서비스 이용정보. 이용약관; 위치기반서비스이용약관; 개인정보처리방침; 문의전화 : 1566-7727 (평일 09:00-18:00, 유료) 멜론티켓 PICK! 추천공연. 더 글로우 2025 (THE GLOW 2025) 2025.03.29 - 2025.03.30 일산 킨텍스(KINTEX) 제 2전시장 2025 GOT7 CONCERT 〈NESTFEST〉 2025.01.31 - 2025.02.02 온라인 외 2개 지역 Dynamicduo 1st Concert in Japan ~これからたまに会おうぜ~ (앞으로 가끔 보자) 2025.03.28 - 2025.03.29 duo MUSIC EXCHANGE (일본 도쿄) 문의전화 : 1566-7727 (평일 09:00-18:00, 유료) 이메일 : [email protected] 호스팅서비스사업자 : (주)카카오엔터테인먼트 © Kakao Entertainment Corp. 접속하신 단말/브라우저에서는 멜론 서비스의 사용이 일부 제한될 수 있습니다. No.1 뮤직플랫폼 멜론! 최신 트렌드부터 나를 아는 똑똑한 음악추천까지! 음악이 필요한 순간, 멜론 Collection of Personal Information for Ticket Booking Service. The company may collect/use member’s essential information (necessary information) to perform essential functions and to process business of the Melon ticket service, and may also selectively collect/use additional information (optional information) to provide services on behalf of member’s requests and necessities. 음악이 필요한 순간, 멜론 회사소개; 이용약관; 멜론티켓이용약관; 개인정보처리방침; 청소년보호정책; 파트너센터 ㈜카카오엔터테인먼트 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 221 공동대표이사 : 권기수, 장윤중 사업자등록번호 : 220-88-02594 통신판매업신고번호 : 2018-성남분당b-0004 사업자정보확인 고객센터(평일/주말 09:00~18:00 ... Offers tickets for K-pop Concerts, Musicals and Theatre in Korea. ️눈 오는 날 딱 ️ 듣고 싶은 k-pop
2025.01.25 01:21 LingonberryOverall49 Melon playground is broken
submitted by LingonberryOverall49 to MelonPlayground [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 OriginialDemon Just bought a modded 360 and kinda lost
I’ve always wanted a modded 360 but considering how hard/expensive it is to get one and mod it I never looked too much into it. Just today I came across an amazing deal and managed to buy one already modded. All I really know so far is it’s a white Xbox 360 and the guy put a fan on the side, when I pressed eject it booted into xell reloaded but hasn’t done anything since. I did also get a disc with it that says “original nand” that I have no idea what to do with. I’m trying to read tutorials but it’s a lot of information and I don’t know what step I’m on (since the hard stuff was done already). I really just want to know how I can put games onto it and play them, and whatever other cool stuff I can do with it.
submitted by OriginialDemon to 360hacks [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 WorldlyShake6545 JUST LIFE
submitted by WorldlyShake6545 to technologicalslavery [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:21 Xanthotoxin Is LAN only mode enough?
I'm on the same page as everyone else, I don't want this update to go through and I think Bambu is shooting themselves in the foot. That being said, I set my P1S to LAN only mode. I'll miss using the app on my phone, but I can live with that. My question is: is that enough to make sure that my printer doesn't automatically update or something? I still want to be able to send prints from my PC to the printer and use the camera inside it.
submitted by Xanthotoxin to BambuLab [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 techfanboy90 Use my referral code to save on your new Tesla. Thank you!
submitted by techfanboy90 to TeslaReferralCodesNow [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Background_Candy7382 New Shipment Just Came In 😊
I’ve got to share something. I’ve spent months sifting through vendors, trying to find one that actually delivers on quality. It’s been a frustrating ride, but I finally locked in with someone who checks all the boxes. The craftsmanship? Spot on. The attention to detail? Better than I could’ve hoped for. I’m genuinely impressed, and I don’t say that lightly.
I’ve had a handful of people take a look at what I’ve got, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s one of those things where you can immediately tell the difference—these pieces just stand out. Honestly, I’m just hyped to finally have access to something this solid. It’s one thing to hear about quality, but when you see it for yourself, it hits different.
If you’re into luxury timepieces and want to connect, swap thoughts, or even take a closer look at what I’ve got, my DMs are open. I’m always down to chat with other watch enthusiasts— I enjoy watching behind the scenes on this passionate community, but I had to say something, and I love hearing what people are into. Let me know what your favorite styles are or what you’re currently rocking on your wrist. Let’s talk.
submitted by Background_Candy7382 to RepTime [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Awkward-Bet-4553 Dialga 2 local 012142251290
submitted by Awkward-Bet-4553 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Safe-Cartographer128 Just how passionate are European Football Fans compared to Americans?
I'm an American. I don't watch European Football (what I call soccer). So I know very little about it.
I do watch the NFL and College Football. I like it a lot. I have my teams. But if my teams lose I care for about 20 minutes and then I move on.
How is it in Europe?
My sense is that fans take it way more seriously. Like you might literally end a friendship if your friend roots for a rival team?
