16e7fd530eab1dfebef88b70237e088 submitted by ryfle_ to AfterEffects [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 Apprehensive_Run7067 Do I have a chance at graduate-entry dental school?
Here are my background and academic qualifications:
2025.01.24 17:42 noareg post stuff about fake pokemon games & fake pokemon
submitted by noareg to fake_pokemon_games [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 UnlikelyInspection15 Loopy
Making a loop antenna in limited space....
If I cut a piece of wire 80 meters, but loop it around twice (so it the same size and shape as a 40m fullwave loop). Does it behave like an 80m loop, or 40m loop? or even something else?
Let's say I'm also going to keep the loop elements "parallel", like homemade ladder line......what will that do?
Uh-oh......got me thinkin'.....
What if I looped the 80m wire 8 times, so it's the size and shape of a 10m loop??
submitted by UnlikelyInspection15 to amateurradio [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 MasterpieceOk3873 Flu is worse than covid
I feel like no one talks (or wants to talk) about how bad the flu is. Having had COVID and flu myself, at least twice, my experience with flu was always much worse. Don’t get me wrong, COVID can be very serious… but I feel like I’m going to de when I have the flu! This has been an observation for years even before I became a nurse. I float medsurg & ED and have to say my flu patients are always sicker. Maybe we have a good protocol for COVID (remdesevir), people are vaxxed, etc. but those patients are always “chilling” in comparison. I just witnessed a fit, healthy patient COLLAPSE in the ED with flu this season. She had no other medical history, runs marathons. I always recommend flu shots to my patients, friends, family - and always receive it myself. Two of my family members pretty much don’t go to the doctor unless an arm falls off, so they obviously aren’t getting a flu shot. They’re both the sickest they’ve ever been with Flu A right now. One of them, almost in tears, told me they were “so scared of the flu” and “just had no idea.” This seems to be the consensus. I hate the way COVID & its vaccines misguided the general public. Flu still klls tens of thousands every year. It did during the height of COVID, too. Say what you want about the vaccines but people should be aware of how severe flu (and other viruses) can be. Thoughts?
submitted by MasterpieceOk3873 to nursing [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 Efficient-Support-13 Resultat favorable code moto mais problème administratif ?
Bonjour à tous,
Je viens d'obtenir mon code moto avec succès cependant il semblerait que je l'ai obtenu avant la confirmation de mon inscription à l'auto-ecole auprès de l'ANTS à un jour prêt
Mon auto-ecole m'indique que celui-ci pourrait être non-valide et que je devrais le repasser, avez-vous déjà été confronté à ce genre de situation?
Merci d'avance
submitted by Efficient-Support-13 to Motardie [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 BOOM_all_pass ECX Technical Test
I'm here to announce about Epic Conquest X is open for Technical Test, for those who interested, you can submit your email in https://ecx.gacogames.com/ The Technical Test will start from 30 January 2025 until 6 Febuary 2025! Stay tune for more information!
2025.01.24 17:42 PoppaT1 Steering rack - thanks for the heads-up!
I bought a '23 Bolt EV from Carvana last November, it was one of the Hertz vehicles. 27,000 miles. I am totally new to Bolts and EVs. It made a noise so I took it to the Dealer and they replaced the left front wheel bearing, no charge. I asked what else to expect for in the way of maintenance and they said rotating the tires and replacing the cabin air filter is all I should expect.
I have read on this sub about the steering rack and the steering wheel returning to center after a turn. My steering wheel does not return to center, I have never had a car that did, and I did not think there was a problem. The steering seemed fine to me. But, since it is still under warranty I decided to take it back to the dealership to get it checked out.
The Dealer says it needs the steering rack replaced, they will have it done next week, covered under warranty. Includes alignment.
I am very pleased about the Dealer's no argument, no BS, here is the problem and we will fix it attitude. But I wonder if they knew if the steering rack needed replacing when they replaced the wheel bearing?
I am going to guess that as a rental someone hit a pothole really hard and messed up the steering, but there is no real way of telling.
I am interested to see what it is like to drive a car with a steering wheel that returns to center on its own.
Thanks to the guys who posted about this problem! I would not have known my Bolt had a problem and once out of warranty it would have cost me.
