I got postponed

2025.01.24 21:24 roroaffulent I got postponed

This is the end of my Academic Weapon era
submitted by roroaffulent to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Powppwranger Bought three collectors boosters today. Felt pretty lucky!

Avacyn and Olivia foils. Gonna put them all in my decks!
submitted by Powppwranger to mtg [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 kevin12610 Update I manage to get enough fodder for the 7 Toty I wanted and sell the rest 🙃

Update I manage to get enough fodder for the 7 Toty I wanted and sell the rest 🙃 submitted by kevin12610 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 geogant Grampa (OC)

Grampa (OC) https://preview.redd.it/p4xm3xbhe0fe1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=398ac6e32dc2bc2f06688225a963abf85687e674
submitted by geogant to comics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 756

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Impressive-Goat3886 ICE tried to raid an elementary school in Chicago

ICE tried to raid an elementary school in Chicago submitted by Impressive-Goat3886 to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]


submitted by doutorx999 to DiretoDoZapZap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Affectionate_Dot7099 PS5 malakith

Can someone help me with this guy second phase it hard asb
submitted by Affectionate_Dot7099 to EldenRingHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Athillazkillers Yondu moment

Yondu moment submitted by Athillazkillers to SoulKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Pristine-Reaction648 Deity question

Hey everyone, hope ya had a lovely week.
I wanted to ask if anyone has experienced feeling upset or angry at their deity for something and how do/did you deal with those feelings.
For context, Aphrodite is one of the deities I work with. I give her weekly offerings and dedicate my daily skincare/self care routines to her. I live with my rents so I’ve made her an Altar box where I can give her my offerings, pray to her, etc (it helps me “hide” my altar). I feel like I’ve built a good relationship with her over the last few months so back in November 2024, I asked her for some help with a situation. While I understand deities are not obligated to help us, I divinated and she gave me confirmation that she would assist. In December, I had a chat with her about the situation, expressed gratitude for her assistance, etc. Did another divination and she said everything is moving into place.
Today, I received information about the situation and unfortunately it’s not progressing any further which really upsets me.
I’m struggling to process my emotions and I feel very much let down by her and I don’t like that feeling. I still did my weekly offering to her today and I did express to her how I felt but it’s been quiet on her side. Anyone ever felt this way?
submitted by Pristine-Reaction648 to Hellenism [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 LiIy__ in the new albums cover cyn has a purple heart in their eye :3c

i think you can deffo tell what one of their fav songs they made is LMFAO
submitted by LiIy__ to Cynthoni [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 BurningPlatypus Non riesco più a vivere nel posto in cui sono nato

Salve a tutti, sono un ragazzo di 28 anni, sono nato e ho vissuto fino ai 22 anni in una città del sud, per poi trasferirmi al nord fino a circa 2 anni fa, quando ho deciso di riprendere l'università tornando nella mia città natale. Sin da quando sono tornato l'obiettivo era quello di andare via nuovamente, in quanto non ho mai provato un legame profondo verso la mia terra natìa, pur avendo qui la mia famiglia e gli amici di una vita. Il problema principale che ho riscontrato è il non riuscire a legare particolarmente con altre persone, o perlomeno non con la stessa facilità e intensità con cui sono riuscito a stringere amicizie o relazioni al nord. Sto facendo un percorso con un terapeuta da quando sono tornato ed ho già affrontato il problema nelle ultime sedute, perché ultimamente (anche a seguito della fine di una relazione a distanza che vedevo come una "via di fuga" per andare via da qui) la sensazione di non appartenere davvero a questo luogo e di non trovare persone con la quale legare si è fatta opprimente, ho provato a frequentare più posti e più persone ma mi sono reso conto che la differenza nei modi di vivere/modi di vedere le cose è il più delle volte troppo ampia e la sensazione di "solitudine" (non fisica quanto mentale) continua a persistere e l'idea di dover spendere il mio futuro qui è una possibilità che mi intristisce automaticamente. Nella mia situazione attuale, mi mancherebbe un anno per terminare gli studi, dopodiché tuttavia non saprei se ricominciare a 30 anni in un'altra città (praticamente da solo e dovendo ripartire da 0 a livello sociale), o rimanere qui nella speranza di poter risolvere quello che a questo punto non capisco se sia un blocco personale o una situazione che anche altre persone abbiano avuto.
submitted by BurningPlatypus to psicologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Doonie43 Western Carribean

Time for another trip!
submitted by Doonie43 to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Courteus_Fallighar Why is Protection bad?

Please forgive me for asking the forbidden question, I'm aware that Protection is hated, but I don't understand how. I get that, by itself, a maximum of 15% less damage isn't great. But doesn't that stack with any built-in Armour damage reductions? If there's any math behind it, please try to, somewhat simply, explain it.
submitted by Courteus_Fallighar to MinecraftDungeons [link] [comments]


THE WORLD'S GREATESS SUPERHERO OF ALL TIME NOW THE WORLD'S GREATEST SPACE MARINE!!!! submitted by Nathalogik to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 savasinallahi Im now new eternia chief

Im now new eternia chief submitted by savasinallahi to WorldboxWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Proper_Signature782 Dialga raids 2 in a row 3 locals we smash this 947642983765

submitted by Proper_Signature782 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 LiIy__ in the new albums cover cyn has a purple heart in their eye :3c

in the new albums cover cyn has a purple heart in their eye :3c https://preview.redd.it/321xak8be0fe1.png?width=273&format=png&auto=webp&s=2823a5bb8071d118e66e38bad27e75fe88449f2a
i think you can deffo tell what one of their fav songs they made is LMFAO
submitted by LiIy__ to Cynthoni [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Ok_Magazine5296 Would anybody let me buy the shitzu hakuchou bike from them?

I am on Xbox 1 btw.
submitted by Ok_Magazine5296 to GrandTheftAutoV [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Sweaty-Business8984 I am on a huge budget

So i'm on a huge budget and i want a VR for my PC, ive been looking at the oculus rift S, is this a good idea in 2025? or should i get a different one.
submitted by Sweaty-Business8984 to VRGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 GhostieMarvelMrs How do you think these ghosts died?

• Björn •Jenkins •Judy •Shiki •George (the puritan) •Molly (the maid)
Let me know if I missed anyone
submitted by GhostieMarvelMrs to GhostsCBS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Same-Introduction83 So far this month.. Think I finally got it down

So far this month.. Think I finally got it down I’ve been papertrading consistently now for the last two months. By March I’m going to start trading with my real money (again). I think I can finally be profitable now.
submitted by Same-Introduction83 to Webull [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Derritiendose Adios you fuckin' skank!

Adios you fuckin' skank! submitted by Derritiendose to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Silent_Blacksmith_29 Roses are red, I use a catapult

Roses are red, I use a catapult submitted by Silent_Blacksmith_29 to rosesarered [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 21:24 Baby-Boring WB DIALGA +4 irl 523517214546

submitted by Baby-Boring to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
