2025.01.27 04:30 Equivalent_Peace2333 BBQ Farm 3WD8CQ

submitted by Equivalent_Peace2333 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 winterinthereddit o que são esses pontos karma?

quero publicar algo e não consigo por esses pontos, alguém consegue me dizer o que são e como consigo??
submitted by winterinthereddit to Sou_babaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Expert_Opposite_9205 460 de média é possível passar em medicina no prouni com bolsa 100 % Classificação: 14° de 10 vagas.

submitted by Expert_Opposite_9205 to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 TrailParkBoys Best Maps for Animal Spawns

Which maps have the highest population counts in 2025?
submitted by TrailParkBoys to theHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 giuseppe-mauro Confused in Connecticut

Hi, I’m a 46 year old male. I have a girlfriend and consider myself straight. However I like to occasionally cross dress and have done this since I was a teen. Back then I was considering transitioning. But back then the world wasn’t as supporting as it is now. I like being male, but the urge to dress and watching other girls online (not porn) is starting to overwhelm me. I wish there was a switch that could just change me into a girl sometimes.
I have a friend who is a girl (not my girlfriend) who wants to dress me up and go out with me. I’m nervous about that because I don’t think I’d pass, but I REALLY want to do it.
My girlfriend is accepting of my cross dressing but she doesn’t really want to be involved other than giving me some bras and panties. She knows I have a wig and dress when she’s not home.
I don’t know where I’m going here. I’m not asking anything in particular. Just confused with my life and wondering if anyone else has these feelings.
submitted by giuseppe-mauro to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 AzTheSpyder My bro can't be this dumb

My bro can't be this dumb submitted by AzTheSpyder to im14andthisisdeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Soggy_Alternative_58 i wonder if whales are manipulating pepe's price tryna scare ppl off

i wonder if whales are manipulating pepe's price tryna scare ppl off
submitted by Soggy_Alternative_58 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 ThreatLevel891 Whats the worst thing to wcer happen to you?

submitted by ThreatLevel891 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 ll_AESIR_ll The perfect duo

These 2 look amazing together !
submitted by ll_AESIR_ll to Mafex [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 CustomWritingsCoLTD Macro Econ test (Pay me to take your exam)

I'm doing macro econ exams & tests (finals) for guys so ping me on DM, Discord or @ [email protected] (Vouches in the discord link as well)
I'm based out of the bay area, CA if you're curious..
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 1flaccidleg READ the WIKI!

Before you post read the WIKI!
submitted by 1flaccidleg to biid [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Hunnybunny1432 Hi :)

submitted by Hunnybunny1432 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Icy_World9307 Para que se relajen

La relación entre Colombia y Estados Unidos está profundamente entrelazada, pero la idea de que uno pueda "superar" al otro sin depender mutuamente es compleja. Aquí está un desglose de la situación:
Colombia sin Estados Unidos Pros: Riqueza de Recursos: Colombia tiene abundantes recursos naturales (petróleo, café, carbón y esmeraldas) que podrían fortalecer su economía si se gestionan eficientemente. Alianzas Regionales: Colombia podría pivotar hacia alianzas más cercanas con países de América Latina o potencias globales como China y la Unión Europea. Potencial Turístico: Con una rica biodiversidad y cultura, Colombia podría impulsar su economía a través del turismo. Contras: Dependencia Comercial: Estados Unidos es el mayor socio comercial de Colombia, representando una parte significativa de sus exportaciones (café, flores y petróleo). Perder esa relación sería perjudicial. Cooperación en Seguridad: Estados Unidos ha sido un aliado clave en la lucha de Colombia contra el narcotráfico y los grupos armados. Sin ese apoyo, el país podría enfrentar retos para mantener la seguridad. Inversión: Las empresas estadounidenses desempeñan un papel importante en las industrias colombianas. Perder acceso al capital y la tecnología estadounidense podría obstaculizar el crecimiento. Estados Unidos sin Colombia Pros: Alternativas Económicas: Estados Unidos podría reemplazar las importaciones de Colombia con productos de otros países. Cambio Estratégico: Estados Unidos podría centrarse más en otras regiones para influir y cooperar. Contras: Control de Drogas: Colombia es un foco clave de los esfuerzos antinarcóticos de Estados Unidos. Sin cooperación, el flujo de drogas hacia el país podría aumentar. Estabilidad Regional: Perder a Colombia como socio estratégico podría desestabilizar la influencia de Estados Unidos en América Latina. Importaciones Críticas: El café, las flores y otros productos colombianos juegan un papel cultural y económico importante en Estados Unidos. La Realidad: Dependencia Mutua Ningún país puede realmente "superar" al otro sin enfrentar desafíos económicos, políticos y de seguridad significativos. En cambio, ambas naciones se benefician más al mantener una relación de cooperación que aborde preocupaciones compartidas como el comercio, la seguridad y la estabilidad regional.
submitted by Icy_World9307 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 AutoModerator Bi-weekly Wristcheck Post'u!

