the grind was worth it

2025.01.27 04:01 pogbautd the grind was worth it

the grind was worth it eusebio from 85x2 sbc, sawa from 88+ icon pick
submitted by pogbautd to EAFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: preparación

preparación translates to preparation
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to GalicianFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Redhood101101 How to make an arena fight interesting?

My players are heading to a new plane of existence and I want to have a big coliseum in the center of it and off them a side quest to compete as gladiators for a reward.
I was wondering how I could make the combat more interesting than “fight a monster in a big sand pit” especially when most of the battle maps I find online are big sand pits.
submitted by Redhood101101 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 magicalgirljaiden Anyone know what the little dropping synth line at the start of this song is from?

Anyone know what the little dropping synth line at the start of this song is from? submitted by magicalgirljaiden to WhoSampled [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Various_Boot2524 I go for France here right?

I go for France here right? submitted by Various_Boot2524 to Risk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Immediate-Addition94 Any ideas on what could be the problem?

My pc has been freezing for a few days now but a restart and would work on normally. I did an sfc scan and everything turned out fine but today it froze 3 times in 5 minutes and now it wont turn on at all. My idea is that the gpu or power supply are the problem. When i try to turn it on everything works fine for 5 seconds than turns off and the lights start flickering and flashing
submitted by Immediate-Addition94 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Queasy_Application82 Guys, I think we need to take it easy on the r/NYGiants fans. Vibe is getting pretty dark over there🥹

Guys, I think we need to take it easy on the NYGiants fans. Vibe is getting pretty dark over there🥹 submitted by Queasy_Application82 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 lilnug88 2013 fiat 500 pop

I was driving and everything was fine until my high beams stopped working then when I go to turn it off it will not cut off it’s just constantly idling I had to pull the fuel pump fuse just to get it to cut off what is wrong
submitted by lilnug88 to fiat500 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Puzzled_Ticket2993 Casual Mai Shiranui (DepravedTsunami)

Casual Mai Shiranui (DepravedTsunami) submitted by Puzzled_Ticket2993 to SFW_Rule34 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Ei cooking once again (by Asiri)

Ei cooking once again (by Asiri) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to RaidenMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 WitnessOpposite7837 I’m annoyed

I’m annoyed Soggy taco. I went to go pick it up and the bottom got ripped off and everything fell out. 😂
submitted by WitnessOpposite7837 to tacobell [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: preparo

preparo translates to preparation
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to EsperantoFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Broke_Gam3r Need restaurant recommendations for 10 people

Budget 5k -7k
submitted by Broke_Gam3r to mangalore [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 abjinternational Fan theory emerges about how Taylor Swift the 'superstitious queen' helped Travis Kelce secure trip to Super Bowl

Fan theory emerges about how Taylor Swift the 'superstitious queen' helped Travis Kelce secure trip to Super Bowl submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 FrostClaymore Anyone looking for off campus housing? I just moved

Hiyas. I didn't see any rules against this kind of thing. Let me know if I ought to delete.
I just moved out of my old effieincy (upgraded). It is a bit behind college town pizza. I moved out earlier this month but it seems to still be posted on craiglist (not sure why not Zillow, or Apartments).
It is an effieincy/studio with 875 rent covering utiltieis (you'll have to get internet. I had GCI before and it worked well enough for course works and games).
the landlady's craiglist ad I have move out pics
submitted by FrostClaymore to UAF [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Tasty-Subject6387 Am I ugly

Am I ugly Genuinely don't care, but really curious
submitted by Tasty-Subject6387 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 gnexuser2424 which one should I get I have 1000USD budget and want something reliable these are my 4 best options so far but need further input. needs to be deliverable to west virginia, usa since I don't have a truck. frigidaire cheaper model samsung nicer frigidaire
LG is out since they have a bad smell to them and I hear the compressors fail fast and I've watched a louis rossman vid on those and the hell a lot of ppl have
if anyone has any other options let me know. I need side by side can't do top to bottom since I hae back and arm issues,
submitted by gnexuser2424 to refrigerator [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 jobecoqi Help, is this a scam? - American Inheritance

I am hoping someone here can help me, this is an urgent issue. My elderly parents were contacted by the American Inheritance Group (link below) saying that my mom's sister never claimed her inheritance from my grandmother. My mom's sister has been estranged from the family for many years and we can not contact her. Now the Company is asking for my Mom's SSN (it has been a couple of days of "working" with the company) and I am begging her not to do it but she won't listen because the Company told her details about her sister that she thinks are not easily found (in truth they could all be found from public records). Has anyone ever worked with this company... are they legit?
TLDR; elderly parents are being told estranged sister never claimed inheritance from potential scam company
submitted by jobecoqi to Scams [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Maicasarapeen31 Looking for sugardaddy tg:@maica1995

submitted by Maicasarapeen31 to onlinesugardaddies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 uvvunagi happy crush playlist recon

happy crush playlist recon preferably opm—yung likes of isip by healy after dark (ang lala ng pagka-lss ko), ikot by ovo, and tumalon by solace out the door sana. help a down bad HAHSH thx 🙏🏻
submitted by uvvunagi to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 NotReallyVerified18 Eu acho que sou, LITERALMENTE, amaldiçoado ou assombrado.