Does anyone have data as to what percentage of '23 Bolts develop steering rack problems?
submitted by PoppaT1 to BoltEV [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 BokChoyBaka First tank - Day 20. How amateur is it looking
That's a wonder shell inside the little house. I have 4x guppy. 4 white clouds, and 4 zebra danio in the 36gal There's some real plants tossed in but I don't have any fertilizer, yet. But the little hydroponic rotala sample i got is growing fast. The (anubias?)/(Amazon sword?) on the left has remained unchanged for the duration, is it a root feeder? (No root tabs yet) I want to finish up the stocking with 4 or 5 Kuhli loaches and one balloon molly. I will need some rocky/woody decor, and further plant cultivation to get it where I want it to go, and the little volcano will come out, and I will try to move the little house on a suction cupped shelf maybe. Any comments? submitted by BokChoyBaka to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 Radiant_Ike WB Dialga 183751083625
submitted by Radiant_Ike to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 stevey83 Santander app - problem with balance blurred out
Sorry if this is the wrong sub, can’t think where else to ask! My Santander app must have updated, and now my account balances are blurred out. Does anyone know how to set the app to show the balance? Many thanks.
submitted by stevey83 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 AdBeginning8292 No Room for "over-the-top" Cynics
If you are someone that is judgemental or that is critical of others, and thinks that this is a positive help to others; there is a better way...be positive, helpful, and kind. Please consider joining idahome to share your experiences, thoughts, and ideas.
We are building our own world, our own country, our own state, and our own home. It's up to us to improve, help others to improve, and find joy while living in Idaho. "Reach Out to Lift Others".
submitted by AdBeginning8292 to Idaho [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 Far_Spare6201 EP140 I Siri Lawatan PMX, WEF2025, Ham dan Sijil Halal, Presiden Trump, Gencatan Senjata Gaza
submitted by Far_Spare6201 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 PIN-DE-CHIP Meu primeiro servidor de mídia
Fala, pessoal, boa tarde!
Sou novo aqui no Reddit, sempre usei sem conta, mas hoje preciso de vocês. Atualmente, utilizo o Jellyfin no meu computador pessoal para rodar como servidor dos meus filmes e séries. Gostaria de montar um mini servidor para atender somente a essa finalidade: rodar e acessar meus filmes na minha rede local. Não tenho pretensão de utilizar fora de casa, quero apenas poder acessar na TV da minha casa e no celular (dentro da rede local).
Pesquisei um pouco e encontrei alguns storages NAS, mas são bem caros, e não tenho muita verba para isso (rs). Além disso, não tenho muito espaço para alocar outra máquina para essa finalidade. Acabei encontrando algumas opções de mini computadores que não estão tão baratos, mas tenho dúvidas se há possibilidade de fazer upgrades no armazenamento interno ou conectar algum armazenamento externo.
Enfim, o que encontrei foi:
2025.01.24 17:42 JHofNYC Quick Review - Vanilla Weiss, the Unrelenting Cannon
I believe the consensus sentiment is out there already for Weiss, but here’s a quick review video anyway. Must pull? No. Strong? Quite, in a proper team. Beginner friendly? Yes. Funny? Also yes. submitted by JHofNYC to Eversoul [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 Odd-Satisfaction-783 December results trading with group.
Just paid 0.5 sol for this group. Has pretty good calls, just they’re on the eastern time zone & im on west coast so its sometimes hard for me to keep up. Anyone know some good west coast groups ? submitted by Odd-Satisfaction-783 to shitcoinmoonshots [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 MingusTheClown [LIVE] TAKING REQUESTS all that jazz live at Cassariano in Venice, Florida
Have fun engaging, making requests, and maybe even learning or sharing with Joe Bruno, Bassist for Dovydas and with his own Brunoconnection Family Music Business, including 94-year-old trumpeter,...
Watch Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYVB6v47hPs
View Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@joebrunobass
submitted by MingusTheClown to livejazz [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 usdballum FS/NFT 2024 Allen Ginter Chrome Singles. X-fractor, Refractors & Base. See Prices in Captions. Shipping $1.50 PWE (Up to 4)/$5 BMWT. Paypal Only.
submitted by usdballum to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 Important_Nature6031 Dette pas chère et investissement
Bonjour à tous,
La description va être un peu longue mais je souhaite être le plus exhaustif possible.
J’ai une situation financière un peu particulière et je ne commence que depuis quelques mois (enfin !) à m’intéresser à comment améliorer ma situation. Je m’en remets ainsi à vous ! J’ai 27 ans, je suis célibataire et locataire (430euros/mois). Je gagne approximativement 2000 €/mois et je risque d’avoir une revalorisation au cours du premier semestre pour tomber aux alentours des 2200 €/mois. Je ne suis pas un grand dépensier mais je souffre d’un handicap financier depuis que j’ai fait des études.
J’ai contracté un premier prêt étudiant de 17500 euros à un taux de 1% dont il me reste aujourd’hui 7600 euros à rembourser jusqu’à juillet 2027 (30 mois) avec des mensualités a 256 euros
Et un second prêt étudiant de 30 000 euros dont le taux est a 0,89% dont il me reste à rembourser 27 500 euros, 55 mois restants pour des mensualités à 524 euros jusqu’en juillet 2029. (Assurance non résiliable qui augmente les mensualités)
Je rembourse donc environ 780 euros de crédit tous les mois ce qui est un peu étouffant.