Sevgili kullanıcısı,
2 haftalık olarak yinelenen, kolumuzdaki saatlerimizi paylaştığımız post'a hoşgeldin. Kim bugün kolunda ne taşıyor bakabilir, kendi saatini paylaşabilirsin. Güzel sohbetlerin başlangıcına, merak ettiğimiz saatleri görünce istediklerimizi sormaya vesile olacak bu eğlenceli başlığa desteklerini bekliyoruz :) Haydi yorumlara!
submitted by AutoModerator to trsaat [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 gingeralefiend iOS Crowd control settings changed wont save

Noticed posts weren’t getting filtered as they should be. Checked crowd control and the filters had been set to moderate. I’ve tried to change them back to maximum and nothing happens
submitted by gingeralefiend to bugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 ecoevolu5 Lekato Wireless System - Volume Controlled by Tone Knob?

I recently got a lekato wireless system to use with the Spark 2, and sound only comes out of the Spark 2 if I have my first tone knob on my fender strat (not even the volume knob) turned up.
Is there a reason for this? Is mine dysfunctional? Not sure why the volume knob wouldn’t work, but it’s only the tone knob.
submitted by ecoevolu5 to PositiveGridSpark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Oldman7667 Know anyone like this

submitted by Oldman7667 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Significant-Lake-274 Bangalore Bikes Lounge !

We have set up a chat room for all the members of the subReddit to ease conversations pre ride and during rides.
This chat can be used to discuss issues that don’t seem post worthy too.
We hope this helps you and y’all enjoy the conversations.
Any other feedback and suggestions are appreciated.
• Moderation Team
submitted by Significant-Lake-274 to bangalorebikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Fit-Top2042 Kpm just like hoe's love getting raped and fucked around ⚰️😈🦈🥀⚘️⚘️🧠🤦🏽

submitted by Fit-Top2042 to gangstagangsta [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 ClearKaleidoscope195 Monday errand with seb

Monday errand with seb submitted by ClearKaleidoscope195 to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Jawa999 Man Rocks Woman For Attacking Him Then Gets Rocked By A Guy Twice His Size!

Man Rocks Woman For Attacking Him Then Gets Rocked By A Guy Twice His Size! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Hypxo Windows

“Tap, tap, tap” I keep hearing from my window… looking towards it there’s nothing or at least no one there.
As I turn my body I look and just for a second there’s a shadow on the wall. Snapping my head back towards the window but still no one. “Tap…”
submitted by Hypxo to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Scared-Discipline273 Dialga Raid. Two local. 905097899527 and 553277744524 party power.

submitted by Scared-Discipline273 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 Interesting_Debt_310 Addams apples

Why do so many people not know women have Addams apples? I know this is such a non problem but there is so many people I know who refuse to believe women have them.
submitted by Interesting_Debt_310 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:30 4gigiplease Weekly Video Thread (youtube and tiktok videos only): Only post videos in this thread

Weekly Video Thread (youtube and tiktok videos only): Only post videos in this thread

If you want to share a video that relates to Tarot, Runes and Witchcraft, the only place to post videos is in the comments section of this thread that posts weekly.
Please make sure the link is visible. It must be a youtube or tiktok. We only accept video links to youtube or tiktok at this time.
Please including a written brief summary, so we know: (1) what the video is about, and (2) why you are posting it for a discussion here.
Thank You!

Please Read all our Rules here:
submitted by 4gigiplease to Tarots [link] [comments]