Antes de lerem, queria dizer que sou um homem de 22 anos, caso isso chegue a ser um contexto necessário durante o texto. Sem mais delongas, vamos lá:
Desde meus oito anos, tenho uma condição que chegou a receber vários diagnósticos diferentes. Apenas aos 16 consegui um que creio que seja o definitivo, pelos menos de acordo com a medicina.
Epilepsia no Lobo Frontal Cerebral.
Isso fez sentido, porque após algumas semanas, meu pai e minha mãe descobriram que os dois lados da família tiveram ocorrências disso no passado.
O que fiz a partir deste diagnóstico? Nada demais, só continuei tomando os remédios. Eu não pesquisei nada porque achei que seria só mais um diagnóstico errado... mas eles quase sempre funcionavam, dessa vez.
Só tenho minhas crises quando estou dormindo, logo antes de dormir ou logo após acordar, mas elas são sempre terríveis. Apesar da medicação, ainda tenho cerca de 3 a 4 por mês.
Foram inúmeras aquelas que pensei que ia morrer. Aquelas que pensei que eu poderia desmaiar por falta de ar e não acordar mais. Aquelas que pensei que começaria a convulsionar em um momento crítico, que apesar de quase nunca acontecer comigo 100% acordado, já ocorreu.
O que me quebrou de verdade foi ler o que isso pode causar, mas vou mencionar isso na sessão adiante:
Eu já fui a diversos psiquiatras, fiz vários tipos de exame que analisam o cérebro e fazem sei-lá-o-que com fios colados na sua cabeça enquanto dorme, passei naqueles tubos esquisitos algumas vezes... e não parece ter nada de errado comigo, fisicamente ou mentalmente, que possa ser a causa disso. Já fiz terapia por anos e não adiantou.
A pior parte dissintudo é que, quando pesquisei os sintomas, descobri que posso ter uma morte súbita. Sem nenhuma explicação conhecida pelos médicos. Chorei por uns bons minutos quando descobri. Eu sempre soube que o mundo é injusto, mas por que eu? Bem, não importa mais.
Uma parente ficou muito preocupada comigo. Na verdade, a maioria das pessoas fica, quando conto, mas para mim já virou realidade e algo com que tenho que conviver, mesmo que seja muito pesado. Eu não alertei ninguém da minha família sobre essa descoberta fora essa parente.
Desde antes, ela já me levava em centros espíritas contra a minha vontade, para ser benzido, recomendava eu fazer um monte de coisa espiritual que não adiantou pra mim. Eu não acredito nessas coisas, mesmo sendo uma mistura de cristão com agnóstico... mas ainda assim... pensem comigo:
Não é causado por algo em meu corpo e mente, posso morrer sem explicações conhecidas, é hereditário, e, na pior das crises que tive, consegui escutar alguém falando comigo. Falando de punição. Nunca tive isso de novo e ainda acho que era minha mente em pânico.
Como eu disse, sou algo entre cristão e agnóstico, mesmo que Jesus tenha sido a segunda pessoa mais bem documentada da História. Não acredito em nenhum tipo de tratamento relacionado à alma (mas respeito quem acredita), mas eu não consigo pensar em outra explicação que não recorra ao sobrenatural. Eu realmente estou comentado a acreditar que eu possa ter algum tipo de maldição.
Estou ficando louco?
submitted by NotReallyVerified18 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Le_DM Should I sell Messi/Gullit?? 💀

Should I sell Messi/Gullit?? 💀 Messi is so good...scores from everywhere....I could also sell Lahm and others... thoughts on what I should do??
submitted by Le_DM to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Embarrassed_Chair_74 i feel kinda sad tbf

so i am a guy trying to quit porn been 22 days since i last watched it and busted to it,i have been feeling good so far, all my life i have been an introverted kid,one who didnt talk to girls since i was afraid of it being awkward between us but i have been talking more and more to them, so my crush asked me to come to the trip which we had yesterday and i did and i have been talking more to her like outside of class during our break but what makes me sad is that i didn't talk to her in the trip we had eye contact for like 30 seconds,she was with her friend group and i was with mine,the place was huge and the whole grade came but i still didnt talk and I'm not coming to the school today so it just kinda feels awkward to ask her how was the trip two days after the trip,so what do so i dont fall into porn because im afraid i do and how do i talk to this girl now
submitted by Embarrassed_Chair_74 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Visual-Salamander944 Wuh oh

Why is sandboxels seemingly down? :(
submitted by Visual-Salamander944 to Sandboxels [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Minty-Hoe AP physics 1 on UCScout

my school has physics as a prerequisite for AP bio and i was wondering what the workload was like and how hard it was because i honestly hate physics but just need the credit over with. if you guys know any other better online courses that would be great too
submitted by Minty-Hoe to APStudents [link] [comments]