Just how passionate are the average fans of places like Chelsea or Real Madrid or Man City or whatever?
submitted by Safe-Cartographer128 to football [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 NomadDaGreatR6 H: ReflectiveMod W: Gatling Plamsa Calibrated Capacitor Plan
submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 BusinessAir2849 Dm if you recognize her
submitted by BusinessAir2849 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:21 user905022 youjin didnt do anything wrong, i think she just gave men the ick
everyones right about youjin just wanting to have fun, i mean she was drunk and you do silly things when youre drunk.
however the people who say it was really unwarranted for the men to stop liking her after the campfire scene misses the point in which i think the men just got icked out.
just to clarify, an ick is NOT a red flag. an ick is something stupid that turns you off stupidly for no reason, like if a man laughs very weirdly it may "give you the ick".
i think youjin swinging and laughing and talking outloud to herself may have given junseo the ick as well as dongho. you could honestly say that they're boring for losing feelings over that but for junseo i think he was feeling really tipsy and tired that night and kind of over how youjin was ignoring him the whole time, i believe her drunk activities just pushed it over the edge.
despite this, i still believe its so rude how junseo is treating youjin by not even saying hi to her, it doesnt matter if you dont like her romantically saying hi is basic manners.
thank you for listening, i don't mean to offend anyone and i love everyone on the show believe it or not.
submitted by user905022 to Singlesinferno2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 OhNoughNaughtMe Irresistible redhead butt in washed black Align leggings
submitted by OhNoughNaughtMe to aligns [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:21 returnofthefuzz Just finished the cover art for my soon-to-be webcomic!
submitted by returnofthefuzz to ProCreate [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:21 LongbottomLeafblower Amazon what's it about? New feature
"A girl with a powerful Crystal must decide whether to sacrifice magical creatures to save her world."
I think its a good feature, but I think a more accurate description would be "has to decide whether to sacrifice her life to save the magical creatures' world."
I feel like this will help with sales but it is slightly inaccurate.
submitted by LongbottomLeafblower to selfpublish [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 TankSpecialist8857 Scoot not starting
Terrible development IMO.
Just as he's figuring it out: "Back to the bench so we can give these trade assets time to shine before we ship them out!"
I don't get it. Seems like a really short sighted move.
submitted by TankSpecialist8857 to ripcity [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 TacticalWarfarin [WTB] Shaw Concepts ARC V2 Shoulder Pads Ranger Green
submitted by TacticalWarfarin to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 tazthedevil14 I’m calling it now
We are gonna find out later that Ms haung is actually a member of the community that was possibly killed in a work accident. She says she used to work as a crossing guard. Ms Casey was killed in a car accident. So maybe ms haung was hit by a car. Both ms haung and ms Casey don’t have first names under the casting list so what is happening to them may be related. Maybe she is the one that they met Quota on last season.
submitted by tazthedevil14 to severence [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Carlos-Mty-Mex Extorsión telefónica
Es la segunda ves que me llaman , dicen mi nombre apeidos una persona que se dice "militar" con acento del centro del país diciéndome que tiene un sobre y me tiene que entregar en persona , me dice que el conoce a al gobernador , a los alcaldes y hay una mujer que dice cosas de mi y me que pide que me hagan daño .... obvio colgué y puse el número en bloqueado , les suena familiar?
submitted by Carlos-Mty-Mex to Monterrey [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Over_Personality_772 Posso ficar na lista de espera do enem usp estando matriculado na fuvest?
Passei em economia noturno pela fuvest, mas queria muito fazer diurno porque não sou de sp. Apesar de que eu ache que passaria na lista de espera pela fuvest, não acho que vou passar na segunda chamada e vou me matricular porque não quero perder a vaga. Vi no edital da fuvest e do enem usp que o candidato matriculado em qualquer uma de suas opções não tem direito à lista de espera, mas não é mencionado nada sobre concorrer na lista estando matriculado por outro processo seletivo. Posso demonstrar interesse pela lista de espera do enem usp estando matriculado pela fuvest?
submitted by Over_Personality_772 to USP [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 throwlythethrowaway I fucked up - Can I get some tips on getting the frame back when I've been letting a bitch walk all over my dumb ass?
Met my girl six months ago and let my guard down way too much. We got serious faster than I ever have before (for reference I'm 29 and she's 27).
I've let her treat me like complete shit more than once because she got into the "oh that's okay snookums" part of my brain like no other girl has. Usually as soon as they start acting up I have no problem walking away. The issue is that I still love her stupid ass and she's leaving me.
She tells me all this junk about how I'm "the love of her life", but that doesn't mean that "she want's a relationship right now". Just dogbrained shit I haven't been able to get past verbally.
Has anyone ever came back from this? I don't have anyone IRL to talk this over with.
submitted by throwlythethrowaway to patriceoneal [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Financial-Cup9957 oo
www.goofy ahhh website.org
submitted by Financial-Cup9957 to rmeme [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 constellation_s iPhone front camera makes the teeth look very yellow?
I was on a video call using the front camera....and my teeth went yellower by three shades...and this is happening only in some of the frames where my teeth change to yellow as soon as I smile.
submitted by constellation_s to iphone [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 karengreen33 Es más barato 🤷🏾♂️
submitted by karengreen33 to dankgentina [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:21 Nice_Strength4431 Itinerary advice!!
Me and my husband are making our first trip to Europe in Sept 2025! We’ve come up with an itinerary and curious if people who have been think it looks ok? Or have other suggestions.
When I’ve posted previously, the only feedback i got was a battle over whether Lake Como was the best or the worse.
What is not helpful to me is one, saying Lake Como is superior and we should just spend the whole trip there or two, saying Lake Como isn’t worth it and to not waste our time going there. We will be going for a couple of days😅
We are going to Switzerland before hand, and this is what we’ve come up with
Switzerland to Bellagio - stay Bellagio 2 nights
Bellagio to Venice - stay Venice 2 nights
Venice to Florence - stay Florence 3 nights
Florence to Rome - stay Rome 3 nights.
Fly home from Rome
Do we need a 4th night in Rome? Is there any thing we should alter?
submitted by Nice_Strength4431 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:21 Dek_73 That One (by Me) 1/24/25
submitted by Dek_73 to drawing [link] [comments] |