Je ne vais pas épiloguer mais mes études se sont prolongées, mal passées, et j’ai du renoncer au diplôme pour lequel j’avais emprunté de l’argent, et par conséquent je n’ai pas les revenus qui étaient prévus pour rembourser correctement les crédits.
Pour relativiser, je n’ai pas tout dépensé du second prêt et vu que je travaille depuis plus de 2 ans, j’ai pu me refaire un petit capital, et j’ai pu payer ma voiture sans refaire de crédit. Je possède actuellement environ 38 000 euros qui sont dans des livrets divers ainsi que 1500 euros dans un PEA Boursobank dans l’indice MSCI World de ishares (WPEA)
Je peux donc théoriquement tout rembourser (pas de pénalités de remboursement pour les crédits étudiants) mais j’ai cru comprendre que vu les taux auxquels j’ai emprunté, ce serait dommage de ne pas utiliser cet argent.
Comme en témoigne l’ouverture récente du PEA, je me suis pas mal informé sur l’investissement en bourse et j’ai envie de continuer à investir quelques centaines d’euros tous les mois (idéalement 20% donc environ 400 euros tous les mois). Je mise sur une stratégie très long terme (retraite) donc 30-35 ans
Je n’ai pas de projet d’achat de résidence principale à court-moyen terme (5 ans)
Mon fonctionnement actuel est que je ponctionne dans les livrets les moins performants pour rembourser les prêts et j’investis ce que je peux dans le PEA mais je ne veux pas me mettre en danger car au bout d’un moment je vais arriver en dessous de mon seuil d’épargne de précaution et je ne pourrais donc plus investir et ponctionner directement dans mon salaire pour rembourser les prêts.
Que pensez-vous de ma stratégie ? Avez-vous des idées pour m’aider à l’optimiser ?
Merci de m’avoir lu et merci d’avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de me répondre. Bonne soirée !
submitted by Important_Nature6031 to VosSous [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 MidnightPractical69 Dear M - Almost a year later and I still feel the same. I should have told you the truth.
Hi M,
I keep seeing your profile picture appear in Facebook messenger. I said I wouldn't block you but you did everywhere else. I understand why you did - as its painful for me to keep seeing you knowing just how much I gave up.
I wanted to come clean. I fell victim to my brain, my friends telling me things and my mother also playing tricks on me. I know that comes as no surprise to you.
I've been in weekly therapy since we broke up and its shown me many things. One of which is that I have opted out of life cause its easier, bowing to others to not rock the ship and denying what I want. The truth is I wanted you. I want you.
I want to be together, I want us to be living in that city together, I want to be building a life together. I was imagining us getting married recently. Therapy has shown me just how much I denied my own feelings at the cost of us, at the cost of you.
Its almost been a full year since we broke up and my feelings, desire and love for you have never gone away. I still think about you daily.
I want oh so badly to talk to you, tell you how I feel - what I want and what I am so sorry for.
I truly miss you. And I am so sorry.
I love you still.
submitted by MidnightPractical69 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 Otterly_Superior I was so, so close to an unseeded NANEINF, and now I can feel Jimbo himself sneering and laughing at me
I was on an unseeded run with baron/mime on plasma deck. No Perkeo, no anaglyph shenanigans. I was rerolling the boss to get the serpent and played my completely optimized hand with 28 cards remaining in hand, scoring e299. I did the math. I was ONE card off. I continued like this, skipping and rerolling the boss for around 4 antes, trying desperately to find any possible source of +1 handsize. Then I see it: a +3 hand size skip tag. Salvation! ...until I look at the boss and realize what ante Im on. It's fucking verdant leaf, and Im on ante 32. I can't get the serpent. It's like Jimbo is mocking me. So close, yet so far. In a game with 150 jokers, Im still somehow the biggest fool. submitted by Otterly_Superior to balatro [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 mdgrwl [WTS] Omega Speedmaster Racing 44.25mm Orange 329. ( excellent / 2020 / box and papers )
submitted by mdgrwl to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:42 Jonathan-Smith Dude shows off his invisibility shield
submitted by Jonathan-Smith to ididntknowthatexists [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:42 hyperactiverobot Micro switch replacement recommendation for Logitech MX Anywhere (2024)
I need to change the micro switches on my MX Anywhere 3 (double click problem) and I want a durable option with a feel just like the original switches or maybe quieter.
Which one do you recommend? thank you so much. 🙌🏻
submitted by hyperactiverobot to MouseReview [link] [comments]