Anushka or Rakul

2025.01.26 06:37 Brave_Fan_4918 Anushka or Rakul

Anushka or Rakul submitted by Brave_Fan_4918 to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Dark_Saint28 Eggs haven't Hatched!

Hi everyone, I got a pair of love birds and they laid 3 eggs , she first laid 2 eggs on 1st jan , and then 3rd egg on 18th jan... I've read on internet that it usually takes 24 days for an egg to hatch and if it goes past 30 then there is no chance it'll hatch... However one of my friends of suggesting that i use my phone's flash to see if there us development in eggs and if there is chicks inside might need a little help... Im not aure what to do , that's why im here 🙂
submitted by Dark_Saint28 to birds [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 cleeswamp My system moc (he loves flipping off others)

My system moc (he loves flipping off others) His name is mister fellow by the way
submitted by cleeswamp to bioniclelego [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Lucky-Recognition12 Do it

Do it submitted by Lucky-Recognition12 to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 SRT_007_ [37/M] Looking for lasting connections here! Traveler seeking friends!

Hey! I am looking for friends, and one day my best friend! I am 37, and I live in Florida. I am flight crew, a flight attendant and I still see all types of weather even though I live in Florida.
I enjoy what I do. I am not on the typical 9-5 type job. As flight crew, I am awake at random times, any day I could be working. So I am not on any specific time zone. So it doesn’t matter where my friends are from time zone wise. I have many travel pictures as I fly for work and I fly for free.
I am a nerd. I love gaming, I have multiple PS5’s, a switch OLED, gaming PC’s, etc. I love animal crossing, all sorts of games.
I love music. I am an electronic music producer known as DJ Pegasus. I produce EDM, house, drum and bass, techno, trance, etc. I also play drums for over 20 years now. I have a nice Roland electronic drum set in my room.
I am very busy a we just bought a house and eventually my real dream is to become a pilot, so very soon I need to find loans and resume flight school, which I am doing soon.
I am looking for some good friends, and one day a best friend. I am highly sarcastic and looking for people I actually vibe with. I like thought out direct messages, give me your most sarcastic opener message! I’m looking forward to hearing from people!
submitted by SRT_007_ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 luddens_desir Disappearing AVI reference
Ignore the crappy animation, I've never been an animator, really. That's a skill issue. The real issue I'm having is that the AVI reference that I drag-n-dropped into blender becomes invisible when I go into pose mode which is a problem, because that's the only time I need it. I don't know what I could have changed to do that.
The ground disappears? So I assume there's some sort of isolate mode, but I don't know how I turned that on or why that only applies in pose armature mode.
submitted by luddens_desir to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Excellent_Remove4643 Need to pay rent ASAP, selling content, help!!

Im 28, female. I'm new but knowledgeable to selling content. I'm selling content (single photos, bundles, single videos, bundles) upon request. I'm needing to pay rent like... YESTERDAY. On top of that, my birthday is in 3 days! So please DM me if interested!!!
submitted by Excellent_Remove4643 to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 remotearmyio Remote Other opportunity: Senior Technical Writer

🚀 New remote opportunity: Senior Technical Writer Job Category: Other
Job summary:

👉 Learn more and apply here:
Register for free at for more remote opportunities and content to succeed at remote work!
submitted by remotearmyio to remotearmy [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Miao_Yin8964 川普拯救了TikTok,留在小紅書的外國人中會誕生下一個郭傑瑞嗎?

川普拯救了TikTok,留在小紅書的外國人中會誕生下一個郭傑瑞嗎? submitted by Miao_Yin8964 to Rednote_Regrets [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 pmd2tv what’s an actual price this coin can go to by the end of the year? Is there a long term in xcn?

submitted by pmd2tv to XCN [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 GKHD1633 Fantastic Only to Celestial!

Fantastic Only to Celestial! submitted by GKHD1633 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Effective-Student11 Signed up for online event

Some reason never got any email, unsure why.
submitted by Effective-Student11 to Safari [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Feeling-Dog9117 Pragya Jaiswal

Pragya Jaiswal submitted by Feeling-Dog9117 to PragyaJaiswal_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Silver-Pea-8990 California nurse insurance? Or none?

As a California nurse, I’ve heard from other nurses that if a lawsuit arises, a nurse with liability insurance may be targeted. My concern is that if I don’t obtain insurance, will my employer’s insurance be sufficient? Are there instances where the employer’s insurance may not provide adequate protection? Should nurses consider getting insurance, or is it not necessary?
submitted by Silver-Pea-8990 to nursing [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 fatlittlemidget What I asked for vs what I got (1st Year Apprentice)

Caylee Rose; Scripted Souls Tattoo; Adelaide, Australia
submitted by fatlittlemidget to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Hakan0109 Zihin Karmaşası 27. bölüm: Dünya Bir Bilgisayar mı?

Zihin Karmaşası 27. bölüm: Dünya Bir Bilgisayar mı? 4,5 milyar yaşındaki dünyada 300 bin yaşında olan modern insanın son 500 yılda sorduğu sorular muazzam bir bilgi birikimi yarattı. Artık zekamız bu dünyanın ötesine uzanırken evreni anlama biçimimiz kökten değişiyor.
Belki de modern insanla başlayan bu süreçte kozmosun bu bölgesinde tüm evreni etkileyecek yeni bir big bang yarattık.
O halde şu soruyu sormanın artık haklı gerekçeleri olduğunu düşünebiliriz. Bu bilgi patlamasını başlatan biz olsak da bu süreci Dünya gibi devasa bir bilgisayar yönetiyor olabilir mi? Evrenin temel yapı taşları ve fizik yasaları, bir bilgisayar programının kodları olamaz mı?
Belki de “Bir Otostopçunun Galaksi Rehberinde” yazdığı gibi Dünya’da bizden daha zeki bir varlığın üzerimizde deneyler yaptığı bir simülasyonuz.
Bu düşünce, hem heyecan verici hem de ürkütücü gelse de bir o kadar özgürleştiricidir çünkü evrenin sonsuz olasılıklara açık olduğunu gösterir. Bu sebeple bunlara olmayacak şeyler gözüyle bakmamalıyız. Sonuçta Tanrı'ya da inanırız ama onu görmeyiz.
Daha fazlası için pod yayınımı dinleyebilir ve Monolog'da yazımı okuyabilirsiniz
Dünya bir kuantum bilgisayar olabilir mi?
submitted by Hakan0109 to PodcastPromoting [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Dramatic-Ad-995 KaiserRyu’s gift of fave 1

KaiserRyu’s gift of fave 1 submitted by Dramatic-Ad-995 to makeyourchoice [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 TheLineForPho 🧵 Thread of how Hamas trolled the fuck out of zionists today.

🧵 Thread of how Hamas trolled the fuck out of zionists today. submitted by TheLineForPho to NewsWithJingjing [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Motor-Function-7863 What would be a good mini gaming pc under 700

submitted by Motor-Function-7863 to MiniPCs [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 VivienNathaly Outfit of the day

Was haltet ihr von meinem heutigen Outfit? Hab mir extra viel Mühe gegeben ❤️
submitted by VivienNathaly to Mode [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 morecoffeemore Do the synthetic leathers breathe?

I once had a pair of the plastic birkenstocks and returned them, because my feet got super sweaty and clammy under the straps. Is the faux leatheplastic leather any better? Does it breathe?
submitted by morecoffeemore to Birkenstocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 SirStirThePot ELO Hell is real. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

ELO Hell is real. Don't let them tell you otherwise. Your favorite YouTubestreamer is WRONG. I made it to Plat as a tank main and then up to GM I after playing mostly Rocket. I made a second account to see how high I could get as a tank again. Bronze and Silver were absolutely miserable and felt out of my hands sometimes. As soon as I hit Gold, I couldn't stop winning.
submitted by SirStirThePot to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 R43- The oil painting that I messed up on.

The oil painting that I messed up on. Does anyone else have that one painting that they should have stepped back from but didn't and ended up messing it up? Because I did!
This is a reminder that it's okay to step back from a painting you are working on. it gives you time to reflect!
It's also okay to mess up a painting because at the end it's just a learning experience. You can always go back and re do it!
At least my parents like it, so that's all that matters to me is the fact they think it's unique.
Feel free to critique me, I'd love to learn what I should or rather can in the future do to improve this!
submitted by R43- to oilpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 Ok-Row2281 headlight question

i had to cut out a bent portion of my front end on my 3000gt and i need to get a new headlight bucket/ core support front part. I would put my 1994 headlights in the buckets. are they the same mounting points or will it not work
submitted by Ok-Row2281 to 3000gt [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:37 ChineseShrek I’m a sucker for slow-motion, graceful arcing movements.

I’m a sucker for slow-motion, graceful arcing movements. submitted by ChineseShrek to DarlingInTheFranxx [link] [comments]